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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. And American tennis is the shits.....I think Isner could win a major if he just gave a damn. Mardy Fish doesnt have the game to be a top 3 player or to even win a major. So who do we have left?? Nobody...sad..sad times.

  2. The sad part about ESPN's monopoly on sports is how they overhype events and athletes.

    Andy Murray is not all that. The entire nation wasn't rooting for him.....the entire Wimbledon crowd wasn't even rooting for him.

    They can just be glad that a bloke from Liverpool won in doubles. Maybe one day they'll have a really great tennis star. I wouldn't pin my hopes on Andy Murray at all.

    Jo-Wilfred Tsonga should slap himself for "fearing" Murray and worst of all, publicly saying so. Some things should be kept to oneself.

    I watched Sunday without rooting for either. The sad story of Andy Murray's home town didn't make me want to root for him.

    I'm no fan of Roger Federer's but I can appreciate his achievements but greatest ever.....?

    That's not even like John McEnroe calling Serena Williams the greatest women's player ever. I don't know about that but there is no doubt about her serve when it's on.

    American tennis wouldn't even be a blip on the radar if it weren't for Serena and Venus, no matter who doesn't like them. They've kept America with champions. The men are still off by the wayside.

    I totally agree with you on overhyping....ESPN is the worst.....from Brad Gilbert to Patrick McEnroe(who doesnt know squat and is just as bad a commentator as he he was player). The hyped Murray to the hills. I also dont think Murray is all that. He has an average game at that. Speaking of they continue to hype Roddick like he can make some comeback....the guy had a big serve and thats about it. His backhand sucked and he never fixed it. His serve went downhill so he didnt have much left. He is an arrogrant prick who thinks he is the hottest thing to wear tennis shorts. I still remember his arrogance when he lost to Federer in the finals. Shouting out how Roger already had won Wimbledon....just acting like a total jerk.

    It's a shame ESPN fired Mary Carillo because she was the best one they had. Thank goodness the Tennis Channel signed her up cause Mary Joe Fernandez and much more Pam Shriver do nothing for me in commentating the women's and men's matches.

  3. I dont think Andy Murray will win a major. He cant beat the top 3. This was his best chance to win a major and thats why he started crying...yes part of it was the pressure of winning Wimbledon but a lot had to with everyone in England telling him he was going to win...that Roger was old ......

  4. I know everyone here hates Andy Murray, but I feel a little sorry for him, considering he wasn't just playing for himself, but for 74 years of losses.

    Andy Murray is a puss...has no balls. His game isnt that great. His backhand is average like his forehand. I just cant get the picture out of my mind that he reminds me of him


    Richard Fromberg former Aussie Tennis Player...I thought they had the same playing style and serve..

    Former Tennis Player

  5. Yay for Roger! He played a great match and had some amazing shots. We all know Roger's career is heading south, but on the way down, he grabs another Grandslam title! And not only that, he's able to regain the #1 ranking in the world. I hope Roger will get the record 8 Wimbledon titles.

    I think Andy Murray will eventually get at least 1 major title. The best part of watching Murray's matches is seeing the shots of his hot girlfriend. LOL

    You wonder how he landed her since he is such a hot head and not that good looking with his dracula teeth.....I do remember her dropping him...they had broken up...but now they are back together....lol

    The best part of Andy Murray matches is watching him tell his family to [!@#$%^&*] off....when he is losing....lol

  6. Wow, these stories still make me EXTREMELY ANGRY, many years later! That's quite an accomplishment.


    They had just run out of ideas. Wasnt this the cliffhanger episode? I noticed that season 10 opening was featured on your post and I clicked on it...loved that opening and the story with Val and Jill from Season 9. I remember the cliffhanger doing very well in the nielsen ratings.

  7. Yes! Roger won!! Take that Mama Murray and Andy..sit down bitches....LOL.....Andy leaving their court...awww..going to cry....loser was suppose to stay and show off his second place trophy with the crowd. It is done every year! Andy Murray will never win a major. This was his best chance with both Nadal and Djokovic out. He only had to beat Roger. Was that Andy's deadbeat dad next to his mom?? So Roger crushes both Andy's dreams of winning Wimbledon. Ha...loved how Roger mentioned that again and what's with the hit on the ass from the ESPN announcer on Roger's booty....LOL Roger number 1 again and Nadal number 3 just wow....can't wait till the Olympics and the US Open.

  8. Roger beat Novak! Wow. Very surprised by that. Too bad I missed the match because I forgot to set my DVR.

    I have it on DVD Toups. I can mail it to you...hahaha....I was hoping Novak would win because I dont know if Roger can beat Andy. So much is riding on the final on Sunday. Roger could reclaim the number 1 ranking with a win and another grand slam title and a 7th Wimbledon tying Pete Sampras. Andy of course could end the British drought although he is Scottish...LOL...he did end one drought by making the final but eh......he still hasnt won the big one. I hope Roger wins I just cant stand Andy. I think he is overrated and gets too much hype.

  9. I know its been mentioned but the UK is releasing season 8 of Dynasty this month....with Season 7 out already...we are barely in Season 6 here.....geesh.....considering buying me a region free dvd player and buying both seasons to boot...lol...and where are Knots DVDs...not even the UK seems to be releasing them...sad...cause after season 2 knots soars in stories.

  10. What did they say about her then? All that ham is all I remember.

    They never had any idea what to do with Diego. Only a month or two into his tenure was when he was revealed as having the affair with Emily, and being Umberto. I can't remember if viewers already knew by then that he'd caused the plane crash. Yet they were still setting up the Lily/Diego romance. I guess Mike eventually would have saved her. I wonder if the show would have gone with Mike/Lily if Shawn Christian hadn't left.

    I liked that with Connor and Kirk too (although at first I thought someone was going to kill him!).

    Paul and Sara both just seem dull and superfluous. I never understood why Sara was supposed to be so dull.

    All these years later and I still don't believe John and Barbara would be attracted to each other.

    I remember the Diego character not being popular at all with fans. That's why they did the 180 and made him evil character. I wasnt a fan of the character so it didnt bother me.

    Sarah was boring just like her brothers....lol...but I have to say I loved John Howard as Paul....or model Paul as he was called.

    I never cared for John and Barbara as a couple but its much better than the awful Henry gay Barbara pairing...ugh......lol

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