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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. *hugs Deb*

    Sorry it seems like it's been a bad day for you.

    *kicks Guza* (that's for YOU, Deb).

    BTW...you were talking about a menta fic at the hospital with Lacy, how bout someone do a fic with Tracy and Luke stuck together inside (ideally, if it were me, Tracy would be inside the hotel and Luke would somehow try to get in to rescue everyone but get caught himself, and to top it off, this would be the first time Tracy would have seen Luke since November and Craig chains them together for most of the time, just a thought).

    OR they could be on the outside working together to save everyone else. Something, anything where Lacy are on the same side working together...maybe a fic with them teaming up against Scott?

    *sigh* I want Lacy to have scenes TOGETHER, and Tracy to have scenes with Scott and her family and Lulu.

    And we WILL get that, but God knows ya'll's fics are ten times better than TIIC's writing.

  2. My problem with Guza and Co is mainly that he's so predictable.

    How much brighter and more interesting sweeps would have been, if he used an unusual person...Ric Lansing, Tracy, Scott, Mike Corbin, Edward even...someone who normally isn't the 'spotlight" and isn't the "hero", would step forward and be one.

    Really...the Jason/Carly/Sam/Lulu/Sonny crap is old and not all that believable anyway.

    Surprise me just ONCE Guza.

    If you can.

    Well, looks like Tracy was on to bail him out, and that's it.

    Guess the fact that Jane might be on more than five minutes next week and the few weeks after, was just too much for TIIC to comprehend, so they had to make her non existant until then.

    The fact that this show wastes JE is proof they truly are idiots.

  3. okay pinkpopsicle. The picture comparisons?

    Freakin' hilarious.

    As far as Skye, truthfully.....I don't expect Monica and Tracy's vendetta to last long, and I fully expect Ghost!Alan to ask Tracy to cease and desist, and for her brother's sake, she will.

    I don't care if she gets banished from the family because I don't care about her. *shrug*

    I mean, I'm used to every other member of that family except AJ, getting better treatment than Tracy, so if Skye does, it's not like I've never seen it happen before.

    As for Lulu.....annoying.

    I think JMB was OTT yesterday.

    Lulu NEEDS to get shot. Anything to weaken her and calm her down.

    Cause she's standing on my last nerve.

    Mags should be out today but I have no clue if anything Tracy related will be in them.

  4. Jane was great in her whole sixty seconds of airtime.

    Lulu is annoying and seriously needs to be slapped.

    Stuart/Alan rocks.

    And that's all I got.

    Oh yeah....*whispers* the other day, Luke looked both ridiculous, and kinda *lower whisper* hot in that SWAT getup.

    Only TG could look like an idiot and still look sexy.

    And that Craig guy? Moves like a cat.


    He's hot, too.

    NOW that's all I got.

    Oh yeah. Besides sitting through a whole hour of GH just to see SD.

    An hour of my life I'll never get back.....*sigh*

  5. SoapKing from SoapDish:





    NO, it's not Lacy Hot!Monkey Sex.

    but almost as good..............................



    Best Freakin' spoiler I've read in months.



    spoiler talk over

  6. spoiler talk...LOL Stace I was just about to post that....and isn't today the day Luke is ********? *hopes for Tracy*

    I can see either way coming true about Lulu, but they do need an impetus for her to turn to NuGuy, and as we all know it's always all.about.her.....so I can see it happening. But I can also see Tracy not blaming her, especially since Dillon confesses and she isn't angry at him, of course this is before they know Alan is seriously injured, so maybe Tracy might be looking for someone to blame when he dies.

    If Tracy does unload on Lulu, oooooh good angst for any Tracy/Luke stuff.

    Hmmm. Interesting.

    I choose to believe that Tracy will get a POV in Alan's death, since we already know his ghost appears to HER.

    HER. Take that, Jase-BOT !


    spoiler talk over

  7. some anonymous spoilers from SD:

    Tracy is inconsolable over Alan and strikes out. (really...can they give us something more specific? that one, or a version of it, is too easy.)

    Also, Alan's words stun someone. Hmmm.

    And, Scott makes an offer. Hmm again, wondering if it's Tracy related.

    Anonymous and all that.

    spoiler talk over

  8. I actually watched the whole show. It is gonna get old quick, but it actually for now held my interest.

    Seeing Tracy was definitely a highlight, and it was sweet to see her concern over Lulu.

    As far as Luke goes, I thought the stairwell confrontation had too many other people coming and going for me to think too much of it, although I love that she never lets him off the hook for ANYTHING. :)

    About his not mentioning Tracy being in the building, I think he was too concerned about Lulu to really stop and think about anyone else, oh and Bobbie. I didn't take that as a diss to Tracy, although we all know by now Luke thinks Tracy can take care of herself.

    And while more concern on his part would've been nice, I think I would ever cringe if he completely ever went into "she's in trouble and I have to help her" mode. Ewwww. First off, it wouldn't be true to their relationship. That isn't to say he shouldn't and can't show concern, THAT would irritate me.

    AND if it were obvious she DID need help, I'd expect him to TRY, or to express guilt and remorse if he DIDN'T try. And maybe....just ONE time, it'd be nice to see him do the white knight thing, but I can actually grasp why he doesn't, and it most of the time surprisingly doesn't bother me.

    What DOES kinda bother me is that once again the Q's are on the fringe of things, at least for now.

    But I can actually understand why on this one too, because it's not like they have the brains and know how to handle a hostage crisis.

    Not much to do for them but wait, although it would have been nice, and more in character, if they refused to go home.

    spoiler talk

    Well we have Tracy and Scott talking about Laura next week, and Tracy bailing Luke out of jail. I'm wondering and hoping that the "Luke and Tracy team up to find out what Scott is hiding" thing comes true.

    Could be waaay too cool.

    I also think, that the "Tracy comforts Dillon" spoiler is week after next, not next week. Could be wrong though, but Alan supposedly goes to the hospital by the week of the 12th(probably the end of it)and I assume Dillon is feeling guilty and THAT's why Tracy is comforting him (unless it's over Lulu?)

    I have to say I am intrigued about the whole Alan appearing to Tracy after he dies thing, too. Anybody want to guess WHY??

    All kinds of reasons why they might do it...what's up with that??

    spoiler talk over

    And *whew* longest post I've done in a while. LOLOL

    *waves to everyone*

    Good update Deb, I didn't see that one coming....Hee.

  9. Oh BTW......GHH2 voted Tony (with Jane a close second) as best performer(s) of the day for Wednesday, and GHFF voted Jane as best performer for that day.


    Always good to see another board acknowledging JE's acting. :)

    ETA *waves to nex*

  10. Aaaaand we're back !!!

    Missed you all !

    I hope everyone is feeling well...I wish I was at home in bed. LOL

    Heads up !

    WOOT !!!

    Tracy Q is ON today. *crosses fingers and toes it's for more than two seconds.

    ETA thanks Magic for the quotes, I think they are from SOW or SOD as reported on SZ too......and I LOVED JE's performance on Wednesday. The woman can do so much with so little. :)

    She ROCKS.

  11. I liked Jane's scenes yesterday....the only real reason I felt underwhelmed was the fact that they were too short and that like Stace said, once Luke walked out, that was the end of Tracy for the day.

    I do NOT like the whiny clingy aspect of Tracy towards Luke, and I don't want her turning into Skye. I do miss the fun aspect of Lacy, and I don't see why we can't have fun sexy flirty Lacy, who show obvious love and affection, without being whiny and clingy.

    I'd love that.

    I in fact, would rather see scheming caper Lacy, than serious Lacy.....no matter how "fluffy" they might be. Kind of like a more grown up, snarkier Scott and Lucy.

    I'll stop rambling now. LOL

    spoiler talk

    I wonder why Alan's "ghost" appears to Tracy and only Tracy.......

    anyone wanna spec why?

    My thoughts:

    1. Alan can "go" where Tracy can't, and will know something Tracy doesn't. Like the identity of Rick Webber's killer.

    2. Tracy has a breakdown and needs moral support. She may push Luke away and Alan appears to guide her about that, or maybe Tracy and Dillon have a falling out.

    3. Tracy tells Ed she sees Alan and Edward uses it as a plot point to have Tracy ousted as CEO of ELQ.

    several other things come to mind, but those are the main ones.

    Is it wrong that even though I feel SICK about Stuart, I am kinda excited about JE playing out these scenes?

    I think ya'll....that as hard as it is, we should be thankful for any Tracy/Jane we get, in light of how Stuart has been fired for apparently no reason other than "just because."

    I feel Jane as long as Tracy is married to Luke is safe....but God knows that could end "whenever."

    I do think we should not give up hope, and not stop asking for more of her, but I think treating her appearances like water in the desert would not be unwise.

    spoiler talk over

    I hope she's on today.

    Oh yeah...and even though she was only on the first half of the show, she was the best part of it.

    OUr couple, and our girl, sooooo sparkles.


  12. Jumping back in to say, why not focus more on them at the HS, away from the Q mansion and Lulu and her drama?

    Or even *gasp* at ELQ?

    Soemthing like that is what I have in mind right now. Soemthing that emphasizes their wit and charm, and yet doesn't make Luke and Laura fans feel destroyed.

    As to whether or not they can do that and be romantic/sexual/partners/husband and wife, why NOT???

    It's one of the things GH is sorely lacking: a husband and wife who sometimes are on opposite sides but who will defend each other to the death, a husband and wife who LIKE each other, a husband and wife who LIKE to BEST each other, a husband and wife who can hang out and be friends, flirt and be cuddly, or give each other space when needed.

    Why NOT??

    Lord. If anyone could pull it off, Geary and Elliot can.

  13. Chiming in to say, I agree about the fun aspect.

    I haven't watched yet, but I totally already know what you mean.

    Question is, what do we do to fix this?

    I think I'm going to do a first: write Mr.Geary and tell him first of all, stop allowing the writers to make light of his relationship with Laura.

    Their fans don't like it, and it makes Lacy look bad. (that's the only reason I care.)

    They need to stop the comparisons altogether IMO, because Tracy and Laura can't be compared.

    They need a fun little adventure, not a stupid one, one that will bring out the snarkiness and one-upmanship again. But that at the end of the day, they will be able to be intimate with each other.

    It's too bad that TIIC refuse to see them as viable sexual people because of their age.

    I can't think of what pair on daytime or primetime to compare them to that I would like to see:

    I can tell you I'd like to see no more comparisons to Laura in any way. I would like to see a return to the humor, and snark, because that's them and that's what they're good at, while still being able to be affectionate with each other.

    The scenes on the HS when he was teaching her to be a hostess, and later on that first night, with the face touchage? Perfect example of how to be witty, charming, sexy, funny, flirty, serious, hot, and FUN, all at once.

    So maybe if we all wrote Geary and Elliot, they'd listen?

    I think the writers would take it better coming from them than us.

    Whaddya think?

  14. That's a shame about JE but she'll get it next year. She's still tops with me though. :)

    Not feeling too chipper right now but I *need* to go into work.

    If I don't post for more than a few days in a row, you'll know I'm back in the hospital again like I was two years ago when my leg acted up over the snake bite I got years ago.

    I'm hoping it doesn't come to that...both times I was in the hospital a week and off work another week or two.

    So I don't need that happening. It's not a vacation when you can't do anything but lay there. LOL

    Sorry for rambling again. Hopefully it's just the flu and it'll be better in the morning.

  15. Here's a thought: why don't we all just post the hours and days we'd be available for chat and see if we match up any one day?

    If we don't match any one day where everyone who wants to participate can, why don't we make TWO official chats a week, or even better, why don't we assign a certain time of day, like 7-8 central every day, as chat time, and anyone who is free can post the breakroom link and allow others to join in ?

    I work M-F 8-5, except for right now I'm usually at work until 8 or later most days, unless I MAKE myself leave early.

    So a later chat works for me BUT since I have a computer at work, I suppose I could pop in for half an hour to chat.

    Sorry for rambling but I'm out sick today and hopped up on cold medicine.


    I have no idea what I just said.

    Everyone just nod your heads and carry on.

    Editing because nod is not spelled with a "K" in front....unless you're my 10th grade art teacher Mr. Knod.

    See I told you I was rambling.........

  16. One of these days I'm going to catch up on all the clips.


    And I'll tell you the reason why I 110% agree with ILS.

    It's because every time Jane is on screen, she completely embodies the character of Tracy Q.

    She IS Tracy. I'm not watching an actress play a part, like I would with just about every other actress on GH.

    And I'm not knocking them....I don't think any of them are as talented as Jane, but it's not about talent.

    It's about being able to turn on the TV and say, "there's Tracy." instead of "there's Jane playing Tracy."

    Same with Tony G, and to be honest, they really ARE the only two actors I can say that about with no doubt in my mind.

    To a lesser extent, Stuart, Leslie, Scott, Kim Mc, Jason Thompson, Ric Hearst, Ted King, Rebecca Herbst, Greg Vaughn, and even Maurice, Steve, and Tyler, have that talent, that they can become the character, but IMO it has nothing to do with how talented they are or aren't.

    It's a skill to be able to put the character on like a glove, no matter what, and Jane and Tony are masters at it. And it doesn't mean that everyone who CAN do that, are great actors. But in Jane and Tony's case, they are.

    Hate to be long winded, but it's THAT quality, that pulls me in. It's THAT quality that grabs me by the throat, that feeling that I'm not watching a show, I'm watching a LIFE.

  17. SAme for me as far as the chat time goes, it's a little early, it'd just be 5 central time here.

    If we could make it one hour later it'd be better for me.

    But I'll go with the majority vote and just try to pop in when I can, if that's the time everyone else decides on.

    Loved the "Change of Habit" update. :)

  18. That's pretty much it I think Lady Ashton covered it.

    Arielle was really still married to Colton Shore, who was the brainwashed would be assassin of Frisco Jones. Colton was under "Domino's" control.

    Domino was Nicholas Van Buren (played by Joseph Mascolo), and Tracy dated him.

    Nicholas was also after the elusive Dragon Bone, which if I'm remembering right, was the key to finding the lost civilization.

    Oh...and I always wanted a Larry/Tracy/Charlie Prince triangle, that sadly, I never got.


    Charlie was played by Michael Tylo, and both he and Hugo Napier looked FABULOUS. :)

    Aaah for what might have been.

    *waves to Ms.Q*

  19. They fired JOhn Ingle much like they are supposedly firing Stuart, and were going to fire AL at the time too, and kill both Edward and Lila off during Feb sweeps three years ago.

    Fan outrage was so great that they offered John recurring status but he refused and quit..and AL hadn't been seen on screen anyway for months at that time, so they killed LIla off in July due to AL dying IRL in May of that year. John was offered the part of Mickey Horton on DOOL, and he accepted it but came back last year.

    Jed Allan (used to be CC Capwell on SB) took over the role while John was gone.

    He's actually younger than SD.

    Spec is (and I think it's true) that JFP gave Jed the job because they were old friends and to help him get his mind off his wife who had passed away.

    In fact he said later, the day they filmed the scenes where LIla is found dead, was the one year anniversary of HIS wife's death. He said no one knew that until he told them. Strange coincidence.

    So here's JA, playing Edward, ten years older than JE and a few months younger than SD.

    Yeah he was too young, but IMO John Ingle is too young to play Edward too...JI is only 79/80, and Original Edward David Lewis was that age in the late eighties/early nineties.

    JI is only nine years older than SD, but plays his father. Jane is only eleven years older than WK, but plays his mom.

    So I don't take issue so much with the age difference, because I actually started towards the end, believing Jed WAS Edward. He certainly played him as a dark, complex character as DL did, and not a buffoon, as JI does. My issue is that he was just too young to play Edward. Had the characters of Tracy and Alan been twenty years younger, he would have made an excellent recast.

    No offense to those who love JI or who have only known JI/JA as Edward.

    It's just that neither one of them are David Lewis, and that man had the "oily" snake part of Edward's personality down pat in a way JI never has, and that JA had, but the age thing....kind of negated his performance.

    Hope that cleared it up.

    I can't believe I'm up this late.


  20. I like that Darcy likes Jane...but he's always annoyed me. I can't put it into words, WHY, exactly. I just know he does.

    And a journalist who can't even get his facts straight...it's "Natalia", not Natalie....is LOL funny to me, and it's hard to take him seriously, when he prints something as simple as a wrong name, and doesn't bother to proofread.


    Sorry. It's been a long, mean day. I just don't like his stuff. But I'll give him a half a thumb up for liking Jane...and *ducks* I agree about Kim Zimmer.

    Stay safe hooked, and Ms.Q thanks for the links, I'll read it all later.

    PS also said he and Jane were HOT together. :)

    I think I love him. Too bad he's married.

    Wow. Well, eight straight Sam propping days of Tracy, then seven straight days without her.

    I'd rather have her on every other day or even every third day, instead of two weeks of goodness and then.....NADA.

    Very crappy GH. BLAH.

  21. so something was posted at SZ that a few people were talking about at SD

    That Guza said in SOD mag that "heroes will emerge and cowards uncovered" during this story.

    I'm wondering myself who the cowards are.

    I fear the so called heroes will be the usual suspects.

    If the cowards are ANY of the Q's except for Skye, Jason and Em, I am going to be mad, especially if they are talking about Tracy or Alan.

    Although this time I hardly see how it could be Tracy.....but we'll see.

    Ooooooh Prenoms tomorrow.

    Jane WILL be nominated.

    She WILL.

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