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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. Martha is a bit of a limited actress, I certainly don't consider her a master thespian or anything. But in terms of playing spoiled, immature, idiotic, selfish, uptight, yet strangely lovable Lily she took the cake. She WAS Lily and I couldn't fully accept anybody else in the role. She was like that annoying little sister who made the same stupid mistakes over and over that you couldn't help but adore. Martha as Rose was WAY too over the top for me though.

    I hated Rose....lol.....what an awful character...

  2. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I think Heather was a superior Lily.

    I can no longer stand to watch anything with Martha Byrne, who I think is entirely overrated as an actress.

    I'd love to see me some Lily vs Barbara. Like I said I personally loved Heather as Lily. She could be a total bitch, yet sympathetic and everything else thats left. Martha's Lily could never play a bitch...lol..nor could Noelle's Lily. The well rounded Lily was Heather's version. It took me a while to warm up to Heather's Lily but once i did I thought she was awesome as Lily. I actually felt bad when I heard the news she was leaving and Martha was returning.

    Roger you have to give us some Barbara vs Lily scenes in a possible Barbara release DVD. I love the way Lily was railroading Barbara yet acting so innocent...lol

  3. Heather was a stone cold Lily that was jarring for me personally but some liked it. A number of people mentioned that wedding so I was hoping to include it. I love Noelle Beck as a beautiful human being but in terms of making the 10 episodes on the DVD tell a story, her Lily was all over the map. Seeing Lily suddenly sleeping with a 20 year old Mike Kasnoff made no sense. Thinking back, her Lily sure did a lot in 2 years time.

    I was glad to finally work in a good Terry Lester episode and a good Tom Eplin episode for fans who have been wanting that. The first two have a lot of Doug Cummings, we see young Scott DeFreitas and Andy Kavovit on the 1987 summer episode, they go on location for Holden and Emily's wedding (I love Melanie Smith) and there's lots of cool things included in each in addition to the Lily and Holden romance.

    I am one of the Heather fans as Lily. Its a shame the wedding isnt including in the DVD. I was really looking forward to owning it on DVD.....I knew a Lily and Holden DVD set had to come out. Now going to see the list...bummed about no Rattray as Lily.

  4. What is on the Dutch ATWT disks is it same as US, the packaging looks pretty!

    I'd be okay with occasions, but that should not be the main thrust. For example around Thanksgiving time, they have a few holiday episodes to celebrate. Otherwise I think the themescould be avoided unless they are a lot more specific.

    The Dutch DVD release has the same episodes as the US version . I like the Dutch packaging better than the US version. The US version looks very cheap.

  5. I hope that, once they start online viewing, that it's not per occasions. That thing is better off suited for the DVD releases. If they're going to do it online, I would love to see whole years put up, where you can actually watch the show in order and in full. It could even be done on a 5-episodes per week basis, if not in bulk.

    I'm not sure if the 70s are available (that might have been a GREAT place to start) but I think the Marland years would be must.

    The earliest they have is 1979.

  6. Definitely let them know what you want to see!

    It asked for the years...it was hard to rank them for me...but on the blank space I specified what years of ATWT and Guiding Light I wanted....I want me some Connor vs Lucinda dammit....lol....and some old school Barbara vs Lucinda stuff...that was golden.

  7. So, although the television news won't outright say it, it does appear she was using close enough to her death that it showed up in her toxicology report. Sucks. I for some reason believed she was over the street drugs and was just doing the alcohol, prescription drugs and maybe some weed.

    It seems all sugar coated to me......like Pat didnt know Whitney was still doing cocain....GMAB.

  8. Was it an email survey Soapsuds?

    Yes it was. I can't wait for another release because I get 10% off next purchase...lol...the survey was about online viewing....were you interested in it ....what would you watch(what years) and how would you watch it.

    Also how much would you pay for the service......and it asked if you had any comments..etc..etc....

  9. I'm Breathless 7.1

    American Life 3.8

    Hard Candy 3.6

    Her 3 worst albums IMO.......I was surprised I'm Breathless wasnt dead last in sales but this is worldwide not US sales. Hard Candy was another awful album. American Life was just blah...had one hit but thats it.

    I am surpised You can Dance didnt do better of course it is the same songs just remixed. i did purchase the CD. I own them all except for the 3 above plus her Confessions and Bedtime Stories....I did get those that were hits from those albums on singles....Its tough for me to say which was her best album....has to be a tie between ...True Blue and Like A Virgin album with her debut very close behind.

    WTF with my post....whats up with the board..lol

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