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Posts posted by Cheap21

  1. O...M...G!!!!

    That was by far the best episode of the season and I thought it was the finale till I saw the previews for next week. The BH cast definetly brought it last night and I cant wait to see the ratings bc that was a GOOOOD show. So much drama and that has got to be the most heated dinner table from any series. That trumps NJ's table flipping.

    Alison....she is the BIGGEST BITCH in Real Housewives history and she isnt even a cast memebr! I couldnt get over how vulgar and vile she was. Like who the hell is she? Smoking at the table, those lewd hand gestures, etc... were just too much. She was too over the top and nasty and for no reason.

    Again, I really hate how Camille acts like some innocent victim. She wanted to provokeand humiliate Kyle but the jokes on her. I love that Bravo kept it in there about ehr trying to poke fun at Kyles husband allegedly cheating on her when we all know her own husband is cheating. Karama's a bitch!

    Lisa: "This is a few clowns short of a circus" LOL. I also loved how she kept calling Alison, the sidekick instead of psychic. "She's really starting to piss me off"

  2. Mila Kunis got a role on Sunset Beach, but choose That 70's Show (well, her agent did).

    Anyone have any ideas what role it was for?

    She was 15 when 70s show debuted in 1998. I cant recall any role being that young on SuBe. Maybe it was a very minor role for a few episodes

  3. I miss Phaedra as well but next weeks looks even better when she and Kim go at it

    Im sick of Peter as well and his old ass. I read that before this season started Cynthia waspressured by Bravo to have a wedding or she'd be out. Never followed through to find out what she did.

  4. I'm 1/3 of the way through S3 of NYC, and this Jill/Bethenny feud is ridiculous.

    I loved it! It was only riduclous from Jill's end. I thought Bethenny did nothing wrong and even if she did, she tried her best to make ammends and move on btu Jill was having none of it. It made for some amazing tv though as I was hooked

    When did LuAnn turn into SuperCunt?
    The only impression I got of her was how she did nothing but suck up to Jill. she spends the season following her around, complimenting her and supporting her even when she doesnt need it. I dislike LuAnne on account of her association with Jill

    Alex is fantastic this season, the advice she gave Bethenny regarding her father was great. Once you take out Simon and the social climber aspect, she's pretty cool.
    Loved her this season and the bond she formed with Bethenny. Alex showed some backbone and really came into her own here

    I don't get where the Kelly is CRrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzaaaayyyyyyy! thing comes. Yeah, she's weird and has her WTF moments, but she's not as cuckoo as she's made out to be.

    come back when you're 3/3rds of the way through the season. Kelly loses her damn mind near the end.

  5. Oh nice - I can't wait! I don't know much about it, but I did hear that the new girl Kelly is like a disease for the NYC series. I'm surprised to hear that about Ramona after watching Season 1. She seemed like she might be the Danielle/Camille/Michaele of NYC.

    I hear that Kelly is a disease in season 2 as well and I think she's been comparable to those you mention. She's very tame in aseason 3 though and likeable

    Oh no, by the end of Season 3, Ramona is the Mother Teresa of the Real Housewives. She comes off VERY well in comparison to all the rest.

    pretty much. Ramona can be bitchy but overall she's harmless. She doesnt carry grudges or waste time hating anyone. She insults them, gets on their bad side and then moves on. The other women however hold things in and they do not let go. Ramona does. I hated her at first till I realized that she means well even if she doesnt come across like that

  6. NYC: Season 1 wraps up today on the CW. First impression - I LOVE this group. Luann is hot and I love her. Jill is funny with her over-the-top accent. Bethenny is hilarious and slightly neurotic, but driven and admirable. Ramona is just bat-sh!t crazy and LOOKS it too with her wobbliness/eyes/dancing, but I love her husband (he's hot for an older guy) and her daughter. Alex/Simon is just ridiculous, yet I love them for some reason. I loved watching these girls come together. I know they were originally supposed to be "Manhattan Moms", and based around their children (which I actually liked). Can't wait for Season 2 to start!

    Wendy Williams is just ridiculous and I love it. She was having such a hard time keeping everyone straight. She hosted the A-List New York reunion show last night and did a much better job.

    have you seen season 3? Season 1 is about bringing the women together and season 3 is about tearing them apart! Ramona is the only one that remains friends with all of them but there is fighting and some serious feuding among the other women. Season 3 is juicy!

  7. I love Nene: "I dont keep up with the Joneses. I AM the Joneses" "When I walk into a room, I OWN it"

    Dina: "If you think Im a bitch, well then bring it on"

    Theresa: "People make fun of Jersey girls, but I think they're just jealous"

    Sonia: "I have a taste for luxury and luxury has a taste for me"

    I dont like the DC theme music. It feels kinda bland compared to the rest

  8. Haha, well I would have agreed with you all... until last night. Kim was hilarious last night. Sure, she's still pretty (insert the R word here), but I was LOL'ing at her last night. Between her stopping mid-sentence during her diary/interview spot because something fell, to her hideous outfit to her blind date. Girl had me rolling. She's the comedy of RHOBV, even if we're laughing at her and not with her.

    I'm feeling sad for Taylor. Her husband seems like an ugly jerk anyway - the ONLY reason I can see her with him is for the money. Money doesn't buy happiness though...

    Lisa is love!

    Not much Camille last night.

    OH - I just noticed this last night - but this is the first series to not have the families in the background of the opening. It's only the ladies dancing around. Interesting.

    I noticed that instantly. It took me a few episodes to realize though that insstead of the fruits that the other shows have the wives hold, thes girls are holding diamonds! The title screen also has sunglasses instead od fruits.

    This was Kim's best episode. Her personality really did shine. I found her hilarious. I thought her guy was too old for her but I guess its just right by BH standards

    I also felt bad for Taylor for the first time. SHe made her bed though. I cant beleive her husband was choosing a dog over his daughter. Jerk is right

    Not much Camille and thank god. What a bitch. Preview for next episode, still has her whining about whast Kyle allegedly said.

  9. Not that it would be a wrong move, right? unsure.gif

    haha, not at all. Kim is a wreck and she looks like she's 5 minutes away from having a nervous breakdown. I dont get why she decided to go ona reality show and expose her life like that considering how shy and closeted she is. She cant handle the spotlight and while I do like her, I find her uncomfortable to watch bc she is uncomfortable about herself. I say get rid of her and get someone who isnt so scared

  10. NeNe on Kim being a lesbian after she menions she has pictures to prove it: "Girl I can take pictures with a whole bunch of bitches" LOL

    Im glad Kim's little porker has noticed she's getting fat. A few episodes ago, I realized that girl was big and 10 seconds later she tells some lady that her favorite thing to do is eat chicken. Girl needs to lay off the food and start doing some sports. She better watch out for that one bc she said she has a boyfriend already and she's what 8? I see her taking after her mother. Speaking of parents, can they stop featuring her annoying parents. They've been on too much this season.

    Felt weird watching Kim going on about wanting to have kids again some day and thats exactly what is playing out now. I wonder if she got herself pregnant on purpose. Wouldnt put it past her. BTW, Im loving her wigs this season. So much better than the cheap ones from season 1

    The "Dr" to Sheree "Prove you are a woman." Are you serious? What the hell is wrong with this guy? I really wish she had ripped into him some more. He deserved it!

    I felt so bad for Nene in this episode. I cant beleive Greg did that although I knew he did as ti hit the internet back in June. I had NO idea they were still living together as husband and wife though as I thought they already split. That was F-ed up and I was rooting for her as she tore him up. "Give me back the labor pains I gave for your ass" LMAO at that line

  11. She was pretending to be a man to get revenge on various people.

    Yep. Alison Sweeney ended up recording dialogue to go along with Dan Well's portrayal. Dan would talk but then you'd hear Sami's voice whenever she thought to herself. Here's a clip of her transformation into Stan

  12. Kim finally confirms that she's pregnant and guess what? She wants Bravo to give her a reality show out of it. Guess she wants to capitalize on what Bethenny did. Kroy isnt all that great looking and she was gushing about how like he is the sexiest thing on the other episode


    Atlanta's Season 2 reunion was tame for 2 reasons:

    1) Kandi's fiance AJ had just died a month or so before the reunion. They wanted to respect her and his memory and not get crazy on each other.

    2) The ladies were demanding more money since they were bringing in Bravo's biggest ratings. Bravo denied them more money, and the ladies were holding out and threatened to make the reunion boring. As you can see, Nene and Kim were definitely not letting Andy have the drama by saying "let's move on Andy" throughout most of it. Dwight wasn't getting paid, so he was all about amping it up - which is why he even said "y'all are boring" when he walked out.

    I knew about the first part but not the second. That makes it make alot more sense now

  13. OMG Cheap, I love it! Now this is what I'm talking about!!!

    Admittedly I didn't see reunion 1 so I was going off from what I saw from season 2 Part 1 which was quite lackluster but this is hilarious! How the heck did they continue to remain friends after this??? Now more than ever I'm looking forward to Phaedra in reunion 3.

    Close your legs to married men - :lol:

    I will never understand them. They start off every season )including the current one) as friends but by the end they are bitter enemies. From the season 3 previews, it looks like that pattern will follow

    "Close your legs to married men" is one of my favorite quotes from any of these ladies...lol

  14. Too sophisticated? The Atlanta girls are downright ghetto and go in. You should watch the season 1 reunion when NeNe called Kim a trashy hooker and Lisa threatned to flip her over the couch. I dont recall how the season 2 reunion went but I know it was dirtier before on Andy's show between NeNe and Kim. Check out this clip


  15. LMAO at Phaedra! The "chinese looking" comment had me rolling! Wouldn't that be crazy if Apollo wasn't even the father, which is another reason why she's faking the timeline? She cracks me up though.

    I just saw that. "the baby looked chinese but I knew it was my baby bc there was nobody else in the OR" Finall the truth behind her pregnancy is out. I dont know who the bitch was fooling and I cant beleive she had the nerve to go on TV with that mess as if people wouldnt notice. She only made herself sound ridiculous which is jarring considering she is the most educated cast member. Whoever said she is a caricature is right. She is just too over the top that I have to wonder how much of this is real and how much is a show bc watching the girl is like watching a comedy without a laugh track. I do love her and her antics but she could tone it down a bit.

    Yay, the fabulous Lisa Wu-Hartwell was back and she actually got to speak this episode! Last time you blinked and you missed her but she was her loud self. Too bad she moved bc I miss seeing her.

    LMAO at Nene talking about the guests at the party having Sheree's back. She talked about how she was loud, Kandi's mother has a big mouth, Kandi has a big personality and when she got to Cynthia, she said, Cynthia is just there. LOL...so true bc thats how I feel about her too

    WTF was Kandi wearing? The purple and yellow, classed with her kool-aid red hair was a mess.

    Sheree's man is such a sleaze. I cant wait to see her go off on him next week. He got a Ph.D. off the internet? Maybe he needs to hook up with Phaedra bc they both have earned a B.S. and I dont think I have to spell out what that stands for

  16. I have still no idea whether I hate her (Lisa) or love her. She has no taste or style whatsoever: those horrid floral arrangements, that French chateau style mansion, those hideous clothes... And then the accent! ph34r.gif I usually like British, but this one's annoying. However, she's the sanest of them all and I do love her at times.

    I think I like Adrienne.

    You love Lisa. Dont question that bc you just do. She is fabulous.

    Im really liking Adrienne as well. Her face really irked me at first bc of the work, but now that we've gotten to know her a bit more, she along with Lisa is the one with the msot sense. She doesnt seem to invove getting into petty drama. She is about making money and being successful. She seems to be very smart and like how buisness minded she is as opposed to sitting around and spending her husband's money. Sure she was born into it, but she does work to maintain it. I like her. I also love her marriage nad how she interacts with her husband. They are cute toghether

    Team Kyle! Camille is just vile and pathetic. She was such a bitch when she was classifying her husband's status vs Kyle's making them look like the little people who should respect her. She acted like she was some queen. LMAO at the fact that Kelsey cheated on her and she no longer will have a husband. At least Kyle still has hers. Speaking of which, Mauricio is hot. I mean really hot. Kyle did good.

    Anyone else notice Nick Stabile (of DAYS, PASSIONS and SB) is Camille's plaything?!

    I did when he first appeared and I kinda think their relationship is inappropriate. I guess Kelsey didnt care bc he was too busy doing hiw own thing but no man would allow his wife to spend so much free time with another man, going out on "dates" with her and accompanying her to events. At first I thought Nick might be gay but I read that he has a wife. I wonder where she is in all of this bc I cant the see another woman not being jealous by him with Camille. Id suspect something were going on.
  17. They should also go out of the US. Doing so, the possibilities are endless.

    Theres a Real Housewives of Athens and Israel, but those obviously dont air on US television bc of the language barrier. For an American show based internationally, it would have to be an area that speaks English so the majority of the show wouldnt be subtitles. London or Australia sound like 2 good possibilities for a trial

    IA with the comments on Texas. I want to see them handle true southern belles...lol. Big hair, oil families, etc...

    I do want a TX version. I'd also like if they picked a smaller, quieter place. I'd watch The Real Housewives of Montana.

    You might, but I dont think the majority of US would. I think it just screams boring on paper and I dont know much about whats going on in Montana. It would have to be some amazing casting bc the locale doesnt seem like enough to draw in interest

  18. Oh another thing about Camille, she sure didnt seem to broken up about Adrienne's uncle dying. She was like that sucks that that happened but I hope nothing else goes bad for my little get together. She came across so cold. Every series has a villian, someone the audience and/or the rest of the cast hate. Beverly Hills really didnt have one till last week with this witch.

    Who the [!@#$%^&*] thought it appropriate for Danielle to be described as the "Susan Lucci" of reality television?!

    I didn't think I could loathe Danielle anymore than I already did...but to invoke the name of La Lucci. Damn her.

    Lucci should sue her for defamation of character. How dare she. What an insult to Lucci for this prostitution whore to compare herself to her.

    Hate her but her singing impressed me as being much better than I thought it would be. I would have loved to have seen her try that sh-t with Joan Collins.

    Interviewer: "So Joan, what do you think about Danielle Staubb from the Real Housewives of NJ, saying she's the Joan Collins of reality tv?"

    Joan: "Danielle, who?"

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