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I love that Bree WIlliamson is Willow. What an ending for Sami. I cannot wait for the next episode to see what will happen. Excellent writing King
I can't wait to see who it is!
Monica came rushing into the room when she heard AJ come in. She ran up to him and threw her arms around him. "Oh AJ, I am so glad you are here. We need you so much right now." She pulled back and looked ather son. "AJ you look wonderful. Life in California has been treating you well." AJ reached for Sarah's hand. "You all remember Sarah Webber?" The Quartermaines nodded. "Sarah and I got married a week ago. We met in Santa Barbara at the San Remos Hospital and have been together ever since." Shock reverberated throughout the room. Edward glanced up and said faintly, "Sarah I hope you know what you are getting into. Welcome to the family." "I can't believe you didn't tell your father and I AJ." Monica reprimanded, sitting down in a chair. Sarah spoke up for the first time. "It was a spur of the moment thing." Tracy interrupted her and immediately jumped to conclusions., "Oh my God, you are pregnant aren't you?" Sarah shook her head, "I can assure you I am not." The door to the emergency room opened and Dr Hayward emerged. "Good afternoon everyone, I am Dr David Hayward." He shook everyone's hand and sat down. "I just want to explain what we are doing right now. The aneuryism has not burst and we are going to repair that. If it bursts, than we do run into risks. If Dr Quartermaine makes it through the surgery without the aneuryism bursting he has a stronger change of survival. I want to tell you that he has been brought up to the operating room and is being put under anesthesia as we speak. Dr Drake and I are going to start the surgery very shortly. I estimate that it will last about 4 hours." Skye interrputed, "David, will he survive?" David looked over at Skye and smiled reassuringly, "I have every reason to believe that if he makes it through the surgery without the aneryism bursting than he will. If it bursts, he can still survive but there is more chance that he could pass. He was in good spirits when I spoke to him last, as Monica can attest to. I also want to warn you of something. Dr Quartermaine is going to lose a lot of blood so we will be doing transfusions and saline into him to keep him hydrated. When you see him next, he will be swollen." David looked at the clock on the wall and said, "I have to get going. I suggest that you go to the private waiting room outside the operating rooms. That way, if we need to get to you we know where you are." With that, David confidently left the room. Tracy watched him leave, "I don't like him. He's oily as a snake." "Takes one to know one." muttered Skye. Monica ignored them and stood up, "Dr Hayward is right, we need to go upstairs. Sarah, I know it's difficult circumstances, but welcome to the family." Sarah smiled sweetly back, "Thank you Dr Quartermaine." Sarah turned to AJ. "Honey do you mind if I meet you up there? I saw Elizabeth on our way in and I want to say hello to my sister and get an update on Gram." AJ leaned over and kissed Sarah. "Sure. I love you." "I love you too." Sarah walked through the hospital towards the Nurse's Station where she last saw her sister. She smiled to herself when she saw her sister waddling up to the desk. Sarah came up behind Elizabeth, put her hands over her eyes and whispered, "Guess who?" Elizabeth turned around at the sound of her sister's voice, "Sarah? What are you doing here?" Sarah hugged her sister and answered, "My husband brought me back." "Your husband?" Elizabeth broke the embrace, "Who did you marry?" "AJ Quartermaine." Sarah held out her left hand which now sported a 2.5 carat diamond flanked by 1 carat diamonds on either side in a platninum setting. "He surprised me and we eloped. Then we found out about his father and flew here. We have only been married less than a week. We were going to fly out here anyway and surprise everyone, this was just sooner than expected." Elizabeth glanced at the clock. "Sarah, why don't you go sit down. I will be finished up very soon. Give me five minutes." Upstairs in the waiting room, James was getting fussy. He was starting to cry and starting to get on everyone's nerves. Brenda got up and excused herself and asked Ned to come with her for a minute. Once outside she said, "Look I know you want James here, but he is getting very fussy and he is way past his nap time. I need to get him home Ned so that he can lay down." Ned sighed and kissed James, "I know you are right, I just want him here, you know? Go ahead. I will call you later. Do me a favor, don't let anyone say anything to the press at the house." "Of course." Brenda gathered everything up for James and left. Once she settled James into the car, where he promptly fell asleep she called Sonny. "Hey Sonny, it's me." "I was just thinking of you. Are you coming over?" Sonny replied. "I can't. Look, Alan Quartermaine is going through critical surgery. AJ is home and he has a wife now. I thought you might want to know because of Michael." Brenda stated. Sonny paused in disbelief, "Who would marry AJ?" Brenda laughed, "Well,Carly did." "Touche." "His wife is Sarah Webber." Brenda said as she navigated the car into the driveway of the Quartermaine mansion. "I thought you might want to warn Carly." Sonny sighed heavily into the phone, "I should call her. Will you have a chance to come over later? I would like to see you if possible." Brenda smiled into the phone and turned the car off. "I will try. I have to go and I will talk to you later." Elizabeth walked over to Sarah and sat down next to her, Elizabeth's eyes glowing. She grabbed her sister's hand, "I am so glad you are here. I need a friend right now. But first, I want to here all about how you met AJ." "Well he got into a small car accident and I was his physican's assistant. We recognized each other and started talking. He asked me for dinner that night and I went and we have been together ever since. That simple." Sarah shrugged. "He was working at this company, Wayne Industries. They merged with Capwell in Santa Barbara, did you hear about that merger?" "Yeah I did hear something about that merger. They kicked CC Capwell's wife out of the building if I recall." Elizabeth remembered. Sarah leaned back into the pillows, "You heard right. AJ was high up in the company but there was too many management and he was laid off. I gave my notice at the Clinic and we are moving back to Port Charles." Sarah looked at Elizabeth excitedly, "Which is great because I want to be with you when the baby is born and I never liked one of CC Capwell's daughters anyway so I was glad he lost the job. It was like they shared some secret, like they knew each other in a former life." Elizabeth laughed, "Oh Sarah, I do doubt that. But weren't you seeing some guy, a doctor for a while?" Sarah's face clouded. "I was. He is out of the picture." Sarah looked away, "Liz, I don't want to talk about it, ok? Just drop it. How are things with Lucky? Is he loosening up a bit? Want me to talk to him for you?" "Thanks for the offer," Elizabeth sighed, "But he is being as stubborn as usual. I also don't know what Emily is feeding him. She has it in her head that I want Nikolas. She even asked Alison Barrington to spy on me but Alison shot it right down. Nikolas was going to confront her with it but the whole thing with Alan happened." "I'll take her down Liz," Sarah said loyally, "You know I will." Sarah laughed, "She must hate the fact that I will be sleeping with her brother in her house knowing that I was with Nikolas." Elizabeth looked at the clock. "Sarah, you might want to get up to AJ. I have to get going. You will stop by and see Cameron soon, right? Will you call me and let me know how Alan is doing?" Sarah stood up and pulled Elizabeth up with her, both laughing. "I will." Sarah hugged her sister, "It is so good to be back. I have missed you so much. Tell Gram I will call her later ok?" Elizabeth nodded as Sarah walked towards the elevators. Sarah got in and pushed the button for the fifth floor. She was looking down at her nails when the door opened and she stepped out right into someone. She looked up and gasped, "Patrick!" "Sarah! What are you doing here?" A stunned Patrick said. Sarah hauled back and slapped Patrick hard across the face.
Due to bad weather conditions, I will be unable to post any new episodes for the time being. Internet access is gone where I live and I can't write at work. So, I have no idea when a new episode will be posted, hopefully soon when all the ice melts and they are able to restore power and cable. I hope that anyone going through bad weather is doing ok. I actually may have to check into a hotel (at my company's expense)
Excellent episode. It pulled at the heartstrings. Love the drama and I hope Victor is alive!
Sarah and Jack? Could be very interesting, Definetly see possibilities there. Poor Frankie and Greta, please don't let her die now that they just found love. Very well written episode, loved it
ROTFLMAO!!!! I knew what was coming but my God, this was hysterical. Love it! I didn't do much, I just bounced ideas off you. This was all you juniorz. Thank you for referencing Jodie as Reva. I laughed so hard when you brought up Amish lady and being cloned. I could just picture ugly Santana singing La Cuca Racha to CC. Loved it. And the line that this was for Marlena from Augusta! Vivian Alamian going after Kristen, thats what I thought of. This was wonderful
Robin walked into the waiting room where the Quartermaines were assembled. Everyone looked up, fear on their faces as she stood at the door. "I just wanted to let you know that I have contacted Dr Hayward. He has agreed to come up here to help with the surgery. Adam Chandler's plane will be lifting off shortly and Skye has been notified. She will be arriving with Dr Hayward." Robin paused. "I am so sorry that this is happening. I admire Alan so. Please let me know if I can do anything." Ned spoke up, "Robin, can you do me a favor? Can you call Brenda and have her come here with James?" Robin nodded and left the room to make the phone call. "Now why are you calling Brenda here?" Tracy demanded. "This is for family only and quite frankly I am in no mood for her little brat to be here. We already have AJ coming soon, thank God he was able to charter a plane. I can only take so many brats in one place." "Can it Tracy." Jason spoke quietly, the first time he had spoken since he had gotten there. Tracy whipped around, "What did you say to me?" "You heard me. I think it might be a good distraction. Plus Brenda will be able to help us out if need be." Jason stated, eyes forward. "Monica will be coming out soon and please, no fighting. She doesn't need World War Three going on in here." "Jason's right, Mother." Dillion said. "Just let it go. Brenda can at least contact people if need be." "Edward, what do you think?" Tracy asked her father. Edward was sitting in a corner. He waved his hand and said quietly, "I don't care about anything right now except that my son survives. The PCU marching band could be in here if it will guarentee my son's survival." Monica opened the door, tears coming down her face. "Oh my God No!" Tracy screeched. Monica looked like she had aged twenty years in the last few hours. "No, he's ok for now. Alan is stabilized and he will have the surgery today. Robin told me that AJ and Skye are on their way home, right?" Ned told her yes, "Alan wants to see you all before the surgery. Only a couple minutes though. I don't want to tire him out so do you mind going in together? Ned and Dillion, will you go first?" Dillion and Ned followed Monica to where Alan lay hooked up to many machines and IV's. They tried not to show their shock at how pale he was. One of the machines showed the aneuryism, which looked like the size of a tennis ball. "Alan?" Ned whispered. "Are you awake?" Alan reached out his hand and grasped Ned's. "Ned, if I don't make it through this, please watch out for my father. He is going to need a strong person behind him. I would ask you to watch out for Monica, but I don't want you near her. That will be Dillion's job, ok? That and watching out for Tracy. I love you both very much, even if I don't show it very often." Dillion choked back tears, "Of course Alan." "You will make it through this Alan, you have the best team behind you." Ned said in a calm, strong voice. "Dillion will you give me a minute with Alan?" "Sure. Be strong Alan." Dillion backed out of the room and Ned looked into Alan's eyes. "I want to tell you something but I want you to keep it a secret. I know you will come out of this but I want to give you something more to live for. AJ is on his way back in case you didn't know. Hopefully you will see him before surgery. What I am about to tell you, my mother doesn't even know and I don't want her to know. James, Brenda's son is also mine." Alan smiled weakly. "Ned, thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that. I can see why you wouldn't want everyone to know. I won't tell anyone, even Monica. Can you please send Emily and Jason in here?" Ned walked out and moitioned for Jason and Emily to go see Alan. When they reached his room, Emily burst into tears. Alan held out his hand and Emily leaned over and kissed him. "Thank you Dad for welcoming me into your family and loving me so much. I learned so much from you and love you very much." She backed away and let Jason sit down. "Jason, there is so much you don't remember. I was a bad father to you at times but I love you very much." Alan said in a strained voice, "I have so many regrets with you and I wish I could fix so much. Whatever you have become, I am proud that you are my son and I vow to always stand behind you." Jason squeezed Alan's hand, "I know you do Alan. What's past is past. We can only move forward." "Thank you so much for being here. Your mother will appreciate your strength as will Emily. They will need you Jason." Emily and Jason exited the room. "Jason I can't go back in there quite yet. I will be back in a minute." Emily walked towards to ladies room where she ran into Elizabeth and Brenda. "Emily, I am so sorry for Alan. How is he doing?" Elizabeth asked, concerned. Emily wiped her eyes, "He's ok. Brenda, you can go through those doors. Ned is waiting for you." She paused as Brenda made her way into the waiting room. "It is very serious Elizabeth." "I know. I called Nikolas as soon as I heard and he will be here soon. I thought you might want him here." Elizabeth said. "Well, you thought wrong." Emily stated. "Stop butting into my life and don't let him into the room, got it? Or I will have you fired from this hospital." Elizabeth was taken aback. "Ok Emily, I am sorry. I was just trying to help." "You are not helping in the least. Just stay away from and my family and that includes my fiance." Emily turned on her heels and walked away. She left a stunned Elizabeth and Nikolas, who had just walked up. "Well Alan, are you trying to take all the attention from me again?" Tracy smiled through her tears as she sat down across from Alan. "Alan, this isn't suppossed to happen to you." "Thank God there are no pills around." Alan tried to joke. Tracy grimaced, "Low blow Alan." "I had to get one in before I go." Alan said. Tracy grabbed his hand and said in a determined voice, "Listen here Alan, you will not be "going" anywhere. You will have this surgery and you will be fine. Then you and I will be back to normal and insulting each other as usual, with your wife threatening to throw me out of the house. Do I make myself clear?" "Crystal. Tracy I am getting really tired. Can you send Father in here?" Alan said quietly. "And Tracy, you know that even though you and I fight a lot, I do love you a lot. You certainly make life interesting." Tracy leaned over and kissed him. "He will be right in." Tracy walked out and into the waiting room. She walked up to her father and threw her arms around him, crying. Ned extricated her so that Edward could go see Alan. "Oh Father, you probably look worse than me." Alan said when Edward walked into the room. Edward settled himself in the chair next to Alan's bed. "Oh Son. This shouldn't be happening. It should be me here, not you. The parent is supposed to go before the child. This can't be happening Alan, it can't be." Edward's eyes began to tear up. Alan reached over and brushed his father's hair back. "Father, I am a stubborn old mule, just like you. I will make it through this and then I will start the treatments to get better. Everything will work out Father." "Alan, I feel like I have screwed up your life so many times. I screwed up all the grandkids. Look at Jason's. God forbid AJ. I am sorry you won't be able to see Michael." Edward said ashe grasped Alan's hand. "I wouldn't want Michael to see me like this. I am not going to be my suave, debonair self when I come out of this. Oh Father, please know that whatever has happened, I love you very much." Edward choked back his tears, "I love you too son. Look, I will let you rest. If AJ or Skye get here soon, we will send them in to see you. Remember, we all love you." Edward walked out and leaned against the wall. It was then that he gave into his tears and cried. Skye rushed into the waiting room and ran to Ned. "Is he ok? Can I see him?" Ned sat Skye down next to him and Brenda, "Monica is in with him right now. Now that Dr Hayward is here, he will go under anesthesia very shortly. Dr Hayward has to meet with Dr Drake and they will go over everything and brief Monica, who will tell us everything. But the surgery will start shortly I assume. He looked very weak when I saw him." "David told me all about these aneuryisms. He has treated them many times before and has been successful with them. I don't care for David on a personal level, but he is a good doctor." Skye told everyone after she said hello to everyone. "Brenda, is that your child?" "Yes. His name is James Edward. I hear you have a child as well. Where is she?" Brenda responded. "I left him with Leticia, I hope you don't mind. I didn't think this was the place for a child." Skye said. Tracy interjected, "At least someone, even if it is Skye has some common sense." "Mother." Ned warned. There was a commotion at the door and it flung open. "Where is my father?" AJ demanded, Sarah Webber at his side.
Juniorz, I try to block out Wanda DeJesus' playing Santana. Santana to me is only Gina Gallego. I could see CC turning to Gallego's Santana, not DeJesus'. Kill DeJesus' Santana and oh! call Eileen Davidson Ashley or Kristen instead of Kelly. What a horrid recast.
Please kill the Walker family. That's all I ask. In a nice parody, it would be cool if they drove off a bridge like Reva on GL, but this time they really die
Jason and Alison were having breakfast, talking about her conversation with Emily at Wyndemere when the phone rang. Jason picked it up and was surprised to hear Brenda's voice. "Brenda? Is everything all right with Sonny? What's going on?" "It's not Sonny, he's fine. It's Alan." Brenda said in a low voice. "He's having some serious pains. I know you have problems with the Quartermaines, but you probably should get down to the hospital." Brenda paused, "Jason, it's very serious. Put away any animosity and go see the man that raised you even though you can't recall it, he can. From what I was told, it may be very serious." Jason sighed heavily. "Ok, I know. Let me get dressed and I will be right there." Jason hung up the phone and looked at Alison. "It's Alan. He's very sick and I need to go to the hospital. Brenda wouldn't call me if it wasn't true." "I know Jason. I have to get to Nikolas' anyway to take care of Cameron and Spencer. Let me know if you need me." Alison kissed him briefly. "I will." He said as he headed out the door. Patrick had just finished with his first surgery and was cleaning up when a nurse came in and told him about Alan. Immediately he went over to a phone and called Robin. She answered the phone, sounding out of breath. "Hello." "Robin it's me. I have to tell you something." Patrick said in a very serious voice. Robin sat down in a chair and whispered, "It's not my father or Mac is it?" From the tone of his voice she knew something was wrong. "What's going on Patrick?" "It's Alan Quartermaine. He was brought to the ER with possible chest pains. I am going down there to see what I can do before my next surgery. One of the nurses told me that my father is already there." Patrick relayed. Robin got up and grabbed her keys, "I'll be right there." Alan had fallen into a light sleep. Noah and Monica were looking at the EKG and CAT scan and had concluded that he didn't have a heart attack. "Monica, you did the right thing getting him down here as fast as possible. The cold foot was the tip off. It is an aortic aneuryism. We will have to perform surgery in the next few hours, maybe even wait until tomorrow since it was caught so fast. I will need a cardiologist in there with me and I will not have you." Patrick had walked in and was looking at the scans. "I agree that it is an aneuryism. I would assist but I have another surgery that will take me at least six hours. I will be too tired to do this surgery." Monica looked at both men and spoke strongly. "I will assist. He is my husband and I want to be there." "No you won't." Noah said. "You need to be there for your family and for Alan. You know the risks involved here. You should also get in touch with any family members that aren't here because the next 48 hours are critical. Monica, you know this." Noah looked at Patrick. "I know a doctor in Pine Valley who is very good, in fact Robin knows him. Dr David Hayward is world reowned and has saved many lives. He is the doctor we need here to help us with Alan." "How does Robin know him?" Monica asked. "He was her stepfather for a short time. He was married to Anna a few years back. I am positive if Robin called him he would come." Patrick said. "Monica, why don't you tell Alan what is going on and we will tell the rest of your family. I believe that they are in the private waiting room. We will keep them separated from everyone else." Noah said. Patrick said to Monica, "I have to go back upstairs. I have another surgery that I have to prep for. Dad, let me know how it comes out." "Ok." Monica went into Alan's room and held his hand while he slept and the Dr Drake went in the waiting room to see Edward, Tracy, Emily, Ned, Dillion and even Jason there. "Noah, what do you know about my son?" Edward blustered. "What's going on?" Noah and Patrick sat down. "He has an aortic aneurysm in the main blood vessel to his heart. He will need surgery, hopefully today if possible. He needs to be stabilized first." Tracy broke in, "Oh dear God, not Alan!" Tears started to roll down her face. Edward's eyes filled with tears, "How serious is this?" "The next 48 hours are critical. I would suggest if there is any family not present that you contact them and have them here as soon as possible. This is a life threatening procedure. We have to make sure that the aneurysm doesn't burst. There is a doctor out of Pine Valley named Dr David Hayward that I would like to contact to come assist me with this procedure. Dr Scorpio knows him well." Noah paused to let this sink in. "I am sure that if Dr Scorpio contacts him, that he will come." Edward looked at Noah, "I need to make a couple phone calls to check out this Dr Hayward. This is my son that we are putting in this stranger's hand and I want to make sure that he is a good doctor. Where can I use a phone?" Edward stood up and blustered. "I will bring you to an office where you will have some privacy." Noah said. Edward turned to Ned, "Call that ne'er do well son of Alan's home. He needs to be here. I will contact Skye." Ned nodded as Edward followed Noah into a small office. He picked up his phone and dialed information for Chandler Industries. He told the secretary who he was and that it was an emergency and that he needed to speak to his old friend Adam Chandler. "Edward my friend!" Adam's gruff voice came over the phone line. "What can I do for you?" "Adam I need you to tell me about David Hayward. Is he a good doctor?" Adam's voice turned angry. "What has that scoundrel done to you Edward? I swear I could kill him with my own two hands if.. "Adam, I need to know if he is a good doctor!" Edward's voice broke as he yelled into the phone. "It's my son and he needs surgery. If JR or Little A needed lifesaving surgery, would you trust Dr Hayward to do it." Adam's voice softened, "Oh God Edward. Alan is such a good man. Yes, David is many things but he is a good, dedicated doctor who will save his patients. Does Skye know?" "Can you tell her? I'm going to have Robin Scorpio call David then and ask him to come up here." Edward said, his head hanging. "Edward, I will fly them up to Port Charles on my plane. They can be here within the hour." Adam said. "Let me know how it goes." "Thank you Adam." Edward hung up the phone and stared out the window. He shouldn't have to be in this position. Parents shouldn't outlive their children. He stood up and walked to the door and said to Noah. "Have Robin call him in." Edward walked back to his family, sat down and cried.
One thing I love about your blog is your twists are so unpredictable yet they make perfect sense. Paige Miller involved with Victor Kirakis, have to love it. You are so creative with this and it makes me come back for more. Excellent job
I know what you mean when you say you love writing for Keith. It's the same way I feel about writing for Scott Baldwin. It's the snarkiness that we all love. You have captured Keith so well. I would hate to see Warren leave. I love Warren and think he is a much needed character. He can be backburnered for a while as long as we see him again. He and Angela would be hot!
Who do you think is behind Adriana's attempted kidnapping? Kirk Cranston 2. Who does Mason belong with in the long-run- Julia or Mary? Julia 3. What character do you feel has been written truest to their nature thusfar on RTSB? (try to pick only one, but no more than 3) CC, Julia and Kelly 4. What character has done something you wouldn't expect them to? Who did it, what did they do & why does it contradict their nature? I don't think that Mary would take up with Mason when he is married to Julia. Mary is too kind and has very high morals. It goes against her morals IMO, but made for great storytelling 5. Who is your favorite of the brand new characters introduced on 'RTSB'? I like Joann and am very intrigued by her 6. What character do you think needs to be further developed? Warren 7. Who would you like to see more of? Warren 8. What do you think Edmund has planned for Sophia? No idea 9. What storyline keeps you coming back for more? Mary/Mason/Julia 10. Have you noticed any references to specific things on 'Santa Barbara' on 'RTSB'? If so, which ones did you catch? I know I have but I honestly don't remember. I think I have commented to them on the specific episode 11. What character do you feel 'RTSB' could do without? (not who's your least fave, but who seems pretty irrelevant in the story so far) Even though I like her, RTSB could right now do without Joann 12. Is there a plot on 'Santa Barbara' that was left dangling that you'd like to see resolved on 'RTSB'? If so, what? Does the fact that the Walker family ever appeared on the show count? Can you refer to them as all dead. There was only one family I hated more and that was GH's Eckert family 13. What do you think of the addition of the Ramirez family? Do you think they should stick around? For the time being. But if you had to cut a family I would prefer this one 14. Who were your favorite characters on SB? Kelly, Mason, CC, Julia and Cruz, Keith and Gina 15. Do you have the same favorites on 'RTSB'? Yes, with the addition of Pearl 16. What two characters would you like to see paired up that aren't already a couple? Warren and Kelly, if they aren't related 17. Do you feel that all of the new characters (Carla, Marta, Elizabeth, Joann, Edmund) have been properly integrated with the cast? Not all of them. Joann is only at the office and seems to know only a few people 18. Who would you prefer to see comfort CC through his loss of Sophia- Elizabeth, Pamela, Gina, Rosa, Santana, or Joann? Santana! 19. Rank these storylines in order of preference: Mary's Return from the Dead! Edmund & Pamela's Plot against CC & Sophia! Elizabeth/CC/Sophia history visited! Cruz, Angel, their Undercover Investigation and the ensuing kidnapping! Samantha/Rafe/Lily/Ted/Angela and Lily's plots against Angela! Who is Warren's Father? How you wrote them is how I like them, nice thinking 20. Do you have a favorite 'RTSB' episode? If so, which one was it? The one where Sophia was drugged, loved it 21. Do you listen to the theme song before each episode? I have only heard it just once, because of computer problems I can't always listen Great questions! Thanks for listening to our feedback
Love Susan Ward! Great casting choice and I hope she stays for a while
Love that you named the monster the "Fury" but I can't believe that the Fury is attacking Greta so soon after her night of passion. Caroline waking up, love it. Great eppy.
"Mac, Mac. Wake up." Bobbie shook him awake the next morning. "You need to get up and get some food in your stomach. I went out and got some coffee and cinnamon rolls." Mac rubbed his eyes and tried to wake up. He grabbed a coffee from Bobbie and slowly sipped it. "I'm sorry you slept in a chair last night. I'll sleep on the floor tonight Bobbie." "It's ok. I will be taking a nap later but it's no big deal." Bobbie sat down on the bed, "How did you sleep?" "Better. I'm glad you are here. It was the first night I didn't crave a drink. Thanks for listening to everything." Mac said wearily. Bobbie looked at Mac sympathetically. "Mac you have to first accept that Felicia and Maxie are gone and that it is not your fault. It is so hard, trust me I know. When I lost BJ and was caught kissing Damian Smith, well it was not my proudest moment." Bobbie stopped and took a drink of her coffee. "We all grieve differently but Mac we have to grieve. It's all done in different times but you have to accept that they are gone." Mac's eyes teared up, "It's just so hard. With BJ, it was an accident. Maxie killed herself and I didn't see how distrurbed she was. I feel like I am to blame and I think I will always feel that way." Bobbie laid her hand over his and lowered her voice. "You can't blame yourself for this. Now we need to tackle this day. We have to take one day at a time. Why don't you take a shower and we will go for a walk and let the maids clean in here. Maybe catch some lunch or something." "What about work Bobbie?" "I called Alan and requested some personal time. I have so much vacation time accured he said it was ok." Bobbie paused and got up. "I also called Robert and let him know that I was with you and that you were ok. He would like for you to call him." Mac got up, "I will after I take a shower." He grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom, "Bobbie?" "Yes Mac?" "Thank you." "No Patrick, I don't like the couch like that." Robin was standing in the living room watching Patrick position the couch in the living room. "It needs to be centered more. Can you move it to the left a little, like two inches? Then I will hang the mural up over it." Patrick moved the couch over and stood back, admiring his work. "What do you think?" "Perfect." Robin slowly turned around to survey the room. "I think it came out great. All we have to do is make it a home now." "Babe, it was my home the moment you and I moved in." Patrick came over and kissed her. "I love you." Robin closed her eyes and smiled. "I love you too." Patrick enfolded her in his arms. "I think that this whole house has really come together. The paint job looks great. I am loving the plasma TV and that king size bed is such a bonus. Waking up next to you is the greatest feeling ever." Patrick leaned down and kissed her. Mid kiss, his pager went off. "Oh Robin I have to call the hospital." "I understand." Robin walked over to some boxes and started to unpack one of them that had some of their knick knacks and books in them. She looked up as he closed his phone. "What's going on?" "One of my patients needs emergency surgery. Then I have that other surgery scheduled right after that which is going to be about six hours if I am lucky. I am looking at a really full day now." Patrick scratched his head and apologized. Robin walked over and gave him a kiss. "Honey, we will have other days. I will unpack and put things away. Maybe call Brenda and see what is going on with her and Sonny." Patrick smiled and kissed her. "Have I told you lately that I love you?" "You can tell me again." Robin smiled, kissing him back. "I love you." Alan was walking towards the Nursing Station when he felt the pain in his back. It was not the first time he felt in the last few hours. He grimaced and grabbed his back, rubbing it. He saw Monica at the Nurse's Station and stopped over to say hello. Monica saw that a fine sheen of sweat had broken out on his brow. "Alan, are you ok? I know you didn't sleep last night. You were tossing and turning all night. What's going on?" "I just couldn't get comfortable last night. Now I have this pain in my back. It keeps throbbing and won't go away. It's spreading too, down my legs. Also, my foot is cold." Alan's face was turning whiter. "I know that there is something wrong." Immediately Monica yelled for a nurse to get a wheelchair. "Alan we are taking you to the ER to get examined." Alan sat in the wheelchair and the nurse wheeled Alan into the ER and into a room. Monica asked the nurse for either Dr Drake to be paged as well as Emily. "Alan, I want to perform an echocardigram right now and a CAT scan. I need you to get undressed and put the gown on, ok?" Monica barked to the nurse to get another doctor in there and some nurses to bring in the portable CAT and EKG machine. They quickly complied. "Alan, I am not going to leave here, ok? I will stay here with you." Alan lay back and closed his eyes. "This is bad, isn't it Monica. What do you think it is?" "I'm not sure Alan, until I see the EKG." Monica replied. Emily came bursting into the room. "Mom, Dad, what's going on?" Monica filled Emily in on Alan's symptons and asked Emily to call everyone to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Emily kissed her father. "I will Mom. I love you Dad and I will be right back." Emily rushed to a phone and called the Mansion. Alice answered and Emily asked to speak to anyone that was home, preferably Ned if he was there. Ned picked up the phone, "Hi Emily, what's up?" "It's Dad. He is having some pains and it looks serious. Mom is running some tests. Can you please get everyone down here? I can't tell Grandfather over the phone. Can you please break it to him?" Emily's voice broke as she spoke. "Is he having a heart attack?" Ned asked, worried. Emily clutched the phone, "I don't think so. We are doing an EKG and a CAT scan to see what's going on. Can you just please call everyone so I can go back there? I don't want Mom alone right now. This looks bad Ned." "Of course. We will be there as soon as we can. Go back in there and I will call my mother and Dillion. I will have Brenda call Jason at the same time and try to get him to come. Monica would appreciate that." Ned said. Emily tried to hold back the tears, "Yes she will. I have to go. Thanks Ned." Ned hung up the phone with a heavy heart and walked into the living room where Edward was reading the paper and talking with Brenda. Edward looked up and laid down the paper. "Ned, what happened." "Emily just called from the hospital. It's Alan. He's having pains and they aren't sure what it may be We need to go to the hospital now." Ned spoke softly. "Brenda, can you call Jason and ask him to get to the hospital? I will call Tracy and Dillion from the car. Brenda if you can't get Jason, can you ask Sonny to convince him?" Brenda nodded and left the room. Edward crumbled. "Not my son. He is stronger than that. He will be ok, right? Right Ned?" Ned hugged his grandfather and led him towards the door. "He will Grandfather. He takes after you."
Excellent episode. I knew that Carly would freak out and loved that she got in a slap on AJ. Having Elizabeth see Sam's nightgown and robe was a nice touch
I continue to love how you are involving the OLTL people in the story. It's wild and so well written.
I didnt know she was tied with Lisa so it's great to know. She is such a spitfire and I love that you are doing these character spotlights.
I have a feeing I know who the MCF is, but of course I may be wrong as well. I can't wait for the next episode and see what happens. Nice touch with Maggie's high heels, I have to admit I giggled because I could so picture her in a flowing Chanel suit and the highest heels possible taking on Victor. Great episode
My first thought about Maxie was wondering if she was somehow related to Carly because Carly would do the same thing and I love it. The Elizabeth and Lucky scenes were filled with such vulnerability and hopefulness on Elizabeth's part it made me want more. I cannot wait for AJ to reveal himself to Carly, the sparks will fly! Excellent episode, very well written. Ryan you have an excellent team behind you
We are going to begin the long awaited Quartermaine crisis story. It is the umbrella story that will bring together a lot of storylines and see people interact. The last several episodes have been a result of setting that up. There wil be a All My Children crossover. Expect to see David Canary (Adam Chandler), Vincent I (Dr. David Hayward )and Robin Christopher (Skye Chandler Quartermaine) on the canvas ranging from one episode to several. It will also facillitate the coming home of AJ Quartermaine and Sarah Webber. One of the Quartermaines will be going through a severe health crisis, one that is close to home to me. My father went through the same thing but the results will be different. I am writing this so that the Quartermaines will rightfully have a story for themselves and everyone involved will have their place to shine. Look for the beginning of this story to start in episode 33, hopefully posted later today. We are also in talks to bring a recently released actress back to the canvas. If we can't have her, we will recast.
"Bobbie are you there?" Mac's desperation could be heard through the phone line, "I need help and I don't know who else to go to." Bobbie said down in a chair and calmly asked, "Mac, where are you? Are you ok? Have you called Robert or Robin? They are really worried about you Mac." "I am in a hotel room outside of Poughkeepsie. No, you are the only person I have called. I can't face Robert yet, I don't want them to be ashamed of me. I have been here for several days and Bobbie," Mac's voice broke as he started to cry, "I feel so alone. I need you to come up here. You are the only one who understands what it is like to lose so many people." "Ok Mac," Bobbie stood up and started to walk upstairs. "I am going to throw some clothes in a bag and come stay with you. We will work through this. I am here to help you but I will tell Robert you are ok." Mac was crying harder, "I can't get the image out of my head. Maxie won't fade. She haunts me Bobbie. So does Felicia. Bobbie, does it end? When you lost BJ, did she ever stop haunting you?" "Oh Bobbie, I still dream of BJ and I always will. I still dream of Tony." Bobbie was quickly opening drawers and throwing clothes and toiliteries in her duffel bag. "They aren't haunting you, they are visiting. Think of the good times." "You don't understand me Bobbie!" Mac cried angrily, "I can't think of the good times, I only see Maxie taking a gun to her head. I thought you would understand tragedy. They aren't visiting, they are taunting me. Saying over and over again that I was a horrible father and husband. I can't get rid of them! You have to help me." He continued to sob harder that it sounded harder for him to breathe. Bobbie shoved the last of her clothes in her back and zipped it up. She rushed downstairs and grabbed her keys. "Mac, I am on my way. Give me your number and I will call you right back. I will stay on the line with you the whole way there, OK? I will be there as soon as I can." "Thank you Bobbie." sobbed Mac. Jason walked into Sonny's penthouse and made himself comfortable on the couch. He looked up when Sonny walked in, "Hi Sonny, you wanted to see me?" "Yeah Jason. Did that shipment arrive from Miami on time and get distributed?" Sonny poured himself a drink and offered one to Jason, who declined. "Yes, everything arrived on schedule and is on it's way to our distributors. The money is on it's way to the Swiss account as we speak." Jason reported. "How are things with you? Have you heard from Carly?" Sonny sat down across from Jason and crossed his leg. "She and Jax made it to Austraila fine. The boys sounded excited to be on a new adventure. She wanted to pass on hellos to you." "Thanks." Jason sat there and stared at Sonny for a few moments. "Something on your mind Sonny?" "Nawww." Sonny smiled before taking a drink. Jason immediately looked concerned. "Sonny is there something that I need to know about?" Sonny debated telling Jason and decided too. "Brenda will be around here a lot more." Right then, there was a knock on the door and Max opened the door. "Mr. Corinithos, Emily Quartermaine is here to see Jason." Jason quickly glanced at Sonny and half stood up, "You mind?" Sonny shook his head, "Have her come in here. I will go in my study. I have a couple calls to make." He stood up as Emily walked in. "Hello Emily." Emily walked purposefully towards Jason and sat down, throwing a quick hello to Sonny. She waited for Sonny to exit before saying, "Jason I have to talk to you." Immediately Jason looked worried, "What's wrong? Is it one of the Quartermaines, is someone sick?" "No," Emily shook her head, her hair flying in all directions as she looked serious. "It's Alison Barrington." Jason's brows came together, "What about her?" "I don't think she's right for you Jason. I think it's too soon after Sam and I am afraid she is using you. I just get this feeling from her that she is, I don't know, trying to get too much out of you right now than you are willing to give. You also have so much going on with Elizabeth and the baby. I don't think it's the right time for you to have a girlfriend right now." Jason leaned back and stared at Emily. "Emily, did something happen between you and Alison? Where is this coming from?" Emily sniffed, "Nothing happened." she spoke quickly. Jason spoke quietly and in a way that suggested that he didn't want Emily to ever mention this again, "Emily stay away from Alison. You really don't know what you are talking about. I don't appreciate you bringing up Sam. I would like it if you please left." He spoke with controlled anger. "Fine." Emily stood up and made one more attempt, "Just think about it, she's all wrong for you." "Enough." a now angry Jason said. Alexis down the path, heading for Kelly's to meet Scott for lunch. He had called her earlier and cajoled her to meet her for lunch. Finally to get him off the phone, she agreed. She was surprised that he was there before she was. "Hello Scott." She laid her coat over a chair and stared at him. "What do you want?" "What makes you think I want something?" Scott demanded, "You know Alexis, I am starting to get a little bit perturbed that you always think I want something from you." "Don't you?" Alexis shot back, "Like an endoresment for mayor? Do you really think you can win against Ric? Scott, you were almost disbarred." "Thanks for reminding me." Scott said wryly. "I would think you would want me to beat your ex. Hey, I figure you owe me one as I won you custody of Molly for you with no publicity." Scott looked up and saw Lulu approaching, "Lulu, two coffees." "Lulu, a roast beef sandwich too. Thanks." Alexis said. "I knew that would come back to haunt me. You are incorrigible Scott. I should endorse Ric just because you said that." The door opened as Alexis said that and they heard a familiar voice, "Oh I don't think I need your endorsement Counselor." Ric stated, hanging up his coat. He arrogantly stated, "I will win this election without the help of you. Baldwin here is a joke, not even a real candidate. I will win in a landslide." Scott grinned up at Ric and said mockingly, "Oh come now Lansing, are you afraid of some competition from me? You know you are. I can smell it from you." Ric scowled at Scott, "Baldwin, the day I am afraid of you is the day that Alexis here finally does the world a favor and locks up my brother in a prison cell and throws away the key. Which means never. I will stomp on you like an ant." "Do you really think so?" Alexis interrupted, "For God's sake you two, will you please put a sock in it. I would like to eat my lunch in peace and not have to hear you two debate on who's better." Ric smiled, "That's exactly what we should do. Scott, we should have a televised debate to show the people of Port Charles who the best candidate is for mayor." Scott leaned back in his chair and smiled confidently, "You got it. Name the time and the place and I will be there with bells on." Ric grabbed his coat, "I'll get back to you."
Bobbie and Mac have a bond that no one else has. It will be explored deeper. I want to humanize Bobbie more and this is the way I think it can be done. I like playing around with the characters.