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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. We wouldn't have been able to include the Bob and Kim singing to each other scene and I didn't want to cut that out so I decided to make that one the free episode.

    Wow..I tell you those music rights sure mess up DVD releases.

    I felt slightly confused for a moment watching the episode. Mark Pinter and Gregg Marx looked so much alike I mistook them for each other. tongue.png

    LOL....Mark Pinter is no Gregg Marx......GM is sex on stick....MP isnt....

  2. Floved the free episode. Wish it was included in the dvd set. Gawd....did I have a crush on Greg Marx and Breck Jamison who played Jay...mmmmmm....great to see him on the episode. So many great vets on that one show. How I missed those days on ATWT at the end. I wish the set would have been a 20 set. I hadnt forgotten what that whole mess with Lisa was and that actor Cyer I think is his name who had a gun to Lisa at the party. And Lyndsay Frost...love me some her.....I love how they tried to make her look like Meg Ryan with the short hair. I prefered her with her long hair later in the years. I see SBH was HW of the show. ATWT had some great years in the 80s that I loved even before Marland came in.

  3. That's also Justin Deas' last episode. For a sendoff, they have him in drag.

    Craig says you're welcome but to send a message that Hunt Block sucks.

    I think Lyla passed Margo off as Bart's daughter, not sure if he knew about it (or he may have known and left her).

    LMAO.....Carl.....and I wonder why Justin Deas left?? Was it because his wife left?? It didnt take him long to show up again on SB.

    I have a collect of 25 episodes covering Bob and Kim's wedding so I'm not sure about this, but it's so tempting since it's high quality and this is my favorite soap couple! Who am I kidding? Of course I will purchase this eventually lol.


    I meant Carl, I had Craig on the brain laugh.pngtongue.png

    You're a mess child!....LOL

  4. Was reading the article about Tom and Margo on the Greatest Soap Couples on WLS and I never knew John Dixon was Margo's dad, is he Craig's dad too? For some reason I always thought Margo and Craig were full siblings


    Margo's parents are John Dixon and Lyla Peretti........Craig had a different father....I dont recall who he was...I am sure Carl knows...and his mother is Lyla. So they are half siblings

  5. This is great timing! It will arrive just in time for my birthday!happy.png

    I actually expected a GL release in September since the last release was the James Stenbeck one which is so far the best in my book.

    I honestly couldn't remember anything distinctive about Lucy Deakins (which is probably why they replaced her) but she's actually pretty decent in her few appearances on this DVD. Martha would come on about a month later.

    Does anyone know the exact date Ben Hendrickson debuted on ATWT?

    Yeah, Lucy Deakins was forgettable. I had forgotten someone else besides Martha had played Lily. Did Deakins leave and thus the recast or was she fired??

  6. Awesome...awesome...awesome...Just placed my order for the DVD set! Can't wait to get it in the mail!

    Who played Sierra during this time

    Finn Carter

    I'd forgotten Lucy Deakins was still there.

    The best part of the reception is the singing so many do. And when John put on polka music for the first dance. I just loved it. I don't think I can ever feel that way about a soap again.

    I saw Lucy Deakins in one of the episodes on another dvd release and she was ok just rather boring to watch....LOL.

  7. Picking Ryan was a dream come true for the democrats because unlike so many hacks Ryan at least puts some ideas out--ideas to be destroyed and him along with it. Romney can duck every issue and say he is severely conservative and shoots varmints, but Ryan has talked actual specifics in the past. He won't be able to dodge like Palin and blame everything on the lamestream media.

    Romney was ill served by his competitors this spring. Amateurs, religious lunatics, whack jobs and book peddlers are not going to prepare you for a real campaign. He doesn't have any response on this whole tax return issue and now he is bringing on a VP whose claim to fame is he wants to lower taxes on the rich! Newt said it best, "right wing social engineering" and I am sure we will be hearing that phrase more than once this fall.

    Like they need more money....no way in hell would I vote for someone who is part of a team like that...I didnt think Romney was that stupid although he does look it....but I was wrong...stupid.

  8. Final Season of MP (Season 7) is out on DVD today. Finally! I can have the whole collection. wub.png

    I preordered it on Amazon so I should be getting it within the next week. So excited! But also so sad to know that I'm almost finished with the series. sad.png

    I have all the seasons and need to pick up the last season but havent ordered or bought it yet.....

  9. The main time I enjoyed Reid was when Luke wasn't around.

    Reid was so refreshing. He was John Dixon 2.0. I remember some thought he might be John's son by some other woman. Its too bad the show went to hell cause Goutman refused to focus on veteran cast and great newbies and instead was bent hell with his ABC castaways.....

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