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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. 1 hour ago, Avatar610 said:

    I remember when two actors played a married couple on a soap in the 80s- and both were strictly playing for the home team!  They had an offscreen 'romance' for the soap press but the male half was having a steamy affair with a hot blond stud from another soap on the same network.  The female half came from a somewhat prominent family so she had to be discreet.  Now- guess who these three people (still living) are!

    Sounds tasty!

    Most on here would probably say to spill the tea.😂

  2. 6 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    According to AB Ivy is still not over Liam after 7 years LMAO

    Also she seems pretty certain that Hope and Ivy will be fighting for the "Crown" the crown being Liam's peen 🤮


    Once again two desperate women fighting over the loser that is Liam.

    Bradley still has a real hard on for Liam.

  3. 3 minutes ago, John said:


    HW: Patrick Mulcahey & Elizabeth Korte

    BDW: Suzanne Flynn

    SW: Scott Sickles

    DIR: Jillian DeDotte

    Today was amazing

    I loved Laura. GF was so good and spot on with Sonny

    I am not sure why MB still whispers & mumbles

    What is Ava's end game here?

    The whole Gregory talk with Him & Tracy and Finn and Alexis was also so good & true to life

    I actually like Sasha being the new cook for the Q's

    The Carly/Nina talk was almost civil with good points

    Jane Elliott, Genie Francis & Gregory Harrison were the standouts today

    No it wasn't.

  4. 46 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    The above youtube from Ari Zucker starts out with thanking people for coming to New Jersey. She's referencing this:
    On April 13 and April 14, There was a starstruckfan event in New Jersey, with Emily O'Brien, Shawn Christian, Ari Zucker, Stacy Haiduk, Paul Telfer, and Eric Martsolf.

    Ari starts out the youtube with a thank you for that.
    and then she says:
    "really appreciative of the amount of support that I have had 
    since the ---- leaving Days of Our Lives. I'll just be kind about it right now.
    And just so y'all know, my last airdate is July, I think it's July 29th, and we'll see how things go after that."

    Thanks for adding the additional information.

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