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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Oh man I would have LOVED if Kate had been Tracy's daughter. But only with Megan Ward. I'm so against this recasting.

    Me too. I think Tamara Braun as Kate would be too weird. Although, it has been what, six years since she's been on as Carly? Long enough that a lot of viewers don't know her. Still, for those of us that do, too weird. For me, anyway.

    Oh, and I kind of figured Alan might be back as a ghost/dream figure and not the real thing if he came back at all.

    ETA again, I don't want Skye back. She isn't a Q, plus...she greatly annoys. I think RC plays Skye very one note.

  2. Remos I like your story so far. Tracy fics are so few and far....

    As far as JJ, I feel about him like I do about GF. They are both great at crying, which is good for soap acting. BUT there needs to be more. I like subtle acting I guess (love JE but like her the least when she goes OTT), and JE is great at that. The little nuances that let the viewer know there is more going on that what we are seeing and hearing.

    I especially love JE because she knows better than to bawl in every scene that might call for it. IMO it's easy to cry. What is hard is holding them back or choosing to play the scene a different way, and Jane does that. She brings Tracy to the brink a lot of times, but then pulls back, so that the audience sees Tracy's heart, but she doesn't have to cry buckets to do it.

    JJ to me is very "meh". That is way unpopular online, but I don't think he's that good. Average on a regular basis, with a few moments of good. GV, in his own way, was just as good (waaay unpopular opinion, I know).

    I kept having a recurring dream last night that Kate was being recasted. In the dream she was also going to be written as finding out Tracy Q was her mom. I wouldn't mind that with Megan Ward, but I'm not sure about anyone else.

  3. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me if Luke's heart is in the cheating or not. They have moved beyond that, and to regress at this point is so frustrating that I just don't care anymore about whether or not they get back together.

    Plus, it still grosses me out. Kinda hard to think about them back together without thinking of that. Should have been Tracy who walked in on him.

    I know some others have wanted Tracy/Mac.

    IMO Jane has chemistry with almost anyone, she could make any pairing, including Tracy/Sonny or even Tracy/AZ, believable.

    I watched OLTL off and on over the years, and I have to say, I don't care for JPL as Dillon. Not to say he can't be recast (but it should only be because SC can't be wooed back), just that I don't think I'll like JPL in the role. The few times I watched him, I never liked Rex. I think JPL lacks the warmth that Dillon needs, and that SC could so easily convey. If not SC, they should cast a newcomer. I say that because I can't think of anyone else who could fit the role, off the top of my head.

    Agree about JE's chem with some of her stepsons,and with WK, but IMO she was never anything but maternal in scenes with Kurt McKinney, who played the first Ned. Then again, there is something innately sensual about Tracy, that even in NON romantic scenes, she gives off this "vibe". I'm not the only one that sees this. It could be the character, it could be JE, or both, but IMO she has chemistry which could be construed as "romantic" with almost about every man on canvas. There were even times I thought I saw a glimpse of it with SD, and believe me, I didn't WANT to see it.

    It's interesting, and yet a little disturbing. LOL

    I always wanted GV's Lucky and Tracy to get together, before Lacy got married. Talk about disturbing......

    Honestly, I'm past ready for Edward to die. COME ON. The man is like older than Moses already. I don't want Jason to be a part of any Q story. Michael is optional, I don't really consider him a Q, but I don't mind his presence as long as Jasebot isn't there.

    As far as Brook Lynn, if AL doesn't come back, they could recast her easily. Perhaps with Rachel Kimsey(who is a little old for the role, but oh well). I read someone say once that she looks a lot like a young JE, and I sort of agree.

    They could always go the easy way out and say Luke had a brain tumor, and part of the reason he drank so much was because of headaches he was having. I realize most people would NOT drink if their head was already pounding, but it's Luke we're talking about. I kinda don't want the next Lacy story to be all about Luke, though. Perhaps he could just step up and straighten up because his family needed him. That always seems to work.

    Having Tracy be ill or in trouble of some kind might work, and we so rarely get to see her be rescued or fawned over, that it would be nice. I don't see GW doing it,though.

    Remember, ageist JFP (she ain't no spring chicken herself)is still around, and she is the main one against older people kissing, etc.) I can't see JFP green lighting a story around an over sixty year old female vet. :(

    Though I wished someone would let JE shine.

  4. I am so grossed out by that, I'm sorry. LOL Not only that I disagree with him cheating, but with a HOOKER, (you know he ain't wearing a condom) possibly bringing home all kinds of yuk to possibly pass to Tracy? NUH-UH.

    She needs someone new for at least awhile, until Luke "finds himself" again.

    Who would you guys want to see her with, if not Luke, even for a while? Of course I'm on the Larry Ashton train, but if they used someone on canvas, who? They'd have to do a younger man, cause there is no one left that's older.

    I always thought Ric and Tracy would be cool, and Rick Hearst is free from B&B, right?

    They could be, I believe an old nickname for them, was "Tricky".

    Bring it on. Luke is grossing me out. SO glad I can't watch right now.

    HOWEVER-if Garin Wolf starts doing good stuff-I will find a way to re-up my cable and get back my soapnet so I can watch. But if it's just going to be status quo, GH can pucker up and kiss my backwoods heinie.

    As an aside, sorta OT but a reference to Jane:

    I was watching the 2006 Masterpiece Theater version of Jane Eyre with Toby Stephens(Dame Maggie Smith is his mom, and BOY is he HOT. Could be Hugh Jackman's twin almost.)

    Anyway, during the part where Jane has amnesia and they find the "JE" on her clothes, they call her Jane ELLIOT.

    It's been years since I read the book, didn't remember that being in there. Just a small moment, but funny.

    Dudes. If you like classic lit movies, it's worth it to watch all FOUR HOURS of this(I watched in one sitting).

    Some of it is not canon, but it's small moments that are not, for the most part. The JE reference made me smile.

    Oh, and Edward Rochester is still one of the hottest men in fiction. Crazy secrets and all.

  5. ICAM with Lainey re: Tracy/JE. I don't really remember her from AMC, I never really watched AMC, though my mother did. I never watched GL, so didn't see her as Carrie. Did LURVE Anjelica (loved Justin and Adrienne as a couple, so it's a testament to JE's talent that I adored ANjelica as well, even though she was the spoiler in that romance). On paper, Anjelica isn't as dynamic as Tracy, rather one note, actually. But JE always made her shine, and she had great chem with Matt Ashford, John Aniston...well, everybody, really. As far as Tracy, I've always been fascinated by her. It says something that I can remember the scene where she is leaving town the first time, with her carrying her own luggage downstairs (I guess Edward told the servants not to help her, LOL). That was my only real memory of her first time on GH, I was too little to remember much else. But to know that the scene stuck in my mind all those years until she came back in 89, says a lot about the actress and character for me.

    As far as GF/Laura. I've made my feelings abundantly clear in that area many times. I ain't shy about it. I'm sure she's perfectly lovely when not in the public eye and just around people she cares about, but I care nothing for her characters.

    OH! and JE's hair. I think shorter hair makes her look younger, but if her current hair is the close cropped almost shaved look from before, BLAH. UGH. Agreed she needs to grow that out.

  6. I was! :lol:

    Did it break the 45 second mark

    Seriously GH is making me not even care about Tracy anymore. She is virtually a dayplayer. She was pretty much left out of this luke story and tomorrow she takes him to shadybrook to "begin his journey" or "fend for himself" whoever spoilers you read. That is it for lunacy til the fall.

    At this rate, I am seriously wondering if this is the swan song and she will just quietly slip out of town. She is part of nothing really and not even mentioned with this edward/abby/michael story.

    GW or not, I don't think they have any interest in her as a character or an actress. Sad Sad Sad.

    Ditto. Guza broke me quite some time ago. I can't watch right now, but even if I could...I don't know that I would. Anytime JE wants to announce retirement, I'm good with it. Buh-bye, GH.

  7. Just checking that you all are alive - just the the tornado on the news

    Hope everyone is well

    Do you mean the one in Joplin? Or the one in Oklahoma yesterday? My mom and I were talking last night, and both agreed, we are used to tornados around here, but for the past six weeks, we've had maybe four or five days total where we haven't had storms or tornado watches/warnings around here. We both agreed, this is the worst storm season we can remember. We've been blessed that the tornados are apparently going around us, we had tornado warnings last night and they seemed to be coming from the west, north, and south, respectively. But so far, we have not had a bad one hit our town in a while. Thank God. I have lived through them, and for those who aren't in tornado country....they are not fun, to put it mildly. I can remember being stuck on the side of the road one time when I was a kid, my mom, my brother and me in the car, with hail pounding down on the car, and the tornado alarms going off before we could get home. Scary stuff, ya'll. My mother always made us hide under the kitchen table at home, LOL.

    Just a few weeks ago, I was at work on the weekend and could hear the alarms going off from inside the building. When the alarm went off I went outside to try and go home, and the wind and rain LITERALLY blew my skirt up. Thank God no one else was out there, LOLOL.

    They would have all gotten mooned. But yeah, I feel for those people in Joplin and Oklahoma. I've seen devastation firsthand, and it can be heartbreaking. Even in places where no lives are lost, there are often losses of homes, and personal effects that cannot be replaced. I am hoping this all ends soon, I don't know how much more the country can take.

  8. I have to say, I liked the Lacy interaction during the BW ball, and everyone says that was GWs writing. But from what I remember, Tracy was MIA for quite a while before arriving at Windemere, so who knows if GW will ultimately be any different from Guza when writing long term. Sure, he may use the vets more and "spread the wealth" so to speak, but I don't know if that will necessarily make the writing "better". At this point, I guess I'll take seeing Tracy more and her maybe having a story, even if it's dumb, over not seeing her at all. Of course, I still am not able to watch, but....knowing she's got something will give me a reason to want to catch up.

    Cause TQ/Lacy is all I have on this show. All the other couples and/or potential couples suck, but to be fair, I've never watched Siobhan and haven't seen Matt/Maxie together (but KS/JC had no chemistry on DOOl as Shawn and Belle), so I haven't seen the newer pairings together.Jason/Sam, Carly/Jax, Carly/Sonny, Alexis/Mac, Spinelli/Maxie, JOhnny/Olivia, Johnny/Lisa (didn't see much of LIsa but she is leaving, so), Ethan/Maya (they had potential, but now Annie is gone, also)...Ethan/Kristina......really, I hope GW does a complete overhaul on all the couples or potential couples.

    I don't even care if that means an end to Lacy as a couple. I'm a TracyFF, and to see her mix it up with another man could be interesting for a while. I think I'd like to see Lacy reunite eventually, but I'm flexible on that, honestly.

    It's more important for me to be entertained than it is to get all the couples I want.

  9. I wouldn't celebrate if it had been Maurice. Seriously, while I sort of understand why they are doing it, I can't support those who are LOL at Guza's firing. It's sad, ya'll. He's a person who just lost his job. No matter how crappy his writing was, no matter how mad I used to get that he wasted Jane-I feel bad for him.


    I just do, and I'd feel bad for Maurice or Steve or anyone else, even if I really don't have use for their characters.

    I think that Ingo had to know this was coming, rumors have been swirling for a while now, but I feel for him, too.

    As far as GF having power, I don't think she does. But I do think that whoever closes GH out, if they are LnL inclined, they will try to make it happen, and if she's available, she'll jump. And while I don't like or respect her, I can't blame her.

    Now I have to go call the interpreter so I can do my next interview, and listen to the person on the other end pretend they don't understand a word of English even though I know they do.

    Ciao Bella(s)!

  10. I don't know if I believe all the internet rumors about Guza, but I can see them doing it without any forewarning and also doing it in an insulting way in front of a lot of people. Personally, I think the man is discriminatory towards women and doesn't write for the audience(most of the time), he writes for himself. I think he's sloppy, and lazy, and careless. In short, he puts forth very little effort. BUT I won't celebrate his firing. I think people going around with the fist pumps and everything else, should remember that he is, after all, a human being. It sucks to lose a job, even a job that by rights, you should have been fired from years ago. I feel for him.

    OTOH, I want JE to get at least one more good story before GH sinks, and with Guza, she wasn't going to get it. So, I'm happy that *maybe* with GW, MAYBE, she'll finally get a good one. As far as GF, I think GW, especially if he's going to see GH into the ground, will make a place for her. Or try to. Really, the HW has no rights in firing or hiring, which is why I was always astounded people took it out on Guza about GF. I think that's always been 90% JFP. If TIIC agree, GF will be back before the show ends though, I do believe that.

    How? As I said, I don't believe she'll be on Y&R long. I can even see them temporarily releasing her to go back for a few weeks to end GH, then her going back to CBS. However it works out, wherever she's at, I think the chances are good that Laura will be back one last time before GH ends.

    As far as GH ending, since it hasn't been confirmed, it could last several more years. Of course it'll end eventually, but if the ratings improve enough with Garin, I believe ABC will keep it a while longer than next year. Even if it ends next year, I expect to see GF back.

    Nobody is less impressed with that fact than me, I don't care about her presence or her character or her history. At all. But I believe it will happen. That doesn't mean I think LnL will necessarily reunite. I honestly have no idea about that. I don't think it's a done deal that LnL WILL be together when the show ends, like some folks do. I think any couple is fluid and up in the air at any given time. ANYTHING could happen, and in soaps, it often does.

    I don't believe the thing about Guza partly being fired for not scaling back on the pets. He's shoved them down our throats for years now, but all of a sudden, they tell him to lay off and he's fired because he refuses?

    NAH. I don't believe that. I think it's possible he wasn't even given a reason. Just "Bob, you have to pack up and leave. You're being replaced."

    I don't think TIIC/JFP/Frons gave Guza any more respect in his firing than the actors got. Wouldn't be surprised if it hit the net before he knew.

  11. I don't want Jane played more. I want Tracy to have a STORY. I don't even care if it's a small supporting story (who am I kidding, yes I do care, I want a BIG one for her), but I'll take a small one if it's about HER.

    Bring back Larry, Brook and Dillon, and make them their own family unit. Yes, she's a Spencer, (for now,who knows if and when that might change), but I want more Ashtons/Q's.

  12. Yeah, but the rabid LnLers are going to start campaigning to bring Genie back now that Guza is leaving, because they still actually believe it was only Guza that didn't want her back.

    I don't take anything for granted. I don't see GF lasting long on Y&R. I could be wrong, but I think the longtime fans are going to resent her presence taking away airtime from those on the sidelines that haven't gotten story for years, much like all fans do. I think it's going to be a lukewarm run at best, because I don't think too many people other than her most fervent fans, are really going to give a crap.

    She'll be there not long.

  13. I wonder if firing Guza(hey, he's a hack, but I feel sorry for him being fired) is a way to try and save the show or just send it out with a little class. I think they may be trying to save it-JFP has never cared about it having class before. Methinks she is trying to save HER job.

    But she doesn't have the authority to fire him, does she?

    Anyway, it should be interesting for those watching right now to see what differences the new writer keeps, and which he throws away. If the show ends with him, I think he'll reunite Luke and Laura and make Tracy the eeevil manipulator again, because God knows Laura, much like some others, must never, ever look bad.

    It should be interesting to see where he takes all the characters, because no writer keeps all the old directions and stories.

    I know some like Ethina, but that's one I hope he nips in the bud. Give Kristina to Johnny, and let Ethan be paired with a decent human being. At this point, I don't care who, as long as it's ABKOARTH.

    And about Tracy going back to her old ways-as long as she gets to keep some of her growth, I don't care. And as long as she gets to slap Laura really hard just ONCE. I'll be okay with her making Bora cry.

  14. I've never heard the character called Jelica. That so doesn't fit her. But I do miss the character, and she's probably the one woman alive (since Caroline is persona non grata now) who could and would give Maggie a run for her money with Victor.

    But that was bad Victor, and they have softened him a LOT over the years, so who knows?

    As far as NLG, hasn't she gotten several noms while being on GH? Pretty sure she has, but I don't keep up with Emmys, really, unless it's someone I admire, like Jane. And if she hasn't-she had nominations from Santa Barbara, right?

    Eh. I personally think that the Emmys have been a joke for years, but a few years ago was the last straw for me. GF winning for 2006 for a few weeks work, when on screen I could visibly see her struggling to remember her lines (not a bash-she admitted later she was out of practice and had a hard time with it all), yet she still won-well, I can't take it seriously anymore. GF over LK that year after LK had that SL with the cancer on B&B that EVERYONE talked about?

    M'kay. I'd love JE to be nominated and win if it's what SHE wanted, but otherwise, I'm perfectly happy with her not being included. IF she won, I don't know if I could take that seriously, either, even though SHE is also past due for some recognition.

    I'd much rather have airtime and a SL for her any old day over some cold statuette.

  15. Love the banner. :) Our girl is so cute !

    About the hair, personally, I loved it best in the Paul years when she let it grow out and had it dyed black. It wasn't her best look, but it was my favorite. I do think it's too short now, BUT I can see partly why she does it. It helps her look younger, for one, plus it's probably a breeze to take care of. Not to mention I bet one bottle of shampoo lasts her six months if it's the good stuff, LOL. I do think the redder tones look better on her now than pitch black would, but the fire engine/vibrant red...eh. Me no likey. A rich chestnut/ruddy brown with a few auburn highlights would rock on her. I don't like that her hair color and style is so much like Diane's, because it reminds me of Diane, and I have no use for that mobular butt kissing loser. So seeing JE with the same color/style is a definite turn off.

    As far as the Emmys, I thought I heard or read somewhere that either JE submitted herself or the show submitted her.If that's true (and oh who knows? The internet is full of gossipy garbage), that means the Emmy panel thinks NLG is a better actress (or had a better reel, anyway) than Jane.

    And I just can't get past that. NLG is not better than JE, and for the sake of peace, that's all I'll say about that.

    But then, NLG did have the Kristina stuff, and might have got her prenom on hype alone. Just like SB and TG and others will submit next year for the Jake stuff.

    It really sucks, with GH probably on it's last legs, that JE is still brushed aside on this show. She can always go back to days as Anjelica D, if Days is still around when GH bites the dust.

  16. Honestly, I'm relieved that GH might end. *shrug* I love Jane, I love Tracy/Luke, but they've never really given them much, and it's mostly still going to be true that the best Lacy stuff has been in fanfics, because the FF writers, unlike Guza, are not afraid to give Tracy stories. As long as she gets a good exit, it really isn't going to bother me. My main reason for even caring about GH-the Quartermaine family-hasn't been a force on GH for almost a decade now. I truly believe Guza will end the last episode of GH with either Jason, or a Corinthos, as the final parting shot. What a shame.

    I do think they are denying the rumors right now, because ABC knows as much protest as they've had with AMC/OLTL, it would be so much more with GH. Or so they think. Kind of like how they kept certain firings quiet until it was too late...they will announce the termination of GH probably after the last episodes have been written, LOL.

    My only sadness with GH ending will be the fact that JE has been pretty much wasted, and the Q's are dead. Otherwise, I can't bring up too much regret.

    On another note, TPTB on every show airbrush the stars photos, don't they? Who started this practice, and why? I know models on the covers of mags have been airbrushed for years now, but why did they start it with soap stars and other actors? I mean, when you've seen a "real time" picture of the actor, or seen them on a talk show, or in person, gray hairs, wrinkles and all....it's kind of insulting to see a promo pic of this actor or actress with NO lines in their face.

    I love JE and I don't care that she has a few lines-and I don't need to see an airbrushed perfected picture of her. It's stupid. I saw the promo pics of GF for Y&R, and it's like...uh, she didn't look like this five years ago. She sure doesn't look that "perfect" now.

    It's not needed. I get that Hollywood is so obsessed with youth and looking "good,", but airbrushing celebs is why women feel constant pressure to look good, to the point of eating disorders.

    Enough already. Personally, I love actresses like Kate Winslet (who is still airbrushed on mag covers, but openly admits her weight/size). Rant over, sorry. I just had to vent about that.

  17. TG hasn't actually used the words "suicide" for Luke that I've read, I think it's just something we assume. I think he'd recklessly try to save Tracy or one of his kids or maybe Sonny, and get killed, if he thinks they need to kill Luke off. While a part of me wants something happy for Lacy at the end, I have to admit, I really can't picture it, and I think most of us seem to agree on that. Sadly. I mean, of all the current characters on GH, I think Tracy is one who deserves a happy ending. But at the same time-it doesn't really jibe with who the character is, if you know what I mean. Tracy has changed somewhat over the years, but there is still that element of tragedy about her, as if even in her happiest times, she, and we as an audience, are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    And I guess Luke is sort of that way too, despite what the rabid LnL'ers would like to propose. They want a "Luke and Laura riding off in the pink caddy" ending. Dear Lord. They are truly not even paying attention to what has happened in the last ten years, and YES, I think it matters, and YES, I think a reunion of LnL DOES have to make sense.

    Guza would have to do a lot of tap dancing to make it happen, and make sense, and I don't think he will. The days of couples just being together because the fans want it, are over. They haven't existed on GH for a while now. Or any soap, really.

    But back to Tracy's exit: I see her and Luke, at the most optimistic ending, scamming someone dangerous out of lots of money, and they go on the run to save their lives, and that's how they exit. Kind of fun, but at the same time, unresolved. That's the most "upbeat" ending I see for them, and I'd take that. I don't want, even if we get Lacy together in the end, a boring, happy, them sitting around the HS playing the roulette wheel.

    I would rather Tracy died with her family around her, and whatever caused the death, we find out Helena is behind it.

    Perhaps PC is supposed to pretend Luke is dead as well, or Helena believes he is. Either way, she doesn't expect him to come looking for revenge. Luke is in disguise as the captain of a yacht Helena is on, making her escape. (Do they call a person who directs a yacht a captain or a pilot?)Anyway, in his last scenes, as Helena is below deck, he does something to the boat to make it take on water, and he escapes in the only lifeboat. We see him calmly sitting and watching as the boat sinks. "For you, wife", he says. We see him on land using the phone, saying, "it's done", and on the other end, Ned hangs up the phone and nods to Dillon and Brook Lynn, who are also in the room. They hug each other with tears in their eyes. Luke walks out and looks up at the sky and says "where do I go now, Spanky?" and waits, as if he is expecting to hear her answer. He sits outside and plays with his wedding ring, and someone comes up behind him and puts a gun to his head. I prefer to end it there-who is it, and does he get out of it?

    I think his ending should be ambiguous. Or, we could see that it is Helena, and he stands up to face her just as she pulls the trigger. As Luke is laying there, blood pouring out of his chest, his eyes become glazed and unfocused. He gasps as tears fill his eyes, and he whispers "are you really here?" as he breathes his last breath. The audience can decide who he is talking to/about: Tracy, Laura, his kids, whoever. The camera pans on Luke's still face and then to his hand, where he is clutching his wedding ring. Fade to black.

    I know the pink caddy crowd would hate it, I for one, would cry my eyes out, but what a fitting ending for them both.

  18. from what I was told and not sure how true or not, but the story would be picking back up in the fall when tony returns--it will be like how have their lives changed or they changed (lulu, lucky, liz, ethan, tracy (I assume) or how they have moved forward etc. I'm guessing Luke returns not rehabilitated at all.

    If it is really is the end of GH looming near, I could see Tony wanting to spiral out and have luke kill himself like he always says he wanted to go out that way.

    I get the feeling we might have seen the last of happy lunacy for a while.

    I do know that they have scenes coming up at least for the next couple of weeks.

    Well, even if GH ends next year, I can't see Guza sustaining Luke's downward spiral long enough to justify Luke killing himself over Jake. If one of them-Luke or Tracy, has to die when they end GH, I'd so rather it be her.

    I don't think TG should get to dictate how his character ends, and besides, there are plenty of morose ways to leave his character without him killing himself.

    Today sounds good, though.

  19. I felt that way back in 93 when Jane left. I was upset about it for several months afterward. The difference is that she was used way more back then, so there was so much more to miss. I even felt that way when Tracy was on The City and it got cancelled in 97, but she was really a lead character even then.

    These days, there's not nearly as much to miss, not even close, but I completely understand where you are coming from.

    TracyQ has always been the character for me that I know the show doesn't call a heroine or even expect me to love, but I do, anyway. Perhaps because she's such an underdog, even now with Luke. Even now, certain people just assume that at the end of GH, Luke will toss Tracy aside like an old shoe and go running back to Bora. Which makes me just root for Tracy all the harder, because of all the women on this show that I can actually say DESERVES a devoted mate, it's Tracy. As Remos (or someone) said, she's paid her dues. She's had men stomp on her her whole life, including her "daddy". She deserves to have at least one man be with her, who wants to be there, and so far, that has been Luke.

    At any rate, there is something about Jane/Tracy that is just LOVEABLE, and I don't know if TIIC saw it when they cast her, knowing that JE would be able to bring the right amount of vulnerability to this character, or if it took them by surprise. But I cannot really imagine anyone else doing as great a job as JE has done with her. SHE is why I love Tracy. A lesser actress would make Tracy just another plotting, eeevvil soap diva. I do not now, nor have I ever, really considered Tracy a villain. At her worst, her actions have been evil, but some of the actions of our soap "heroines" and heroes have been worse. I consider her an "anti-heroine", a perfect foil to Luke's anti-hero.

  20. You know, I'm not sad at all about GH ending, not anymore, had the Q's still been major players, I'd be far more upset.

    I WILL be upset if Tracy isn't given something to do. I don't know why I am expecting more for this character, when she hasn't been given anything of her own so far with Guza. But I can't see why they can't give her a swan song story.

    What gets under my skin is the way it's all being handled, and the comments from executives and even people in the entertainment industry. What I've read some people have done and said has come across as very rude and unprofessional. It's like, they think that just because it's a done deal, they can talk to and/or about the actors and the fans and the genre itself any way they want. Just awful behavior all the way around. I can't believe they are acting this way in public.

    So I wonder if GH's replacement is ready now, and if so, when they'll announce it.

  21. You're right on the mark, Remos. I don't think they're making much either. But they're promoting their primetime lineup and Disney movies like nobody's business. Honestly, some of these promos are longer than movie trailers. If they want the younger viewers, which they clearly do, no wonder they want out of the network soaps business. Children (and 12-17 are children, not "women" as the network calls them) don't watch soaps, at least not on TV! Did they just figure this out? It's been spelled out in the ratings for years. Viewers 12-17 number in the tens of thousands as opposed to the millions for what was previously considered the magic demo of the baby boomers.

    One thing I believe could have saved soaps would have been effective product placement. What ABC apparently didn't understand is that product placement isn't about making an on-air spiel. You don't talk about it. It's just there. They could have been doing this for decades. Instead of supposed millionaries eating generic cereal and drinking bottles marked "cola", they could have been quietly selling Cheerios and Spite, and making zillions. Oh, well...

    I grew up watching soaps, because we only had one TV in the house, and we're talking late seventies/early eighties, when there weren't 250 channels on most people's tv's, to choose from. It's not people and their sensibilities that have changed, so much as it is : popular culture, the aforementioned multiple station choices, and other things to do that distract/take up time. I loved watching DOOL as a teen. The summer after my sophomore year in HS, I would run to the TV at noon to watch Justin/Adrienne and Anjelica (our Jane!). So no, I don't think it's that 12-17 wouldn't be interested in soaps IF you gave them something to be interested in. And I don't necessarily mean other teens. Adrienne/Justin weren't teens. Anjelica/Tracy certainly wasn't a teen, and I LOVE both of them, did back then, still do.

    I do think that soaps cannot compete anymore with fresher, newer programs without completely revamping how they are done. That would require a dedication that imo ABCD hasn't had in years.

    Perhaps as someone said, web soaps are the new thing?

  22. I have been thinking about ILTQ's question, and, honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Tracy die when the show finally gets canceled. Several ideas come to mind such as Tracy being the victim of a hit and run or a mob shootout in which Luke gets to be the hero and avenge his Spanky's death. She could also get a terminal illness resulting in a heartfelt funeral that is attended by her sons, the Q's, and the Spencers. Luke could then kill himself when faced with the prospect of living without her. Actually, I am a fan of Bette Davis and there is a TV movie from the '80s called "Right of Way." Jimmy Stewart played her husband. They were an elderly couple faced with the prospect of the wife's death from a terminal illness. He decided he didn't want to live without her, so they decided to kill themselves. They told their daughter, who was against it. She contacted social workers to try to get them to change their minds. In the end, they go through with it. Their method was death by carbon monoxide poisoning--sitting in their car in the garage with the motor running. The daughter arrives while this is happening, and she decides to let them go through with it. Very sad story. However, I could see something like this with Luke and Tracy. She could be diagnosed with some rare terminal illness. They decide to end their lives. This would be the scenario I would want to see only if I couldn't get a happy ending for them.

    My only issue with this is that Tracy is such a fighter. I don't think she'd ever actually kill herself. I'm sure she's probably thought of it at least once, everyone has, I think-but this is TracyQ we're talking about. Her middle name should be "fighter". It's in her blood. Marco Dane nicknamed her "Rocky" for a reason. Not only would she not do it, she'd order Luke not to do it, either.

    I AM good with her and/or Luke being killed off, but I can't see suicide for her. HIM on the other hand? If Tracy died, or one of his kids, someone would have to literally pull the barrel out of his mouth, I think.

  23. ^^^I think Tracy will be on of those "Last Women Standing" types of characters. And I hope Luke doesn't die because while TG might see that as a fitting end (and in a lot of ways I agree) I think Tracy needs him around to grow old with. She's paid her dues - she deserves it.

    I agree she deserves it-but is it a realistic ending for the characters? I don't think it is. BUT if they did just end them in a lame kind of way, like them going off on another adventure and bickering the whole way...I wouldn't cry foul, exactly. I wouldn't see it as the best ending, but it would have to do, wouldn't it, since they aren't asking my opinion.

  24. Gh will either be jan of 2012 or if tthey get a full season for 2012 it will be sept.

    Allegedly the only reason gh didn't get canceled along with others was the replacement show was not ready to go yet.

    I don't think Laura is an issue anyway as genie is on contract at y&r.

    If Tony gets his way Luke will kill himself

    I'd lije to see Edward die st the end if gh and his will being read and him leaving elq to Tracy and declaring his live and respect gor leaving his company in her capable hands--what she wanted to hear her whole life!

    Is this your guess, or have you been told? See, as popular as GH is with fans, in spite of ratings...I can't see the network NOT giving the public six months notice on GH's cancelling. And I do think ABCD wants to know how well those talk shows are actually going to do before they cancel their last remaining one. I think they'll give the first show six months at least to prove itself and find an audience. If it does at least as well as the soaps (and I believe it will do as well or better in ratings), then by January 2012 I can possibly see the announcement of GH being done, but I also think they'll give Guza six months to wrap things up. If they give the new shows a year to prove themselves, the first show will be a year old around August 2012. If it did well and they announce GH's cancelling at that time, six months of wrap up would end GH Jan/Feb 2013, which is where I came up with that month.

    BUt then again, they have so little care for the audience, they could announce GH's termination today.

    As SeanM asked, do you have inside info, or is that just your guess?

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