Wow, just amazing. This will be a big comment over several episodes since I now have letters, In no particular order....
I LOVE Jack and Billie. They seem so perfect for each other. The way that you two write them it's seamless and they complement each other very well. They are the perfect touch of romance combined with all the drama going on.
Loved having Steve reveal to Hope that he may be the father of Chelsea. This is such a good play on history going back to the Maison Blanche days. It works well and is plausible. I seriously could see them becoming a couple down the line.
Cassie is such a little vixen. Love it. You have the makings of a great villianness.
Roman and Marlena, I like the new spin on them. I can definately see why he is acting the way he is because he did have the power to stop some of the deaths. We the readers know Sami isn't dead, but he doesn't. So in his eyes, he lost three children (because would Carrie have left town if Austin, Eric and Sami didn't die) and the father of his grandchildren. He's reacting like any parent would. I love that Victor is trying to reel him in with Bo and Steve.
One thing that I especially liked was that Anna and Carrie didn't mend everything up and everything was fine. It's not how real relationships work.
That is what makes your blog so good is that it's real. Real situations (ok, except the Voyager of the Seas in Salem) and real relationships that work. It feels natural to go there. Yet you keep us in suspense. You have the balance of drama, comedy and romance. No wonder once I saw twenty eight people reading your blog at one time. Whenever I am here reading, there is always someone else here reading as well. You guys are doing a great job.
I just want to see Joelle fired. Doesn't that constitute sexual harrassment? But I know you have a plan there so I am not worried. I hope you enjoyed reading my comment which was as long as The Iliad tonight