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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. Sandy is just the rationale for another crushing Republican defeat for some in the Beltway press circle that refuse to believe Democrats can win on values, strength, issues and popularity. Obama was up well before that, and I think most people know that.

    In other news, 10-year-old Sophia Bailey Klugh wrote to the President for advice on how to deal with people teasing her at school about her two dads. The President responded.

    The original letter, which is adorable, should be linked in turn at the link.

    Romney was no where near Obama until the media pimped(kissed his ass) Romney to no end. Really how did this become such a close race?? Because of one debate Romney supposedly did well??? GMAB

    I cant wait until tomorrow to see Romney's(the grinning idiot) and Ryan's(the dork) faces.

  2. Did any of you see Billy Magnusson's episodes of Boardwalk Empire? I ended up wondering if the casting person had this great desire to see that ass finally unclothed, because there were more extensive ass shots than I can remember on an HBO show in ages. Usually on that show the only way a man gets naked is if he's covered in blood or has horrible scars.

    Was that the name of the show?? I had it on and saw him when he was in the tub....yummmmmmm...I did miss the ass shots. Are these episodes on DVD??

    Did i see the show? No.

    Did i see his wonderful ass? Absolutely.


    JP probably slept with him.....LOL...I wouldnt put it past JP....LOL

  3. I think he is.

    Jack Coleman has aged better, but he was so horribly wooden.

    In the reunion movie Jack Coleman passed on it and they got Al Corley. I thought at that time that Al turned into a total hunk. When he started on Dynasty he was fugly looking. I havent seen a recent pic of him though. Jack Coleman is a total hunk...I actually thought he was hotter during his Dynasty days. I can just imagine how wooden Jack Coleman is...hehehehehe.

    And if they are going to do this they have to get Linda Evans. It wont work without her with John gone.

  4. One of the things I do find offensive is the suggestion that single mothers raise criminals or are responsible for gun toting criminals.

    So I'm supposed to believe that two parents raise model children. What about kids that end up in single parent homes due to the death of a parent or children of divorced parents?

    Sure it's ideal to grow up with a mother and father but the idea that one parent causes a disastrous life really needs to come to a halt. I lost track of what Mitt Romney was saying when he brought that up and I'm not picking on him because I know that he's not the only one promoting that.

    He also lost me on immigration. He said something about providing children born here to immigrants a pathway to citizenship....me: huh? And I didn't get how you earn a green card by doing well in school.

    So he couldn't stick to saying something about himself that would help him.

    Martha Raddatz has been the best moderator so far. Candy Crowley gets major points for the on the spot fact check.

    And I don't care what anybody says--Mitt Romney was disrespectful to Candy Crowley. I bet Mike Huckabee won't acknowledge that though but he saw fit to make Joe Biden out to be some sort of drunk.

    That was just being discussed on CNN and how many single mothers were offended by it. I know many children who have been raised by two parents and they still turn out bad.

    The whole immigration made no sense to me. I had no [!@#$%^&*] clue what Romney was talking about.

  5. What state is he even talking about? Massachusetts, where he is something like15 points behind the President?

    Yes, I believe so. I wish we could hear from residents from his state...cause all this my state has done this and done that is driving me up the wall.

  6. The melody of this song is so haunting and sad, especially those raw parts where he drops down to the lower register. "Just when I thought I was over you, I see your face, and it just ain't true. No, it just ain't true."

    I love this song. Did you ever hear the remake of it AMS??


    Broadcaster 2: But there were no clear knock outs but Romney came out strong.


    Seriously...for real?? Are these people serious ??? ....I just have to LOL at their hype of Romney tonight.

  8. It's not that unbelievable. Honestly I hate when people say or imply that if someone never marries then that means they're gay or something is wrong with them. There are people who just never want to marry(like me) or are just plain workaholics

    Gregg Marx being gay would make my day....lol.....anyone would be lucky to have him.

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