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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. 11 minutes ago, John said:

    Well I think we are getting an Aidan story. Looks like Bullying/Gay bashing. I do not mind the actor. He has never done much, so I am open to see how this goes. Looks like more air-time for Elizabeth and I love that. I wish Lucky was around.


    All the stories are being told at a slow pace and this one jumped from there's a guy to being bullied all off screen. Why bother?

  2. Bradley Bell ran out of stories years ago.

    He is just rehashing the same stories and using a crutch. 

    Liam and how great and wonderful he is. Really again with this garbage? The boring triangle from hell coming soon!!

    Sheila is alive. The story is so convoluted and makes no sense considering what happened on Y&R.

    I really hope CBS moves B&B to the 2:30 time slot and gives The Gates the 1:30 time slot after Y&R.

    I complain on how awful RC is as a writer but Bradley Bell's father is WJB. There is no excuse for the embarrassment that is B&B. WJB would be horrified at what his son has done to his legacy show.


  3. 15 minutes ago, Khan said:

    So, if that was Sugar, then who was the Phyllis lookalike whom Lauren killed years ago on Y&R?  Was that Sugar, too, and she just faked her death back then and got more plastic surgery to look once again like Sheila?


    Bradley, would you like to answer Khan's question?😂😂😂😂😂

  4. 1 hour ago, Marco Dane said:

    Sounds like a ploy to avoid cancellation. With The Gates coming. Trying to keep as many viewers as possible. 

    I think he planned it all along to boost ratings. He panicked when the ratings went flat and brought her back quicker than he planned to. The news of The Gates also rattled him.


  5. Dallas 1985 Cliffhanger

    27.5 average  ...hits #1

    But here are the half hour numbers. Very impressive especially peaking at the end.

    8:30 - 9:00 -  23.1/40

    9:00 - 9:30 -  28.6/48

    9:30 - 10:00 - 30.8/50


    Dynasty 1985 Cliffhanger- Royal Wedding

    25.9 average  ...hits #2

    But here are the half hour numbers. 

    9:00 - 9:30 -  24.7/38

    9:30 - 10:00 - 27.0/40







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