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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. Im not excusing Romney I just have a hard time believing he understands anything he says. And I don't mean that in any way complementary or in an way as justification.

    Besides running a terrible campaign and not agreeing with some of the fundamentals he believes in, I just don't understand WHY he wants to be president. I understood why Obama, Clinton, Bush, McCain, etc. did. I just don't think he gets it. The Kennedy family grew up with silver spoons, but I always felt that they really believed in public service and I believe people like Obama, Clinton, McCain, yes even Bush do. Romney seems to shudder at it. He and his father seem miles apart in that respect.

    Romney also made comments in that speech about Hispanics which were very, well how can I say, derogatory, and I don't think he meant it to be. Hes just a very out of touch clueless man. He needs to go back to running Bain and sheltering his millions offshore.

    Romney is a moron. He has no clue. I cant believe as you that this man is running for president. He is stupid and Irrogant.

  2. Watching the Bob and Kim set....thinks it tied with the James Stenbeck as my favorite. Few observations and questions.....Gawd....Gregg Marx is truly hot sex on a stick. I flove the beard and mustache and had forgetten he had it on the show before he shaved it off later on. I guess they wanted him to resemble Justin Deas. HBS looks so young and just flove her as Margo. Scotty Bryce looks cute as hell. . I noticed that the sets are so dark. I remember them not being as lighted as they were in the 90s and on. And a question.....Did Sierra at this point know that Lucinda was her mother and vice versa?? I dont think Craig knew when he slept with Lucinda.

  3. FYI, there was a WGA strike in 1985; however, it was one of the shortest on record. It lasted only two weeks and was focused on receiving residuals for a new market... home video! Problems with that negotiation led to the 1988 strike, which lasted five and a half months.

    Oh ok thanks...I remember the 88 strike but didnt remember the 85 one.

  4. I'm about to lose all your respect...I don't have a DVR. I still use a VCR in combination with Amazon/Hulu Plus/Netflix/Roku streaming. Revenge streams on Hulu while CBS doesn't stream any of their shows anywhere but their website. I'll make it work but I hate having to choose between my favorite women.

    And Revenge is hella awesome! I came to it late and fell in love with it. Believe the hype.

    Nah...your the best marceline! I just keep hearing all the hype about how good it is and how its like a night time soap opera and I was thinking of picking up the dvd release before Season 2 started in September.

  5. It's actually quite the lucrative industry. Some of our soap stars have done soft-core too. At least McCarty is getting paid and not out of work ;)

    She gets paid to get naked and have sex must be nice....lol....I hear those movies are fake....no real sex goes on....lol..

    I know LK did soft core too. I was surprised when she showed up on ATWT.

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