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Excellent pacing in this episode, great flow from one scene to the other. It's being done very well. I loved this epiosdoe. I find it somewhat ironic that Sami is probably the safest person in Salem right now. Good to see someone die....now where is Joelle? Could she be next on Michael's list? I am thourghly enjoying this storyline.
I said I would be back and I am. Loved the episode. Scary and on the edge. I loved how you wrote Steve and Kayla. They were both very strong in what could be viewed as a stunt. It's not written as a stunt, it's written very well. I hope that makes sense. You make us feel for all the characters (ok most of them) and you write them all very well. Excellent job
Loving it and will add more later!
Second Edition - October 28, 2007 Welcome to the Second week of the Port Charles Chronicles. A weekly look into the lives of the families in Port Charles. We, Ryan Chandler, Jennifer Snyder and Tishy Smith are here to answer any questions that you may have regarding Port Charles. We want to thank you all for your comments and questions and please feel free to direct questions our way. <HR> CASTING ROUNDUP GOING: JUSTIN BRUENING (Lucas Jones) - After a great run that earned him a win for Outstanding Younger Character, Justin Bruening has decided to exit Port Charles. "Justin has been a wonderful addition to the cast and though I wish we could have kept him, it's been great being able to write for such a complex character," says Head writer Tishy Smith. Bruening joined the cast of Port Charles last October. Though he originally signed a 6 month deal, the writers were so impressed by his work, the two were able to broker a deal to get him to stay. "We have loved his work here and he has done a wonderful job. He wants to move on and try his hand in other endeavors. He will be greatly missed" said Ryan Chandler. An interview has been scheduled for next week. COMING: CHACE CRAWFORD (Lucas Jones) - With the departure of Justin Bruening approaching, PC execs began looking for a replacement with the blessing of Justin Bruening. After a long search, execs came to an agreement with actor Chace Crawford. Crawford currently stars in Gossip Girl. The writers took notice to the 22 year old Chace after seeing him in the movie "The Covenant," and kept him in mind for a future role. With a huge story coming up, he couldn't turn it down. "We are so excited for Chace to come aboard and I know he can jump right into the huge story we have planned for him," HW/EP Ryan Chandler told us. Chace first airs next Monday. KIN SHRINER (Scott Baldwin) - Scott is coming home! With daughter Serena's storyline increasing, she will need her father. Look for the Spencers and the Baldwins to immediately rekindle their feud. "It's good to be home. Port Charles will always be home to me and I love the storyline that the writers have in store for Scotty." Shriner states. Look for Lucy to make contact with Scotty this week. <HR> BLIND ITEMS EXIT RIGHT PART 2? - To update what we brought to you last week, there have been a LOT of closed door meetings in the Executive Offices that have gone well into the midnight hours. Rumor has it that there will be major cast shakeups. No one, even long time vets are safe. Cast members who never had to worry before are now beginning to worry. Why is this happening? Might it be the swarm of actors and actresses of all ages coming in and out of the offices with their agents? A very big storyline seems to be in the works.... <HR> QUESTIONS Q: It looks like that with Bobbie turning herself in, she'll be doing some jail time. But what about Maxie? Isn't Maxie just as responsible for Brandon's death as Bobbie? Bobbie was drunk and drove the car that killed Brandon. Maxie drugged Lucas' & Dillon's drink, causing their residual feelings to come to the surface and set it up so Brandon would see it. While what Maxie did is unethical, she did not cause anyone to die. However, Maxie definitely has been feeling guilty for her role in his death and without giving too much away, it will be addressed. Q: Why is Lucas so harsh on Bobbie? Bobbie never accepted the fact that Lucas was gay. She went out of her way to try to prove he wasn't. When Lucas began his relationship with Brandon, she never addressed Brandon by name. She was ashamed of her son and he knew it. Lucas was very hurt and now to find out that his mother has lied and betrayed him yet again, well this could be the final betrayal. We know that some weren't very happy with the way Lucas reacted after learning the truth, but we ask that you bear with us as we further along the story. There is a process that Lucas will have to go through. Q: Will we see the Cassadines more in the future? Now that Sam and Lucky are together, will the writers utilize the Cassadine/Spencer history? You better believe we will be capitalizing on the Cassadine and Spencer history! Luke is not happy that his son is involved with a Cassadine to say the least. We will be expanding on this story in a big way. Helena is not done with the Spencers by a long shot. Expect to see more of her evil ways in the upcoming months. Q. What made you and Tishy come together as a team? Tishy: Ryan has this blog which eventually Jen joined as the Executive Producer. Tishy had her own GH inspired blog as well. Over time, the two of us realized a lot of our stories were very much alike. There were several stories that we each changed. "When work got too busy and I had to take at least a six week hiatus from writing my blog, Ryan asked me to think about joining his team. Of course I said yes once my work responsibilities were complete. And I have loved it ever since." Ryan: Pretty much what Tishy said. I loved the way she wrote and it seemed as if we were always writing the same thing, lol. She has a lot of great ideas and is a great person to work with. I wouldn't have been able to imagine these last couple of months without her. She's awesome. Q: Do you have a theme for your blog? The Past Will Set You Free.... <HR> PREVIEWS - Emily goes off in a tirade on Monica & Kevin - Michael turns down Nikolas' offer to throw a Halloween party at Wyndemere for him - Anna and Mac square off over her ability to do her job - Skye resists the urge to fall off the wagon - Robin gets an unexpected call - David charms Lucy to his bed - Skye turns to an old friend - Anna comes across evidence that may clear Lorenzo - Sonny has an ominous dream - Palmer tries to intimidate Alexis
LOVED IT! Reading into the last paragraph I was just stunned, I was just like, "Oh no you didn't" Again, you two continue to amaze me. Overall the beat of the episode was smart and smooth. It was well paced, not too long and not too short. The dialogue, especially from Marlena and Hope today was awesome. I cannot wait for tonights episode which I know will spook me! Thank you both for writing such wonderful material
First Edition - October 24, 2007 Welcome to the first edition of the PC Chronicles, a weekly look into the world of Port Charles. Executive Produced by Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder and Written by Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith, we are here to dispense information about Port Charles. We will talk about the Quartermaines, the Cassadines, the Spencers and everyone else you want to discuss. All the stories that you have questions on, just PM Ryan or Tishy and we will answer it for you. <HR> CASTING ROUNDUP EXTENSION: Stephanie Gatschet's (Serena Baldwin) short-term contract has been extended. Though the actress has lingered since her arrival, her character has some new found direction, as fans have seen as of late. Though she hasn't been upgraded to contract status, she is expected to begin taping more over the next couple of weeks. GOINGs: JACKIE ZEMAN (Bobbie Spencer-Drake): Due to storyline reasons, the character of Bobbie will be off the canvas for a few months. Zeman, who has worked tremendously over the past two years is going to take a long needed vacation. "She will be back." says Tishy Smith. "Port Charles will have changed a bit since her departure." ASHLEY JONES (Sarah Webber): In what will be a storyline dictated exit, Ashley has been released from her contract. Ashley's Sarah was brought on to break up Patrick and Robin. Since the Patrick and Robin storyline went in another direction, there has been no story for Ashley. "We have appreciated everything Ashley has done in the year she has been with us. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of bringing her back with no real direction. She has been a true professional. We wish her well in all her endeavors." Ryan Chandler has to say about Ashley Jones on her exit. Looks like those rumors of an AJ/Sarah pairing officially can be squashed. We can confirm the actress will return later next year. <HR> BLIND ITEMS: UNHAPPY DIVA?: There is a rumor going around the studio that one actress doesn't like her surroundings. Sources say she was under the impression her storyline was going to be bigger than it has been. Rumor has it that she may be looking for a way out of her contract. TPTB are actively looking for her replacement if she gets out of her contract. TO RE-SIGN OR NOT TO RE-SIGN?: We hear that the contracts of two actors are coming up. One has enjoyed a pretty good run in a front burner story and is heading for a new romance. Though he's enjoying his story, he only signed on for a year and 3 short term extensions have already happened. If he does leave, expect the role to be recast right away. The other actor signed a short term contract and is ready to leave. Setsiders say he feels his character has run it's course with the writers, and doesn't want to re-sign if he's not going to have a prominent story. EXIT RIGHT?: There's talk of a dramatic change in the look of the canvas coming up. A few actors could find themselves receiving their walking papers <HR> QUESTIONS: Each week, Ryan & Tishy will field questions from the viewers. Hopefully you'll gain a bit more insight into the show. Q: Emily has been written in a very different way and is far more aggressive. Why is that? We want to make Emily a true Quartermaine in every sense of the word. One complaint we've read about the character of Emily in the past is that she is very weak. Well our Emily has gone through a lot in the year she's been off canvas. We'll eventually a little more of her growth in the future. For now, she is very angry at Monica. It's because of Alan & Monica that Emily wanted to become a doctor. Emily sees Monica's actions as just another betrayal to Alan and the family. She is going to channel that anger in a very unique way. Q: Robin is now pregnant. With her HIV status, how could she not pass it to Patrick and her unborn child? We've done a lot of research on this story. With the type of HIV that Robin has, she has a very small chance of passing the HIV to either Patrick or her child. Both Robin and the baby will take a protocol to make passing HIV a smaller chance. So it is possible that she doesn't pass the HIV to either Patrick or their baby." Q: What is the mystery involving Sam and does she have feelings for Lucky? Sam is proving to be a Cassadine through and through. As readers know, she is being controlled by Helena. Helena's hatred for the Spencers has flowed through her veins for decades. She finally has an opportunity to hurt Luke where it counts. As far as Sam's feelings for Lucky....she does have feelings for him, but how much of that is legitimate and how much is a ruse? Thanks to Helena's influence, you have to question if they are real or not. This will be a huge story for us coming up. Q: The story between Lorenzo and Sonny is heating up. What is going to happen in this mafia story? What can we look forward to? The Mob War will play through November. Without giving too much away there will be a lot of drama. Some will be unresolved, some will end. There will be causalities. The fact of the matter is, the mob just doesn't fit into our vision for the blog and it hasn't since it was created back in January 06. Anna was brought on to rid Port Charles of it's criminal essence and there's a chance she could succeed next month. Q: What is the state, in your opinions, of the mySON TV blogs, and how do you compare them to real daytime dramas right now? We feel as if everyone is putting forth their best effort right now. Gone is the feeling of "competition". We're all supporting each other by providing constructive feedback and showing the writers that what their doing isn't being wasted. One thing that's different than it was maybe earlier in year is that showing of support. As far as the real daytime dramas go, I get more enjoyment from reading some of the blogs than I do with their real life counterparts. Many of us blog writers follow the "Single Vision Theory" and that's why the blogs are doing as good as they are. <HR> CLOSING We just want to thank everyone for continuing to support not only our blog, but the other mySON TV blogs as well. We also want to give a special thanks to Salem Lives writers PhoenixRising & Roman for giving us the inspiration to do this kind of entry. If it wasn't for them, we probably wouldn't have done the Chronicles. Their Salem Lives Insider has been a great feature at mySON TV and we hope the PC Chronicles will as well. - Ryan & Tishy
Good episode. Love the Victor/Maggie/Greta scenes I just have a question. Doesn't everyone know that Victor is Greta's father? Wouldn't he be notified as the next of kin when she woke up?
Love seeing Anna and Tony together..great work there. Love how everyone is going to Italy
Wow, just wow. These last three episodes are up there as your top episodes of the year. And I can't wait to see what more you have coming for us. Excellent work.
Holy [!@#$%^&*]. I am stunned. STUNNED! Honestly, I didn't think that you two could shock us anymore, but congratulations. You have done a marvelous job. I knew that someone was going to be Stefano's son, but I NEVER thought it was Orpheus. Great buildup and great dialogue. Great balance between the romance and the drama. These two storylines leave me wanting more.
This is the Stefano I like. I love that Anna and Marlena are working together. Hope and Steve...So hot. I love them together. Excellent pairing that could have huge ramifications down the line. You can definatley see the passion between them. I like them better than Steve and Kayla and Hope and Bo. Great episode. Short and sweet and to the point. I can't wait for tomorrow
I love using Nikolas and EJ together, especially interacting with Bo. Anna and Tony are always wonderful together, and grea reveal at the end
Tishy commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
This was all Ryan. Ryan, you had me in tears and I knew it was coming. Wonderful, wonderful job. -
Damn! I love that reveal. Ty has Abe right where he wants him. Awesome reveal!
I can't wait for tomorrow's episode! I love that Liz is back....
You two never disappoint. I can't wait to see this.
You have Ryan to thank for the Noah and Ryan scenes. I agree, he did a very good job. Thank you everyone for your comments, its greatly appreciated
Love it! It's so good! By far, I am loving Victor. He is my favorite character in this blog. He is so fleshed out, so ruthless and cunning. I love what he will do to that little twit son of his. The ending is like a classic Friday cliffhanger. I am on the edge of my seat. Great thinking by Sami and I so hope that Kate will find her. Why do I think that Orpheus will whisk Kate away. Excellent episode.
Holy craptastic! (which in my book is a really good compliment) Love the play on words, the two Lena's. I never in a milion years would have thought of that Great to see Stefano in full force, and nice scenes with Marlena and Sami. Great bonding moments When it was mentioned a man in black, my thought was Stavros. I didn't think Nikolas. LOVE it! Great great debut Jay!
What ocean is Salem bordering? *grin* You know I had to bring it up. Great episode, I loved seeing Anna and Tony
I love the interview with Wayne! I can't wait to see what is coming! Great job!
Glad to see that Lucas has his balls back and getting rid of that tramp. She bites. I would love to see her put in a room with Sami for just five minutes. Great episode, very well written and great drama.
Good episode. I loved the London and ALley scenes. Great twist with Mika. Neversaw that coming
.Wow, what a good episode. Poor Jenn. I really can't wait to find out who Mona is and what her motivations are. This is such a guilty pleasure. You are doing a great job.