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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. *waves* to Keith

    I have about three pages of posts to catch up on....and I apologize to anyone, if I have not gotten around to reviewing something. Or commenting on a post.

    Life with work and the holidays is a LOT busier these days.

    When I get a chance (which may be later today or tomorrow, I will stop in and try to comment on all I haven't had a chance to comment on.

    I have to get ready to fix my turkey tetrazzini for lunch, then my sister and her oldest are off to see "Night in the Museum", glad to hear it's a good movie Deb, I've been wanting to see it.

    Tomorrow is actually going to be my family's "real" holiday dinner, although I've been eating turkey and exchanging presents at various places since Friday night.

    Love you all...have safe trips wherever you're going, and be blessed !

    Merry Christmas ! :)

  2. ZanneMarie you are a good writer. :) I'd love to read the Tracy excerpts from anything else you've written.

    The only problem I have with Tracy cheating is that I just don't think she would.

    Look at her, Luke's gone AGAIN and she's staying loyal.

    And that's just Tracy, which is why I had such a problem with the Coleman debacle last year...even though I love me some Coleman, Tracy is just NOT a cheater.

    On the other hand, if Tracy thought Luke chose Laura and that he wasn't coming back, she might...even then though, I'd think she'd be too heartbroken that soon, to do anything.

    Just my opinion.

    And yeah, totally copying and pasting SOD 2007 preview spoilers from SZ for Tracy:

    spoiler talk

    Scott Returns " Scott will have major resonance, not only for what's going on in the present, but also the past. It will tie into the last thing Laura said to Lulu"

    Luke/Tracy - " this time Luke's not bringing hell with him. He's inheriting it. and he took off w. out dealing with the slightly ugly detail that he was married to Tracy when he romances Laura. Tracy has not forgotten"

    What does he inherit??

    spoiler talk over

  3. yeah I saw that. I love Tracy but I really don't think her reactions is going to make up for this if they do it.

    NOW I'm officially GH depressed.

    Of course this could be Darcy speculating, and thinking that if he says he heard SD is fired, that this will motivate more people than Darcy saying he is "rumored" to be.

    I don't know.....

  4. Eh Staci that's why I said i needed to back out of the post before I said something that got me banned.

    I can take someone disagreeing with me.

    In fact, while I love to find like minded posters (who doesn't? we all like to feel validated) , i almost always have interesting discussions with opposing fanbases, as long as we both (because I started to lose my temper too) can keep it civil.

    This particular poster? Sees L&L one way, and if anyone disagrees with her, well it's never simple disagreement.

    Suddenly, you obviously aren't watching the show, you obviously can't read, you're just WRONG.

    The thing is, last time I checked? No such things as opinions being right or wrong.

    I never disagreed that L&L helped the ratings. I DID say there's no quote or direct proof that those two actors/characters SINGLE HANDEDLY saved GH.

    What about DM? GM? The OTHER actors on the show, that were also on?

    Eh. She's like that. Her opinion is FACT, and your opinion is WRONG. And you obviously are a nutcase if you don't believe her.

    OY. I hate when I get mad over stupid stuff like that. I could feel my blood pressure rising. UGH.

    Thanks for letting me rant.

    Question: is it negativity if we love Tracy, like Lacy, but ultimately are open to Tracy and a new man?

    Because I am and always have been.

    Most days, I just don't think Luke is good enough, to be honest. *shrug*

    I'll watch the vid when I can though.

    The "negativity" doesn't bother me right now.

    I just want to see Tracy.


    Just when I think it's safe to post at SOC, I post there, and am swiftly reminded why I hardly ever do.


    *waves to Debbie*

    We missed you !!

    And I have not watched yesterday's yet, I'll have to watch this weekend I guess and tape on SN.

    No Tracy today...wow, and we get so much of her, so it's not like we miss her or anything.

    But we get four or five days a week of Lulu.

    So it's all good. :)

    ETA *waves* to STaci..any scoopage?

  6. Oooh we have a spoiler:

    spoiler talk:

    next week Tracy tells Georgie she should focus on herself instead of her failing relationship with Dillon.

    It's probably going to happen on the Christmas episode, and it might be a little five second scene, but I wonder if anything will come of it.


    I'd love anything that will give me a good Tracy/Dillon scene or two. :)

    spoiler talk over

  7. No Staci I meant, do I have your permission to post the link elsewhere?

    Although I guess that's a silly thing to ask, but....that's what I meant. LOL

    And good LORD. I didn't know it took that much time.

    Leave it like it is. LOL

    I love it. Seriously.

    I understand your reasoning.

    WOW. I am reminded how Jane has chemistry with EVERYONE. Coleman and Tracy were GOOD, weren't they? :)

    Coleman is kinda sleazy sexy, period. :)


    Lalalala .....*skips out of post*

    ETA *waves* to Lainey*

  8. EEE!!! Deb posted.

    *waves* to Deb and everyone.

    Deb, will you bring me back some Mickey ears? Pleeeease? :)

    Staci I love the vid. I watched like five times.

    One suggestion: I think you picked good scenes, especially at certain parts of the song.

    BUT. I'd take some of those where Tracy is just standing there talking, and replace them with action scenes.

    I like the inclusion of the chapel scene, but how about also putting in the scene from later where Luke kisses Tracy and hugs her?

    And I'd love for the kiss from "take a bus" to be in, and the kiss from after Justus's funeral...

    And the part where she slugs Luke and Coleman too, although I'm not sure either one of those would fit with the "Lady" theme.

    I just think Tracy is such an "active" character, it'd be more fun with more scenes where something is actually happening.

    I'd LURVE for the face touching at the HS scene to be in, from 11/07/06.

    I likey the face touchage.

    The scene where she's carried in the jungle would be awesome.

    I love it as is, but those were just my thoughts. :)

    Take 'em with a grain of salt.

    And may I post the link to that "actress to watch" blurb? :)

  9. I'm at work, so I watched with the sound off, LOL....

    My computer at home?

    Has issues.

    I tried downloading the vid this morning, and it gave me a message that the link was broken or something like that, which obviously, since I watched at work, isn't true.

    I told my sister about trying to download something and how I got the message that I didn't have enough space or something, which isn't true either, I should have plenty of space left.

    *sigh* and I'm so computer illiterate, I don't know what the problem is, or how to fix it.

    So Staci I'll watch again with the sound on later, to critique it.

    So far nothing Tracy-ish on the spoiler front.

    Raise your hand if you're surprised.

    Nah. Me either.

  10. I like Tracy because in spite of her hard exterior, the woman LOVES fiercely, and never half way.

    I truly believe she'd give up her life for those she loves, if that was the only way to save them.

    And she'd do it instinctively too...without thinking.

    She'd definitely step in front of a bullet for Dillon, Ned...Luke, and probably Edward and Alan, too.

    And I guess on paper, that's not so amazing. A LOT of women AND men in PC would do the same.

    But the difference is, such a thing is second nature for the others, and no one expects it of Tracy...because they don't know her.

  11. ERM...not Tracy related necessarily but spoiler anyway:

    spoiler talk

    GotInfo from SD spoiled that Spinelli thinks Alan killed Rick Webber and tells Lulu this.

    I'm kind of sick of Guza dumping on the Q's, but that one makes a little sense. At least Alan and Rick have a history, and if Alan thought Rick and Monica were still fooling around, he might get into a fight with Rick and it could have happened.

    I just hope if Alan did it, it was accidental and/or that Alan doesn't go to jail.

    spoiler talk over

  12. Oh my. No Tracy makes for nothing to talk about for me.

    Sooooo bored.

    Um, let's see.

    Reasons I like Tracy:

    anyone want to start? I'm thinkin' on mine.

    EEEEE ! *waves* to Lainey !

    Lainey, will you PM/email me your rough draft of that story you were talking about?

    I'm bored. *sympathy, please*

  13. So this is for those whose hopes are flying high and they want to stay that way.

    IF we get the spoiled scene, how do you all want it to happen?

    Be sure to "spoiler" it so anyone spoiler free won't know what we're talking about.

    I have to think about it, but I know I don't want to wait until May if it's going to happen.

    Cool pics Keith. :)

  14. I am having the same problem again with the JE site from my home computer.

    I don't think the link is bad, otherwise I wouldn't be able to view the site at all, right?

    But when I try to reply to topics, I can log in, and type a reply, but when I go to post it, it just takes me right back to the sign on screen.


    And NO one else is having this problem? I'm a freak. LOL

    BTW Staci it looks like "Second Chances"...that IS the name of the elevator story, right? Is the most popular choice for you to submit.

    And I like the "Flowers for Jane" idea, and I will happily contribute if we decide to do this.

    Actually, since I'm not submitting a story, I'd be happy to pay for most if not all of the flowers, depending on how much they are.

    I know some of us who are strapped for cash, can't contribute. It'd be my pleasure to help that way since I don't have a story.

  15. *waves wildly to angel*

    you have been missed, and I'm still missing the rest of the guys that used to hang here.


    I fear December is shaping up to be a dry month for us. I wish it weren't so. :(

    I DO think next year is going to be good for JAne and Tracy. And I'm going to keep saying that.


    No Tracy today, however.

    *kicks GH*

    ETA angel I love your avatar !

  16. No Tracy so far.


    Debbie about Jim. I think those are re-posts of old posts. As far as WHY he's re-posting old posts?

    I have noooo idea.

    I'm afraid to ask. *shrug*

    Bored. No Tracy. I said that already didn't I? :)

    Plenty of Loo-Loo though. Uh-huh.

    Now that she's involved with that side of the canvas, she'll be on four/five days a week EVERY week.

    One more reason to hate her, if I needed one, which I didn't.

    Blah. <_<

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