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Lucky looks over at the sleeping Emily and sighs deeply. He can’t believe that they had sex. He regrets having sex with her because he doesn’t want to hurt her and he fears that in her state that he will. “Hmmm, that was nice Lucky.” She stirred and turned over towards him. “Yeah.” He said noncommittally. She leaned up on one elbow, “Elizabeth is a stupid girl to give you up. You were wonderful Lucky.” She trailed her fingers up and down his arm. “Look Emily, I hope you know that this doesn’t change anything. I still want to work things out with Elizabeth.” Lucky looked at her. Emily shrugged her shoulders, “I’m not stopping you Lucky. I just want you to know that I am here for you in every way. Are you positive Elizabeth is?” “I don’t know Emily. I have a lot to figure out.” Lucky said, “I am not promising you anything.” Emily smiled, “Am I asking?” “No.” “I just want to be your friend Lucky. I am offering you more than just friendship. I understand you don’t want it. I can wait.” Emily offered. Lucky drew in a deep breath, hearing movement from below. He had forgotten that there were so many people in the house. “I don’t want you to wait, that’s the thing. I don’t think anything will ever happen between us Emily. In fact, I am positive nothing will happen between us.” “Don’t say that Lucky, you never know.” Emily said coyly “I do know Emily.” Lucky said forcefully. “As long as I still have these feelings for Elizabeth, I won’t move on.” “I get tha…” “Lucky! Lucky! Where are you?” Lulu bounded up the stairs and pulled open the door to his room. “Oh my God!” She stood there, stunned to see Lucky and Emily in bed together. Brenda bounced her way into Sonny’s penthouse and threw herself in his arms, “Hey baby.” She kissed him deeply, “I’ve missed you.” Sonny brushed her hair back and kissed her back, “Hmmmm, you taste so good.” He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up to kiss her more thoroughly. “Baby, I have missed you.” “Me too.” She disengaged herself from his arms and asked, “I found a house I like and I want you to see it. I love it. It’s a small house with a roomy kitchen and living room. A sunroom and three bedrooms. So there is room for Leticia. Want to come see it?” Sonny walked over and grabbed his coat. “Let’s go.” Together they walked out and got into his car. Brenda gave Max the directions to the house. “So Sonny, how was your day?” “I talked to Carly. She is coming back to Port Charles with the kids. They should be here in a couple days. Jax is staying with Lady Jane.” Sonny started. “Oh I hope she is getting better. I love Lady Jane.” Brenda said, snuggling up to Sonny. Sonny looked down at Brenda, “Don’t remind me.” She giggled and he continued on, “Jason called her and asked that she come home so that Alan can see Michael.” “That’s nice of her, I will give her that. That is about all I will give her.” Brenda said. She pointed to a road, “It’s the first house there on the right.” They walked towards the house and Brenda took out a key. “I talked to the rental agent and she gave me a key. What do you think?” Brenda twirled around the living room of the house as Sonny walked around the downstairs. Sonny sauntered over to her, “Bren, do you love it?” Brenda nodded. “I’ll buy it for you Brenda.” “Oh no you won’t Sonny.” Brenda vehemently stated, “This is for me and James. I want to do this. It’s about me. I am not the 18 year old girl that you can buy a car for.” Sonny threw his hands up, “Ok, Ok, you win.” He walked over and took her in his arms, “I just want to give you the world.” Brenda kissed him, “You are halfway there.” She giggled and lifted her shirt up, throwing it in his face. She knelt on the ground and beckoned him over. Smiling, Sonny followed her down to the ground. Ric walked into Kelly’s to find Scott eating a piece of pie. He sat down across from Scott and asked, “What was so urgent that you needed to see me?” “Well Lansing,” Scott deliberately wiped his mouth with a napkin, “You and I have a problem.” “What’s that?” Scott leaned back and took a sip of his coffee, “Spencer. What are we going to do about Laura Spencer.” Ric scoffed, “I don’t think I have anything to worry about.” “Really?” Scott reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out a flyer. He threw it at Ric. “This was on my car today. They are all over the place. Now tell me there is nothing to worry about.” Ric studied it and said slowly, “What are you proposing?” Scott leaned back, “Well, I hate Luke Spencer more than, well you. So I am thinking we need to work together to make sure that the Spencers don’t win this thing. One of us needs to drop out.” “Are you suggesting that we team up together and pool our resources? You are willing to drop out and help me be Mayor?” Ric asked doubtfully. “You think I am going to drop out?” Scott laughed, “You are sorely mistaken.” Scott pointed at Ric and continued, “You help me win and I make you Police Commissioner You can go after Sonny all you want.” Ric swiftly came back, “No way. I want to be Mayor.” Scott leaned forward, “Don’t you get it Lansing? Neither one of us will win unless we come together on this. Take my deal.” Ric stood up, “I’ll think about it Baldwin.” He started to walk towards the door, “Just don’t hold your breath.” Ned walks into MetroCourt and sits down at a table. The last few days have taken their toll on him. Even though it was late afternoon he ordered a gin and tonic. He wasn’t surprised to see Lucy walk towards him. “Hey Luce. How are you?” Concerned, she sat down across from Ned. “More importantly Ned, how are you?” “I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. I had to get out of the hospital for a bit. And being in the house is slowly driving me insane. The only person who isn’t driving me nuts in James.” Ned confided. Lucy reached over and grasped his hand, “Ned, I know.” Ned looked right up, “I know that you know I am James father. Brenda wants to move out too. I won’t allow it.” “You have too Ned.” Lucy said. “I don’t have to do anything. I don’t want my son around that criminal.” Ned took a drink and said sharply, “It’s not going to happen.” Lucy looked at him sympathetically, “I understand how you feel that way. I remember how messed up Sonny made Brenda years ok. I was the one that brought her to the hospital when she freaked out at the Deception shoot. But what can you do about it?” Ned regarded Lucy shrewdly, “If you are Brenda’s friend than you will help me. Marry me.”
Bobby Ewing! I love it! I almost choked on my drink when I read that. Poor Carrie, why does she trust Alan so much? I hope that they are able to find the baby. Excellent episode
Sweeps Previews -Secrets & Lies: The Final Chapter
Tishy commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
Great! Everything sounds so excellent and I was hoping that the Q's and Luke would be in there somewhere. I appreciate the clarification. I love your blog, you know that and am excited to see what will happen -
Sweeps Previews -Secrets & Lies: The Final Chapter
Tishy commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
This looks very good! I can't wait to read it. Endgame sounds so good for the next arc. Anna is a force to be recockened with, I can't wait to see what she will do. My only question, what about the Quartermaines and Luke? Are they going to fit in anywhere? -
AJ and Sarah had spent the morning and early afternoon in bed making love. They fell in and out of sleep in between lovemaking. Sarah woke up in the early afternoon and lightly kissed AJ’s brow and giggled. He smiled and gathered her in his arms. “Oh sweetheart, you wore me out!” “That’s what newlyweds are supposed to do.” Replied a sated Sarah. She stretched like a cat who was being scratched on her belly. “I love you Sarah” AJ said tenderly. “I love you.” She looked deep in his eyes. “You have no idea how much I love you. I am so glad we left Santa Barbara and came back to Port Charles. I had so many demons there.” AJ kissed her, “Hush. You are with me now. He has no hold over you now. If I ever found that bastard I would kill him.” Sarah brushed his hair away from his brow, “Which is precisely why I won’t tell you who it is. I am just sorry that, you know.” Sarah hid her face in AJ’s chest. AJ lifted her chin up and gazed into her eyes, “It’s ok Sarah. I know it’s not your fault.” He leaned over and kissed her passionately several times. When they broke apart, he said, “Brenda told me that Carly is in Australia with Jax. I would like to see Michael. I don’t want to intrude on his life. I have already messed up his life enough. I just want to see him.” Sarah trailed her hand down his arm, “I know, but it would be nice to see your son.” “True. I will just extend the olive branch so to speak. Carly has every right not to trust me.” He sighed deeply. “I would also like my father to see him. I know it would cheer him up. I will have to get Carly’s number and call her. Do you want to head over to the hospital with me and see my father?” “Yes. Do you think we can stop and see Elizabeth too? She gets out of the hospital today. I love the name Ava.” Sarah said, “You should have seen it, Lucky and Nikolas were watching the Super Bowl and trying to talk to Elizabeth. It was pretty funny.” AJ kissed his bride, “Of course. I love you.” Sarah kissed him back, “I love you.” The Spencer House was full of activity. Luke, Laura, Lulu, Lucky, Robert, Robin, Patrick, Dillion, Justus, Lainey, Bobbie, Noah, and Nikolas were there helping with the campaign. Luke was leading the way, telling everyone what to do. Buttons were being made, flyers being drawn up to be passed around and sent out. Nikolas had commissioned a TV director to make commercials with Laura in them, which were going to be shot that day. The commercials were going to be aired on all the channels in the Port Charles area. The air was full of excitement to get Laura elected Mayor. “Hey mate, what do you want me to do with these buttons? We have quite a few of them done here.” Robert yelled to Luke. “Scorpio, take your prodigal daughter and her doctor boyfriend and go down to Kelly’s, then MetroCourt and pass them out. Don’t forget to say “Vote for Laura!” Luke yelled. “Give them to everyone you see!” Robert yelled back, “Spencer, why am I doing this again? It’s freezing out.” “You are right. Robin, you stay inside. Make the men stay outside. Tell your no good father that we want to beat Baldwin and that my wife can run this city better than any mayor since, well me.” Luke shouted. Robin laughed, “Was I even born when you were Mayor Luke?” “Oh but it was an exciting time. Have your father tell you some stories to pass the time. Oh, take some flyers with you as well.” Luke commanded. When Robert, Patrick and Robin left, Lulu, Dillion, Lainey, and Justus were all calling people to ask to vote for Laura. Nikolas had installed a multi line phone in the house to accommodate the needs of the campaign. He and Lucky were addressing flyers to be sent out in the mail. The door flew open and Scott came in. “Enemy on the premises!” Luke yelled. “Can it Spencer.” Scott said. “I want to know why you are doing this. Why the write in campaign.” Laura came forward, “Scott, I think that I can be a better Mayor than you and Ric. Plain and simple.” “Oh please.” Scott said disgustedly, “Anyone could see that Luke sprung this on you and you had no idea that he was going to do this.” He looked around the house at all the cameras and electronic equipment. “Must be nice to have a gazillionaire son to finance this.” “Oh you stop right now Baldwin and get the hell out of my house.” Luke said. “You are just afraid that a woman, your ex wife will do a better job than you.” “Hardly.” Scott said sarcastically. “But you are right, I will take my leave. May the best person win.” Scott slammed the door to the Spencer House and dialed a number. “Hey, I think it’s time you and I met. How about an hour?” Scott shut his phone and walked off. Robert was outside the MetroCourt handing out buttons when Tracy approached. “Hey Tracy. How are you?” Tracy sniffed, “Seeing that my brother is in the hospital, not well. What do you have in your hand there Commissioner?” Robert passed her a pin. “Vote for Laura.” Tracy looked at him scornfully and said, “Oh please. You really expect me to vote for Luke Spencer’s wife? You are already the Commissioner. What will this town be coming to if a Spencer is Mayor.” “Come now Tracy,” Robert smirked, “You know I am a damn good Commissioner. I keep the burglars away from your house.” Tracy pulled the scarf up on her coat, “Oh please. Your brother is better.” Robert smiled sideways, “That is yet to be determined Tracy.” Tracy huffed, “Mr. Scorpio, I am going inside to have a cup of coffee and some soup.” “Great, I’ll join you.” Robert said, completely forgetting about Laura’s campaign. Surprisingly, Tracy didn’t object. Emily walked into the Spencer House with one thing on her mind. She saw Lulu and asked where Lucky was. Lulu pointed to the stairs and Emily glanced around. Seeing that no one was noticing her, she stealthy made her way upstairs and towards Lucky’s old bedroom. She opened the door. Lucky was sitting on the bed and he looked up, “Hi Emily. What are you doing here?” “Looking for you. I heard Elizabeth had her baby and was wondering how you were taking it.” Lucky sighed, “You know Emily, I thought I would be ok. I even talked to a shrink about it. But when I saw her and Jason holding that baby, I bolted. I couldn’t take the fact that for six months, I believed that baby was mine.” Emily sat down next to him on the bed. “I understand. It had to be hard.” Emily said sympathetically, running her hands over his back. “You have no idea. My heart broke all over again.” Lucky stated. “I wish that there was something I could do Lucky.” Emily moved closer to him. Lucky turned to Emily, “Just being my friend is enough. You are the only one who has supported me throughout the whole thing. Not even my brother is supporting me. He and I are barely speaking.” Emily looked away, upset. “Yeah well, Nikolas broke up with me. We aren’t getting married basically because of Elizabeth.” Lucky drew Emily into a hug, “Oh Emily, I am so sorry. I know how much you love Nikolas. This has got to be hard. Want me to talk to Nikolas, get him to see reason?” Emily started to cry softly, “There is no use. Thank you Lucky though.” She looked up at him and gazed into his eyes. “Um, no problem Emily.” He realized that he was still holding her and brushed her hair back. “Emily, you don’t deserve this. You are too good a person to have to go through all of this.” “Neither do you. Neither one of us deserves this.” She leaned over and lightly brushed her lips over his. She leaned back to see his reaction. She saw desire in his eyes. He leaned forward, tightened his grasp around her and drew her closer. They started to kiss passionately and fell back onto the bed.
LMAO! Go Nicole! I love it! I can see Jack going after Peter and Kristen and wanting to tear Peter's head off. I am very excited for the Peter storyline.
What a reveal at the end! Love it! This will be interesting... Glad that Adriana got to Julia and Eden in time to tell them it was her that the kidnappers were after. I hope that they can get to Cruz. Great episode!
I like the Sami and Peter interaction, it sounds just like them. I hope Austin and Carrie are going to be ok, especially now that they have Roman back!
Poor Will! He just can't catch a break. I hope he's ok. Hmmm....the MCF calls Marlena Doc. Is that a slip of the tongue? I so want to know who the MCF is! It's like Christmas!
Negotiations came down to the wire but we can confirm the casting of Carly Corinithos Jax. Sarah Joy Brown has signed a contract and will appear by the end of the month. AJ returning home facillitates her coming back to Port Charles. Sarah Brown was always our first choice but she had a scheduling conflict. We were deciding between Tamara Braun and Gina Tognoni. When Sarah Brown's schedule freed up and she was able to sign a contract, we jumped at the chance. By the end of the month, expect Carly to be back. A story for Carly is in the works, one in which we are excited for. At this time, Jasper Jax will not be back. He will remain in Austrailia for the time being.
I think it makes perfect sense. What with the influx of DiMeras it makes perfect sense to bring Peter back and have him infiltrate the most emotionally weakest Brady. Definately a shocker, never saw it coming.
Also, Peyton List plays Emily so I really wanted to add that in there as well.
Robin walks into MetroCourt looking for Brenda. It had been a while since the two of them had seen each other and talked. Robin sits down and orders a cup of tea. Five minutes pass before Brenda strolls in. “Hi Robin!” Brenda takes her leather jacket off, “How are you?” Robin sips her tea, “I am good. The house is finally all put together and you should be getting an invitation shortly to our party.” “Great! I told Sonny about it and he and I are going to come together. Ned found out about us so there really is nothing to hide anymore.” Brenda confided. “You’re kidding.” Robin leaned forward, “Ned must not have been happy.” Brenda shook her head, “He wasn’t. I told him I want to move out, which is something that Sonny and I discussed.” Robin interrupted, “You aren’t moving in with Sonny are you?” “Oh no.” Brenda paused and ordered a tea and a salad, “I want to live on my own with my son. I have tried to talk to Ned about it, but with Alan being so sick, it hasn’t been the right time. I have found a small house that I want to rent. It’s small, just three bedrooms, perfect for James and me. It’s actually near your house.” Concerned, Robin leaned back in her chair, “As long as you know what you are doing Brenda. I have seen what Sonny has done to you in the past. I don’t want to see him hurt you again.” “Everyone keeps saying that.” Brenda confided, “But I am older and my priorities are straight.” She took a bite of her salad. “Oh, did I tell you, I have an appointment with Scott Baldwin to discuss custody of James.” Robin was stunned, “Are you sure you should do that Brenda? Have you talked to Ned about this? Because this just sounds like Sonny talking.” Brenda waved her fork around, “No, it’s not Sonny talking.” She said succinctly. “Let’s stop talking about me and Sonny. How’s Patrick?” “I don’t know,” Robin said slowly. “The last couple days he has been sort of weird. Like he’s pulling away. I don’t really know how to approach him about it.” “What do you mean pulling away?” Robin sipped her tea again, “It’s like he is a million miles away. I ask him a question and he brushes me off. Something is bothering him and I don’t know what it is.” Robin paused a minute, “Brenda, he doesn’t even want to have sex right now.” Brenda toyed with her tea cup, “Well, have you asked him about it?” “I don’t know what to say to him. I don’t know how to start the conversation. I know he loves me, otherwise why would he surprise me with a house.” Robin stated matter of factly. “All I can say is be truthful. Ask him if something at work happened. Maybe something happened that you aren’t aware of.” Brenda reasoned. “True,” Robin glanced at her watch, “I have to go meet my father. Did you see the debate yesterday? I promised that I would help Laura so I am meeting my father and going to the Spencer House.” “I know, that was pretty wild.” Brenda said, standing up and hugging her friend. “Talk to Patrick, it’s probably nothing. Just your imagination. Just talk to him.” “And you, be careful. Give my best to Sonny.” Robin hugged Brenda back. Emily walked into Wyndemere in search of Nikolas. She desperately wanted to patch things up with him. She felt that her grasp on her life was slipping away and she needed to control that. She walked through the foyer and into his study, where he sat, his back to her. “Nikolas, can I talk to you?” Emily asked softly. Nikolas slowly turned around, “What do you want Emily? I thought we said everything that needed to be said.” Emily walked closer to him, “Nikolas I am sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said. You are right, I am jealous of Elizabeth. I am angry at her and I shouldn’t take it out on you.” “You’re right Emily, you shouldn’t.” Nikolas walked around his desk and sat down on the couch, “You have nothing to be jealous of. Elizabeth is my sister in law. I am just helping her out.” Emily dropped her head, her hair flying forward, “I know that in my heart, but I can’t help feeling that she is going to try to steal you away from me. She has Jason at the snap of her fingers. You too. She probably only has to smile pretty and Lucky will take her back.” “Uncalled for Emily.” Nikolas scolded. “That is completely unfair and you know it.” “I just don’t know why she has to stay here.” Emily pleaded. “Emily, where else would she go?” “I don’t know, the Brownstone maybe? I want to work at getting back together with you but it won’t work with her in this house. If you want to get back together, she has to go.” Emily issued the ultimatum. Nikolas stood up and said in an exasperated tone, “Seriously Emily, if you want to get back together than you have to change your attitude towards Elizabeth. I don't take kindly to ultimatiums. Don’t you trust me?” “I do but…” Emily was interrupted when Elizabeth slowly walked into the room, “Nikolas, I am in labor. My pains are about ten minutes apart and I called the doctor. Can you drive me in?” “Of course I will. Where is your suitcase?” Nikolas grabbed his keys from his desk, Emily completely forgotten. “By the door.” Elizabeth grimaced in pain as a contraction racked her body. Emily threw her arms up in anger. “Oh perfect. Again you run to Elizabeth’s rescue when I need you. You realize that you haven’t even asked me how my father is!” Emily half shouted. Nikolas apologized, “I’m sorry Emily. Sarah was here and told us how he was and I am glad he is getting better. Now I have to get Elizabeth to the hospital. Can’t you see that?” He turned to Elizabeth, “Alison knows that we are leaving?” Elizabeth nodded. “Good.” With that he guided Elizabeth out the door. Emily watched the two of them leave and stomped her foot in frustration. Hours had passed and Elizabeth was in full labor. Jason, Lucky and Nikolas, along with Sarah were in the delivery room with her. Lucky and Nikolas were watching the Super Bowl while Jason paced back and forth. Sarah tried to keep conversation going by discussing baby names. “Liz, since you are probably having this baby today, you should name it after one of the teams or something close to it.” Jason looked at Sarah and said quietly, “No.” “If it’s a boy or a girl, I am NOT naming this child Peyton. I hate that name.” Elizabeth said. One of the doctors came in and examined Elizabeth. “Ok Elizabeth, you are 10 centimeters dilated. It’s time to start pushing. You can only have one person in here though.” Elizabeth looked imploringly at Lucky who silently agreed to leave. Jason stayed behind and Bobbie came in to help with the delivery. “Ok Elizabeth, once you feel the contractions, we want you to start to push, ok?” Bobbie said. Elizabeth nodded and when the next contraction came, she pushed hard. “Great job Elizabeth.” Bobbie encouraged. Jason held her hand and wiped her forehead with a cloth, “You are doing great Liz.” “Arrgghhhh” Elizabeth grunted as she pushed again. Over and over she pushed for close to thirty minutes before her baby was born. Elizabeth was crying as the baby was lifted onto her stomach. “Elizabeth, it’s a girl. A beautiful baby girl.” Jason cried, he too wiping away tears. He cut the umbilical cord and Bobbie took the baby to clean her off. “Oh Elizabeth she is gorgeous.” “I want to hold her.” Elizabeth cried. Soon Bobbie brought her over and Elizabeth and Jason gazed with love at their child. “She is beautiful.” “Elizabeth we never discussed a name for her.” Jason whispered, kissing her forehead. Elizabeth cuddled her child to her and leaned back against the pillows, “How about Ava Catherine? She looks like an Ava to me. Ava Catherine Morgan sounds good.” Jason repeated it to himself a few times and broke into a smile, “I like it a lot. Ava it is. Want me to bring in everyone?” Bobbie was near the door and overheard Jason, “I’ll do it. Jason, you hold your daughter.” Jason took Ava and kissed her forehead as she let out a howl. Nikolas and Sarah rushed into the room while Lucky stood rooted at the door, taking in the closeness of Jason and Elizabeth. He caught Elizabeth’s eye. His expression glazed over in anger and he turned on his heel and left. This episode is dedicated to Ava Catherine, born December 28, 2005 and passed December 28 2005. You will always be loved
I too want to know who the MCF is. I have no clue...I can't wait until March 1st, i will definately be there, work permitting. Loved the interview with AS and CC. Sounds like they will have some great scenes coming up which I will enjoy. I admit, I haven't always been a fan of Carrie, but it sounds like she is heading down the right road. I like how she is being written. You are keeping very true to form with her. I can't wait for Stefano and Victor to come back. Seeing them join forces to figure out who the MCF is will be quite interesting! I have always assumed it is a man, it occured to me that it may be a woman. I am so intrigued.
Edmund is the creepiest villian! Excellent job with him. Ashton, not sure what to make of him yet. So many layers to him that haven't been uncovered. Poor Kelly, is she ever going to get a man who loves her for her? It always seems like she goes down the wrong path for love.
HOLY CRAP! Not Austin and Carrie, I know you have been dropping hints but they just got Roman back. Oh I hope they are ok! Love that Greta told Marlena that John is her Daddy! Marlena is not going to be happy with this! Excellent episode, I thouroughly enjoyed it
The Quartermaines, including Sarah and Brenda, gathered in a waiting room off the ICU. Dr. Hayward sat down across from them, a serious look on his face. “Thank you all for coming here. I have to get back to Pine Valley but I wanted to go over the treatment for Alan. He is on his way to recovery, but that doesn’t mean he won’t have a relapse. He will be here in the hospital for a long time.” David paused and looked around the room, “He will need speech therapy for one. He is going to need to learn how to walk again. The simple things that we take for granted, Alan will need help for.” Edward moaned into his hand, “Noooo, not my son. I can’t bear to see this happen to my son.” “He’s alive Father, we should be happy for that.” Tracy said, “I am just happy he’s alive. “Dr Hayward, when can Alan come home? We can build state of the art equipment in the house to make him more comfortable. I think it will make him more comfortable to be around his things.” Monica implored. David shook his head, “In case something goes wrong, he needs to be here. At least for the time being. We are starting physical therapy on him tomorrow and I encourage all of you to visit him as much as possible. He will need to see the whole family behind him.” Edward looked at Tracy, “If you fight with your brother, I will bar you from this hospital!” Edward warned. Ned piped up, “For God’s sake Grandfather, give Tracy some credit. She’s been a wreck over this whole thing.” “Dr. Hayward?” Emily asked. “Can I go in to see him? I would really like to help with his care. I know I am only an intern, but I would like to help.” “I have no objections. Monica?” David bounced the question over to Monica who nodded. “Thanks, I have some time on my hands and I want to help Father out as much as possible.” Emily said, shooting an evil eye at Sarah. David stood up, “Please, if there are any complications, don’t hesitate to call me. I left the full instructions of his recovery in his chart, but it is important that we start right away. He is fully awake, but don’t overwhelm him. Just family today and no children.” David shook everyone’s hands and said, “I am going to go have lunch with Dr Scorpio and then head back to Pine Valley. Skye, keep me posted.” Skye came over and hugged David, “I will David. Thank you so much.” Later that evening MetroCourt was packed. It seemed that everyone who was anyone in Port Charles turned out for the debate between Ric Lansing and Scott Baldwin. They were up on a stage, with Tiffany Hill in the middle moderating. The lights dimmed a few times, signaling for quiet. Tiffany began speaking into the camera. “Good evening Port Charles to the debate between Ric Lansing and Scott Baldwin for Mayor of this fine city. Each candidate will have an opening remark and then I will ask questions to them. After that, we will open the floor to anyone who has a question for the candidates. We have one hour allotted for this. Mr Lansing, you have five minutes for your opening statement.” Tiffany coolly stated. Ric gripped his podium, “Good evening Port Charles. I want to inform all of you why I would make the best Mayor of this fine city. My number one agenda is to rid this city of the crime that has befallen us. Sonny Corinithos and Jason Morgan need to be put behind bars where they can no longer use our port for illegal uses!” Ric pointed to the audience. “I have been walking the streets of Port Charles and that is what they have told me that they want to see. No more crime!” Scott broke in, “Hogwash!” “I don’t believe my five minutes were up Counselor.” Ric said smoothly. “Close enough.” Scott said. Tiffany broke in, “Mr Baldwin is right, your five minutes is up. Mr Baldwin, please proceed.” Scott walked away from the podium and catered to the audience, a twinkle in his eye, “It’s funny, because when I have talked to the fine people of Port Charles, they tell me a different story. They want less taxes. They want the roads fixed. People want more jobs and better benefits. Not one person mentioned the names Jason Morgan or Sonny Corinthos to me. Mr Lansing, I think you are running for Mayor to carry out your personal vendetta against your brother and his associates.” “Times up.” Tiffany said. “Mr Baldwin, that is simply not true. I don’t have anything against my brother. This vendetta you speak of is false.” Ric said hotly. “Rightttt...and I have nothing against Luke Spencer.” Scott retorted. “Gentleman, please.” Tiffany interrupted. “A question for Mr Lansing. How to you propose we stop crime in the city?” Ric grasped the podium and spoke in a clear, strong voice. “I propose that we hire five more police officers to the PCPD. I propose creating a task force to look into mob activity in this city. In doing so, we will end the mob factions in this city.” “How do you intend to pay for this Counselor?” Scott asked. “Raise taxes?” “We may have to raise funds in some manner to clean our streets Mr Baldwin.” Ric answered, never losing his cool. Tiffany asked, “Mr Baldwin, how to you plan on balancing the budget?” Scott again walked around the stage, talking with his hands, “Well Tiffany and the people of Port Charles, cuts may have to be made. I would have to look at the overall budget and see where cuts could be made so that the teachers and workers of Port Charles could have the benefits that they deserve.” Luke pushed forward and shouted, “Oh that’s bull Baldwin! What do you know about being Mayor? The only thing you know about is running away when the going gets tough!” He looked at Ric, “And you two Lansing! You are only interested in bringing Sonny down.” “I categorically deny that Mr. Spencer!” Ric shouted back. “I want to represent the people of Port Charles and make them proud that they live here.” “I categorically deny that, of course you do Lansing, you are a lawyer! I have to tell you, no one in Port Chuckles wants either one of you as Mayor.” Luke said. “Luke, what are you doing?” Laura pulled on his arm. Luke looked down at Laura, “Trust me pussycat. You will love this.” Scott glared down at Luke, “So what do you think we should do Spencer. Elect you? You are nothing but a joke.” Luke grinned back at him, “Well I am so glad you asked. I think that the fine people of Port Charles should vote for neither of you. Instead, let's have a write in vote for the best candidate around. She has worked for years at the Mary Mae Foundation so she knows how to balance a budget. She ran the PTA for years and has served on the City Council. All in all, she has had more experience than either of you put together.” Laura gasped, “Luke!” “That’s right, my wife Laura Spencer. She will be the best mayor since, well me.” Luke spouted off. Ric scoffed, “Never will happen Spencer. Laura will never win.” Laura pushed forward, empowered by this show of faith her husband had in her, “I can and will run for mayor! I will win!” Lulu hugged her mother, “Bring it on Mom!” Luke looked over at Laura, “Laura, I even have my signs from when I ran for Mayor. We can use those!” Tiffany looked over at the excited audience, “Well, I guess it is now Lansing vs Baldwin vs Spencer. May the best person win!
Episode 42 will be the last we see of Dr. David Hayward. It certainly doesn't rule out a return visit, but for now, he will be going back to Pine Valley.
AJ walks into Alan’s room and settles himself down in the chair next to a comatose Alan. He sighs deeply and grasps Alan’s hand. “Oh Father, I wish you would wake up.” AJ sniffs and looks around the room, “I have so many things that I have to tell you, that I need to tell you. I need you to forgive me for everything that I have done wrong in the past. I need to tell you that I love you and everything that I have done in my life is not your fault. It’s mine.” Tears threatened to spill out of AJ’s eyes. “ I was always blaming you for loving Jason more than me and I know that isn’t true. I know you loved me just as much. Please, I just want one more day with you Father. One day to tell you everything that needs to be said. I am pleading with you God, don’t take my Father until I have a chance to tell him what I need too.” AJ lapsed into silence. Around him he could hear the beeping of the machines that were keeping his father alive. He could smell the smell of death. The doctors’ were right. Alan did not look good. He was swollen to almost twice his normal size. His skin was pale and seemed waxy to the touch. “Oh Father, I would do anything to make this right. You are such a great man and I should be there, not you. You don’t deserve this.” “Guess what Father, I got married. She’s a wonderful girl, you even know her. Sarah Webber.” AJ spoke hopefully, “It was just one of those things. I met her in Santa Barbara and we just instantly clicked. She is a physician’s assistant and is going to look for a job here. We are going to stay here. All along we have said we wanted to come back here to our families. I was going to ask Mother if we could stay in the gatehouse. I don’t think she will mind.” AJ’s voice broke, “We are going to try to have a baby soon. At least, I want kids soon, she and I haven't really talked about it. I know you will be such a great Grandfather. Father, I just want you to get better. I want to be the best son that I can be. Please Father, let me prove it to you.” AJ dropped his head and let the tears flow. He didn’t notice that Alan’s hand twitched or that his eyes fluttered open. Alan licked his lips and whispered, “AJ.” AJ’s head whipped up and a smile broke across his face. He reached over and pushed the Nurse’s button. “Dad! You're awake! Oh thank God! I have to get the doctor!” AJ ran to the door and threw it open, “Someone, Dr Hayward! Come quick! My father just woke up!” Dr. Hayward and some nurses flew into the room and pushed AJ out. The longest five minutes of AJ’s life passed before Dr Hayward came out. “AJ, call Monica. Your father is awake and doing ok.” “Thank you Doctor! Thank you so much!” AJ stunned David by throwing his arms around him. “I’m going to call my mother right now.” Elizabeth was waiting outside Lainey’s office for Lucky, feeling some back pains. She checked her watch and saw that she had fifteen minutes until she had to meet Jason. She got up and walked around, rubbing her back. The door opened to Lainey’s office and Lucky stepped out, thanking Lainey. “Hey Liz. You ok?” Lucky asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Liz said, grabbing her purse, “Just some pains that’s all. The baby is going to want to make an entrance very shortly I think.” Lucky walked slowly next to her towards the Nurse’s Station to meet Jason. “Could be. Will you call me when it’s time? No matter what time, even if it's three in the morning.” Elizabeth looked surprised, “Really? You want to be there?” “Of course.” “Well then, of course you can. Jason is going to be there of course and I think my sister wants to be. If they make me kick someone out, I’ll kick Sarah out.” Elizabeth laughed. Lucky laughed along with her and shuffled his feet, “Uh Liz, I know you are staying at Nikolas’. I get that. What about staying at the loft until you have the baby. It’s closer to the hospital than Wyndemere.” Up ahead, Elizabeth saw Jason. “Uh, I don’t know Lucky. Let me think about it ok? Part of me really wants too and the other part doesn’t want to uproot Cameron to just go back to Wyndemere. If it was permanent, I would saw yes.” “I understand.” Lucky said, “I can’t give you permanent yet.” They walked up to Jason. “Hey Jason, how is Alan.” Jason looked from Lucky to Elizabeth, “Elizabeth I hate to do this. Alan just woke up. I need to go upstairs. Elizabeth, do you mind if I skipped this appointment?” Elizabeth brightened, “That is great news! No Jason, go and give your family my best.” “Mine too Jason.” Lucky said. “Um, Elizabeth, do you want me to go in with you?” Elizabeth smiled, “Yes, I do.” Walking purposefully through the hospital, Sarah left the Human Resources office. She had applied for a job as a Physician’s Assistant, a position she knew she would get. She was in fact, a Webber married to a Quartermaine. AJ had just now called her and told her that Alan was awake so she was on her way to ICU. The elevator doors opened she stepped in. She went up one floor and the elevator stopped. The doors opened and Patrick stepped in, clipboard in hand. “Oh great. This is all I need.” Sarah commented, “You.” “Sarah. How are you?” Patrick inclined his head and consulted his clipboard. “And you care why?” Sarah said sarcastically. Patrick looked over at her, “Oh Sarah, I was just trying to be polite. We do live in the same city so we may as well try to get along.” Sarah planted her hands on her hips in defiance, “Oh you would like that wouldn’t you? So your precious Robin doesn’t find out that you once were involved with me? Are you afraid that I will tell her how you treated me?” “It’s not like that Sarah.” Patrick said, exasperated. “I love Robin and she knows all about my past.” Sarah cocked her eyebrow, “Really?” “Yes really.” Patrick said. “Robin loves me and nothing you can do can change that.” The elevator door opened, “Want to bet on that?” With that, Sarah flounced out leaving an angry Patrick behind. Luke came rushing into the Spencer House yelling for Laura. Laura came out of the kitchen saying, “Luke, what is the matter!” “Laura, Scott and Ric are having their debate tomorrow and we are going. Bobbie got us front row seats. Tiffany is the moderator.” Luke said excitedly. Laura looked at Luke quizzically, “Why is it so important that we go? It’s not like we support Scott or Ric.” Luke jumped over a chair and hugged her, “I know! But it’s important that we go. A ton of our friends are going to be there and I promised everyone that we would be there. “Luuukkkeee,” Laura said cautiously, “Is there something that you aren’t telling me? You don’t have any surprises up your sleeve, do you?” Innocently, Luke answered, “Why would you accuse me of such things my love?” Laura laughed, “Because I have been married to you for 25 years that’s why Luke.” Luke swung Laura around in excitement, “Mrs. Spencer just promise me that you will go and you will wear one of your prettiest dresses and knock everyone’s socks off. I’ll do the rest.” Laura gave in, “Ok.” Luke kissed Laura soundly, “God I love you!” ~Coming up, the Mayoral Debate brings surprises to everyone!
The Will/Sami/Lucas stuff was intense! Loved it! Very good stuff.
I love that Maggie has fallen back into drinking,, it has opened up so much story possibilities for her. Nice way to draw Lucas into a story away from Sami, I hope this gets explored. Not sure what to make of Kim. I don't know if she is keeping the secret from Bo for selfish reasons or to protect him. I hope it is to protect him. Seems more like her, but the way you are writing her makes it go either way which is great. Keeps us on our toes and is less predictable. Love it. Great episode!
Elizabeth Timmons! I LOVE it! I can't believe Keith did this, he is so devious. I love it. I absolutely love the way you write Keith, by far my favorite. I can see him snickering too. Creepy that Sophia is dressed in Loretta like clothing and wants more therapy. Edmund is such a great villian. Please, please please let Ted meet up with Laken in NYC and let them have a wild affair!
You have the perfect Willow, I actually like her! She is damn good! Excellent episode. I loved the Hope scenes as well, and teh Kristen/Stefano scenes.
Elizabeth knocked on the door to her old loft, hoping that Lucky will want to see her. After a few minutes, she goes to leave when the door opens up. “Hi.” Lucky stands there looking at her, “What uh do you want Liz?” “I was hoping you and I could talk Lucky. It’s been a while and I was just, hoping, you know that you and I could try to talk.” Elizabeth said. Lucky opened the door wider to let her in, “Um, sure, come on in.” He followed her into the living room and said awkwardly, “Want a drink or something?” Elizabeth sat down, “I’m ok.” She waited for Lucky to join her before beginning, “Look I know we haven’t talked in a while. I wanted to give you some time to cool off. But we really need to talk. Cameron misses you a lot.” “I know, I miss you.” Lucky slipped and Elizabeth’s eyes brightened., “I mean, I miss Cameron too. We do need to talk. I need to get past these feelings of betrayal. I know in my head that you wouldn’t have gone to Jason if I hadn’t gone to Maxie. The fact that she is dead because of me just makes it harder.” “Maybe you should talk to Lainey about it. I thought the police department was going to make you” “Things sort of fell to the wayside. I will make an appointment with Lainey. I will make it right now. Will you wait a second?” Elizabeth nodded and Lucky went to make the call. He came back and said, “I have an appointment for tomorrow at one. Will you come with me?” “Of course. I have an appointment though at two. Jason comes with me to my appointments though. Is that going to be a problem for you?” Elizabeth asked. Lucky shook his head, “I have thought a lot about it and the whole chain of events started with me. This is just a fact of life. I can’t help it. I have to accept Jason.” Lucky laughed ruefully, “I don’t have to like it, but I will accept it.” “Thank you. You have always known that Jason has been a friend of mine for years. You know, maybe after the baby is born, you and I can go into couples counseling. The baby is due any moment so obviously it would have to be after that. What do you think?” Elizabeth asked. “Because I miss you a lot Lucky.” “I think we should.” Lucky said, “About the living arrangements…” Elizabeth stood firm on this. “I think until we get everything squared away, it should stay as it is. Nikolas doesn’t mind me staying there and he has a nanny which helps me a lot. He and Emily broke up, were you aware of that?” Lucky shook his head, “No I wasn’t.” Elizabeth sighed, “I don’t know what has happened to her. She seems to think I am after Nikolas. I swear to you Lucky, I am not. You are the only man I want.” Elizabeth stared deep into his eyes, “Please know that.” Lucky grabbed one of her hands, “I know. I know you aren’t making a play for Nikolas or Jason. I trust you Elizabeth, more than you ever know.” He leaned over and lightly kissed her. “More than you ever know.” Scott walks into Kelly’s to grab his afternoon sandwich when he immediately notices Ric there, shaking hands and working the crowd for their votes. Annoyed, Scott walked over to Ric. “Lansing, trying to stir up some votes I see?” “Actually Mr. Baldwin,” Ric started, “I am here to listen to what the people want. Are you aware of what the people of Port Charles want?” The people at the counter were listening intently at the exchange between the two men. “Yes Lansing, I think I do.” “Enlighten us.” Ric said sarcastically. “The people, and” he gestured to the people at the counter, “correct me if I am wrong will ya? They want better schools so that their children can get a good education. The potholes fixed on Main street.” He looked over at one man at the counter, “You know what one I am talking about, the one right in the middle of Main Street that when I was driving down there I almost lost my entire car down?” The man nodded and Scott continued, “They want lower taxes and more jobs.” “They also want crime off the streets. That is what I am hearing from all the constituents.” Ric declared hotly. Scott replied calmly, “That’s your vendetta against Sonny speaking again. I thought we were going to have a debate. How come you haven’t contacted me about it yet?” “You want a debate?” Ric started. “Did I stutter?” “Fine. Three days from now at MetroCourt. I will contact Bobbie and see if we can have it there.” Ric threw out. Scott grabbed his sandwich to go and his coat, “Better let me call Bobbie Ric.” Scott drawled, “After all, I am not the one who locked her daughter in a panic room.” Ned was waiting outside the Quartermaine mansion for Brenda when she arrived home. “You and Sonny are together again Brenda? After all that monster has put you through you run back to him again?” Brenda slammed shut the door of her car, “For God’s sake Ned, let me at least get out of the car. Who told you that I was with Sonny anyway? Lucy with her big mouth? What are you still sleeping with her?” “Does it matter?” Brenda was indignant, “Yeah it does! You are accusing me of sleeping around when you are doing the same thing. When did it become all right for you to do it and not me? Plus, Sonny and I are different.” Brenda paused, “Oh my God, I can’t believe that I said it.” “Said what Brenda?” Ned demanded. “Sonny and I have a history together. You can’t change that Ned. I am not that same 18 year old girl he got involved with.” Brenda crossed her arms defiantly, “And don’t you go lecturing me about my love life choices. Must I bring up the name Katherine Bell?” Ned walked around and shouted, “Don’t you go there with me and try to get away from the issue at hand here. I. DO. NOT. WANT. JAMES. NEAR. SONNY. Do you understand that? I don’t want him bonding with Sonny or spending the night. I don’t want a phone call at three am from you saying that James has been shot in a mob war.” Brenda interjected, “Sonny is out and has been for a while!” “That’s bull and you know it Brenda!” Ned shouted. “James is too precious to me to be placed in harms way.” “Like keeping him here under this roof with Tracy here is going to make him the best person he can be? Come on Ned, don’t give me that!” Brenda pointed her finger at him, “You know Ned, maybe it is time for me to move into a place of my own, away from the Quartermaines and away from Sonny. Don’t worry, I won’t be moving in with Sonny.” Ned was furious when he spoke, “You will NOT be moving out with James, do you hear me?” Tracy had opened the door and heard Ned. She walked down the stairs and said, “Ned, why do you care if she stays or go?” “Monica.” David peeked his head into Alan’s room where she sat, exhausted. “Can you please come here a minute?” Silently Monica got up and kissed Alan’s smooth, cool cheek. “Yes?” David looked at Monica with concern, “You haven’t slept in over 24 hours and you need to get some rest. You aren’t doing Alan any help here. He is progressing nicely at this moment. One of the nurse’s told me that AJ and Edward are here to sit with Alan for a while and Jason said he would bring you home. You need to shower and clean up and take at least a small nap.” David paused and grabbed her arms, “You know I am right.” “I know.” Monica sighed and looked back at the door, “I am just afraid that if I leave, something will happen.” “Monica, if anything happens, I will let you know right away. Deal?” David cajoled. Monica again looked back at the door, “Ok, let me get my purse.” She went back into the room and kissed Alan again. “I love you Alan and be strong. I have to leave for a little while, but AJ and Edward are coming in for a little bit. I will be back later, I promise. I love you.” She eased open the door and walked out. She met Jason in the waiting room and together the walked through the hospital. At the Nurse’s Station, Bobbie stopped her to give her a hug and to ask if there was anything she could do to help. Monica declined. Just then, the elevator doors opened and Tiffany emerged with her camera crew. “Monica,” Tiffany shoved a microphone in Monica’s face, “Do you have a comment on your husband’s condition?” Monica looked blankly at Tiffany. “What?” Tiffany repeated the question and Monica came alive, “Who let her in here with a camera crew? I want her barred from this hospital.” She yelled out to no one in particular. To Tiffany she said, “Have you any decency for my husband and family or are you just out chasing another story?” Tiffany was unfazed, “Monica, whether you like it or not this is news. I don’t care whether you like me or not, I have to report the news.” Jason stepped in, “Please Tiffany, leave Monica alone. It’s been a tough night and she hasn’t slept. I am asking you nicely to please leave the hospital and leave the Quartermaines alone.” Jason said in a subtly threatening manner. Tiffany didn’t hesitate, “Jason are you threatening me?” “I am asking you nicely to please leave Monica alone.” Jason reiterated. Bobbie came up to Tiffany, “Tiffany, I have called security to escort you and your crew out of the hospital with the order to not let you in again. Please leave.” Tiffany threw her hair over her shoulder, “I am reporting the news and there is the thing called the Freedom of Information Act. I will get what I want Monica, one way or another.” Monica had reached her breaking point, “Like hell you will!” She swung a fist and connected with Tiffany’s nose.
Do what you have to do. Take a few days to let the creative juices to start flowing if you have to. Go out and have some drinks on me if you want. Don't kill yourself writing this. We still love you anyway