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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. I watched the scene yesterday, even though I still haven't watched the last few weeks of Tracy stuff. I liked seeing her, but AL's part in the scene seemed off. I think JE is going to have to take yet another one under her wing. Not that the acting was bad on AL's part...but it seems she's not quite comfortable playing a vixen. But then again, the scene was very rushed-what did it last, less than a minute?

    I got the feeling Tracy was being snarky but sincere in her words to Brook, especially the ILY, but I got the feeling AL was just playing it as Brook being snarky with no sincerity whatsoever. I don't know. Something was just off.

    I would LOVE a "Bracy" bonding story. :) I'd rather Brook/Tracy be the close ones, and Lulu/Tracy go back to being mostly antagonistic, with sometimes sweet moments, to be honest. Maybe the current SL will do that. It will either bring Tracy closer to Brook, or drive her farther away.

  2. *whines* Why can't this really happen??? GOd I hate GH sometimes!!!!! :mad:

    BTW.Hi Guys!

    *waves to everyone*

    Dude, I would so love for something like that to happen. It's time the shoe was on the other foot and Luke actually had to sweat to get Tracy back. But I keep going back to Guza's comment that the "heroes" (Sonny, Carly, Jason, Luke, etc) never lose.

    Luke admiration aside-what fun is there in a character that NEVER loses? Blah. I don't want to see that.

    He should completely LOSE Tracy. She's moved on, in deed if not in thought. It should be WORK to get her back. She deserves the effort.

  3. That sounds like a fun dream, nex. Too bad TIIC aren't invested in the Q's. I'd love to see B/L fight over our girl. LOL

    It would be both funny and sweet.

    The last GH related dream I had was Larry was back, and he was up to no good, and Helena or someone had set off a bomb or there was some other explosion. Different people were trapped together, and Brook/Tracy/Larry were all together. Larry was injured saving their lives when another explosion happens. Luke is on the outside trying to get to Tracy, and he bursts in to save her just as he hears Tracy telling Larry not to leave her.

    yeah......like that would happen on the real GH. :(

    We have the coolest ideas-and GH has Tracy propping Luke's kids. :(

    Gotta say I love that even Lucky is warming to Lacy now, though. That makes me smile.

    Guess no Tracy today. I.Am.So.Shocked.

  4. You are probably right about the length and subject matter of the scene, hooked. I just wish there would be more to it. After all, Tracy has actually mellowed, grown, and changed in the years since BL has been gone. I'd like to see a shift in that relationship. I'd like a bond to form, since Ned/Dillon are gone. Both of them could benefit from it, and I wouldn't have to sit and stew that BL is getting more scenes with Olivia than her own Granny. Of course, with Brenda coming back, there will be even one more person Brook will be around that won't be family. *SIGH*

    I just think it'd be cool-and different-if BL/Tracy were to start to become close. Of course, there should always be some mistrust and antagonism, they're Q's, after all-but I'd like to see them be a blend of Tracy's relationships with Ned and Dillon.

    Oh, and I still vote for it being time to bring Lord Larry back for a few months. :) He can be Brenduh's real daddy, for all I care. I just want him back.

  5. I love Adrianne Leon! I tweeted her asking if her scenes with Tracy were cut or if they should have aired by now and she said not yet. Don't worry they r coming up soon. Maybe next weekish!


    But not even a teeny, tiny little hint about what they were about and the tone of the scene? Hmmph. Well, if it's next week, obviously the show didn't feel them important enough to spoil in the mags.

    I mean, who do we think they are? Sonny and Dante? *rme*

  6. Honestly, I don't bother watching when JE isn't on. I haven't even caught up on the last few weeks she has been on. I just don't have the time right now. But, even if I had the time, there really isn't anyone on GH I'm invested in. If Brook isn't going to have SIGNIFICANT interaction with her family, I don't care about her. If Ethan is going to interact with mainly Kristina and Johnny-I don't care about him. Tracy is MIA with Luke not there.

    So.....I got nothing.

    It did occur to me before Ms.Q said what she said, that Franco and Tracy's interaction is going to be more than just a few scenes. Mind you, I'm not watching, but I know Franco has troubles with his own mother. I'm wondering then, if the interaction with Tracy won't be bending in that direction. Probably not, probably knowing Guza, it'll turn out to be nothing-but why even bother working it in, though? But then, Guza always does pointless stuff, and it would be just like him to add in the Q's address for no reason at all. Which drives me insane. I always thought one of the basic tenants of writing was-if it doesn't serve a purpose or drive the plot forward, leave it out.

    AUGH. Guza irritates me.

    It would be awesome if he did make the Tracy/Franco connection more than a plot point, though. Can't you just see JE/JF being a blast, if Franco chose Tracy as his replacement mommy?

  7. About Nadia not being able to act her way out of a paper bag....she's definitely no Louise Sorel. Molly Burnett (Melanie) is a better actress by far, and she's younger by more than a few years.

    I watched an old Alfred Hitchcock episode last night that had Rachel Ames (Audrey Hardy) in it. Man she was beautiful when she was younger ! She was listed as Judith Ames, but it's the same lady.

    Have fun Remos and hooked. Travel safely. :)

    I am getting ready to get out of this place and go home. So tired of looking at these walls......

    No Tracy today. Not that I am the least bit surprised.

  8. Jane Elliot is awesome. The SID guy knows. :)

    Maggie-she's boring when she doesn't have anything to do, but every character-no matter how dynamic-can bore when they are given absolutely nothing to do or react to.

    I mean, Tracy never bores me, but honestly? That's all because of JE. I can see how someone who doesn't appreciate JE or Tracy, would be bored by a lot of what they give her.

    Thanks Staci for the belated birthday wishes. Another year older, no wiser. LOL I looked in the mirror this morning and thought about how I have a baby face, and fifteen years ago, when people called me a baby, I resented it. NOW?

    I welcome it. :)

    Anyone know when Tracy is on next? I still have yet to catch up on her stuff. Work has been insane, I'm still not fully unpacked from moving yet-so I'm a few weeks behind, still.

  9. Hooked, Hope has always bored me, too. LOL I've watched off and on for decades, and I've never cared one iota for her. She's on the level of the EWCBO for me. I think KA seems like a nice person IRL, but Hope is so dry and dull. Even making her the one doing the attacks on the guys is not enough to make her interesting for me.

    I wonder if Tracy sees Franco with the baby, that spoiler, is geniune, then. Hmm. Maybe Tracy and Jason can team up to catch him.

    Would that not be the funniest thing? I would DIE.

    And about Carolyn-that actress, Peggy McKay I think her name is, has NOTHING to do. I would think that with Sean dead, the Victor/Caroline thing would need to be resolved before Maggie/Victor could truly hook up.

  10. I do like Maggie/Victor. And, yes-I like that if they do go there, neither of them will care what other people think.

    It's just a Days pattern, that one of them will conform to the other-and I'm not sure I want to see that. Maggie is one of the few soap "heroines" I like, who doesn't bore me to death. I like her just as she is. Same with Victor. In terms of being entertaining enough characters, neither really needs to change.

  11. I was a Days fan as a teen, my sister watched it and some of my friends introduced me to it. Adrienne/Justin were my couple, but I also loved Anjelica, and Anjelica/Justin. Days has almost always been viewer friendly in the sense that it includes multi generational loves and stories-not just one sided air hog crap. Even though they do have their air hogs, sometimes, too. I loved Eve and her pimp, Nick, and April/Mike, Shane/Kim, and so much of the eighties stuff.

    I happen to ADORE EJ/Nicole, separately and as a couple. I too, tend to go for the Tracy like characters, and Nicole is as early Tracy as you can get on another soap. Sami used to be my number one fave female. NOW I want her to go away.

    They ruined that character when they tried to make her "nice". The only thing the character had going for her in a big way was that she was NOT a clone of her mama Marlena. And now, she kinda is a clone of her, as close as they can get, and it just soured me on Sami.

    I actually like Victor/Vivian better than Victor/Maggie. Victor, much like Sami, is boring when he tries to be "good", and no way will Maggie and he ever get together long term if he goes back to scheming. They are kinda sweet, though. I enjoy them as friends. Not sure I'd ever want them to be more. I can't see it working.

    Wouldn't it be awesome if JF ASKED to work with JE? :) And really, since he's on to torture Jason, I have no interest in Franco, but rest assured I'll tune in for the JE/JF stuff.

  12. Wouldn't BZ be absolutely DELICIOUS as Tracy's new boy toy?


    He is just cool enough to do a JF and do a short stint on GH, too. Perhaps I should put a bug in Guza's ear. :)

    As far as Kristina-she's definitely a brat, but she isn't even an interesting brat-and she's not Lulu or Maxie in their younger days. Lulu and Maxie never looked the other way when someone could have been killed because of their actions.

    The thing with Maxie, Lulu, Brook, and most bratty soap teens, is that they are relatable, and at times, likeable, and don't try to get people killed because of their own selfish interest.

    Kristina is a non-entity for me, and if Ethan hooks up with her, he can die, too. Because that level of stupid shouldn't be allowed to roam free.

    But back to Tracy- what days was she on this week?

  13. Eh, too bad the blast won't get rid of Kristina once and for all. I never cared for Georgie, but at least Georgie was a kind, decent human being. Compare her to Kristina, and you can see Guza's type of characters are slowly choking the "lightness" out of GH.


    Glad to see JE/TG getting attention in the mags. :) Even more special is how it irritates the LnL'ers. THAT makes me love it even more. :)

    I have not had a chance to watch all week. What days was Tracy on so far? And what about the "overboard" thing? Wasn't that supposed to happen yesterday?

    Sorta OT...but I am stuck on Cal Hockley lately. You know, Billy Zane's character from Titanic? I don't even know what got me to thinking about this character again. I haaaate that movie, I think James Cameron made the characters horribly black and white, and BZ's character ridiculously OTT evil villain, but I just love me some BZ. I think he's one of the most underappreciated, underrated actors we have today. HE makes the character for me, and even with JC's heavy handed writing, I see so much underlying layers and complexity in Cal. I have started searching out Cal fics, even. I guess I just love a good, complex character. Too bad GH has so little of them.

    Oh, and BZ? Way more talented than Leo D. I don't know why BZ makes such crap choices in movies and takes such crap parts and why LD gets such recognition. Comparing the two of them for me is like comparing JE/GF.

    Enough said. B)

  14. Ugh.... no Eckharts again, SVP. Even if the visuals would be hilarious.

    And it's not just the Corrinthos - if you're name is Spencer you get stuff too. Other's not so much.

    Besides, when you think about it Harlan is perfect - a scoundrel in his own right to a large extend, but very successful, charming, flirtatious, past with Tracy... he's Luke's worst nightmare. Tracy walked away from Ashton - she didn't have the chance to walk away from Harlan.

    Eh, even the Spencers barely get family time. The last scene I saw with Lulu and Ethan in it together, they didn't even speak. Lucky and Ethan have the most together, even Luke is barely with his kids.

    Tracy never trusted that Ashton's motives in proposing to her were pure-as we found out later, they weren't, at least not totally. Truke: yes, I think the "dinner" scene was the proposal.

    Tracy really did walk away from Harlan, though. He was "courting" her because of the cartel too, and when she found out he was after ELQ, (she still didn't know then that he was part of the cartel), she, Monica, and Lucy drugged him and encased him in cement up in the Q attic.

    I'd say that's walking away from him. LOL

    I don't even think Michael Cole is still alive, but I would think they'd recast probably, anyway. I can't see them bothering to bring back Harlan. If they did, it would be as a new enemy of Sonny's.


    It wouldn't be about Tracy, at all.

  15. Yay for Twitter - I swear that's often better than DD spoilers 'cause we might not know the context but the actors KNOW who they are working with.

    And speaking of DD, this was on the IL this morning....... a little something about Brenda's father returning. He's got a past with Tracy... hmmm...... (yeah, I know that "death" thing, but like we've already discussed it's not really over until it's over)

    YAY for the Brook/Tracy scenes, but I want more than a scene or two, I want regular interaction. But this is Guza's GH, and unless you are a Corinthii, you don't get many "family" scenes.

    I'd rather Larry than Harlan came back. You know what would be REALLY funny? To find out BILL ECKERT wasn't dead after all. TG could do the dual role, and Bill/Tracy could hook up, like TG wanted them to all those years ago. Talk about a bizarre triangle there....... :)

  16. Well, I'm leaving that in God's hands. I am okay with it, no matter what. :)

    If someone else is a better fit for the job, I hope they get it.

    As far as being here rather than being at SOC, it isn't even a contest for me. SOC is boring when I have no Tracy to talk about. At least here I can discuss Tracy, and it doesn't matter if she was on today or not. :)

  17. Seriously Luv, you should write.

    Larry's dead but it would be great to see someone else come get interested in Tracy. It's her turn for sure and Luke has to understand he's truly on the brink of losing everything. THEN I want it proven that they are legally married.

    Luke said something rather interesting today, that he wanted to do it sober this time..... perhaps they were too drunk but if they signed all the documents that makes it legal (well, GH version of Nevada legal at any rate). Wouldn't that be a kicker - that the ARE married after all and Luke's been living with this for years.

    I know I should write...I am so lazy. :( I don't know that it would be Tracy stuff, but I feel immense guilt over not jotting stuff down, I get ideas all the time, and then I don't expand on them.

    My life is boring, though. It would make good one shot jokes, but a story? I don't know. LOL

    I had another job interview today, I told funny about the last one, I drove to the same office for another interview, almost three hours away. The seat I was trying to sit in was so slick I almost fell out of it, and the lady interviewing me just laughed and told me a story about another lady that came to be interviewed one time, and her skirt fell down around her ankles.

    HA. I'm smarter than THAT. I wore a DRESS. :P

    You know, dinky little things like that happen to me all the time. I don't know what kind of story it would make, though. I always find other people's lives far more interesting than mine.....

    The most interesting thing I normally do is order dessert first when I go to a restaurant.


    Wild and crazy me.

    I hope everyone here is doing good. Remos, take care of your eyesies. If you are a success case after this one, I might have the surgery myself. I am scared to even find out if it will help me. I mean, glasses didn't help me see that big garage wall I almost caved in.

    My mother: "We just went by to see how big a disaster you made of our house, dear" (okay, so she didn't say it like that. LOL But not far off......

    Hooked, have a safe drive home. I hope the heat down in the Big Easy isn't as bad as here. Around 107 with the heat index today.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their summers, otherwise.

    And *pumps fist*

    I LOVE that I am not the only Trash fan. I knew I wouldn't be. GAH I loved them.

    I still haven't watched Lacy scenes from yesterday, but I am heading home.....maybe tomorrow I'll be able to give them a glimpse.

    It really sucks that it seems like Brook is going to have scenes with everyone in town except her family(one scene with Edward notwithstanding).

    I wonder if the Franco/Tracy stuff is more than a passing scene? I hope so.

  18. I won't get a chance to watch today's scenes until tomorrow. I have had a WEEK. I am telling you, all you have to do is think of every embarrassing, stupid thing the biggest geek in town does on every teen movie, and that has happened to me this week.

    Fake boobies exposed to a minor? Check.(Okay, so I'm not sure HE saw them, but the two grown men in the room did, and that's bad enough).

    I forgot I had the stupid things. I haven't worn them in years.You know, those little rubbery jello fakies you can put in your bra that mold to the shape of your breasties?

    Yeah, those. I need to go home and burn them.

    *Sticks chest out*

    I don't *need* them, anyway. :)

    Hitting the gas instead of the brakes and almost putting a hole in the garage wall of my parent's old house?


    Oversleeping this morning and late for work?


    Some mutant mosquitoes or something, getting through my patio door and biting me in my sleep? Check.

    I am afraid to leave the building to go home. For reals.

    But back to Lacy.......I so want Larry or some other guy to come along and give Luke something to think about. I am SO afraid that once again, because Luke is trying to make it right, that TRACY is going to be the one looking like a jerk.

    Even though she was the one lied to and all.

    Sometimes I hate them, I really do. *sigh*

    ETA *waves to everyone*

  19. HA ! I have not signed on here in so long, I'm surprised my account was still good. Guess it lasts forever, just like fruitcake.

    Bad joke. Sorry. Anyway-this place-the clean, NICE, respectful air-so different from the cesspool of SOC and the LnL'ers whining about being victims.

    Them, victims? Yeah, and I'm the Queen of Sheba.

    But to Tracy-I've had this theory, and I don't know if I'm right-I'm not sure Guza even cares enough about TQ to do this, but hear me out: they once again recently said in the mags, that Valentin was going to make his first appearance.

    Add to that the renewed Helena/Tracy rivalry-it's not over, not by a long shot. I'm just wondering-could Helena be about to set Tracy up by sending a "new man" her way-that will either be Valentin or another Cassadine in disguise? Since they are now saying Helena wants Luke, and Tracy repeated it again today, then said "there are other men" for her, I'm really starting to wonder if that's not where it's all heading. Luke will come back to town and Tracy will just think he's jealous, but Luke will know something's not right about Tracy's new man-and he will have to do what he has only done once thus far: be her rescuer.

    It could be a man Tracy already knows, or someone knew....but I'm just thinking such a thing has Helena written all over it. What say you all?

    If I believed in anvils, I think some major ones were dropped today.

  20. Wow, it's been a while since I've been here, since I just now saw your PM, remos. LOL


    Eh, I'm not surprised that they deleted the anti-Genie comments, nor do I care. They did me a solid by deleting the "haggy" comments about Jane/Tracy the last time, so eh. I can't get too offended that they delete things about Genie.Although, they're biased and they know it, and I can't respect that they can't admit it. But otherwise I'm cool with them deleting whatever. I can't say as I care too much these days.

    Still love my Jane, still love my Tracy, but today was the first day I've even lurked at SOC since posting that. Didn't even know the format had changed. Nothing for me to go there for, as I haven't even watched DOOl that I used to could watch on a regular basis, in the last two months or so.

    Completing sort of going off soaps altogether right now, but I will pop in and watch any good Q or Tracy scenes if they last more than a minute and I know of them ahead of time.

    Otherwise, ABC daytime/GH/soaps in general have ceased to exist for me, and honestly...I couldn't feel more free or care any less.

    I have tried to keep up with fics, please excuse me if don't comment on them but I am trying.

    Real life has been kind of....eh. I'm not normally the type to sit and feel sorry for myself so it's kind of a spiritual battle right now, and the less I have clogging up my brain, the better.

    Do miss you all though and hold you guys in a special corner of my wee widdle heart. :)

    By the way, for those of you who watch movies, one I saw about six months ago that I have rewatched several times and now simply LOVE: "3 10 to Yuma", with Christian Bale and Russell Crowe. I love westerns if done well, and this one? Aaaaah.

    I have actually joined the 21st century and bought a DVD player, but it is a CLearPlay DVD player, one of the greatest inventions known to man. I can go in and load a filter for a movie based on what I want to filter out, like language...and watch it with that stuff muted or skipped. Pretty cool, and I don't know how I ever got along without it.

    Another one I watched recently that I just LOVED: "Lars and the Real Girl." If you like a surprisingly sweet, funny, sad to the point where it might make you cry movie, watch this. It was not what I expected at all and I totally enjoyed it. Cried like a baby at several parts. Of course, I was hormonal at the time, so maybe I should rewatch without being so hormonal, but eh. I still liked it.

    These free movie plugs have been brought to you by "ILTQ." No copyright infringement intended, nor am I paid to endorse just how AWESOME Crowe/Bale/Gosling are.

    If only Edward Norton and Joaquin Phoenix were in one or both movies, I'd never leave the house........ :lol::P

    BTW, if any of you fic writers out there have seen either movie and feel so inspired to write a ficlet or two, I would name my first born children after you. Just sayin'.

  21. Enough with the hints already, his name is....

    LOL no, nothing like that. :)

    Hey, I posted on the ewcbo thread on SOC again. I get the distinct feeling the thread will be deleted soon. Ah, she's so not worth the aggravation.

    I will have to catch up with fics and vids later. Coincidentally since I'm off GH at this point, I don't spend half as much time online....I guess that's a good thing?

    Although I miss my Lacy something fierce. Jane/Tony ROCK. They just do.

  22. *waves to everyone*

    Good for TG that he won, even though I was pulling for TP. Yeah, I was. LOL TG has won too many and needs to give someone else a chance. I'll have to watch the clip when I have the chance. Cool that he mentioned JE, and way cool that she got such a great reaction out of the audience.

    I have a new thing to focus my attention on, and it isn't GH. LOL *shrug*

    They Carly'd and Claudia'd me one too many times and I've simply had enough. I haven't even watched any JE since Tracy left with Luke...although if something comes up with Tracy that is MUST SEE, I'll check with you guys and then watch it.

    Otherwise, GH can kiss my rear. I'm done, and been done for a while now. I have to admit I have something else keeping my attention at the moment...LOL.

    *smiles secretively*

    I hope everyone is doing well. Ta !

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