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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. This sounds so good! I better get my money saved....lol

    This is just the beginning of streaming for us. Fans in the US still miss the show terribly, and so far we’veonly been able to put out a limited number of episodes on DVD. Now we’ll be able to offer the fans a much larger selection. We’ll be showing entire seasons, but we’re also going to do some creative things, like showing an extended series of episodes which trace a great storyline, or which tell the story of a much-loved character or couple. We’re also going to offer fun collections of themed episodes. For instance, there were over 100 weddings on AS THE WORLD TURNS, and so far we’ve only been able to show 5 of them on DVD. We’ve just begun to scratch the surface of this great series.”

  2. Ali seemed to be panned by soap critics. What did you think of her work?

    I thought Ali's time on Dynasty was a waste of time. I hated her character. I agree what John and Linda said for Blake to fall for Ali's character was absurd/ridiculous. Ditto for the Rock Hudson character Reese.....Didnt care for his character either.

  3. I always wonder what she went to do when she asked to stop for a second. sleep.png I hate that my mind goes there. But whatever she was going through, I can never get over how beautiful she still looked.

    When Diane asked her which was worse..and she said her...that she was her worst enemy....not that it wasnt true..but the facial expression she made during her answer was frightening to me..it just wasnt Whitney.

  4. They say Mariah was there but I'm not sure if the back of the head I thought was hers was really hers. Oprah and Gayle were easily spotted up front. I don't know how I missed Mary J. when I later saw a pic of her outside in a ghastly long blond wig. There was another lady with light long hair who looked like a singer but I couldn't i.d. her. I also saw Leslie Uggams.

    Ugh Gayle King needs a life...Why was she invited?? I can't believe Oprah hasn't dropped her as a friend....Gayle needs to go away....

  5. Kudos to 20/20, this special is pretty close to fantastic. They're showing the bad, the good, the ugly and just letting the story speak for itself. Well done. We're on to the ugly part. The looks Whitney is giving Diane in that old interview, heh.

    Watching it as well....The Diane interview you can tell Whitney is totally hooked....to lose such a beautiful voice because of drugs...what a shame.....Whitney using a vocal coach in her last days...how sad...

  6. I can just imagine Santorum as President. No women in the forces...All gay men get banned from serving our country or walking the good old streets of USA. Men can no longer wear earings in their ears. Adam Lambert must stop wearing makeup...lol..and control his gay patterns.....women cant have babies until they are 50 and so on....lol

  7. LOL....and Gingrich was the chubby kid that everybody picked on, Romney was the cool kid who acted like the Fonzn (but no one ever took seriously), and Paul was the loner who was always on the outside looking in.

    Ha....yeah I can see that in Gingrich...Romney was the rich kid who hid his body with his towel so the guys in the lockeroom wouldnt see his dick...lol..or he was the one who showed it all when he went into the showers..not sure which one he was...lol....Paul...I dont know...not to sure

    Santorum just doesn't seem like the manly man type of guy...I have a feeling if a guy went all gay on him he'd like it....lol....

  8. He's had a few albums and was on Moesha for a couple of seasons.

    Brandy and Monica's new song is out, it's called "It All Belongs To Me".

    I thought so...I'm sure Whitney didnt know what she was doing during her confrontation with Francis. i did hear Francis posted something about it on Tweeter but quickly removed it. i do feel sorry for her too.

  9. Thanks. It all sounds like a mess.

    Yeah it sure is. I was watching Nancy Grace and a caller called and Nancy asked her about her time she tried to counsel Whitney & Bobby about their drug use and the caller went on a full out attack on Nancy and others who were slamming Whitney...short while after the call was muted and Whitney music started blasting on the air and the show broke for commericial...Nancy returned to say that she wasnt slamming Whitney and that she was a big fan and sang to her songs..etc..etc...

  10. Yeah, he's Kim Kardashian's sex-tape partner and the brother of (former) R&B singer Brandy. (Well, I think they are brother & sister).

    Did he have an album or sang on Brandy's CD?? I tell you pure trash....why would Whitney fight over a guy like Ray J?? First Bobby now him...talk about having low standards. Btw...off topic...I heard Monica and Brandy were doing another song together??

  11. It's long been alleged that Whitney was doing drugs before Bobby, it just intensified with him in the picture.

    I think Quincy Jones recently said something to that effect as well.

    Yeah Dr. Drew said that both connected with each other because both were doing drugs at the time. That's why they hit it off so well. Dr. Drew said those doing drugs tend to look for someone who is doing them as well.

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