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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. Michael Fairman reported this and everyone who replied to the news preferred Enzo over Tristian. 

    Some were saying Enzo wasn't comfortable playing a gay character. Not sure if that's true or not.


    Do you have any news to shed some light as to why the character was recast?

  2. 7 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I know Lucy has always been a polarizing character, but are viewers actually supposed to be hating her or rooting against her for ciphers? Why? 

    Is Katybell the secret third head writer some have been talking about?

    That Twitter promo...A new exciting???😂

    There was nothing exciting about today's show.

  3. 1 minute ago, John said:

    so because Aidan dresses "Dorky" what ever that means

    and that Natalia is homophobic GH shouldnt have any LGBTQ stories

    There are still homophobes in 2024

    New Aiden is worse. He doesn't even play "Dorky" well. He was awful.

    Today's show was a hot mess. GH is in trouble. Their ratings are free falling. Even @Errol said people should be worried about the show. It's not good.


  4. 9 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    I can understand wanting Aiden to look older, but this nuAiden is NO better than the old one in the acting department. Yeah, it's only day one, but this kid is stiff as hell.

    And what's up with making him look so awkward with that backpack? So he's gay and he bakes. Does he have to be so dorky? On a show that always thinks it's pushing against conventions, GH sure does play the greatest cliche hits a lot.

    I'd rather see no gay storylines on this show than to watch this mess or watch Natalia the 1985 homophobic mother.

    I have to agree with you. It's time to squash all the gay stories on GH.


  5. 7 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Y’all didn’t suspect this already? 😂😂

    Didn't you mention it to me a while back?

    This is probably why CM got bored with him. He elevated his scenes with ZT.


    FS checked out way before he was fired with CM.

  6. 4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Still no sympathy for Leo and today didn’t help at all either. Idk if it was a writer/director choice or Greg Rikaart’s choice but playing it like a clown was the wrong decision. Kinda told me that there actually really was no love between him and Dimitri. 


    That's how GR played it at the end of yesterday's episode. Those were fake tears. GR couldn't even muster one tear and this was the love of his life?

  7. Even though Leo got dumped and deserved it for the heartless human being he is.....the letter route was lame. Dimitri reasons made zero sense. GR acting during those scenes were bad. 

    Overall the show wasn't bad and I enjoyed EJ new sidekick at work. Reminded me of Lucinda and Jane from ATWT

  8. 16 minutes ago, dc11786 said:


    I think someone mentioned a shift in Aiden's story from the liking a guy to the bullying, but I sorta hope that they are linked. What if the bully is the guy that Aiden likes and has decided to avoid outing himself by targeting Aiden? I recently saw the film "Monster" that played with that issue. 


    That was me and I had the same thoughts about Tobias. But this is the only story on GH that is being told off screen.  Why haven't we seen Aiden being harassed?  Why haven't we met Tobias?  Elizabeth already knows he is being bullied and now is calling the school counselor?

    I'd rather see this played out than Sasha's ridiculous cook story. Seriously... They spent a whole hour with it?

    It's obvious PM doesn't have full control of who he can write for. He is being told who to write for.

  9. 3 minutes ago, carolineg said:



    If you are going to Vegas or near by you can PM me because he totally would lol.  

    My two cousins and their spouses were in Vegas this past weekend and did eat a various restaurants. 

    Vegas is on my bucket list to visit. I might PM you one day...lol

  10. 4 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Full disclosure my husband is a chef.   Went to a bunch of culinary schools and all that nonsense.  That's not a slow brag.  It's how carolineg gets to spend half her time on soap boards lol.  NO CHEF WOULD EVER MAKE A CASSEROLE AS THEIR 'try out' MEAL.  Like a filet mignon was too hard for you, Sasha?  Shrimp Cocktail?  A nice charcuterie  board?

    Does your husband do weddings?😂  Asking for a friend.😉

    Would you like to be my best best friend on here?😂😁

  11. 36 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Freddie Smith is a MAGA


    Ewwwwww..... I knew I started disliking him more and more after his Days stint for a reason. He came off very smug. I'm better than being on soaps vibe.

    And finding out he is a Maga clinches it!


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