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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. On 5/13/2024 at 6:54 PM, BetterForgotten said:

    Josh Swickard looks constipated in that video thumbnail.  


    Nah...Chase is thinking.....She doesn't touch me in bed. We've never made love and I'm gay and want Spanelli instead but he loves Jason. 

    What am doing getting married!!!!????


  2. 4 minutes ago, John said:

    Today's GH was great.


    It was better but not great. Considering how boring the show has been...today's show didn't have far to go to do that.


    Tracy and Ned scenes to open up the show.

    The Lois and Ned conversation in front of the church as well as BL and Ned.

    Awwwww...Spanelli humped Jason at the wedding!

    Why was Sonny at the wedding?

    The ending was ok but could've been much better.

  3. 20 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Not that anyone really thought Abby was dead, but they really are lol.

    I don't understand why EJ didn't make Leo leave town forever as a condition of him getting the money.  Not only would it solve all things Leo for the audience, but it seems very volatile to have him running around town drunk all the time.  He could easily just spill it all while intoxicated.

    The constant Thomas is just like Abigail garbage has to go. He is nothing like his boring mother.

    Why is Leo still drinking? He has millions of dollars now. He was going to see EJ to bleed him of money. Today he said that wasn't the case when it was. I have zero sympathy for a character that has no heart.

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