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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. * group hug ya'll*

    IT'll be all right.

    Even if it means Jane leaves,and Tracy leaves in a bad way(which I will NOT like) come November....maybe it's for the best.

    Yes it saddens me. But maybe we're putting the cart before the horse.

    I can't see GF uprooting her family to move back to LA...and I can't see her commuting.

    So if it's just temporary,maybe it won't be too bad.

    Maybe Jane will go somewhere she's appreciated.

    But right now my heart is breaking for TRACY. :(

    *holds Ms.Q* We can cry together. :(:((

    And if Jane does leave when her contract runs out...I hope she doesn't just pack up her things and leave with her tail between her legs.

    That's a firecracker ending for such a great stick of dynamite as TracyQ.

    And not in character,either.

    She'd FIGHT for him.

    Or maybe she wouldn't,but she wouldn't let Laura intimidate her into leaving,either.

  2. According to recaps,no Tracy today.

    So I guess if we don't see her until Wednesday,this'll be another period of TWO WHOLE WEEKS with no TQ....and the last time was only for a few minutes,anyway.

    As far as the Lunacy thread,something's up. Because I don't think they deleted it,normally you can go to discuss the soaps and search,and posts with "Tracy" will come up,I tried that,and all I got was the director's thread or some such thing.

    Also,normally DTS has multiple pages,and you could just search each page,page by page,to find what you wanted,but when I went over there,it appears right now,there's just ONE page of posts.

    Maybe Keith or Ms.Q or anyone else who posts on the main board regularly,knows what's going on.

    I doubt the thread has been deleted unless they've gone to just making one page of the most current posts,available. In which case anything not on page one,is inaccessible.

    Anybody know what's up with that?

  3. EEEEEE !!!!!!

    The fic sounds good already,I can't wait.

    As far as Justus,I think Tracy respected him in her own way,BUT because he got Edward's approval in about four seconds,and Tracy STILL hasn't gotten it after all these years,well.....there's no way they ever would have been friends or close in any way.

    I HOPE we see her more than just one day this week.

    I'm looking forward to Wednesday.

    And I agree with you MinervaFan,it's an amazing bunch of folks here.

    This thread is a safe haven,and I'm soooo grateful for it. :)

  4. OOohh MinervaFan....as for the AU fic you're going to write,angsty or funny or both?


    Isn't it sad that the fic writers on this thread are what keeps us going in terms of Tracy?


    Ruby was their honorary aunt...their mother I can't remember her name,but she was the sister of Frank Eckert, a character who had a son named Bill....back in the Paul days,Bill was also played by TG.

    It looked for a while like they were going to do Bill/Tracy.

    Their father was Tim Spencer,and he was a drunk as Luke has said,and ran off and abandoned them when their mother got sick with cancer I think.

    So no,Ruby was not biologically related.

    And YAY ! for your fic. :)

    Can't wait.

  5. I forgot to add my two cents about the spoilers........

    I'm afraid the "share company" is exactly that Ms.Q.

    But if it gets Jane and Ted airtime,even better airtime together,I'm for it.

    IF it gets them airtime,and as long as Lo and Tracy don't fool around with each other because they think Skye and Luke have run off together.

    Because it's bad enough that every time Skye gets even a papercut,it's ALL Tracy's fault.

    I can do without that,thank you very much.

    But if I have to sit through it to get Jane on my screen...well,I guess you take the good with the bad.

    I don't think it'll be like that though.

    I think it's about ELQ.

    But it means we will SEE her,that she might get more than a few days airtime,AND Guza did say all those(Tracy included) left behind when Luke leaves,would have major story.

    I think the motherhood thing is Tracy saving Lulu,maybe Dillon,and maybe even Georgie(could Diego also be involved,and could it mean Lo and Tracy save them together? Sure would help a lot of Lulu lovers forgive Lo if he's instrumental in saving her life.)


    And I hope the Lacy talk about Laura,doesn't hurt our girl. :(

    spoiler talk over

    PS in the play tonight(which was awesome BTW),there was a little girl who couldn't have been more than five,playing Cruella DeVille(it was an All Disney Tribute).

    Anyway....she was sooo cute,she just cracked me up.

    "I can't wait to wear....I mean care for,those puppies."

    LMBO !

  6. Okay Ms.Q we can be selfish together. Sounds good to me.

    Yeah I thought Trax had potential,still do....Jax has a habit of making the worst choices in women,just like Tracy does in men.

    They would be better off as friends though,but when he used to treat her so horribly back in the day,yeah it made me soooo not a fan of his character at all.

    About the June 23rd "first kiss" when was this? I don't remember,and truthfully, can we really call any of the times their lips have met,as "real," except for little pecks now and then?

    The one in the hotel room in Miami...a HAWT one,BTW....might be the closest I'd call a real one

    Oh wait...are you talking about one they had when Luke and she were dancing around sleeping together just before he set her up with Coleman?

    CAn you post a clip,I've forgotten it if that's the one you meant.

    Yeah I read that FF story you posted the link to,it was okay I guess.

    I'm hard to please,LOL.

    *waves to all and hugs*

    BTW Ms.Q my neice is playing Cinderella tonight,I thought of that when reading your story,she's ten,she's in the drama camp at the college here and they performed last night,I am going tonight to watch the second show.

    She's a diva. :)

    MinervaFan sorry about the parental issues.

    Hope everything turns out well.

    LOL at you Keith.

    I am excited about watching as well...but I just hope Jane gets stuff after TG goes on break.

    Well guys I may check in later this weekend, either way *blows kisses* have a good one and I'll see ya later !

    Loved the fic MF ! Tooo funny,and kinda sweet in an offbeat way ("I never had a daughter") although I think blood Q's who are females have very little value to Edward,sadly.

    Which would explain Tracy's issues...some of them,anyway.

  7. Hmm...oh,where do I start?

    angel and tracyluver, I don't think of you as outcasts.

    I know it might be a little awkward since we talk about different things sometimes,but personally I love seeing a diversified group, and I love that while we all love Tracy,I think we're all different in personalities and all that. It makes it more interesting,and all of us are what makes this thread so unique to me.

    And this thread,unlike some boards,isn't "clique"-y.

    We all belong here,we're all welcome here,and we can all be honest and just hang loose and be ourselves,and that's what I love about this thread.

    IT makes me laugh.

    It makes me smile.

    And I can come here and talk about how much I love my girl without someone telling me how I must have something wrong with me for loving TQ ! LOL

    *hugs* to all.

    Keith about DL...somehow I knew you would know what I meant,LOL.

    The man just oozed slime,yet somehow managed to make Edward loveable.

    Ms.Q what a cute, FUN chapter ! I loved it. I soooo was waiting for her to jump his bones.

    Hmm...maybe later at the ball,by the punch bowl?


    As far as the first spoiler.... I read that elsewhere,I have no idea where it came from,and while I'm sure it'll be a great scene,I hope it's not Jane's only one,and I can't help but wish and hope it doesn't mean Laura is going to come back. Sue me,I'm selfish.

    Because we all know that not only will it be the end of Lacy,it'll likely be the end of Jane's airtime.

    Ooops.....there I go being negative again.

    The second spoiler...where did it come from?

    Because it sounds like spec more than a spoiler,and so far the only Q who seems to be getting any airtime out of Justus's death is Edward.

    Nope...no TQ this week.

    And LOL at you Ms.Q,you are crazy about some Tracy/Jax.

    I like your friendship with them in your story.

    It's sweet.



    Just messin' with ya. And TRacy sooo needs a friend,I'd go for Trax,friendship only.

    Although some flirting is nice,too.

    *sends MinervaFan cyber chicken soup and orange juice.

    What a woman you are,still writing and posting fic while you're sick !

    I don't even change out of my pajamas when I'm sick. LOL

    Please get well soon. :)

    Have a good weekend,everyone !

  8. I :D at your story MinervaFan,and I could totally picture DL's Edward the whole time.

    JI's Edward is just not Edward to me and probably never will be.

    He just can't do the oily,slimy part of Edward and make it believable.

    But DL LOOKED like he could have just crawled out from under a rock...not a bash against his looks, he was an okay looking guy. I think ya'll know what I mean.

    And MF you really have young Tracy down....I could totally see her doing all of it.

    If you do another past fic,can I make a request?

    A past fic AU....of what might have really happened,had she and Luke known each other all those years ago.

    In Luke's dream on NYE in 2003,supposedly there was a woman who wanted to adopt him and Bobbie after their mother died,and the woman turned out to be Lila. Of course this was Luke's DREAM that the woman was Lila.

    But what if it really was?

    What if Lila adopted them?

    Or what if they just came there to live,or what if Luke's father had gotten a job working for the Q's?

    Aaaaahhhh......the possibilities.

  9. Oh,Ms.Q you're a doll.

    Thanks for your kind words.

    It's not that everyone else is negative.


    I can deal with that,take it or leave it.

    It's ME.


    I just think about the whole mess of a show,and how Jane's being wasted,and how the Lacy opportunity is being wasted,and it just irks me....and with every day that passes and no change in sight,it just sort of depresses me. Which makes me not want to post,because I don't have any TQ scenes to talk about or spoilers to discuss. Which is the main point of posting on the boards.

    Which sounds sad when you think about the fact that it's JUST a TV show.

    But I guess it's true,when you watch a character for years it's like you DO know them,in a way. And you do have an affection for them,just like you would for anyone else who's life's joys and struggles you might be privy to,through the years.

    I can deal with Jane leaving and TQ leaving the canvas. It's a little harder for me to just grit my teeth and smile at how badly JE is being WASTED WHILE SHE'S STILL THERE.

    Does that make sense?

    It's the day to day,her being there but not being used,and not knowing if it's going to change,that just puts me in a bad mood,GH wise,and really if she's not on....I find it hard sometimes to think of something to post or talk about.

    So it's not ya'll...LOL Ya'll are great.

    The best thread EVA.

    I can come here and don't have to worry about someone getting mad because I don't like THEIR fave.

    What a relief.

    So yeah if I had to choose only one place to post,I'd choose this thread/board.

    But if I don't post as much from here on out,again it's not ya'll.

    It's just me.


    I'm looking forward to the fic update Ms.Q

    ETA Keith you are the BEST.

  10. Okay,I'm breaking my silence.

    For a moment,anyway.

    First off,yes MF,by all means,kill Laura off.

    I know you can do angsty really well...and you can write the funny also. I think what happens between Lacy if that were to happen would be a bit of both,as only you can do it.

    Plus honestly,Lacy or no Lacy,I've just really always thought she is/was one of the most boring female characters on soaps ever.

    So I won't weep,or even feel bad,at her death.

    HOrrible to say, I know.

    I'll feel bad for her family I guess,but I wouldn't miss her one iota.

    I made the decision not to post because well...Tracy's not on,and when she's on she's on for two minutes playing the buffoon to Luke.

    And it frustrates me,and I take it out on message boards,maybe not this one so much,but on others.

    You know we joke about being Tracy obsessed,but sadly I don't think I've been Tracy obsessed for a long time.

    I was the second and third time JE played the character,but back then her character was seemingly respected and adored,as well as the actress.

    NOW...not so much. I used to run home back in the day,to watch my tape,and I'd rewind and rewatch scenes with Tracy in them.

    I do that very seldom now. That could be a good thing or a bad thing,depending on your POV.

    Anyway, I'm at the point where I don't even care about Lacy anymore,just as long as JE still gets airtime and Tracy gets things to do. A romance with someone who would appreciate her would be nice.

    I want to see her contract get renewed,but ONLY if it means a man who will care about her,a storyline life outside said man,and time with her family,and respectable airtime.

    IF it doesn't mean that, I'd rather they just let her go. I can't take two or three more years of five minutes a week being the butt of Luke's jokes.

    MF would you mind sharing the bulk of your letter to Jane,and the others?

    I started a letter last night,a rough draft.

    I'm not happy with it yet.

    About the SOW stuff:

    I too have had a dreadful feeling of foreboding,even before I read the "Laura might come back" stuff.

    I have had it all week and haven't been able to shake it.

    I can see TIIC totally destroying Tracy's character to make room for Laura's return.

    I can see them dumping Jane so they can pay GF's salary.

    I can see all sorts of things happening.

    And while I don't want Jane to leave,as I said above,it may be the best thing,if things are just going to continue status quo.

    Personally I don't think GF will return full time,and seriously how far can they go with Laura in a sanitarium?

    Unless they have her fully recover and return home and appear recurring,there's a limit to what they can do.

    Besides that,if she did come out of her catatonic state,she still KILLED Rick Webber,and wouldn't she go to jail?

    I think in the end GF won't do it,or GH won't bend,because she's asking for a huge amount of money I bet.

    And personally I don't think she's worth it. And that has nothing to do with Tracy or JE or Lacy. I just think she's not all that.

    Would she raise the ratings?

    Probably for a while,just like JE did for a while.

    But people have so many options on TV these days.

    IF her return is crap,people will tune out,and GH's big bucks will be all for nada.

    End of SOW talk

    Eh,I don't know. LOL

    I'm really,really frustrated about JE's airtime and all.

    So that's one reason why I don't want to post too much.

    I think posting about it just aggravates it.

    I do miss you guys,and I like I said may lurk and stuff,but I think until I see a light at the end of this tunnel my posting is going to be few and far between.

    I think though that this post is worth about four or five regular ones,LOL.

    I want Fic updates,people.

    NOW. :P

    ETA *waves to Keith*

  11. Ya'll I might need to take a break from the boards for a while.

    Maybe just a wee little while,I may still lurk and stuff and who knows? My break may be just a few days or weeks but Jane's not on,the show doesn't interest me otherwise,and truthfully I don't have much to say.


    I may still pop in and read fics and stuff,but as far as posting I don't know.

    Soap Message Boards(with the possible exception of this thread) are just not nice places,LOL...and they tend to bring out the worst in me.

    Before I started posting on them,I think I was a fairly nice person.

    Now...LOL,not so much.

    But anyway,I'll miss you guys.

    I do need a break,though.


    I'll be back. Just not right now.

  12. *waves to everyone*

    Welcome Bella.

    EH,not much to say since she hasn't been on.

    I think I might try being spoiler free for a while....all the spoilers do is get my hopes up or make me mad or nervous...LOL. So I might try it for a while.

    Hopefully TQ will be on today.

    ETA Ms.Q what thread on SOC was it? I went into the best actress this year(JE was next to last. :(

    and I couldn't find what you were talking about,was that the right thread?

    Oh,this just isn't a good time right now for Tracy fans.

    I wish I knew already if she's going to re-sign.

    November is not that far away at all.

  13. spoiler talk

    First Ms.Q I forgot to say earlier,your comment about the coma....I have also thought the same thing. It would be a cheap easy way to "write her off" until TG gets back,but I'm starting to wonder if TG being around even makes a difference in JE's airtime.

    Let's face it,JE's airtime all last year and even this year when he's been around,has been sporadic.

    About the baby,I honestly doubt they'd have Nik with a baby AND Lulu,within months of each other.

    I can't see Tracy taking care of the baby even if she had it,it'd take nine months for it to get here,and Guza's comment was "slammed"(to me this means something dramatic but IMMEDIATE) back into "motherhood"(how is being a GRANDMA motherhood?) in a BIG way.

    SID also said(I lurked at the counter at WalMart) that those left behind would have a big story while TG is gone.

    Now of course the "big" adventure last fall lasted three days,so who knows?

    I doubt Lulu gets pregnant,but I bet it causes some friction at the Q's,(between all of the four...Dillon,Lulu,Tracy,Luke).

    TG is supposed to be on air until early July,come back for two weeks,(the SID blurb said he'd be needed,my guess is Lulu is kidnapped by Helena), and then leave again and come back late September(not sure if late September is his return airdate or return to tape).

    spoiler talk over

    And WOO ! this was a long post.

    I hate that it might be all about the teens, but if it gets JE airtime,I'm all for it. I guess. :) LOL

    And what board were you debating on,Ms.Q?


    SOC? Nah,couldn't be,right? LOL

  14. *cries*

    I miss my girl.

    Um yeah you know Justus's death will be all about Sonny/Jason,and maybe Lorenzo/Diego.


    spoiler talk

    I hadn't thought about the coma thing.


    They may do it.

    I can see nothing physically happening to our girl at first,..but Helena being very mad that Tracy is thwarting yet another plot of hers,and THEN going after Ned/Dillon/Lulu or Tracy herself.

    I can see Luke offering condolences to the Q's...he and Justus were friends once.

    I can also see the old "Edward goes off on Tracy in front of Luke" thing happening because I can see Edward taking his grief out on her first and foremost.

    I can see Edward saying something to her like," Justus was worth ten of you."

    BUT that would mean the writers give the Q's actual real angst and drama....very iffy indeed.

    Bah humbug on Holly.

    WHAT For?


    I just don't get it....all I see is,one more reason NOT to progress Lacy in any way,shape or form.


    And the eulogy thing....I doubt it's Skye.

    She'll probably be on her way out of town,and I think Edward is going to be sufficiently mad enough to give a good ranting at the memorial service.

    spoiler talk over

    *waves back to MinervaFan*

    So peeps...yes Luke is a dog,but I'll probably hope until the very end (of JE's or TG's or both's contracts)that Lacy will be given a fighting chance.

    Yeah he's awful,but in a way that just proves she's his match,LOL.

    But the ***** thing at the end of June....not making me happy.

    Not at all.

  15. *waves*

    MinervaFan I liked your stories.

    The Tracy/Alan one....more,please. I love them.

    How I love my Tracy. *sigh*

    And no....I'll never be a convert. There's no way I'll ever like Alice,she just annoys me to no end and I don't find her funny.

    Sorry. :(

    Maybe she'll be on today,isn't today the day the Q's find out about Justus?

    Question: spoiler related:

    If the "Motherhood" spoiler is Lulu related,you think the plot bunny about Tracy sacrificing herself for Lulu,either deliberately or accidentally,will come to pass?

    What if anything would you like the spoiler to be about?

    I'd rather the motherhood thing be Helena getting mad because Tracy steps in to defend Lulu from Helena,but Helena hurts or tries to hurt Ned or Dillon instead.

    I want it to be about her OWN children.

    But hey I'll take what I can get,especially since the chance of it being about Ned are slim to none.

    spoiler talk over

  16. Bumping to say liked the story MinervaFan.

    Also to say JE has one 23 year old son who is in art school in California I think,and her daughter is still at home,only 16,so she's got a few more years of school.

    ETA as far as I know,Annie Rose lives in Ca with her mom and goes to school there.

    spoiler talk

    Well I guess it wasn't a typo,although I had heard nothing about ES coming back this soon,only that she wanted to again.

    I don't see the point. Neither one of those ladies raised ratings,in fact FH's return week the ratings dropped.

    Oh,joy. :) And in keeping with the positive theme I'll leave it at that.

    I can at least say the ratings went from 3.1 to 3.6 JE's return week in November 2003.




    spoiler talk over

  17. I think that's a typo Ms.Q and they meant the other person we already know about that is coming back. I think the spoiler person messed up.

    In keeping with the positive theme, if things keep going the way they are, maybe Jane won't be asked to re-sign in November,or if they do ask her,maybe she'll say no.

    And truthfully while it'll hurt to lose Tracy Q and I'll hate to lose JE....I'm not all that sad about it right now because it might be the best thing.

    And I know that doesn't sound positive,LOL....but I think if things don't change,she truly will be better off elsewhere anyway.

    Uh.....that's about as positive as I'm going to get.

    We have JE for NOW.

    We have Tracy for NOW.

    Let's appreciate. :)

    She's (TQ and JE) awesome,isn't she? :)

  18. About Larry/Tracy....hmmm MinervaFan needs to read "Solace," doesn't she Ms.Q.

    I have a feeling she'd fall in love with Victor Cassadine and Tracy just like I did.

    But maybe not.

    Anyway,it had probably the most realistic fic portrayal of them.

    I never really thought about them being all about sex.

    I know Larry had a girlfriend when he married her,or mistress,that's a better word,and he married her for her money,and just like the story in Solace I do believe Tracy mentioned once that she walked in on them in bed together.

    I think Tracy loved Larry and once upon a time Larry loved Tracy...I think they were better friends than anything else...but then Tracy usually can carry off male friendship better than any marriage or affair.

    But all about sex?

    Not from my point of view,but that's just me.

    And yeah....trying to stay positive so I won't make a comment about this week's airtime.

    Nope. I won't.

  19. I agree angel I think JE deserves better and I don't think Lulu is all that special.

    Just another character,just another soap teen.

    I think people online (and offline too I guess) get excited about "new" characters....Lulu's not new but SORAS'd Lulu is. Then when the bloom wears off I think we see them a little more clearly and I think that's what's happening with this character,of course I disliked her from the get go,LOL.

    BUT I'm willing to give anything that might give JE airtime/or even a story or supporting role in someone else's story,a chance.

    *hugs to Keith. THANKS !

    *waves* to Ms.Q who is lurking. :)

  20. Keith please post here more often.

    You make me smile.

    Oh Ms.Q. You're going to make me wait,aren't you?

    Not even a teeny hint?


    Thanks everyone for the Birthday Wishes,*waves to coolkid.

    ABout the spoiler Ms.Q....I don't like the idea of it being ALL.ABOUT.Lulu.

    Why not her actual children? But if it gets her airtime(staying with a positive tone) I'm ALL FOR IT !

    I really liked the little brief banter Robert and Tracy had going.

    I thought JE looked like she was about to bust out laughing when Robert said, "even after we shared a bed," LOL

    Yeah it was stupid but I liked it.

    TR/JE have sparkly chemistry,if they could just take it up a notch and do something with it.

  21. Awww....Ms.Q I didn't mean to depress you.

    But it really is depressing,isn't it?

    LOL Oh,well. :)

    I wish it wasn't this way,but.....

    I can't believe those MediaNet Pics....they are misleading,just like any spoilers,aren't they?

    Well...maybe if we all together just think positive thoughts.


    No negativity for a while.

    Let's see what happens.

    Thinking positive can't hurt,right? Seriously...if we start talking and thinking positive about it,who knows?

    Me,I'm gonna pray. LOL

    Well, I am. :)

    The **** spoiler you brought up,Ms.Q....have you seen it elsewhere?

    And yay !

    Tracy's on for whatever length of time today.


    CAuse she could have NOT been on at all.

    How's that for positive?

    How am I doing?

    You like?


  22. LOL

    Keith are you referring to watching the show as being painful?


    I know Ms.Q does....but I just don't have the strength unless it's a strong Tracy day,then I might if I don't want to wait for clips.

    Is it sadder that Tracy is married to probably THE most famous male character ever so far on daytime,yet JE gets five minutes a week...

    Or is it sadder that the time she does get is wasted on petty childish stuff like what she and TG have been given to do lately,or is it sadder that....

    With TR back,JE's airtime isn't likely to change much,if at all?

    I mean really guys.....WHAT'S going to happen when TG goes on vacation??

    And why am I on the verge of tears thinking about it?

    Oh,it's not just about Tracy,in fact since I have to say I adore JE's acting much more than Tracy the character,I have to say my bitterness is much more that poor JE is just being wasted.


    I can understand someone not thinking JE is as brilliant as we all do,but flat out wasting her,and the character of Tracy?

    I don't get that at all.

    And TG will be gone in about a month if his schedule follows last year's.

    So,I guess they better get to this "Robert and Tracy make Luke jealous" thing.

    Or was last week IT?


    What about the ABC MEdiaNet pics. WAs today the show that has those in it?

    Or will she be on tomorrow,since they're slated for this week?

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