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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. They really did a number on Diego didn't they? From Sam's sexy therapist to Emily's rapist to the international terrorist who "murdered" Damian in a span of a year. I have some Feb 97 eps of the CBS soaps around the time of Diego's murder and during a "Men of CBS Daytime" promo a shirtless Pickett is featured as ATWT's hottie. Ick.

    This was right before Holden's return which if I recall right was New Year's '97. Paul and Sara don't seem too bad here, and I liked the little bit at the end there with Connor and Kirk.

    Bianca got a mention later on by way of James Stenbeck when confronting Lucinda upon his return.

    You should upload the episodes on youtube. They would be nice to see again.

  2. Wasn't there some rumour that they might start releasing Knots on DVD again once Dallas was done? I'm waiting... Even if it was oine of those burn on dmenad DVD things surely it would sell well enough.

    I am surprised they havent done the DVD on demand yet for Knots...and I am still waiting for season 3 of Falcon Crest on DVD on demand....

  3. LOL, oddly enough, he was one of the soap hunks I actually thought was hot, usually I am not so much when they bring someone on and I know they are supposed to be a "hunk." But Walters brought a kind of quiet intensity to it. Wanst a great actor but there was something about him that made him a bit more then the typical boring hunk.

    On the other hand that Mike Kasnoff never did anything for me. I always felt he was too organge and his hair was weird. Last year I turned on Days of Our Lives and he was on it, and wouldnt you know, he was even MORE orange and had exactley the same hair. Dude, let the 80s go!

    I agree Mitch with you about Walters...and LOL about Shawn Christian...so true.....lol

  4. what a completely random picture. I had to look at it twice...at first glimpse I thought that was Maura with the Brothers Kasnoff.

    Ha....that was during that whole gambling/casino opening storyline..ugh...I just hated it...but damn do the Kasnoff brothers look fine....wouldnt mind be a sandwich with them...lol

  5. I was reading a pretty standard article about Dallas, which had some surprisingly good details. One thing I noticed is that the article says the producers reached out to Joan Van Ark and Ted Shackelford to appear in an episode. It would've been a small appearance, but imagine how nice that would've been! We could've had Gary and Val reunited with Lucy and hell, seeing them at all would've been amazing! Ted is the reason they didn't appear. He said the role wasn't big enough and turned it down. sad.png Now we know where the rumors of JVA appearing came from. I wonder if there's a chance she DID film the cameo by herself.

    What do you guys think? Personally I find it short-sighted on Ted's part because who knows what this could lead to. They might be thinking of a Knots Landing spin-off and could do that by testing things out with guest appearances by Gary & Val and maybe Bobby and Betsy if Dallas is a big enough hit. Or even on Dallas there might be a place for them. I think it's great the writers tried to include Knots even if it wasn't successful.

    Here's a link to the article: http://www.tvguide.c...gs-1048494.aspx

    Ted is an ass....he would have been a nobody had it not been for Gary Ewing.

    off topic but Id love to see Season 3 of Knots on DVD.

  6. Fortunately, I have picked up all the ATWT sets so far. I really do hope there isn't a Katie DVD coming because I could see myself not buying it. I just couldnt stand the character or actor in the role. I think a best of ATWT like the first release would be best to make everyone happy.

    As for GL....I have them all except for the last 10 episodes DVD release....I cant bring myself to buy a DVD that features the worst of GL on DVD....the show stop being GL during Wheeler's time as EP.

  7. It may just be that it was around the first of the month or a number of things I've speculated in my mind. Hopefully it will sell as well or better as time goes on. This is probably my favorite ATWT DVD so far.

    It's a shame the sales are starting out rather slow on it. James Stenbeck was a central character of ATWT through the years. I can't wait to get my copy. I didn't realize the Ruxton Hills story is included in the DVD. I saw the free video of Ruxton Hills story and loved it.

    I wish there was a dvd concentrating on decades...like an 80s DVD release..say with 30 or so episodes....a 90's DVD release...and so on........I for one hope we do get more classic ATWT DVDs.

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