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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Maurice Benard is getting his big ManicDepressiveStory,and NLG/KMo are getting their story,Scrubs is popular,the summer is coming up and the teens will be featured...so anyone expecting Jane to get an abundance of airtime this summer....LOL

    *pats silly TQ lovers on the head*

    Aahh...I hope I'm wrong.

    Will continue to think positive thoughts...but again I'll say,when SBu gets more airtime in one episode than JE gets all frackin' week...that's just WRONG.

    I'm an Arkansan.

    Or Arkansawan,as we say in jest.

    I have been to NO before,just once,last year,briefly.

    Visiting friends,actually they live in Pontchatoula(I KNOW I mispelled that,LOL)

    MinervaFan I hope all your family is okay in spite of the hurricane last year

    And yes by all means more Tracy/Ned.

    Hey Tracy's on today.

    Even if it's only a few minutes,that's cause for celebration. :)

  2. Wow I am falling behind on replying to things people say,LOL....I have been so busy lately I just zip through posts.

    *hangs head in shame*

    With that said....how was Wisconsin Ms.Q ? Do you have family there?

    I spent last Saturday ALL DAY almost,at the zoo with my sister and her three children.

    I love them,but.....(and to think it was MY idea). :)

    Then to Shreveport and the Boardwalk,that I'd never been to.

    Welcome to DevotedToAMC :)

    MinervaFan that Ned/Tracy fic...hate to be cliche but you had me at "Don't!"

    I LURVE Ned/Tracy scenes,Ned/Tracy stories.

    More than Tracy/anyone,pretty much...except maybe Tracy/Luke.


    Another one.

    Yes,I'm THAT greedy.

    Can't wait for your other story.

    *waves to Keith who posted a few pages back.

    Post more often Keith. You're missed around here.


    And yes my twelve hours at work,eh yesterday was EOM and sooo much to do,but every day is hectic.

    NO,I do not plan on repeating that today,however.


    SID seems to be the only mag with TQ spoilers,and in Summer Spoilers Guza just says that no one will apparently be with the ones they want to be with.

    Doesn't sound very happy for anyone,does it?


    Also,a blurb that Tracy MIGHT use Robert to get to Luke.

    Awww...I love she's mentioned at all.

    But IMO she's so above that crap.


    Also heard a rumor that TG might not be taking his summer break.

    I doubt he'd skip the whole thing,but I could see him pretaping and seemingly cutting it short.

    We'll see I guess.

    Has anyone else read or heard that?

    spoiler talk over

  3. Who wants to guess at JE's airtime this week?

    More than five minutes?

    Less than five?

    Or five.right.on.the.dot.



    S'anyway Ms.Q,are we going to get any outside views of people NOT in the elevator?

    I'd love to see Luke and Sam waiting on Jason and Tracy,having their own little conversation.

    Lovin' the story though.

    It's sooo...don't take this the wrong way,but CUTE.



    I'm outta here.

    I've been at work 12 hours.

    Time to go home.

    Me tired.

  4. *sigh* I hate when I accidentally erase my whole post.

    I'm not a big fan of Tracy getting shot over IT.

    Yeah,I went there.

    I despise Lulu THAT much.

    I'd make it Tracy getting shot over Edward,Dillon,Ned,Alan,heck even Skye and her baby over LOO-LOO.


    Although,I did have a plot bunny in my head that Tracy steps in (this was back when I didn't totally hate Lulu and thought she and Tracy would rock as friends) when Helena tried to kidnap Lulu,only to have Tracy help Lulu escape and get kidnapped herself.

    Not shot over the little heifer.

    Just temporarily detained. LOL

    If she were going to get shot protecting someone,yeah I'd rather it were her sons or husband.

    Now her protecting LUKE I'd love that.

    I soooo want JE to have those Emmy scenes.

    She was on FIVE minutes last week. None so far this week.

    She's being wasted,and it's a crying shame.


  5. Yeah....it's pretty much a waste for me to watch live.

    If I don't know Tracy's on,I don't bother.

    I honestly,no joke,cringe at the thought of sitting through the show waiting to see who's on.

    Just give me live recaps.

    If TQ is on,I tape off SN later that night,or the next day/weekend,and then I watch my tape.

    But watching live?

    I can't do it.


  6. *waves to Ms.Q who is lurking.

    Any more scoops?

    And I also read chapters 4-5 of your new fic.

    I like it !

    I read "Oh Baby" too...

    and coolkid's update,and "Homelands."

    It's all good.

    I'm so spoiled with the TQ fics.

    ETA MinervaFan I liked your fic,too.

    I haven't had a chance to watch your vid although I'm sure it's spectacular. :)

    spoiler talk

    About the Helena/Luke thing...is that a sure thing?

    I can't see her NOT being around him.

    Hope this means some Tracy/Helena too. :)

  7. Love your vid Ms.Q,I only watched once but off the top of my head I don't know if I'd change anything.

    Love your missing scene and update too !

    Awwww....Alan's trying to help his sister.


    My fave brother/sister ever.


    I too probably won't be around until at least MOnday or even Tuesday,so my guess is it'll be a quiet weekend for this thread.

    Everyone have a great Memorial Day,stay safe and see ya later !

    Love the banner Ms.Q.

  8. ROFLMAO. You are a seriously demented person.


    Actually,most of the time I'm almost normal.

    It's stress.

    I need to take leave.

    I am thinking more and more about a week up in Eureka Springs....BY MYSELF.

    Shopping,hiking,cavern exploring,kayaking(okay I can't swim other than a feeble dog paddle so kayaking is out), taking in a show,staying at a B&B...aaahhh...that's the ticket.

    Fresh Mountain Air. Solitude.

    Actually just thinking about it when I get stressed,is helping me relax.


    Hey I work for the government. What can I say?

    PS If I'm demented,you're demented.

    We're both June babies.

    You're about five years and one week older than me,but still....LOL

    Yes,that's right...June 11th is my day.

    I'll be 35.

    I am now at the HUMP.

    You know the hump I mean.

    *sigh* that vacation,now I KNOW I have to take it.

    spoiler talk

    Robert and Tracy grow too close for comfort for Luke and he contacts Anna.

    From SD,grain of salt,though it sounds interesting.

  9. I agree with you MinervaFan,and maybe there will be more to it,I'd forgotten about that Robert spoiler.

    It could mean a lot of things,though.

    We'll see.

    My guess is Robert refuses to run Luke out,but also refuses to leave himself. So now Edward is stuck with both of them.



    Isn't that FUNNY???


  10. MinervaFan I don't know about the "yet",I haven't watched so I can't say.

    I finally watched Wednesday's show.

    The two minutes of Tracy every time she's on,is getting old.

    As far as them being subtle,all I can think is that when I first heard Robert would be moving in and (maybe) trying to get Tracy's attention,was that HELLO !

    What a chance for drama.

    Here's Edward,the disapproving father,paying Luke's friend to basically get rid of Luke and break Lacy up.

    It could be good drama if done well.

    The fact that Robert was being paid by Edward could even be kept secret from the audience for a while,and definitely secret from Tracy.

    Ah,the potential.

    Would Tracy like the attention,or reject him?

    Would Robert really like Tracy,or just be doing it for the money?

    See,IMO...now that not only we,but every player,knows Robert is being paid,first of all it puts Luke and Tracy both on their guards.

    Would have been much more interesting to see Robert catch one or both of them offguard.

    Oh,they would have figured it out shortly,neither one of them is dumb.

    Both pretty street smart IMO.

    But still....the getting there could have been fabulous.

    NOW,what we'll get,is a lot of silliness.

    No great dramatic confrontation between Edward and Tracy,or Luke/Robert,or Tracy/Luke Tracy/Robert for that matter.

    Don't get me wrong,I'm grateful to get to see Jane.

    But man oh man...my patience is wearing thin with the hijinks.

    Now if Robert actually decided he cared about Tracy after a bit,THAT might be interesting.

    But with **** coming back this summer,I doubt we'll get that,either.

  11. MinervaFan that scene with Harlan,they don't seduce him,they just slip him a mickey.

    However yes it IS one of TQ's all time best scenes ever.

    Funny and a little sad considering Tracy up until that point kinda liked Harlan,that is until she finds out he's chasing Lucy too,which in part leads up to them drugging him..

    He of course mostly blames Tracy. LOL

    Story of her life. :)

    Wonderful scene,though.

  12. So basically same old same old today?

    How does Luke owe Tracy BIG now?

    Isn't fifteen million big enough?

    Now you're going to tell me a little skimming of her accounts,which Luke apparently does quite often,is suddenly big?


    Today doesn't even sound worth watching.

    Is it?

  13. *waves*

    spoiler talk

    I keep hearing rumblings about a BIG story with Luke/Robert (and I guess Sam and Nik too,)taking Helena down during the summer.

    Maybe if it happens Anna will be a part of this.

    I don't know about Jane's airtime.

    I'm afraid to spec,honestly....but surely with Robert around it'll be better than last year?

    Does anyone else get the feeling that Luke is going to fake his death,or be presumed dead,this time when he takes his vacation?

    Something just gives me that feeling,especially with the Spencer/Cassadine thing being rumored.

    I don't know. Just a feeling.

    spoiler talk over

  14. I forgot to post this,SID had a little article called "Frenemies,"and Luke/Tracy are one pair in it.

    It has that great shot of them together that was taken when they did one of their joint interviews last year,with Jane and the blue jacket and Tony in the gray shirt.

    Basically says there isn't much Tracy/Luke don't know about each other,and even less they like.

    Talks about their marriage.

    Why they can't get enough: As Luke sets out to tame his shrew,Luke's verbal sparring wtih nasty Tracy wreaks of foreplay because they're obviously hot for each other. Says they like hearing Luke call Tracy "my precious pink popsicle".

    Also has two pics with blurbs,says Nothing gets under Tracy's skin like seeing Luke under her roof and that Tracy insists she doesn't care if Luke still loves Skye but they think she protests too much.

    More TQ quotes:

    Alan and Tracy fighting over the TV remote:

    Alan wants to watch the football game,Tracy says" I want to watch "Love is a Many Splendored Thing",they're fighting over the remote and Alan finally says,"Oh go ahead and watch it,it's the closest you'll ever get to it !"

    Tracy to Marco on JE's last airdate in 93: "Marco,I don't travel with people who carry Lenny's Gym bags."(or something to that effect).

    Heather has passed out. Tracy says,"Wave a couple of fifties under her nose,that'll perk her right up."

    Tracy is the one who coined Lucy Coe's nickname "Juicy Lucy."

    Tracy to Lois in 95: "I can tell English isn't your first language."

    *crosses fingers for TQ today*

  15. Tracy to Monica in 93: "Daddy banished me from the castle."

    Tracy to Monica,same scene: "Sometimes I just hate being me."

    Tracy to AJ,forget the year: "Despite what they tell you in AA,self esteem isn't for everyone."

    To Luke Spencer: "There isn't enough alcohol in the world to make me marry you."

    About Jax/Courtney: "The blond leading the blond."

    To Ned about his father Lord Larry: "Your father was so sweet,the first six months we were married,I wanted to eat him with a spoon. After that I was sorry I didn't."(not sure of the exact quote)

    To Jenny after the hit and run: "I am not a monster."

    To Scott after he dumped her: "We don't start fresh. You hurt me very deeply."

    I'll think of more later I hope. :)

  16. I'm going to enjoy Tracy/Jane while I have her.

    Sure the story might not always be desirable or good.

    But at least we get to see her.

    I read the spumors/spoilers and thought the worst,and of course the writing is already not the best.

    But she'll be ON !! LOL

    And really that's the main thing I care about,even if the story is bad.

    I'd rather see her in something good,but NO ONE on canvas IMO is getting a good story.

    So.....Tracy in a subpar story is better than no Tracy at all,I say.


    That also relates to the spumors.

    I feel Tracy's above the childish "let's make ______ jealous."

    But....I'd rather see her do that than nothing at all.

  17. No nex you're not the only one who noticed.


    What I want to see re: the spoilers

    I want to see the conversations between Tracy and Edward when she finds out what he is doing,the talks between Luke and Robert...what will he say to Robert,and how will Robert react?

    Will Robert accuse Luke of being in love with his wife?

    The conversations between Edward and Robert,Edward and Luke.

    The conversations between Luke/Tracy and Tracy/Robert.

    What will Edward do if/when Robert refuses to force Luke out of the Q's house?

    Will Edward give up,and that's the end of plot point 1,000? Will Robert refuse to work for Edward and yet refuse to move out?


    Should be interesting.

    spoiler talk over

  18. I agree,I don't want a "serious" romantic triangle.

    It'd be cute though for Robert to have a little crush,and for Tracy to be clueless about it at first.

    I remembered something else I liked about Friday's show that kept me from hating Luke too much.

    I think first of all that Tracy and Robert BOTH seemed equally distressed at being in bed together,so I don't think it was just a jab at Jane or Tracy,and I think that Robert was reacting to more about who Tracy IS,than her physical appearance.

    They don't call her a man eating barracuda for nothing. She's earned a lot of her reputation,and Robert has known her for years...and probably does fear her.

    Double agents he can deal with,but Tracy Quartermaine?

    That's tough.

    Also,Luke DID call her "my scrumptious wife"...which made me smile. I loved that part.

    I'd love to see the three of them on a real adventure....I like the vibe a lot.

  19. I also think the scene with Robert and Tracy on the bed wasn't that bad.

    I think TG played it with a sense of reluctance,definitely different from last year with Coleman.

    And,all in all....it wasn't the same thing,not at all.

    Yeah Luke should not have drugged Tracy,but still.....

    spoiler talk

    I think the whole Edward paying Robert to seduce Tracy away from Luke could be great with good writers.

    I'm hoping it won't be all for laughs and we'll see genuine emotion from all parties.

    Luke supposedly finds out what Robert is doing,and offers him a "better" deal as co-runner of the HS.

    Nik finds out and offers Sam a job as Hostess(eww to this. Just ewww...I don't want Sam involved in any way with Tracy. Period.

    UGH. No to this.

    Sam isn't charming,funny,interesting...Sam needs to stay on her side of the canvas.


    I still want to know how Robert turns the tables on Edward,unless this means Robert decides he likes Tracy,too.

    He's supposed to be "fascinated" with her.


    For real,or is this just how the others see it?

    I also want to know what Tracy does that makes Luke owe her.

    spoiler talk over.

    Hope she's on today.


  20. I liked Friday.

    I think Tracy was upset when Luke came in the bedroom with the camera,I don't know about her breaking down.

    I also like the vibe between Robert/Tracy/Luke.

    I like it a LOT.

    I also liked the little kiss and the "Happy Anniversary."

    The spoilers sound good,if TIIC don't mess them up.


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