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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. Thanks, dragonflies. I brought Colleen into SoapClassics one day when I was picking preview clips for the website. She shared stories with everyone and we both had a blast that afternoon. Then we went to see Gregg Marx (ex-Tom) perform that night. He can sing!

    Gregg Marx is sex on a stick....mmmmm...so hot!

    I am getting this ASAP...cant wait for it to arrive.....floved James!

  2. Ugh...my Lily and Holden DVD will not play on my dvd player. I hadnt viewed it till now and it wont work. This is the second time an ATWT dvd has failed to play. Why is ATWT getting the shaft concerning releases?? None of my GL DVDs have had any problem playing on my dvd. I also noticed that the GL has wrapped packaging and the ATWT DVDs have not.....this sucks ...now I have to contact the company once again for a replacement....ugh

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