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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Awww thanks you guys...I am still at work getting ready to leave, what a great way to spend most of my birthday, huh? LOL

    Oh well I've got the rest of the night to go out and have fun. :) I will have to catch GH this weekend probably, but awwwwwwwwwww at Lucky realizing Luke loves Tracy. I just want to hug him.

    Thanks again for the birthday wishes. And guess what? My computer, or rather, my internet, is all wonky at home.

    YES, ME TOO ! Weird, huh? They say things happen in threes, and they're right. LOL

    Well, I'm out ! See you guys later ! *waves to everyone*

  2. Okay... so will someone please s'plain at me why TG has the emmy nod for that scene but JE don't? Me, I don't h'understand dat, la...

    Because our girl has too much grace to ever care much about those monkeyfied awards shows? That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

    Although, I never watch the Emmys anymore, but if they are going to show the Jane and Tony clip, I might tune in to see if he wins. That's the next to last award, right? Then fave show? So I could check in near the end and be okay.

    But to be honest, I'm kinda rooting more for Thaao Penghlis from DOOL to win it. I don't know if he ever has, but even so, it's overdue.

  3. I'd be more up for Tracy in the mob mess than Tracy following Lulu around, but the fact that the "insider" couldn't even spell "doesn't" right, makes me question their authenticity.

    More Tracy/Trevor, and even some Tracy/Anthony, would all kinds of rock, though.

  4. So, another sucky summer of Tracy wiping Lulu's nose? Oh. Joy. I.can.hardly.contain.my.excitement.

    I DID have a plot bunny floating around in my head, not enough to write about it but it's there, that Logan would be killed off after coming to the HS to find Lulu and finding Tracy instead, and taking her hostage because he just tried to kill Jason and now he's on the run.

    and this was before the spoilers came out, and the spoilers about him anyway, are sounding like he will do something and be killed because of it.

    Eh. I'm bored. It was just a thought. I do like the blog so far from what I've seen, but I don't feel inspired to post on it.


    I'll leave that to ya'll.

  5. *waves to everyone* I have to catch a Greyhound bus in the morning, supposed to be up in approx 4 and a half hours so really should be asleep but I'm all wound up. It was kind of a last minute deal...going to a wedding....YAY...and I just know some "well meaning" person is going to make me go stand in line to catch the bouquet. :huh:

    I'll be back sometime Sunday afternoon so I'll catch up with everyone then. Have a great weekend all and stay safe !

  6. *waves to Truke and tracynluke*; you guys should post here more. :)

    Big wave to MinervaFan. Good to see ya. :)

    And....*deep breath*.....I am starting another fic...not too sure how this one will turn out, the first one was just one draft and posted, I didn't think about it too much, and I don't want to think too much about this one, but....I'm not entirely sure yet where I'm going with it, but I do have at least two different ideas, actually, three....LOL.......

    IluvAandM, I'm really interested in your fic. Are you planning on involving Monica and Alan in the adventure? That would be COOL. :)

    I'd love some Alan/Luke and Monica/Tracy bonding.

  7. I haven't even gotten to watch all of yesterday....saw the beginning and the ending, but the ending was so rushed.

    From what I saw, I thought the kiss at the HS when Luke first came back to town was hotter, but that could have been because I was watching live and didn't expect it. I definitely think I get more enjoyment watching the show unspoiled.

    I will have to watch the show again and take my time, and that won't be until this weekend, but I'll be sure to weigh in with my opinion.

    I am already bored by no Jane/Tracy on m screen. She is the only reason I bother with General Mobspital.

  8. Yesterday was one of the best days they've had in a while. Can I reiterate how much I hate that it is still all about Luke, however? For instance, we'll get Luke goodbye scenes....but I betcha we won't get a Tracy/Edward one. :(


    I hope today's Lacy stuff is even better than yesterday. WE deserve it !

  9. No, the poster wasn't kidding. I have no idea why they'd lie about it though. Very weird, at any rate. With them being a Laura fan, I would say, just trying to start trouble, but that doesn't really make sense.....

    Can't wait to watch, I'll have to tape tonight.

  10. I'm always annoyed at TIIC in charge and how they treat JE and other members of the Q family. I just learned to appreciate what I get and not think about it too much. I'd love more airtime and stories, but....it's not likely we'll ever get it with Guza there and/or with Jane on GH.

    So........ <_<

    ABout the SOD "racy Lacy"....is that about OUR couple? Any idea what it says?

  11. Sounds like no Tracy today. Ah, well. Can't take away from Nasty and Nastier's rutfest time, now can we???

    *washes brain with bleach* Ewwww ewwww ewwwwww. Give me Lacy love any old day over two of the most selfish people on the canvas cheating on their SO's.

  12. I bumped the anniversary thread over at SOC. I was just wondering this weekend if it was going to be mentioned on air, I couldn't remember if it was Friday or today but it was the nineteenth I do believe. It'd be cool if we get a "happy anniversary" from both or either one of them this week. :)

    We need an anniversary ficlet. *looks around*

  13. Well the GH episode in my head plays that Tracy goes to bail Luke out but because of the storm they get stuck. They spend the night in jail together, Luke puts on her rings and they celebrate their anniversary...LuNacy style! That's how it is in my head...of course that is not what we will get.

    I'm actually thinking you're not too far off, because when I first read it my first thought was that Tracy would be arrested too, and it's talking about a night in jail. It says "a night," not "THE night", as it would if it were implying it were a romantic night together. So I'm thinking whatever the reason, they spend "a" night together more or less because one or both can't leave. Tracy may be there to bail him out and can't leave because of the storm, or both of them are arrested and stuck there because of that. IF SD is to be believed. It's a toss up.

    *waves to everyone* Long day. Going to bed. Nighty-night.

  14. I'm sorry you are enduring this. Your son has had a very tough year. My personal opinions aside, school is just evil for this age. Rant away - that's your baby.

    Are you kidding? When JE found/finds out he blabbed, she will probably hit him and tell him it's no one's business by theirs. She had a fit when the media wanted to release that her mother had died, saying it was no one's business but hers. She's certainly not going to share their traveling information. It could only come from him.

    Is it just me, or has it seemed that anytime TG is interviewed of late, he brings JE into it. She doesn't reference him at all, but even when he only has a minute (like that phone call interview) he talks about her. Personal 'tendencies' aside, I think Tony loves Jane almost as much as Luke loves Tracy.

    I think TG does talk about JE quite a bit, doesn't he? I don't know about "tendencies", but IF TG is really gay, as so many catty fans like to speculate, why would he lie about having a live in girlfriend? Not only saying it, but saying it voluntarily. He just doesn't strike me as the type to lie about those kinds of things, especially about information he volunteered. He's a very private person and I just can't equate him voluntarily offering information that wasn't true.

    I may be giving him far too much credit, but.......

    At any rate, either way, I don't get that "IN love" vibe from TG/JE. Definitely love, and maybe even a (platonic?) crush, but I don't get the schmoopy schmoop thing from them.

    But then, there are lots of versions of love and lots of ways of "showing" it. I don't see it, but I wouldn't be completely surprised if next month we found out they are a couple IRL.

    Stranger things have happened.

    hooked that sucks about the PE thing. poor kid. I don't think PE should be graded, anyway, other than participation. that's wrong IMO.

  15. I noticed that nomie in the Jane/Tony thread (nomie is an LnL fan) had to mention that TG invites apparently everyone in the western world to Amsterdam, so therefore his invite to Jane is just business as usual. (they didn't say it that way, but had to of course mention JZ, GV and GF had ALREADY been there )

    UGH. Sour grapes, much? <_<

    Don't look a gift horse.. yadda yadda... Point is someone who isn't even fond of LuNacy has 'declared' that ewcbo is past.

    The BR isn't letting me in at all. I'm taking the hint and heading to bed. Chat with you tomorrow.

    True, that. Which is why I'm not responding to it. I can't do it and do it honestly, and I'd rather not acknowledge it at all if I can't respond honestly. I feel sorry for her/(him?), but only because I know what it's like to be on that end. He/she was the one just insulting JE/Lacy/Tracy last week, so again, eh. If they want to admit defeat, that's fine. One less person that we have to hear say how Tracy will never measure up, and I am grateful for that.

  16. After all the nasty things gottahavelusty has said about Tracy, Lacy and JE?

    I refuse to take any good will from that poster seriously. *shrug* great for them if they mean it, and if they don't, eh either way. I'm not going to acknowledge the comment, because I truly don't think it's sincere at all.

    I have glimpsed over at SZ just to see if anyone is talking about JE going to Amsterdam, and I don't think anyone is. I felt for sure it would have been a topic of discussion, but I'm thinking maybe they don't know yet? Hmmmm.

    I guess I should be glad, cause no doubt someone would pop off with something that would ruin it.

  17. I'm happy about the prospect of Trevor/Tracy scenes, just sounds like it will only be that one, which is a shame. Yes, Trevor is slimey, but unfortunately he's exactly the type of man Tracy would have went for in the past. I don't think Tracy will be flirty with him, especially not after Luke's grand gesture. I guess we'll have to wait and see. :)

    Well, even if she's not on again until Monday, that's not much of a wait. *crosses fingers*

  18. Awww, thanks everyone for your kind words about the fic. It was a rough draft and I starting writing, I guess yesterday's show inspired me. LOL Thanks again remos for posting it for me. :)

    And Staci, I LOVE THAT POSTER. So, so cool. Yeah, it sucks that we didn't get them today. I'm calling the comment line, probably not tonight though. I need to think of what I'm going to say. The last time I called I wouldn't have blamed them if they ignored me, I know I sounded like an idiot. And we can't have them thinking that about Tracy fans. LOL

    I am SO sleepy. It rained all night long here last night, thundering and all, and I think I got about four hours sleep. Off to bed soon !

    *waves to kristin and everyone* Good night, all !

  19. I do think I have a LJ account, but if so, I've never used it and don't remember my user name or password. Honestly, I'm computer illiterate and it's just one more password/user name to remember( I only have about half a dozen to remember from work alone)so I'd rather not create an account if I can help it.

    remos if the offer is still open for you to post it for me, I'll email the saved document as an attachment.

    Be warned that I just typed it out over lunch, that it is essentially really a "rough" draft, but since it's a short ficlet I felt it was okay to go ahead and post (although remos if you want to fiddle with the structure a bit you are more than welcome to).

    Yay for the positivity Carrie ! I thought ALL of yesterday's Lacy stuff rocked, but I too thought it was cute, the convo between Sam and Luke. :)

    As far as TG leaving, even TG doesn't know yet. And he's so private, even if he did, he wouldn't run around talking about it. He has said he'll be around as long as they'll have him. I think they'll be more than happy to keep him around IMO.

    sounds to me like the EWCBO's fanbase is unhappy about yesterday and instead of being direct about it, they've decided to rain on our parade.

    How...passive-agressive of them. Gotta laugh about it, though.

    Okay remos, check your email in a few, I'll send the ficlet ! I appreciate it if you can post it for me, I don't care where you post it, doesn't matter. THANKS !!

  20. Shouldn't we at least wait until we see if they are going to pick up with Lacy today, before we go off on TIIC? I know someone said they aren't in the breakdowns, but SD also said Tracy was going to be left behind again. They LIE over there.

    I am not trying to get anyone's hopes up....but there is a chance they WILL be on. I think if they are NOT on today, and we don't get the continuation of that scene, but we DO get a continuation of the other stuff, THEN I will be calling.

    But....I'm going to give them today to see.

    Actually, even though Lacy aren't in previews, I think there's a good chance we'll at least get Tracy's response, because today looks like a "pick up where we left off day" based on previews. You know, some previews don't seem to have diddly to do with what happened the previous day, and others pick right up where they left off. Because we got a scene of Spin at Jake's, I'm going to say today is going to be a "pick up where we left off" day.

    Sorry for the rambling....LOL but that's how I see it.

    And I LOVED them yesterday. So OLD SCHOOL. SQUEEEE ! I loved it.

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