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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. 5 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    It's clear Sheila is no longer the "great villain" she once was. Thudley has stripped away everything that made her a great character once



    You can't have Sheila on to be just there. Brad already did this and she was boring. She should've done her damage and left. 

    Douglas Marland had James pop in and out causing trouble. In 1989, he knew James had run his course and Paul killed him. Unfortunately, other writers panicked and brought him back to boost ratings.

    Sheila has been a flop In the ratings ever since she shot her son and DIL. She should've stayed in jail or left town on the run.  

  2. 1 hour ago, dragonflies said:

    Preview for next week. Yeah this show is a parody, now the homeless guy is officiating weddings LMAO



    What utter garbage but I guess it fits since Sheila and Deacon are garbage and that's where Deacon found her.😂

  3. 1 hour ago, BetterForgotten said:


    I am going to infer that Mulcahey saw all the crap he had to put up (and the people involved) and jumped the first chance he got. Feels like he left in his own accord, 

    and went out the door to this....


  4. 5 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I'm not waiting it out.  I'm done.  I just don't see any point in sticking around even for a little bit longer.

    Especially when most of the GH cast was raving about PM day to day long meaningful writing. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The show is locked into the same lose-lose position as Goutman at ATWT and Wheeler at GL - Frank is not going to improve the show, he is incapable, but he is also likely the only reason the show is still on.

    It's on life support until ABC pulls the plug. It might come soon if The Gates blasts GH out of the water come January.

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