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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. I just saw this and thought I would share.

    According to Soap Opera Digest, via Twitter:

    Hoover has announced that it will pull ABC advertising in protest over AMC/OLTL cancellations.

    It's a nice gesture, but I doubt it'll do any good. The decision seems firm. It is sad, but what, do people really think these shows should just keep going on, and on, and on?

    I say let them die while the writers can still give them dignity. If too many people complain and make TPTB at ABC mad, they'll end the shows by killing the entire cast off.

  2. I *love* the way TG thinks. LuNacy love is mature, rich, and seasoned. LnL was based on an illusion. LOL! Any hardliner still pinning their hopes on a revenge walk into the sunset might as well help Palin measure the White House windows for drapes. One is as likely to happen as the other!! :lol:

    This is not a mainstream fan opinion, but I am ready for GH to end. The intervention to come and a few scenes here and there are just random diamond chips in a big, ole heap of repetitive manure that wasn't even interesting the first time around. It's still all about Sonny and Jason, Jason and Michael, Jason and Carly, Carly and Michael.

    Some soaps are at their best when they're wrapping things up. There's nothing to lose, like fickle viewers bent on instant gratification with short attention spans, and the suits just say let her rip, do what you want. And the creatives actually create instead of cowtowing to focus groups and advertisers. So, I'm looking forward to it! (Famous last words...)

    In the end, it won't really matter anyway because the whole thing will probably have been Luke's dream. Only Luke won't be Luke. He'll be some guy named Sal living in an ashram or a trailer park with a woman named Tootie played by Roseanne Barr or Judge Judy. :P

    I agree with most of this. And I think for that reason, that some of AMC's and OLTL's best stuff is going to be coming up. I love TG's take on Lacy, too. There are some LnL fans who aren't happy unless TG says something akin to "Luke will never love anyone but Laura", and some who still say he isn't in love with Tracy.

    I kind of think, you don't have to like certain couples (for instance, I loathe JaSam) but I can't deny Sam loves Jason. Jason, I don't think, loves anyone. But that's a different cup of tea altogether.

    And I think denying Luke loves Tracy and vice versa is denying what's being played out. Which is subsequently why I think an LnL reunion out of the blue would make no sense.

    Of course, all it would take is for Jane to give Guza a dirty look passing him in the hall, for him to suddenly write Luke waking up one morning and deciding he didn't love Tracy anymore and then hopping a plane to Paris to reunite with Bora.

    Do I think Guza might do it? Oh, it's always a possibility. I rule nothing out on this show. And if it happens, it happens. Of course, should it happen, I want Guza to write Tracy following Luke. Then, on the final show, LnL have the walls of Jericho up again (because well, what else can they do but WASH RINSE REPEAT, just like others accuse Lacy of doing?

    On the other side of the blanket, however, is Tracy, who has dynamite strapped to her chest. She looks at Luke and says "I always said I wanted to go out with a bang". And of course Bora can't do anything but stand there with her mouth open like the dolt she is.

    End scene/FTB

    Of course, Tracy wouldn't really do that, not unless she'd gone nuts, and I wouldn't want to see it. It's fun thinking about it, though.

    I give GH until Jan of 2013 at the most. It's sad, but it's had a good, long run. And I think we may see a cable channel like SoapNet pop up again after most or all of the soaps are gone. That would be nice.

    IF we couldn't get a Lacy together and happy GH ending, what do you want for Tracy? Let's say LnL do reunite, or Luke leaves or dies. What is Tracy's ending?

    Personally, if she doesn't leave town/stay with Luke, I can't see any ending for her but death or reuniting with Larry.

    Scott she didn't love enough, Paul doesn't really make sense...but Larry does.

    Larry and Luke aren't that different really, not at their core.

    But I think I'd choose death for Tracy. It would make me bawl my eyes out, not just because I know Jane and Tony would kill it, plus Jane and Wally/Scott/Julie/Adrianne, etc.....just everyone. It would also be a sad but fairly honorable ending to the Qs. I DO think, regardless, that the rest of this year and next should be mostly drama for Lacy. But the last kind of "story" for them should be Tracy finding out she is ill. I don't care what kind of ill, in fact, I think it would be better if it were a little known disease that is usually NOT terminal. This will give Luke hope until the final few months when he is in denial. I can't even describe the goodbye scenes. I just know that the history alone, the actor chemistry alone, with everyone involved, would be must see TV.

    And it would be a totally unexpected ending for that character. Which is probably why I like it most. It won't be Tracy leaving town with her tail between her legs. It won't be something bland, like Luke and Tracy playing the roulette wheel at the casino, then FTB.

    Either a long illness, or she sacrifices herself to save one of her children/grandchildren/stepchildren/Luke. Perhaps Helena tries to kill one of them and Tracy takes the bullet/knife instead.Although that is not nearly as much to my liking.

    Other ideas, anyone?

  3. Yeah, that's my biggest issue with this. I'm not watching, so perhaps I've missed something...but they all think Luke committed vehicular manslaughter AND ran from the scene, right? Yet Lucky the cop hasn't arrested him or sent someone else to do the arresting?

    If Luke really did it, he's just going to go unpunished?

    Sounds like typical GH all right...total SL garbage.

  4. I wish the entire TQ thread in it's entirety still existed. SON has gone up and down over the years, and the first X number of pages that had people like Debbie and David and Keith and so many others posting in them, don't exist anymore. If those pages do exist, they are floating around in no man's land cyberspace. It would be a trip to read them, how at lots of points, Ms.Q and CoolKid (remember her, Ms.Q?) and I were the only ones posting. Nothing has changed much on GH because Guza is a hack who is dead jealous of the Q family. He wants the Corinthos clan to be loved and admired like the Q clan, and he haaaaates that any non mob character got/gets the love that the Q's did. I can't say they still do, because except for glimpses of Tracy, the Q clan is all but gone. Monica may never be seen again, Michael and Jason are NOT Q's unless it serves a plot point purpose to give them yet even more airtime (let's take bets now that Steve Burton will get more airtime out of Edward's eventual death than Jane Elliot). There's Maya, but she's hardly around right now.

    Guza has never and will never give JE a sl of her own. But to be fair, GH has been a boy's club for over a decade now. Unless you've got big hooters and you're young and sexy, women get nothing on GH (with the exception being the mob women). I used to be the big optimist on the TQ thread in the early days when JE first came back, and I think I still was up until Tracy and Luke had been "married" a year. It was about that time that I realized the character of Tracy was always going to be second fiddle to Luke, and used as filler, and never given the respect she deserves.

    I know that's awfully pessimistic, but JE has been back almost 7 and a half years. If Guza were going to write for HER, it would have happened by now.

    It is a shame, I never thought JE would be back on this show, and I just wouldn't care anymore. I haven't been able to watch for several months...and while I know she rocks all her scraps...I don't care if it's many more months before I'm able to watch again. I haven't run home to watch GH since 2005.

    However, as little as they get, I can't deny Luke loves Tracy. And to all the GF/LnL lurkers here: you can hate Lacy all you want, but to deny that Luke loves Tracy is denying what's been going on for the last six years.

    Luke was not married to Tracy until last year. He could have left her any time and hooked back up with Laura for good.

    But...he didn't. He could have remarried Laura when she woke up, for REAL, but didn't.

    Enough said.

  5. Wow, you leave the canvas and every thing goes

    topsy turvey.

    So GF is going to Y&R?

    I know it's not popular with some on here but I have no problem with

    Genie. I'm happy she found another gig.

    General Hospital clearly has no use for Laura/Genie but then they

    have no use for Tracy/Jane either judging by what we're getting on screen.

    I like the fact that Jane and Genie are friends and respect each other, if they don't have a problem with each other why should I?

    As for Genie's comments in the press, I've seen nothing that tells me

    she is malicious or self serving.

    She has been vocal about wanting to come back to GH but in her most recent

    article she says she wishes the show well and still hopes to come back, say in maybe two years when she's 50.

    Doesn't sound like sour grapes to me.

    I can't blame the woman for going to a soap that actually writes for women over 40.

    Anyway enough about that, does anyone know when Tracy is on again?

    Is it just me or are her appearances even more few and far between?

    Is Jane on recurring now? :mad:

    Do we really know Jane and Genie are friends? I don't think we do. Not that it matters. I don't care if they are, or aren't.It wouldn't change my opinion of GF's public persona one iota. If they are, great. Good for them. If they're not.....no skin off my nose either way.

    No one called GF malicious, but I have heard for YEARS that she is a diva behind the scenes. To be fair, those accounts were from her first and second stints on GH, her stint on AMC, and her stint on Days.

    That's three different soaps where people said similiar things...and that's why I give it merit. Again in all fairness, nothing has been said about her last few stints behind the scenes on GH.

    Just the constant self promotion in the mags. So, I can't deny the self serving bit. I do think she is. BUT...in all honesty, a part of me can't blame her for that. Hollywood is basically horrible to women "of a certain age" and soaps are even worse than Hollywood in general. It's not the self promotion, so much as it is the manner in which it is done: out in public, ALMOST in a manner in which I would say she's trying to embarrass her former employers.

    Add to that, Genie's recent comments about Greg Vaughn when JJ came back, and yeah....I really don't have a lot of positive things to say about her public persona, and it gets worse every time she speaks, I think.

    As far as personally, I've never met the woman. I wish her no personal ill. She's just trying to make it, just like the rest of us. I'm no better or worse than her in terms of being a fallible person.

    She just annoys me, and the fact that I have almost always hated her character doesn't help.

  6. I can't comment on the GF articles or the Oprah appearance since I don't have enough interest in her to read them or watch any clips. I think Remos, like me, is tired of the fact that for the past X years, it seems like every other week there was an article with quotes from Genie about "they don't want me back." A lot of times, it came across as whiny and entitled, and I don't care who you are-that becomes annoying. If I ever had a hint that Jane Elliot was like that, my love affair with her might end quickly.

    As a former journalism student, I know that often, the staff of papers and mags brainstorm for ideas for their issues. I just can't see any magazine or paper worth it's salt, being the ones to contact Genie every other week asking if she'd been contacted yet, and using up space just to report that she hadn't been asked back. That's not newsworthy. Her being asked back would be, her being on Y&R would be. But the CONSTANT (or what seemed like constant)comments, week after week, in one mag or the next, I can't help but think that some of that was Genie's doing. I do believe at least SOME of the quips or blurbs about Genie in the mags in the past few years have been instigated by her camp, not by GH, and not by the mags themselves.

    I get that she wants to work, but I've said a hundred times and I'll say again-GH doesn't "owe" her anything. I believe she has been well compensated for the years she worked there. No, she wasn't respected a lot of the time. But a lot of people weren't and aren't.....and yet, they don't waste space publically griping about it. I think that's what Remos means about class, and I 100% agree. Yes Genie, we know you were disrespected, and even though I think she's at best an average actress who is only known today because she lucked out with a wildly popular pairing, her treatment sucked.

    But, it's called getting over it. She's still bitter....and that's sad. She's only damaging herself by not shaking the dust off her feet and moving on. I think GH is done building a bridge for her. I've read enough negative things about GF behind the scenes to not dismiss all of it as rumor. I believe the hatefulness and bad blood is on BOTH sides, and GH has some good reasons for not wanting her back. I've read enough about JFP to know she ain't no lightweight either. I think Genie portrays this innocence when talking to the press, because she ALWAYS says "I don't know why they don't want me back." I think she DOES know. I think she's been told, and for whatever reasons, she chooses not to tell.

    I'm just glad she's on another soap now. Perhaps she'll expend her energy talking about her new character and new co stars and show, and stop beating a dead horse.

  7. Added to say that I think Jane would love to have a story of her own, but she believes that speaking up would get her fired faster than it would get her more work. She ain't no dummy, and she knows the main reason she's even there is because TG fights for her and Lacy. Or someone does, anyway. I don't think there's a true actor alive who wouldn't rather be ACTING, than window dressing.

    I don't think Genie will be lead on Y&R, but who knows? It will probably be the last soap standing, and if TPTB like her and her character, YES, she's probably got a better deal than Jane.

  8. This might be unpopular around here, but I personally think Genie has a better deal going than Jane. Isn't Y&R the top rated soap right now? Isn't she guaranteed an actual story line with screen time? Jane seems like the kind of person who is A-OK with little to no screen time, but as a fan, I am disappointed. I'd rather see her jump ship and get something to do than sit on the side-lines of her leading man's huge story line. The March episode counts say it all. IIRC, Jane had 5 episodes and Tony had 17. Then come May, Jane will be side-lined again while Tony goes on vacation. Again, Jane probably loves the time off, but I sure don't.

    I don't know what Genie's deal is. Is she even guaranteed a multi year deal? And if she is, of course they can let her go at any 13 week interval without repercussions. So I think the "no Laura coming back" is kind of premature.

    But, of course, by the time GF is done on Y&R, GH might not exist anymore, either. It's partly because soaps are dying, and it's partly because everything comes full circle. I was sitting talking to my parents one day about this, about how everything comes full circle and things like the post office, that used to literally not exist, one day would not exist anymore. They kind of laughed about it, when I said eventually we'd go back to things like the pony express-not literally a man on a pony, but that people wanting to mail a letter would no longer be able to just go down to the corner office and buy a stamp. Then of course, maybe a week after our conversation, the news came out that our local P.O. would be shutting down, and the main operations would be handled out of a town 75 miles away. I think we will still have one small office for mailing packages, but no local office will be handling our mail delivery. I still don't know how that's going to work, but it just goes to show that in the name of "progress", things go the way of the dinosaur.

    Not only will there eventually be no soap operas, eventually, I believe there will be no TV at all. Maybe a few news stations...but the "entertainment" will be pay per view or streamed from the internet. "Web" based shows are the future, just like eventually finding everything on the web will kill most newspapers and magazines. Ebooks and Kindle are eventually going to put paper editions of novels in the grave. It's kind of sad, kind of scary, if you aren't prepared.

    With the cancellation of AMC/OLTL, won't that just leave four soaps on the air? When just fifteen years ago, there were 13-14?

  9. The fans wanting BH to stay will totally backfire on them. And they'll have no one to blame but themselves. It took me a matter of six months to realize GH didn't give a crap about the Q's anymore. I stayed optimistic about that, even in spite of the evidence, until they put WK on recurring and were going to fire both Anna Lee and John Ingle back in 2004,and that's when it fully sank in that Guza was out to systematically destroy the Q's one by one. And, he's done it, and he did it in such a way that it's been slow and methodical. Sure, we have a few Q's by name, left. But they never interact, not as a family unit, not in any substantial, real way. To call what Q's that are left a "family" is stretching it, and to say that any of them have a story is a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if we NEVER see Leslie Charleson again. And the next (and probably last ) time we'll see JI is when they kill Edward off. That's why I can never understand why anyone who is a FF of any character other than SOnny, Jason, or Carly, would ever want their fave to stay or come back.

    I will say I am happy we got Lacy, and had Jane never come back, we wouldn't have gotten them. But that's the only good thing I can say that Guza has done that I really liked, in the past seven plus years.

    Had we never been given Lacy, and Jane was never used, I'd stand up and CHEER if they fired her. I'd feel bad for her on a personal level, it sucks to lose your job, but I'd also feel great for her, because she'd be FREE.

    To the LnL/Laura fan lurkers: DUDES.You really should just count your blessings.

  10. I don't see how they CAN'T not be purposely excluding Jane and Nathan. If they aren't around, they are making a conscious decision, for whatever reason(s), to leave them out. I could buy the original Spencers, if it made any sense. Luke had ZERO bonding scenes with Jake (but for that matter, neither did Lulu). It doesn't have to be an "original" Spencer story. The whole thing just shows me that Guza has his pets-and yes, Tony is one of them, even if I do like him-and Guza writes the biggest and the best for his pets....and unless it serves a purpose, everyone else gets scraps.

    On just about any other show, Tracy would be just as big a player in this as Lulu or Lucky, and ETHAN would be there as well. To purposely exclude any immediate member of Luke's family other than Cujo, is nothing more or less than bias on the part of the writers. I kind of get the idea that Ethan and Tracy are a lighter side of Luke-they don't represent the Sturm und Drag that the Laura years represented. BUT again....how is this a "Spencer" story? The idea that Guza is giving Tracy the shaft AGAIN, for any reason, doesn't make me want to hurry up and find a way to watch.

    A good writer worth his pay, would find a way to include Luke's other son and wife in this story, even if they were against whatever Luke, Lulu and Lucky are going to do.

    That's Guza for ya. Six months of not being able to watch and it's just same old.

  11. I don't think "Ethina" have anything more than big brother/annoying little sister chemistry, IF that, and that's a stretch.

    But even if they had chemistry in spades, that's not a reason to make a couple. Jane and Nathan have "it", but I don't think anyone seriously wants to see Ethan and Tracy hook up, although given a choice between Ethan/Krustina and Ethan/Tracy, welllll....I'll take Ethan/Tracy. Jane and Tyler have it, Jane and lots of her co stars have chemistry, that doesn't mean they'd all make good couples.

    There just needs to be more for me. First, I need to be able to at least tolerate both halves of the couple individually. Secondly, they need to make sense. Ethina makes no sense. And I don't mean, they make no sense in the "they make no sense so they make perfect sense" kind of way. I mean, it just doesn't jibe. It doesn't jibe with Ethan's personality that he would go from loving WOMEN, to loving this spoiled, immature child. And when I say "child", I'm not talking about her age. It makes no sense, given that Ethan is fairly intelligent, that he would EVER fully trust her. Forgiveness, fine. Great. But trusting her to the point of unconditional trust, the way a couple should be?

    NOPE. It just makes him look desperate and stupid.

    Oh, and there's the fact that even on her best day, Kristina is just a mini Carly/Erica Kane in training, and I can't see Ethina lasting long. Mainly because Kristina has yet to demonstrate true selflessness and loyalty?

    They'd be like Carly and Jax, with her constantly screwing him over and him being blamed for all their problems.

    This is Sonny's spawn. She'll never be painted as being in the wrong. Never. Not with Guza writing. Which means any man she's paired with is ALWAYS going to get the short end of the stick. ALWAYS.

    Ethan will be stuck kissing her rancid hide. I cannot abide that, as an Ethan fan. I want better for him.

    Some people might say that Tracy is in the same kind of situation, always letting Luke do his thing while she gets the short end of the stick. I can't really argue that in some situations, but overall, the difference in Lacy, is that they acknowledge the situation to each other, and I think TG plays it as Luke knows he doesn't deserve her.

    Guza would write it as Ethan not deserving Kristina, which is the exact opposite of reality.

    I cannot abide that, I repeat. Then, there truly is the fact that Kristina truly is just VILE.

    But, I'm not able to watch it, so what do I care? They're fictional characters, who they hook up with, I ultimately don't really care, especially since I don't have to witness it.

    However, when I am able to watch clips, I don't want Ethina to be a part of that experience. So, I guess it does matter. It just isn't an immediate concern for me. I keep hoping Nathan will leave, as well as Jane.

  12. Huh. So, if AL leaves and they pick up Annie's pilot, guess they'll pair Krustina with Ethan. Kind of funny (in a ha ha loser way) that Guza is only even trying to hint at a pairing because Maya may be written off.

    Kind of sad, that such a horrible character may be paired with someone I like.

    Krethan(even the name sucks), Ethina (just as stupid), whatever you want to call them, make me ill.

    AL can act circles around the Kristina chick. And AL's facial expressions don't make me want to smack her right through the TV screen.

    It's like the difference between "can't act her way out of a paper bag" Francis and Jane Elliot.

    But then, GH isn't known for making the best decisions, and Krustina IS Sonny's spawn. They aren't going to keep a Q character over little miss stalking smirky face.

    Can't Jane just leave? Seriously, I'm not even watching and I'm fed up.

  13. I will have to find the time (and a way to do it at my leisure) to catch up with the fics. :)

    Anyone out there willing to humor me and write an Ethan/Brooke/Tracy/Luke adventure story? If not, okay, just thought it couldn't hurt to ask.....

    For anyone who believes in the power of prayer, my brother has been sent overseas, to Serbia. I have faith he'll come home all right, but I know he and those he is with could use any prayers...

    I have spring fever so bad. My friend is in New Orleans today (ran off without telling me) and keeps texting me and sending pics. Like I need to see all that when I'm stuck here at work. I've been to NO before Katrina, but would love to go back....

    Then of course my sister and her kids are off on vacation this week, too, and her oldest was begging me to play hooky from work today and come with them, and I was *thisclose* to doing it, but had the feeling when I got up that I was more needed here, and what do you know, two other people didn't show up. My girl and I kept having the conversation yesterday about me coming with them "I have to go to work" "No, you don't" "Yes, I do" and over and over....she is more like my kid than my niece, I just hope she had a good time today, anyway.

    I have to go somewhere soon, I don't care where. I seriously am getting cabin fever.

    I may tell my friend to bring me back some crawfish meat pies or some fresh shrimp or something. I love the food in NO. :)

    YAY for Tracy being on, even if I can't watch right now.

  14. I don't really think you can back burner Tracy. She's never really been front burnered since Jane came back. I made my peace with that a while ago when it was obvious GH/ABC is ran by a boy's club, which means, if you ain't a male character (especially a mobular one) or you aren't a woman with big hooters, you get nothing from GH. Well, a young woman with big hooters. Jackie and Nancy have them and they don't get anything.

    I'd like to see Kristina, with her succubus self, doing yet something else that she pins on someone else or lets them take the blame for. Perhaps she hits Edward with her car. Edward dies, and somehow (give me time to think of a way) everyone thinks Tracy did it, purposely or accidentally, even Tracy, and Kristina, being the cockroach she is, lets everyone think it.

    Then when the truth comes out, Tracy can kill her.With pain. And if any of the "Davis girls" tries to get revenge, Tracy can go psycho on them, too.


    BTW....yes, I totally see Brook as naturally being a little Tracy. Which is why Brook/Ethan need to hook up, because they'd be like a little Lacy, only slightly different, not exactly the same.

    Adrianne and Nathan would be so *GAH*. I'd make a point of finding a way to watch clips, just for them, if it were written right.

    Of course, they might not have any chemistry, but I'd still rather them as a chemless pair than Krethan.

    Ethan doesn't deserve being tied to that idiot for life.

    And LA needs to stop the pimping of Krethan in the mags. I don't care what she thinks. Zip it.

  15. There's no such thing as the PRE pre nom list, so JE's name even being on that was someone's wish. She doesn't submit her name, hasn't in years.

    Too bad.

    I'd love an Edward dies SL. JE would rock it.

    As far as CH, no opinion, I just know I loathe Diane. Useless.

    What's this crap and murmuring I hear about Ethan/Kristina? I feel physically sick, because I know Guza will go there just because he can. UGH.

    I guess it's a good thing I'm not able to watch.

    As far as Brook/Nik, I like the idea only because it gives maybe more Tracy/Helena.Otherwise, I want Brook/Ethan eventually to at least be tested.

  16. Yay I'm glad to hear it about Lucky. :)

    Hm. I just think the Balkan is going to be mob stuff, and I really don't want Tracy in it, but I love that JE can interact with ANYONE and make it believable and make it GOOD.

    Not too many other characters/actors on GH that you can say that about.

  17. Too cold for my blood. Anything under 60 and the heater is on. This is flip flop capital down here.

    Hope things are going well. :)

    DUDE. The cold is okay for a few minutes, but I don't have a jacket heavier than a windbreaker and I don't even own a pair of gloves, so yeah, I'm kinda okay with "enjoying it" from the inside. The snow was beautiful though, and it made me laugh we got it so soon after seeing it discussed here.

    How cool is it to be the longest, biggest thread at SON? I think the original thread from original SON when I first joined would have surpassed this one, though. More people posted overall at SON back then.

    Could someone go into more detail about how Lucky was protective of Tracy? You know I love my Trucky, with both Lucky versions. :)

    Although I'll always be a sucker for the JE/GV inappropriate chemistry.

    As far as Tami Lu on SOC posting about LuNacy, I don't care. She can like them if she wants to, but she whines way too much about LnL (who haven't been a couple in TEN YEARS)for me to give a fig about her understanding Luke and Tracy. Nice of her to bother mentioning it, I guess.....

    You guys know I can't watch right now...but what are the feelers on the Balkan? Age wise, a past with Tracy could be appropriate. Have they crossed paths? Think they'll go there?

    And for those who have their own internet access at home *cries*, please don't forget Jane's BDay on Monday !! Even on the dreaded Genie obsessed SOC, someone must go forward and represent our girl. Jane is a rare example of a woman who gets better looking as she ages (that's usually reserved for the men). She is beautiful.

  18. I do have many more classics like Tracy and Ashton pretend to be a Nun and preist, Tracy's bad date with Harlan Barret which inolves Tracy rollerblading and a ton more Dillon scenes.

    I just ddn't want to overload you

    How many do you want???????

    Father Lawrence and Sister Therese. I LMBO at them.


    Luke or not, I still MADLY miss Lawrence Ashton. :(

  19. TracyQ and Ms. Q, you two ladies are totally awesome! I love this video!!!! I love that you used their song. Awww... Thanks for sharing!

    ILoveTracyQ, I agree with you about JE. She should definitely submit for this year. I don't know if she will, but her work was deserving, imo.

    Honestly, I think if she were to submit, she'd get it, unless she had really tough competition. I don't think she ever will again, though. Shame. It would be a nice token in her later years, to know she is still appreciated by her peers.

  20. Hey hey hey now... I know what hail is. :lol: I am not THAT bad. :P

    But I do remember you asking me about the hail.

    I'm glad to you "see" you around here. I hope you get your internet back because the board seems to be jumping again.

    You so, MUST see the LuNacy wedding clips. Beautiful. :wub:

    *sigh* I know, I must. The pics just look AWESOME. And you know I was just teasing you...:)

    BTW....we got SNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lots of it, the roads are clear but it's still on the ground, and we may get MORE tonight.

    I love seeing it, but I don't love the temp too much. I mean, 19/20 degrees is BITTER cold when you're not used to it.

    We got one full day and part of another one off work. THAT was the best part. Hee hee

  21. Nah, no snow here. We wear flip flops 95% of the year. Shorts and flip flops and on the beach (not me, but in general) on most Christmases.

    IA, we are used to what we know. A fireplace and snowing I've seen on tv. :lol: Most of the time it's sun and fun down here.

    You remember one time I asked you in a PM if you'd ever been in a hail storm and you said no and I think you even asked me what it was? Hail storms are about as close to "ice" or snow as we get around here until after Christmas. If we get snow at all, it's generally Feb/March. One year it snowed on VALENTINE'S DAY, and personally I thought it was beautifully romantic.

    Sap that I am. I have not watched in so long, someday soon when I have my own internet back at home....I will catch up. The wedding pics looked beautiful.


    And um...even though I'm not watching, may Genie Francis infect some other show on some other network for the rest of GH's on the air life. As long as Jane is around, anyway. I couldn't care less that it would give JE good material. I cannot stand watching GF and her boring, one note acting, playing her boring, one note character.


    And I can honestly say it hasn't a thing to do with Lacy. Except for the first five minutes I watched her and was so fascinated because she looked just like my Barbie doll, (yes, as a five year old, you think funny things), I've always been annoyed by her.

    As anyone who has posted here more than a year can probably tell you. She even ruined Mike Horton for me on DOOL when she played Diana Colville.


    So, so overrated.

    I am pleased to hear such raves about JE's recent scenes. Any thoughts that MAYBE she might submit for an Emmy next year? I know she never does anymore, but she so deserves it. And WOW. Good to hear Tracy/Brook are getting more material together. :) YAY.

    I hope everyone had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    edit funny girl you have a new pm....*waves good bye to everyone*

  22. Can anyone post a pic of Ethan/Tracy waking up together? I can imagine that, but I wish I could see it. About Bora's birthday, isn't it 11/18/10? Or close to it? Perhaps they get "engaged" on her birthday. Obviously, they didn't and aren't getting married on that day. I am confused as to why Edward, even as a game, would want Ethan and Maya to stay married.

    Cool to know Tracy asks Lulu to be her maid of honor. Now, can we get a Dillon/Ned mention, please? And could we get a BL/Tracy scene? (scenes?) Is it too much to ask that they acknowledge the Brook/Tracy relationship once a month?

  23. I'm long over Luke at this point. I'm starting a bring back Ashton letter writing campaign. Bring back TrAsh! :)

    I think when they are "on", Lacy is still the greatest thing about GH.

    But....they do need to shake it up a bit, and not with Bora McFrumpsalot. There's more entertaining material with Larry, a peripheral character when he was on last, than there is with Laura, the supposed "heart" (murderess and all, gag me) of GH.

    He's BL's grandfather, Tracy's ex, Ned's dad, was in league with Brenda's daddy and Cesar Faison before he left, could easily scheme with Helena, be BFF's with Luke, etc, etc. None of which includes sitting around holding anyone's hand, necessarily.

    I loved the TrAsh chemistry, too. They were hot. And I don't think the characters even kissed. They didn't have to.

    Good timing with that article in SOW. I wonder why they even did it....but here's hoping Guza actually might decide to bring back a non mob related character for once.

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