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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Okay this isn't SendSpace, I finally figured out how to just send the scan to Internet Explorer, and I'm providing the link.

    Jane and Gerald Anthony look GREAT together in this pic.

    Hopefully it'll be the impetus for a Tracy/Marco fic...*looks around at the TQ lovefest writers* or to Deb to write more on the AU with Tracy/Marco.

    Here it is:

    hooked, when you want to do the black out thingy for spoilers, simply highlight the part of the text you want to hide, then go to the "insert special item" dropdown box, one of the choices is "insert spoiler", click on this, and the text you highlighted should show up in the little box that pops up. If it does, you click "okay", and that part of the text will be blacked out.

    about the spoilers:

    I think Edward is the questionable character, although I don't know why Tracy will trust him. I think the Laura stuff is them looking for Laura so Luke can move her. Awwww to Tracy and Lulu possibly bonding, since it's the only time I really care about Lulu.

    I think Julie and Jane are GREAT together, and I'd rather see Tracy/Lulu than Carly/Lulu, that's for DANG sure


    Okay, wait....I still can't get the link to work. Hold on. LOL

    ETA I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'll keep trying.

  2. I have an old Marco/Tracy article from Soap Opera Magazine that I found this weekend (long story how I found it) that I was going to scan and send.

    Well I scanned and saved it, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to bring it over here. Anyone have any tips or hints? LOL I"m lost.

    Well I always did say I was computer illiterate.

    I will comment on the fics I've read when I've got a minute, right now, I'm going to take a much needed nap.

    See you guys later !

  3. So by Luke telling Tracy to switch clothes with Laura, were they trying to imply they are the same size?


    Not only are they not, their body types aren't even the same. I know it's just a silly plot point, but Jane is smaller than Genie. Even plot point moments should make sense, or else it destroys the scene. I can see someone putting on clothes that are too big, but too small?

    EH. Anyway.

    *shrug* I liked their scenes, I liked that Tracy has SO got Luke's back.

    But since Alan has died I have to say I really enjoy Tracy/Alan scenes more than any Luke/tracy scenes.

    Maybe because they are new and refreshing. I don't know.

  4. Ya know, sometimes I seriously hate coming online especially at SZ.

    Some of the people there are soooo bitter, it's like they have to crap on the one thing I enjoy about GH.

    Did we all know that Luke is playing "cocktail plate" to Tracy?

    CAuse I didn't know that, but I sure am GLAD I know now.


    Well my script expires in three weeks at SZ anyway.


    Sorry about the negativity...and actually, I thought Tracy was a great friend to Luke today.

    Cocktail plate, indeed. If anyone is being propped, it's not Tracy.

    ETA *waves* to Staci

  5. *gets down on one knee and clears throat*

    Pour Vous, LaDeb: *sings*

    "You are the sunshine of my life....that's why I'll always be around....."

    And just be glad you can't really hear my voice.

    Yeah, I know how you feel though. Today has been so wunnerful I hid under my desk for a few minutes.

    And no Stace, sadly, I don't have inside scoop. But I'm HOPEFUL she'll be on today.

    Oh and Scott Clifton is so delicious I want to eat him with a spoon.

    Kristin as soon as I get a chance I will read your fic.

    So I guess this means Lacy won that insta poll !

    *throws confetti*

    ETA *waves to Staci*

    Take me with youuuu to Mexico.......PLEASE.

  6. *ahem* Purple is the color of royalty.

    A perfect color for our Ms.Q, our vid queen, our clippage queen.

    SO....nobody make fun of my girl.

    Or you have to go through ME.

    Thass right. You heard me. You can make fun of Luke, you can even make fun of Tracy. But leave our Staci ALONE.

    ETA *waves* to Kenna

  7. Neat story Deb.. I knew Paul would realize Jenny was not right for him. Too little too late though.

    I liked the Lacy interaction in yesterday's show.

    Very nice. :)

    And I think the spoiler is just because Tracy knows Luke is about to skip town again. Nothing to worry bout ya'll.

    And the SID poll is sitting at 57/42 in favor of Lacy.

    BTW.....you all, even though you might not want to pay to post at SoapZone, you can create a "free" account, it won't allow you to post messages on the board (you have to pay for that part) but you can PM posters, and you can post your own poll questions and vote on poll questions others have posted. You just go to the site and click on registration. It's easy.

    There are usually some Tracy questions up, and right now, there are two, and our girl could use ya'll's support.

    Hows about it?

  8. The SID poll is now sitting at 67% for Lacy and like 32% for LnL.

    HA !!!!

    HAHA !!!!!!!!

    Okay apparently other people than us out there actually love Lacy :)

    I sometimes want to plant my foot right up Luke's rear end but even I have to admit that Lacy are far better suited.

    Just wish polls meant a thing to TIIC ( I don't believe they do) and I wish Luke would treat Tracy better.

    *here's hoping*

    *waves to Deb*

  9. *jumps up and down*

    Eeeee !!

    Yes. A Trillon fic...several...would ROCK.

    Speaking of Trillon, what about "Waiting Room" Staci?

    *taps foot*

    and speaking of Staci, our vid Queen, a Dillon retrospective vid is in order, is it not?

    One just Q centric, and one about his other relationships too.

    I don't demand much, do I?

    *bats eyes*

  10. Staci I liked the vid

    Deb I liked your update on the COH fic too

    I have so much to catch up on here, LOL....

    Thirteen hour work days suck. :(

    And, to top off a bad week, it's official:

    Scott Clifton is leaving. I don't know more details, SZ posted that his interview is in SID. I hope they'd recast but I doubt they will.


    I'm sad, frustrated, angry....but not at all surprised. I think TIIC planned months ago on letting him go, thus bringing on Cooper and Logan. :(

    *sigh* I think we should call the comment line/e-mail/write now and tell them we want a recast, and we want a lot of family interaction before Dillon leaves.

    I don't know if it'll do any good, but it can't hurt.

    ETA LOL Staci great minds think alike..we even posted at the same time. :)

  11. *waves to all*

    I know I have about four pages of posts to catch up on...I have been lurking sometimes but RL has been so crazy.

    LOL.....laughing to keep my spirits up today....

    I got a flat tire on the way to work, well a blowout actually, and my luck I was right at the exit where a gas station was.

    I pulled in and apparently, this particular gas station is the gathering spot for all the old men who no longer have jobs to go to that early in the morning.

    Several of them stated the obvious "looks like ya got a flat tire there."

    Um yeah. Cause I never woulda noticed it on my own......

    BTW I don't want anyone here thinking I'm a pansy girl....I *do* know how to change a tire. It's just that my jack is useless, and without a jack, well....LOL.

    And I don't have a spare tire, only a doughnut, so I figured it'd be less trouble to pay someone to come change it with an actual tire while I was at work.

    Today was the last day to get my monthly reports in, and I had a full day (not over yet) of appointments(which is actually the norm) but anyway *deep breath* today has been a "I want to go back home and pull the covers back over my head" day.

    No Tracy apparently. PFFT.

    GH can go bite itself

    Deb you like a lot more people or used to, than I like.

    I love Tracy, Dillon, Ned, and Alan.

    Most of the others, I couldn't care less.

  12. So.....I'm thinking we need to also start a call in campaign to help save Scott Clifton's job.

    I don't like how he and LL have been shoved to the side for what passes as teen entertainment on GH these days.

    I say, we strike before the situation gets any worse.

    I can't watch my girl lose another son to TIIC. :(

  13. Really quick: I have watched "Cold Hearted Snake" and I *loved* it.

    I still need to watch the rest of the vids though.

    Deb your story made me sad. I know it wasn't supposed to, but it did.

    And LadyAshton I like the beginnings of your story, what a cliff hanger LOL.

    I was like "noooo. I need to know what is going to happen."


    hooked the Galleria in Dallas has an ice skating rink too. :)

    blah. No TQ today? UGH.

  14. *waves*

    Thank you Keaton for putting things into perspective for us. I do think we, as do all onliners, tend to overreact to scenes until we actually watch them.

    I don't think it's as bad as we think.

    But since I don't care enough about the rest of GH to watch yesterday, I'll take your word for it. :)

    Pinpopsicle, that caption RAWKS.

    Lainey, I've been thinking the same thing myself, that Tracy would voluntarily allow herself to be committed so she can keep an eye on Laura. Or that she would use being committed against her will, to her advantage.

    Awww....tracyluver I am sorry......that sucks. People can be so insensitive when it's not THEM being joked about. :(

    Regency and pinkpopsicle...your latest stories were soooo good.

    MsQ thanks for the latest list/rundown, I will watch/read/review those I have not ASAP.

    knh and pinkpopsicle I love your observations. Very well put.

    Welcome back hooked ! You have been missed. :)

    MinervaFan I like your idea about the campaign and I'd be glad to help but I don't know the first thing about how to organize such a thing. If someone else with organizational skills would get it started I could spread the word at SZ and we could also post it over at SOC and any other sites any of us frequent.

    LadyAshton Thank you sooooo much for posting the old SCott/Tracy clips.

    I had forgotten just how much heat Jane/Tracy has with ANY and EVERY man she's ever been paired with.

    Heck, she even had chem with Reggie the butler.

    I forgot just how SEXY Hugo N could be as Larry (but you knew that already, right? LOL)

    And KIN S? Scott has moments of being slimy but Kin is HAWT. "Stray" was HAWT.

    Of course, so were Tracy and Ashton...I waited and waited AND waited for them to get back together but it never happened...:(

    BTW I'm hungry for some TRASH.


    Bet you guys never thought you'd hear someone say they wanted some TRASH. Hee :)

    *waves* to everyone and anyone else I haven't mentioned, it's not intentional, but this post is already long enough LOLOL

    BTW I'll be heading out to Scarborough Fair/the Renaissance Festival in Waxahachie this weekend....it's my sister's thing (we're taking all THREE of her kids, LOL) but I have to say, the JOUSTING tournaments are quite exciting.

    That, and looking at the costumes.

    I won't be back until Sunday night ( I hate being out of town on Sundays :( )

    But I may post in here again before I hit the sack tonight.

    have a good day, ya'll !

    TracyLuv I respect your opinion and I totally get not wanting to watch GH, but for me, I'm a TracyFF, always have been and always will be in reference to GH, and I can't not watch if Jane is on.

    I hope against hope that Guza whether he keeps Lacy together or not, will realize what a gem he has in Jane and will continue to use her in some capacity.

    We'll miss you around here if you're not watching or posting. :(

  15. Aww ya'll....I've had one foot off the Lacy bus for a while now...and the other foot on the bus, hanging on by my toes.

    The following is NOT a spoiler, but it is a negative rant, so those who want to read it can and those who don't, don't.

    I don't expect Luke to put Tracy above Laura. That's never going to happen, only maybe if Laura died. *maybe*.

    Hee <BG> because I've wanted Laura dead since the days when she was married to Scott. I seriously don't think any soap character besides Alexis has ever annoyed me more. And I can honestly say my annoyance began waaaaay before Lacy.

    And ooops I know we try to stay positive but ..*shrug* I don't feel like being positive GH wise today.

    People call Lulu Carly Jr?

    Uh no. She's Laura Jr. Three or four men flocking around her worshipping her every breath. For no conceivable reason other than the blond hair and pearly whites.

    Aaaah. Lord that felt GOOOOOD.

    Anyway, I'm all for Tracy with someone else and I have been for a while.

    I can't see Guza doing it though...so it's a catch 22, isn't it? :(

  16. pinkpopsicle, I liked your story.

    They totally wouldn't wait until they got to the room. :)

    Magic it'd be great if Kin could stick around. I loved Scott/Tracy back in the day.

    Well...mags are out, and so far, no mention of Tracy in them.


    And apparently, it's all about Craig, so unless you're madly in love with him, the spoilers are a moot point.

    I think he's a big fat bore myself, although the actor has some appeal. The only use I have for Craig though, would be if he were to do me the gigantic favor of getting "rid" of Alexis.

    If he can't or won't do that, he's pointless to me.

    THIS is sweeps. And it sounds soooo dull.

    I hope against hope that something good is coming up for TQ.

  17. Ya know, I'm glad we got our MC scenes, although I have no doubt there were things cut.

    But....and I'm only going to say this once (this month, LOL) so that it's out there, and said. I really want to be able to come onto a board, any board, and read good things about Lacy without the inevitable comment about how TIIC are trying to tear down Luke and Laura to build up Lacy. And that won't happen when they allow Luke to say lines like "you are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

    Uh....that completely ignores/discipates Laura's presence in Luke's life, as if just because she isn't there, that she doesn't matter. That's wrong. On sooooo many levels.

    No one has said that today yet, but it's been said plenty in the past...and you know what? *sits next to LnL fans* I agree. It does seem that Guza is making Luke and Laura as insignificant as possible, to make Lacy seem better.

    Now, I don't agree with a lot of what LnL fans say....I don't think their couple has been spit on any more than any other couple on Guza's GH. I just hate it that Guza *seems* to be minimizing Laura's presence and influence in Luke's life all for Tracy and/or Lacy.

    Or because he just hates anything that he did not create...which, from what I've experienced of Guza, could very well be true.

    Anyway....I'd just like to see other people enjoying Lacy like most of us do (although for me, I am now and will always be a Tracy fan first, and could easily see her with several other men on canvas).

    And, when you go to other boards, most of them ignore Lacy or make comments about how they resent Lacy because of the way Guza is writing it, or that they can't enjoy Lacy because of Laura.

    I just would like to be able to read comments about them, without constantly being reminded by some, that Tracy is second to Laura and always will be.

    I know it's TRUE....but do we constantly have to be reminded of it? Of how Tracy is inferior to Laura?


    Because personally....my girl ain't inferior to ANY woman.

    And Lucas Lorenzo Spencer should be glad she gives him the time of day and he should be busy showing her just how glad he is.

    The end.

  18. Thanks for the input ya'll....my coworker who wasn't talking to me after this morning, was talking to me by the time we left work, so I guess she got over being mad at me. LOL Next time I just won't mention that her head looks like a poodle in heat.

    Okay, so I didn't say it looked like a poodle in heat.

    But I wanted to. WHAT?

    Yeah, over all, with work crap and no TQ, today did suck.

    But I'm home so it's better now. LOL

    *skips out of post*

  19. Hmmm..well, I wasn't talking about the same thing you're talking about. But I'll take your advice.

    I was talking more " do you like my new haircut?"

    I hate answering questions like that, because no matter what you say, if you don't like it and you say so, the person gets upset.

    Ah well.

    Perfect way to start out a Monday morning. *shrug*

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