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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Yeah, I saw that bit about GHH afterwards. That's good actually - I really, really want this to be Tracy's former lover. It's great story, it fills in some of her past AND it brings Luke into the Balkan story (which we know he'll have to be considering it's Tony Geary and this is a major story).

    We already know Luke is jealous of someone being with Tracy (saw that with Ethan), so wouldn't it be wonderfully soapy to have her acting like she's free to be with someone else and Luke just about ape-sh!t trying to keep her with him.

    That's what I think will happen if the Balkan is Harlan or someone else from her past. I can see Luke going apoplectic, especially when he begins to suspect that the guy is shady.


    And therefore...only a slim chance we'll get it for our girl.

  2. If you're going by what is being stated on IMDB that GHH2 and other sites are reporting, I think people are disputing that maybe the guy is only a henchman for Balkan and not the Balkan himself.

    If it's true that we know the Balkan, it can't be him. I would think, even though I don't trust spoilers, that we do know him (or her), otherwise, why the secrecy of the identity? They wouldn't even have to cast or show him or her yet, but they could give a real name. The fact that they aren't, tells me the identity will be a "shock".

    The actor reported on IMDB isn't even fifty-ish, he's 42. Not that his age rules him out as knowing Tracy (she has been a bit of a cougar in her day), but I don't think any of the spoilers are true if this guy is it.

  3. Well, I want to see Valentin, if for no other reason, because I'm tired of Guza opening his mouth and looking like an idiot. They had the character CAST. Which goes to show that Guza makes it up as he goes along, since he never followed through even after the mags announced the casting.

    Besides...even if they recast and aged him...Why couldn't Valentin be Tracy's old flame? I don't mind Harlan-but he was never around long enough for them to say Tracy was some great love of his. Not that it would stop Guza.

    At this point, if it WERE someone from Tracy's past, Harlan or otherwise, I think I'd be so intrigued that I wouldn't care who it was. But considering that Harlan was part of the cartel that tried to kill her father, that would have killed her, that was responsible after the fact for Larry's death (if he is indeed dead)-they'd have to do some real fancy footwork for Tracy to not look like a complete idiot for wanting ANYTHING to do with him.

    But, for my money, I'd much rather have it be Larry Ashton, but what would Larry Boy want with Brenda? The Brenda connection part of it completely bores me, just like Brenda herself bores me.

    Of course, if Larry and Harlan were BOTH alive (yeah right), Larry could be targeting Brenda for revenge against Harlan.

    But there I go, trying to make GH make sense, and be more interesting than it is........

  4. ILTQ, I honestly don't remember who said what - it was some time ago and aside from checking in on LuNacy and Ethina, I'm spending more of my soap time enjoying Magic right now on Days.

    I haven't watched Days in forever. I really like that show, most of it....but I've just been so busy with other things, it's been a few months I think since I even tried to keep up. I want EJ/Nicole together again....have wanted that a long time. If they did that, I'd make it a point to keep up. I like Melanie and Phillip (are they still together?) and Magic a little bit...but the sappy "supercouples" like Bo/Hope make me wanna vomit. And I can't stand Sami anymore.....

    Someone over at SOC mentioned the Balkan might be Valentin(which I could see, since it is going to involve the Spencers)or even Harlan Barrett, Brenda's daddy. I can see Valentin being one of Tracy's old flames if they age the casting (Matt Borlenghi, way too young to be an old flame of Tracy's). Harlan and Tracy had a fling, but it was subterfuge on his part and hardly a grand love affair. BUT that would tie in with the spumor about Tracy, if true.

  5. On the Balkan love interest - same insider said it's NOT going to be one of the Sonny-obsessed women on GH, and they've been talking about someone from Tracy's past before. Word on DS is that this has been on Guza's To Do list for ages so we might be surprised. And I agree - JE isn't going anywhere. TPTB might not have any use for Quartermaines, but Tracy is a Spencermaine and TPTB love them.

    Also great to hear Luke will be back on screen late September. That was actually the date given for him in the earliest of spoilers about his vacation - which were later pooh poohed but contradicting spoilers which said mid-October.

    Is this a reliable insider with spoilers that have come true? And are you saying this insider is the one who has mentioned someone in Tracy's past before? Because otherwise, sorry, I just can't see it being her. It would be great if it was..and you know, the spoiler about it being hard for Luke to get to Tracy made me think "other man" in the picture. So, if it's her, good for Jane. But.......history of her being around for seven years and not yet having a SL remotely even about her unless you count the Lacy hijinks when they first got together, tells me the chances are slim.

    But just for kicks, who other than Tracy, if it's NOT a Sonny obsessed woman, could it be?



    Really, I consider the following to be Sonny obsessed because they either prop him, love him, want him, or have a kid with him:





    Brook Lynn

    Lulu used to......(but I would imagine either way that the secret love is too old to be Lulu)

    Ditto for Liz, can't see it being her

    Robin kisses Sonny's butt

    Maxie is a mob apologist also and again, can't see her being the one

    Maya? Hmm. Maybe, but she's on the young side too, but we don't know what she did before she came to town.

    Olivia? She's Sonny obsessed, so it can't be her if the insider is correct

    Who else is there?

    So, maybe Tracy is the logical choice. Guess we'll see.

  6. Spoilers through the night say The Balkan isn't totally a bad guy and he's got someone in PC whom he loved deeply. Tracy is the lead name on that list. The others are Alexis and Olivia, and he is not Sam's father.

    Eh, unfortunately, I have a feeling it's going to be BrenDUH. Because everything has to be about or related to/affecting Jason and Sonny and their women. If TIIC had any brains, the Balkan would be Larry Ashton. That would affect Tracy, Tracy/Luke, Brook, and any of their friends/family. But since the Q's aren't important anymore, I can't really see the Balkan being someone from Tracy's past. It would be interesting, but Guza doesn't care enough about her to make her even a side focal point of such a story. Unless they are getting rid of Jane and going to kill Tracy off, which I am okay with, as long as I get good Lacy and Tracy with her stepkids and other family before it happens.

  7. It's good that Tracy is on, sounds like she's pretty much just a prop without Luke, though. I haven't even watched her scenes lately because the descriptions just sound like it's not worth it.

    Never thought I'd care this much about Tony coming back, just so Jane can get some material I can actually watch.

  8. Hooked you and I are *likethis* about the whole vets thing. Guza could have been writing at least sideline supporting stories for the vets and the other Q's all these years. I mean, come on. He blatantly just doesn't care about them, and has the cojones to lie in print about how he has all these plans. DUDE. Shameless, that's what that is. Like you said, a ONE MINUTE scene for Jason/Monica, and Leslie couldn't even get that.

    I don't even have to read the article (but I will) to know all this "time" with Brook/Tracy took place off screen. If he can't give Golden Boy and his mother a goodbye scene before jail, he won't do much with Brook/Tracy, either. Not by choice. Oh, they'll get at least one scene, where Tracy finds out Brook stole from Edward.

    And...I'll fall over from surprise if they get anything else anytime soon.

    I don't keep up with OLTL so I didn't know Roger Howarth is coming back. The other actor playing Todd quit or got fired, or is he playing someone new? I did like Roger as Todd, I don't have much knowledge of TSJ as Todd. Both are good actors, though. If they fired him to bring back RH, OLTL is as crappy as GH in it's treatment of actors.

    So cold.

    But at any rate, I'm looking forward to the minimal Brook/Tracy we will get (it sounds like BL leaves the Q's, not that she is thrown out) and the upcoming Tracy/Luke.What will they do about the HS partnership??

    ETA that I really don't see Brook and Tracy as being that much alike. They have some things in common, but overall, to me, they are different enough that I wouldn't totally compare them.

  9. Well, no. It's not the end of the world. It's just a soap. I would hope this isn't anyone's "world" and that they have other far more important things going on. Yes,the writers have a hard job. But, it isn't hard to respect vets. It isn't hard to use them. I don't think anyone really expects or even necessarily wants to see Monica in a front burner storyline, unless they are die hard LC/Monica fans, and I know there are some out there. BUT...she was being paid, and not being used. That's not only bad business-it's just blatant disregard and a nose thumbing "you aren't important enough to bother with."

    I know how soaps go-the vets become less important in terms of driving story as the years go by. It's always been that way, it probably will always be that way. But it doesn't mean they can't be integral to the canvas by mentoring the younger ones (as Jane gets to do when they use her). But then, that would mean having a writer who writes for the audience, and not to satisfy what HE wants to write.

    And GH doesn't have that. Really, I don't only blame Guza. But if he really wanted to write for the Q's, he'd be doing it. Sad. Jane is now the only contract Q left, and she's only contract because of Tony. The Q's are officially DOA at GH.

    Even Brook Lynn gets more scenes with mobbies than her own family.

  10. I doubt LC's facial expressions have much to do with Guza not giving her anything. Her AGE? And the fact that she's a Q? That has everything to do with it.

    Guza once again has proved what a liar he is. Surprised? Not me. Honestly, I know you all want Jane to stay, but I'd be more than good with her going. I don't watch the show for anyone else but her anymore, and I only watch clips of that.

    Yep. I think that dream I had last year, of Tracy dying during November sweeps, should come true. Not that it's going to make a difference. She's on five minutes a month, average...sometimes barely more than that even with TG around.

    I DO hate it, that I have no interest in Brook Lynn. I wanted to, and if she gets something with Tracy, I'll watch it. But Guza ain't gonna do it. He would have done so already, if he had any plans to. My all time fave daytime character's grandkid-and she can't even get more than one throwaway scene with her after MONTHS.



    I have a song from a musical stuck in my head. I never watch musicals, but I did the other day, and loved it. It was highly inappropriate-Mel Brooks, after all-but I laughed my butt off. And now, one of the songs is repeating over and over.

    Don't you hate it when that happens?

  11. I'm glad to hear Colin is doing well, Star.

    As far as Tracy...eh. I miss her, but since I don't watch when she isn't on, I'm good when someone just lets me know she has a scene, and I watch the clips when I can. Ethan and Brook are my only two other reasons for even bothering with this show, and I hate both their potential pairings and their SL's right now.

    I have a feeling I will only be watching them with their families, because Johnny/Brook bores me, Ethan/Maya bores me, and I seriously want Kristina to leave town forever.

    So, I'm good with Ethan/Tracy and Brook/Tracy scenes, and otherwise, I am gonna have to forget they exist.

    I saw "The Other Guys" this weekend. I could have done without Samuel L Jackson being in it-I won't comment further-but otherwise, it was pretty funny. For the first hour, everyone in the theater was just ROLLING in their seats. I adore Will Ferrell-that's right, I said it-and I think he's a highly underrated (by the public) actor. This was his first "action" movie, and I just LOVED him in it. I might go back and watch it again with another friend, that's how much I enjoyed it. Nothing too complicated-definitely a "turn your brain off" movie, but very witty, entertaining, and fun. I only go to the movies a few times a year, and this was worth the price of admission. It's a guy movie, sort of, with the explosions, but women can enjoy it too-I've always been partial to these kinds of movies myself, over sappy chick flicks, but that is just me.

    It has so many good actors in it-WF, Michael Keaton (I used to have the BIGGEST crush on him, and it's so good to see him in a big screen comedy again), Mark Wahlberg, Steve Coogan, Eva Mendes, The Rock, Anne Heche has a very small part.

    If you're looking for something to see, it's pretty decent.

    There is a particular scene early on in the movie where WF's character has a gag with MW's character where they are discussing lions and tuna(you have to watch to know what I mean) and the word is that Will ad-libbed the entire speech, which I believe, because for a second, Mark W has a look on his face like "Uh oh. What do I say now?"

    It is one of the funniest parts of the movie.

    Sorry about the gush, just enjoyed it a lot.

    Too bad there isn't even a current rumor or spoiler about Tracy that would require that much discussion. :(

  12. Too bad Brook isn't living with Granny. I still have hope they might bother to test Brook and Ethan, but I rarely get what I want. He needs a decent woman who is interesting..and.....those are in short supply in PC. Especially those around his age.

    I'd even take Ethan/Maxie, as annoying as she is, over Ethan/Maya or Ethan/Kristina.

  13. If this was B&B or Passions, Tracy and Ethan would be hitting the sheets while she is nursing him back to health so that luke comes back to them having some affair! Or the greencard issue would come up again and since she is no longer married to luke, she marries ethan to keep him in the country and Luke returns to them married. That is soapy.

    I want this. :)

    And because it would be HILARIOUS, and kinda sexy in a VERY inappropriate way, and COOL-we probably won't get it.

    I doubt Guza even remembers the green card thing.

    Oh, it would make Luke pop a vein, and that's always good for a few "in your face" moments. Win/win.

  14. Just goes to show what little care Guza has for the Q's, or what little imagination he has. I mean, seriously. If you can't think of something dynamic for Tracy Quartermaine, be she hyphen Spencer, hyphen someone else, or single- then you're a HACK.

    The END. One of the most complex (even now), interesting, volatile characters on canvas, and Guza has her playing nursemaid.

    I've never seen the like. Seriously. If this all were for a dramatic purpose, like drawing Tracy and Ethan together and bonding-I'd be great with it. But ultimately, my guess is, it'll be all about Ethan/Maya.

    Oh, JOY.

  15. I am going to be optimistic and hope that the Tracy/Ethan stuff will be more than just a few throwaway scenes. I love NP/JE together. I enjoy Tracy/Ethan, in some ways, more than I ever did Tracy/Dillon or Tracy/Ned. Perhaps because the affection is totally voluntary on both their parts, but at the same time, so natural?

  16. I'm glad I'm not watching this summer. I think Brenda is overrated and is a waste of my time.

    She was okay when she was a teen, but after she met Sonny, I just didn't care. I'm tired of Guza's stunt casting. Instead of writing stories for the talented actors he has, and the characters he has, he just keeps on trying stunts.

    When it would be so much more beneficial to actually use his creativity and dig deep to think of stories for those already there, and save ABC lots of money in the process.


  17. I don't think it's ridiculous at all to think there's an unspoken competition between them. It may be a moot point...considering GH isn't currently even making GF an offer, there's nothing to compete against-but still. The element is there. I don't know why GF would want to come back to this show. JE IS there, and gets NADA. Nothing. She's completely wasted.

    A worthless character like Kristina gets far more focus, all because she's young and "hot." Enough said on the mentality of TIIC. We shouldn't have to beg for scraps just because one of our faves is a "senior citizen".


  18. As far as GF/JE, I get the feeling GF is being polite because it serves a purpose. I don't know how she truly feels, maybe she really does respect JE, but to be honest, I very much get the vibe that GF doesn't like ANYONE to be more talked about or sought after than her. I don't get "generous, giving actress" in her interviews or comments. I don't know the woman, maybe I am just reading her all wrong, but I certainly think when it comes to other actresses, she comes across as one who sees them as nothing but competition. But then, lots of people say all or most actors at heart are like that, self absorbed and "me, me, me".

    For all we know, JE could be like that-although other actors have gone out of their way to say she's "different", because she's not like that at all. Who knows? I certainly don't. Remember the comment from way back when, about JE and that other actress she considered to be competition?

    Same with Maurice-his comments are nice, and I think he and JE are friendly, but in a public setting like that, what else is he going to say? "Ewww gross. No way"? Of course not.

    What I do like, is that we can believe spontaneous comments like the ones where the costars such as Jason T and Kelly, Kim, and a host of others, say they'd love to work more with Jane. There's no reason for them to offer those comments unless they mean them, so those, I can take to heart. Which is nice, that there are some things the actors say we don't really have to question.

    Like instead of asking him if he'd do a love scene with Jane, Ted King was asked who he'd like Lorenzo to get involved with romantically,and he answered Tracy. Which is very different than specifically asking about Jane in a public setting, if you get my drift.

    For the record...I alway thought JE/MB had chemistry, and Tracy/Sonny would have been hot.It would have been all kinds of wrong, but still.....hot.

  19. "Everybody Loves Jane". That should be the name of a mockumentary that Tony and Jane can do about GH behind the scenes. About everyone wanting to work with her, yet her amazingly having no screen time and nothing to do. :)

    Don't mind me. I had to go to the doctor today and they had to stab me a kajillion times in three different places to get enough blood. LOL

    So I'm a little loopy. Not that I'm not loopy most of the time...just more loopy right now....

    I love that everyone wants to work with her. :)

    Gee....I wonder if the EWCBO would have the same response if she were back full time. :)

    *stirs the pot*

  20. Here was what was in SID this week mentioning Tracy...

    Please note: I didn't add the comment/quote in Red at the end of the article...the person who scanned it for me and I dont know how to get that quote out of it. So if any lurkers are out there--who want to go to other boards and bitch about us, it was not my doing.


    Oh, who cares what the LnLers think? Not I, said the redhead. Okay, so I'm a natural brunette. But still......not I. They and their "debates" got old for me a long time ago. Personally, I have nothing against GF. I think she's highly overrated as an actress, and I could only stand Laura for the first five minutes, but I bear the woman no ill will as long as I don't have to sit through her scenes. I'm a okay in fact, with her coming back to GH, if it means I don't have to endure Tracy/Laura stuff. I don't feel "threatened" by her. Laura is no match for Tracy, and GF doesn't even know the zip code of JE's league as far as talent goes.

    As far as the poll, eh. I didn't vote on it, and I just don't put any stock in the polls. I mean, if it were 99% in favor of Lacy, that would be cool and all, but it would still be "eh" for me. I honestly just don't trust mag or online polls anymore. I don't think I ever did.

  21. Yep, it was the Jenny SL. Jane did say a few things in the mags at the time, that she just didn't agree with her character's part in the SL. She never was specific about what she disagreed with, at least, not at that time, not in the press. Just that she was unhappy with her part in it, and that SL was part of the reason she chose to leave when her contract was up. She really enjoyed working with Gerry Anthony (Marco) during the SL, but was also unhappy about the fact that she and GA had so little to do together, when they had apparently been promised a big SL together. (GA said the same thing later, that they were expecting more, and were disappointed it wasn't more, and that was part of the reason he became unhappy, also. They adored working together, apparently. )

    At any rate...Jane never bashed the writers, she just made it clear she didn't like what she had to do in the SL. Which to me isn't the same thing, she wasn't saying the writers sucked or anything.

    TR was the main person complaining when GM first came back(he had already left when WR took over). TG complained a bit, too, but I can't remember specifics.

    I DO remember Jane also speaking out in 96 when she came back before going to The City. It concerned the treatment of Justus at the hands of her character. Jane adamantly insisted that while Tracy might be a snob, she wasn't prejudiced, and she hated that Tracy was written as being that way towards Justus. I believe Richard Culliton was the HW then, but it might have been Guza. I always felt that the friendship with Tracy/Jacob on The City was in part due to Jane's strong feelings about the Tracy/Justus conflict, and how she treated him having nothing to do with the color of his skin. Maybe she felt showing Tracy being friends with an AA male would repair the damage? I don't know. I just know I loved them in scenes, they were one of the best parts of Jane's time on that show.

    I don't mind it that JE can be outspoken (although she's been rather quiet this time around, and that kills me, because I know she has opinions, LOL), but I rather like it that she's not just another EWCBO clone, opening her mouth and giving opinions on everything, when no one asked her to. LOLOL

  22. I don't think she said anything harsh against Jane. And I was watching then. The only thing Jane ever said in the press was that she didn't agree that Tracy would be anti-choice. Sometimes interviewers can blow things totally out of proportion. It was TG and TR speaking out against the writing. Jane never said anything other than that one comment.

    Personally, I think Jane, who is usually professional, never should have said anything. I think she was letting her own judgement cloud her thinking there, because the Tracy Q I came to know over the years would not have ever had an abortion. That Guza rewrote it that she DID, might please JANE, but to me, it's something totally OOC. I get that Jane is pro choice, but I don't think Tracy ever would be. That was one time she blurred the lines between character and actor that I don't agree with.

  23. I don't know if Franco/Tracy was ever a confirmed spoiler, just a spumor. And unfortunately, TIIC can totally just show Tracy/Brook once a year if they want to, open doors or not.

    I would think Tracy is around for Ethan being hurt, but GH suuuuuuucks at family stuff. They just don't get it, and they never will, not with Guza. It isn't about a few group family scenes now and then. It's about family interaction on a regular basis.

    I still remember one of the last times Dillon was in the hospital, we got ZERO scenes with Tracy/Dillon.


    We got zero scenes with any Q other than MAYA talking about Tracy being missing.

    They don't get it. DOOL gets it. Luza needs to take notes.

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