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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:



    I still don't think JS is that bad.  She did decent today.  I wasn't cringing with any of her choices.  I was a bit worried about GV.  His face was so red when he was screaming at Sloan.

    Maybe cause the truth wasn't as dramatic and thus not that explosive that I felt Jessica flat. I thought the scenes between Jessica and Greg picked up in the middle of their scenes.

  2. I can't believe I watched the whole episode without a ff.

    Jessica my dear you dropped the ball. 

    The baby's reaction at the end after seeing Ari was so cute.

    EJ reaction to not knowing at the end looked so fake.😂

    I'm bored with Chanel and Johnny. Their ship sailed long time ago.

  3. 4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    A lot of good acting in todays episode and not just in the main storyline. 

    Greg Vaughan stole the show. He conveyed the anger and emotion so well. The look in his eyes throughout the episode felt so real. He might even have an Emmy reel ready. The episode itself was written very well too. It’s didn’t feel rushed or paced in the wrong way. Ari Zucker did really well too, both in her scenes with Chanel and in the final scene with Eric and Jude. I’m looking forward to seeing this continue on Monday. 

    But as glad as I am that Dimitri/Peter Porte is not here to be squandered and is safe from Leo, I think it’s a mistake that he’s not here for this. He was one of the catalysts that set this whole thing in motion and him not being there makes it feel incomplete, regardless of how good today’s episode was. I still think my story idea for him would have been good though 😂😂

    As for Johnny/Chanel, I like the storyline but I just wish it was with other characters. 

    I can't wait to watch it!

    Yesterday's show was good minus how stupid Stephanie acted.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Khan said:

    You seriously want to kill off Jessica Fletcher, lol?


    It would've been a two part episode. Where she ponders if being a mystery writer and solver was alk worth it. Just to almost lose her life because of it.

  5. 4 hours ago, Maxim said:

    My mother told me yesterday... just like that... in between topics... that she regretted giving birth to a child, because she could have lived a more free and happy life and... found a better man than my father and NOT have children.

    I have decided today to finally go NO-CONTACT with her and have already blocked all her means of communication.

    She used to say things like that to me when I was growing up, but she hadn't dared to in... YEARS.

    I am done. At least for now. 

    First off...

    Nowhere to be found!


    You won't be the first or the last whose mother said they regretted giving birth to.

    It's your mother's fault her life turned out the way it did. She made the choices that lead to where she is now. You had no say in it. Don't blame yourself or feel guilty. 

    Instead of being bitter...she should be grateful she has a son. 

    It's too bad she doesn't appreciate you.

    Yes, move on with your life and husband.

    But if she comes calling don't shut her off because then you'll prove her right.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Yep!  That's the one!

    Like I said, it's either really clever or a total cheat, depending on how you look at it, lol.

    (I, myself, was happy to see MSW still playing with the format by that point.)

    Imagine had Angela been shot. She goes into emergency surgery and we see Angela revisiting her previous mysteries and then flatlines. End credits.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Oooooo... Lalalala

    Smokin Hot!!

    27 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    We need more 🎂 in this thread:


    I knew there was a reason I was good at and loved math!😍

  8. 1 hour ago, Neville said:

    Is the twist one you mentioned the episode

      Reveal hidden contents


    That episode was a letdown. 

    Reminded me of the Dream season from Dallas.

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