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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. *waves to all*

    Thanks for all the good wishes and sympathy for my client. You guys are the BEST !!

    I still haven't watched Thursday or Friday yet but I do have them taped.

    Longer comments later, work is nuts, RL is nuts. LOL

    Deb I love the haircut. Very cute. And with summer I'm sure it's also very COOL. :)

  2. *waves to brownstonegirl*

    I know I have vids and stories to comment on, and I will...I haven't watched today but I did yesterday, Jane and Julie so shine together.


    I just haven't much been in the mood for GH this week, not even to really comment on Tracy. Something happened pertaining to work ( don't read if you don't want to be saddened or depressed. I'm still not over it and I can't get it out of my head):

    A client of mine, her house caught on fire late Sunday/early Monday, and she lost all three of her children in the fire. Her little boy would have been eight yesterday. And I know it has nothing personal to do with me, I knew them but not well...and of course it was an accident and accidents just happen, that's life....but it's just so hard to think about and I'm trying not to yet can't. One of those things, ya know? The mother was sent to the burn center in Little Rock, HER mother and father and uncle were also in the house but are okay, my client has 3rd degree burns on 25% of her body, and the whole thing is just terribly, terribly sad. Such a tragedy.

    :( So if you believe in prayer, or know someone who does, send some up for that family, would ya?

    So yeah. Tracy and GH as such....not so in the mood right now.

    But she still rocks. :)

  3. Grrrr....bites tongue:

    spoiler below:

    This is from SoapDish, an anonymous poster so who knows if it's true...but considering it's already been spoiled that Tracy finds Lulu is the ONLY one on her side, I think this may be true:

    "Tracy admits to Ned she forged Alan's will and he decides against springing her " (assuming they mean Shadybrook).

    I can't say how badly I've always hated how Tracy would open a vein and bleed for her sons if they needed it, and they are such HYPOCRITES when it comes to their mom.

    I really hate Ned right now.

    CAn someone pass this on to JE online, and add in the disclaimer, ILTQ HATES Ned right now? LOL

    BTW....has ANYONE else had the same problems at JE online I've had since the site began?

    I can log on and post on my work computer, but my home one? Almost never. I either repeatedly get the log in screen no matter how many times I put my name and password in, or I get logged in and then after I type a reply, I get the login screen when I hit "add reply" so that while I'm logged in, I cannot create a new topic or answer an old one.

    It just brings me right back to the log in screen.

    It's very irritating.

    I asked Tracey once and she said "restart your browser".

    Tried that. Didn't work.

    TRied logging back in after being logged out.

    Tried that. Didn't work.


    Anyone? Anyone else but me? Any idea what could be causing it?

    And yeah. Hating Ned right now.

  4. *waves to all...and welcome to the newbies here on the thread if I haven't said it already. :)

    I am off to a birthday party at 3 for my four year old niece (whose bday was actually last week) and one of my eleven year old neices who has a drama camp program at 7 so I likely won't be around until late if at all today.

    ((hugs)) to hooked. Those kind of things are hard to do.

    thanks for doing the clips nex !

    Deb I liked the story. I sooo hope we get some seriousness out of this.

    And I agree, I think Lainey is starting to get a clue about Edward, but she knows that family, she should have gotten a clue much earlier !

  5. Thanks for all the belated B-Day wishes ya'll.

    Glad you got good feedback on your story Kristin.

    Also glad everything went well with you hooked.

    Congrats on your graduation again tracyluver. :)

    ITA, the story was great, Deb. I only hope TIIC put half that thought into Dillon and Tracy's goodbye.

    I thought today was good, and Jane looked FAB.

    I do want to say, Tracy and Alan are the best part of GH for me now, even surpassing Tracy and Luke in my book. I just love, love, LOVE them.

    Alan to Tracy today " How about dumbness?" The way SD delivered that line I choked on what I was drinking. LOL

    Deb if you want a live recap I wouldn't suggest SZ is the best place to go. I think Tracy/Luke and Tracy/anyone these days, is just too dumb and lowbrow of entertainment for SZ's upscale taste.

    Because yeah. Every other story on this show is fantastically written and so NOT boring or stupid, except Tracy.

    She's pretty much ignored over there these days, and since no one talks about Tracy too much I rarely lurk there anymore.

    Hey, it's $3/month I can save, right? LOL

    At any rate, I wouldn't judge whether she's on, and what her scenes are like, by SZ. There's GHH2 that does recaps, and also SOC and Soapescape.

  6. Thanks ya'll for the belated birthday wishes. :)

    Yeah coolkid we WERE almost always right at the top, weren't we? LOL We'd freak anytime we came on here and ANY other thread was above JE/Tracy. :)

    Girlfriend BELONGS at the top, that's where the cream rises. :)

    Our poor girl, I could tell by the small pics she looked upset, but she looks on the verge of a meltdown in the pic with Dillon, Lulu, Monica and Edward.

    *hugs Tracy Q*

    I'd love to get even a small montage of Dillon "thru the years" or even grown Dillon the past few years.

    Wonder if we'll get it.

    And WOW. Ya'll look at that first pic again with just the two of them. I never really thought they looked like they could be mother and son for real, but with SC's hair less blond and JE's hair now more brown instead of red, they DO look alike.

    Just my thoughts.

    Anyone else agree?

    I kinda hate that Tracy is going to try and "guilt" Dillon into staying, but wow Jane will rock it.

    Also, the group pic, I can't tell what SC's expression is, he also looks upset, I guess I would be too if someone I cared about was begging me not to go.

  7. Just extending my condolences to hooked, for the death of her grandma and to angel for her great grandma's sickness. Also condolences to everyone else that shared that they had recently lost a friend or loved one.


    My prayers and thoughts are with you.

    *waves wildly to coolkid* Hey ck, you remember when the entire TQ thread was mainly just YOU, ME, and Ms.Q? LOL

    Ms.Q yes *sigh* I had another birthday. Can't stop those things from coming, can we? :) Thank you for remembering, you little sweetie.

    About TQ:spoilerish:

    Staci (Ms.Q) and I kinda called it that Tracy's Shadybrook experience would be a two week plot point. In fact it seems we predicted it timewise almost perfectly. I don't see the point in doing it if it's going to end so fast, but maybe the point is just to bond Tracy and Lulu? Not sure.

    At any rate, to be positive, we get to see her tomorrow and Thursday TOO ! YAY ! *waves pompoms wildly


  8. First off I just want to say, I have neglected reviewing fics, and I sooo wanted to do it but got busy and forgot/let time slip away and now I'm just going to lump everyone together and say the fics I have been reading here are awesome as always.

    I don't think anyone here is a bad writer.

    I DO want to give a particular shout out to angel for the Beautiful Disaster update, because it is one of the first Tracy fics I found and started reading, and I LOVE it, and it just gets better and better. :)

    MORE, please. :)

    About TG, I also think he's going to say the most PC thing. He isn't going to just come out and say he doesn't want to do LnL again (although BOTH GF/TG have come across in interviews as being tired of it), or that he doesn't care if Laura comes back. Of COURSE he's going to say the nicest thing about Laura's return because he loves GF, and he wants for her what SHE wants.

    He HAS said several times he likes what he has going with Jane, and he has also said he as an actor doesn't believe in going backward.

    But, even though he *may* have pull, he doesn't ultimately determine who his character is with or what he does.

    I think TG getting what he wants every time is a whole lot of bunk.

    LOL at TG teaching TR any PR. I agree, someone needs to. I like Robert okay, and TR seems like a funny, charming guy now, but JFP isn't Gloria Monty and you can't just diss GH or ABC or the MOB, LOL....or the writers, and expect them to just suck it up. You also can't expect to diss your employer and still have a job, unless you are one of the mobular characters he was so busy dissing.

    He AND TG spoke out about how bad the show was the second time GM came back in the early nineties, but they got away with it then, mainly because EVERYONE was saying the show stunk, critics, fans, actors, and all.

    NOW, we're talking about a GH that has won best show and best writing at the Emmys in the last several years, a show that stays in the top three most of the time.

    Yeah the show focuses on six characters for 90% of the airtime, but not everyone is saying the show sucks.

    In fact, from the few glimpses I get of AMC/OLTL, GH *IS* the best ABC soap, and in fact, still one of the best on the air.

    Yeah. So while I feel for TR, he should have went to Geary for tips on how to deal with TIIC first. CAuse I actually completely agree with their decision to not use him after some of the things he said.

    As far as money, of course it's partly about money. GF said money isn't an issue. I think it is.

    I doubt if they offered her SCALE to come back as Laura, that she would do it. Scale wouldn't pay for the plane tickets back and forth.

    She's no doubt "up there" salary wise, and while my personal opinion is that she is and always has been a mediocre average actress, she's still half of Luke and Laura, and like Deb said, nostalgia is on her side, and THAT ALONE can get her a better asking figure.

    That's her only bargaining chip though, because no one else is beating down her door. And TG has more than proven he can have a popular pairing without her, so...nostalgia and a rabid fanbase are what's going to bring her back if anything will.

    I don't agree however that she will come back. Unless it's to escort TG off the screen when he retires.

    I think her Medifast contract might get her more attention and more bargaining power, and her weight loss will make TIIC sit up and take notice. But I don't think it's a given at all that they will make her an offer.

    As far as how it affects Lacy, I have to say, I love them most of the time, but I have seen Tracy go through soooo many different relationships that one more isn't going to bother me that much.

    I'm a TracyFF, and I want what she wants, and if the writing writes it as Luke and Tracy going their separate ways, I'll deal with it when it happens.

    I'm not going to fret about it or wish for it to happen, but......you know.

    *waves to everyone*


    Whew. Long post. :) I hope our girl is on today. She was awesome last week. Simply divine.

  9. I'm not worried about how Luke will come back. We're talking about a show that lets criminals roam free on a daily basis.

    Pretty much everyone in town SHOULD be in jail or should have served serious jail time.

    Jason and Sonny roam free, and TIIC's latest boring mindless waste of space, Jerry, is going to be excused and propped to the point where they make him a "hero", too.

    So Yeah I can see Luke just coming back into town, dropping Laura somewhere, and things will be status quo like nothing ever happened.

    That's Guza. LOL

  10. I'm fairly sure the mods at SOC are going to get straight away sick of me if they aren't already.

    Which doesn't bother me a bit if I'm bugging them to stand up for our girl.

    Okay, this is a vent about SOC and the deleted Tracy threads that I just have to get off my chest: it's not that negative but read at your own risk:

    I could be paranoid, but I do think they pick and choose what threads they delete....and TWO of Tracy based threads in less than a week have been deleted...for no reason as far as I can tell.

    The first one was that "LuNacy sex" thread started after Tracy's comment about Luke's incarceration ruining her sex life, the next one was a thread started maybe three days ago, "I like Luke and Tracy" or something like that, and yesterday I checked and the thread was no where to be found.

    There have been others Lacy related that were deleted. When I asked why they were deleted, I was told they weren't "relevant."

    Well, Lacy are one of the only three married couples on hte show. Tracy is still on while Luke is away. Why and how are Lacy related threads not relevant?

    So yeah, after last night when I saw that Lacy appreciation thread was deleted, I sent another email to Ruby and one this time to Mr.Kroll, who is the owner of the site I think.

    I know it's a silly thing to take issue with , but when I see threads about someone's clothes or hairstyles that stays up, and then I see Lacy threads that get deleted (for no reason?) after 2 days, that makes me not want to bother with posting there, honestly.

    I think the mods, Liz and Ruby, don't like Lacy because they are Laura/LnL fans.

    I know that's paranoid, but really....unless someone can tell me anohter reason they think the Lacy stuff is being deleted, what else are we supposed to think?

    I emailed Mr.Kroll and Liz around midnight and I haven't heard from them yet and I might not at all...but that kind of stuff...deleting a thread for no apparent reason..really bugs me.

  11. ROTFL Deb at your letter from Dillon.

    And HEY ! I happen to *like* Diet Mountain Dew.

    DUDES. Try the Mountain Dew MDX. It'll pep you up fo SHUH.

    Although I'm always partial to Diet Coke first and foremost.

    Okay I liked yesterday. Great acting from TG/JE.

    Poignant scenes.

    Sometimes, if I concentrate REALLY hard, it's like she, Tony, and the whole Q family of actors, are not on a crap soap opera at all.

    PhenOMINAL acting from Ms.Jane yesterday.

    I still have not watched Friday and ALAS, I could not bring myself to watch live today on SN, so I'll tape and maybe watch tomorrow.

    I don't know. LOL I got home after eight, twelve plus hour days and I just don't have the energy to deal with the rest of the crap on GH.

    So....I'll watch later.

    Kristin you are very welcome. YOU'VE GOT TALENT KID !

    I want a Lacy fic. :)

    Or a therapy fic with Tracy and her mystery man shrink. Sorry Deb but I just love the name Simon. :)

    Well I'm off to bed. I have a looooong day tomorrow too and my boss is SOOOOO mean to me. :(

    Pity me. Sympathy. *whines*

    ETA *waves to TracyLuv*

  12. Kristin, I emailed you my comments on your fic.

    What is WOS? Do I want to know?

    I still haven't watched Friday's show but did watch yesterday.

    Since Scott is last airing first week of July (not spoiling since it's in the mags now), I can't see Tracy being committed until Luke gets back.

    I really don't see Dillon skipping town while his mom is institutionalized, unless he goes off looking for Luke, or searching for evidence against Scott?

    If Tracy is only in the institution a few weeks worth of airtime, my question is, why even bother doing it? Guza irritates me with his pointless plot twists, and I'm afraid this is another one of them.

    What I want is for Tracy to be in long enough to get therapy, and have her cerebral, handsome therapist develop a crush on her.

    Or we find out he works for Helena, or that he's mentally unbalanced himself (cliche I know, but eh, nothing Guza would be above doing.)

    At any rate, The Guy (I'm going to steal a page from Deb's book and name him Simon) is still hanging around when Luke gets back. Luke finds out Tracy knew about Scott, and the two of them are in a trial separation when Luke starts to suspect Mr.Wonderful is not all that.

    Of course Tracy just brushes it all off as jealousy, not knowing the guy is drugging her to get control over her, and Luke gets to be the one to have to win her back/rescue her from PsychoShrink.

    Okay not my best but Guza might do such a story and I wouldn't mind seeing it.

  13. Kristin if you'll PM me the link to your story I'll read it tomorrow.

    The first two links you've posted have expired and the third one is sendspace. I never can get sendspace to work on my home computer.

    I'm PM'ng you my email address. I'll read the story tomorrow. :)

  14. Hey ya'll !

    Wow the board was down a loooong time yesterday.

    Kristin I was going to read your story yesterday and comment this morning but since the board was down I couldn't.

    I will try to read sometime tonight ! I do want to read it, there are other fics people have written here that I haven't read yet...LOL I used to stay so on top of the thread here and lately things are just nuts IRL.

    I haven't even watched Friday's GH yet.


    Today will be a busy workday but I will try to pop in before I leave work.

    See you guys later !

  15. Kristin I promise I will read your story and give you some feedback between now and Monday morning first thing, I just haven't had a chance yet.

    I have other fics to read and comment on, I haven't forgotten.

    I feel like I have NO spare time lately, LOL.

    I am off to bed, but I did pop in to SOC just long enough to see the Tracy/Lacy thread from Friday about Tracy's line aBOUT them having sex had been deleted.

    I'd ask why but pffft.

    Liz and Ruby leave up, and delete, whatever THEY think is revelevant.

    La ti dah. Whatever. LOL

    See you all later !

  16. Hey all I have brunch with my family but I will be back sometime today

    I haven't watched yesterday yet so can't comment.

    I still have fics to comment on ! LOL

    Anyway, hope everyone's day is GOOD.


    I think MOnday ya'll is going to be the best by far, Lacy wise.(of the past few weeks).

    It BETTER be.


    See you all soon, gotta go !

  17. Deb you'll have to give me more info.

    What shaped face do you have?

    Not sure? Do this: pull your hair back away from your face, and trace your face shape in a mirror with lipstick or whatnot.

    Look at the shape.

    Heart shaped? Round? Square? Oval?

    Yes. These things do matter.

    Although I will say, I wouldn't go shorter than shoulder length, you need some hair to balance out the width/heaviness of your face.

    It also depends on your hair type: some hairstyles just don't work with wavy hair, some don't work with straight hair.

    Give me details woman !


  18. Sorry Deb, meant to say Happy Birthday to ya too. I had a neighborhood friend whose birthday is also today, her name was *cue Forrest Gump accent* Jen-ny.

    She cheated at Chinese checkers when we were kids.


    I know *you* would never cheat at Chinese checkers, would you Deb? :)

    In other news:

    I am just soooo frustrated at my job. I come in, and as if I don't already have enough to do here, now I get an email adding on ONE more montly duty.

    While the two new people are barely making a difference from when I did it all myself.

    I am sooooooo frustrated.


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