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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. George Stephanapolous basically whining that Obama failed because whites didn't vote for him. I just love that some of these shills are weeping in their frapes.

    Geroge and Co. are the ones that started all this [!@#$%^&*] with Romney really being a contender when he really wasnt. It was all about ratings.

  2. Watching CBS and they love to keep mentioning that Romney has the popular vote. We're going to see a big push to end the electoral college, from the media and the Republicans. (Never mind that California isn't even in yet and Obama has been cutting into the popular vote edge)

    CNN just reported that Obama went ahead in the popular vote.

  3. Interesting that as they wait for Obama...they are playing RESPECT by Arethea....LOL

    Yay! I'm excited! Go Obama! On a similar note, I won re-election too today as a city commissioner in my small hometown of about 900. Of course I was running unopposed, but still.......lol.

    Cograts Scotty....I would have voted for you too...lol

  4. ABC News is claiming Jeb Bush told Romney's people FL is gone.

    CNN has been saying since real early that Romney was in trouble because he didnt have anymore votes to collect and Obama's big votes hadnt come in yet.

    Now they are saying that Romney shouldnt have picked Ryan....lol....

  5. Yup. Repubilcan Party is for old white rich super-religious men. Well, that's how I see it. LOL

    Yes..yes..yes....thats the votes they are getting....and those old white rich men are dying......

  6. So Republicans are scratching their heads wondering how to get the hispanic/latino vote their way. They wont win the Presidency without it.....I just wish my stupid state would have had the hispanics turn our to vote....I am sick of it going Republican.....our state has more hispanics ....grrrrr...

  7. He brought jack [!@#$%^&*]. He embarrassed himself at the veep debate, then completely disappeared. I can't imagine whose idea he was. They claim it was Romney's, but I think it was a Koch Brothers gambit. Rumor was they promised a big payday if he picked Ryan, the right wing darling.

    A Howdy Doody face with a hot body with no real idea about what America needs..... a moron....lol


    Oh and same hair as Howdy....LMAO

  8. Donnelly wins in Indiana and the dems pickup a senate seat. Obama takes Wisconsin Romney and Ryan could not carry their home states. Wisconsin is an odd state. A combination of conservatives and progressives.

    As much as I want to see Romney's smug face when he loses....I so want to see more Ryan's face....LOL

  9. I think the numbers are NBC's projected results.

    Yes and now CBS has those same results....ABC and CNN dont have those...I guess NBC forgot the big f lop that CNN did when they called a state and it went another way...lol

    or was it Fox

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