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Posts posted by Cheap21

  1. If I recall correctly, NYC S3 was 18 episodes

    For those interested... Bravo is airing all of Season 2 of the OC next Tuesday! Cheap - I know this will make you happy :)

    Finally! I will defiently be watching

    Edited to add: I thought you meant the syndication package. I dont get Bravo, so it looks like I miss out on OC S2 again

  2. Is there any real reason to keep OC around? I watched the first few episodes and I thought they were very stilted and generic and fake (the husband and wife, all the frozen faced blondes terrorizing their kids). Did the show pick up from then?

    The first season was the first of all these series. They were still trying to get their footing and the production values werent there. Ive seen season 3 and 4 since then and they,especially 4 are MUCH better. No clue on how 5 went and 6 is about to debut. With that said, I think they should put the series on hold and focus on the others and maybe come back to OC with a new cast

  3. I'm OBSESSED with this show now. Can't wait for the trip to Rome as it looks like Tami's ghetto ass shows out again.

    YES! Tami is sooooo ghetto and she's about to unleash it on Evelyn in the next episode. That should be fun!

  4. I bet they keep Camille, throw out Kim, and add those 2 new ladies. NYC has 7 housewives - why can't BH?

    Although speaking of so many housewives, NYC has always had the most... you'd think out of 7 ladies, they could find SOMETHING interesting/dramatic for the season (if those rumors are true). Adding Cat would be amazing, but I would prefer just a Season 2 of DC (and 8 housewives might be TOO much). I have a feeling after Season 3 of NYC, and all the hatred and craziness, that the ladies really didn't want to be the villian (i.e. Jill wanted to redeem herself, LuAnn is too classy, Alex is too nice and a mom, Ramona just redeemed herself in S3, Kelly is too stupid to do it, etc). Also, none of them want to leave... the OC has had several housewives come and go, so there has always been new blood. Same with Atlanta. New Jersey will be the same way. These NYC housewives just don't want to give it up, so it could be the same old, same old.

    I personally think 7 is way too many. 5 is the sweet spot and 6 is pushing it. 7 is just too much and 8 would be a mess.

  5. BH

    Its very dissapointing that Cedric used Lisa bc he was my favorite gay sidekick early on. I didn trust him midway bc he did seem too dependent on her

    Surprised with all the Kyle hate bc I still love her. I like how she at least owns up to her crap. She was bold and was like yeah that was catty, yeah I did that. She said itlike she meant it and didnt try to do damage control. Camille on the other hand stillplayed the victim and tried to act all sweet and innocent

    I hated how Andy kept trying to push something out of Kim when she clearly did not want to go there. She's a mess and while it may have made for some intereting drama if she brokedown, I didnt want to see it. I wish he had a bit more class and left it alone. We all know the deal. She doesnt have to spell it out for us


    I heard that Bethenny will be appearing on this season bc she is contractually obligated to 3 episodes. Dont know if that will be the first 3 with the new girl taking over after or if the 3 will be spread out across the season

  6. I thought the ATL finale had a perfect ending. If the series ended tomorrow, I would have to say it ended on a perfect note because everyone was basically happy.

    Nene's played herself out and it seems like whatever con she had going with Greg has dried up. How they are not living on skid row I'll never understand. Her son is an utter disaster...but there she stands, still rocking her red dress, still loud and brash and in charge. Nene is about as deep as a wading pool and so she is satisfied with things as they are and that's great, I wish her well and I hope she returns to the show. She will pull a David Caruso (without the CSI Miami comeback) if she leaves, it sounds like she comes off HORRIBLY on Celebrity Apprentice.

    Nene's not leaving. Wendy Williams asked Kim about this on her show and she was like " we all signed a contract, where the bitch going?" LOL. The only way Nene is out is if Bravo releases her from her contract and considering how she is one its stars, they wont do that. Plus I think she's smart enough to know she needs to keep the checks coming

  7. Kim was on Wendy and she said she felt Cynthia only got married to stay on the show bc she's so boring herself. Ouch! I cant blieve she'd sling mud at Cynthia like that especially since there didnt seem to be any drama between them. I wonder if something will come up at the reunion

    I loved on teh show when Phaedra said "Some people in Atlanta love to front and act like they have money when they are really in foreclosure and bankruptcy. It really doesnt surprise me that Cynthia was able to pull off this million dollar wedding with 50 cents" LOL

    I was also shocked to hear Cynthia was 43. She looks good for her age bc she looks like she's in her mid 30s

  8. What a weak finale. I cant beleive they wasted it on Cynthia's BORING as wedding. Honestly they could have ended the season on last week's explosive episode.

    Cynthia's dress was gorgeous! I loved it and she made for a beautiful bride. Her daughter is adorable as well.

    Im glad Kandi put her foot down on Kim and the single. Kim is so clueless about the business to not think she owes Kandi for producing and writing the song.

    I really wish Phaedra hadnt matured by the end of the season. I preferred her when she was over the top and saying dumb stuff early on.

    I thought Sheree's acting was good, to the point where I actually want to see her on screen now. She seems like the typical star you'd see in a Tyler Perry film. LMAO at Lovita giving her a hard time...lol

    I was wondering what was up with Nene's marriage bc that storyline seemed to disappear. Glad to see them go back to it. Brice looks so much better wtih his hair cut. He's still a bum though

    Kim is pregnant :o Id the Football playa with the fierce butt the Daddy?

    where have you been....lol. That news was let out a couple of months ago.

  9. I wonder what the cast make up will be nest season. Wendy Williams had an interesting suggestion that they replace all of them bc there are too many fabulous and messy housewives in BH that they should let new blood. I dont completely agree with this but the show could stand to lose and replace some.

    1. Camille. I really have no interest in seeing her come back. She was just vile and not in a fun way. I really dont care to see her be extra fake trying to redeem herself or show her trying tomove on post-Kelsey

    2. Kim. She was a mess and it was cringeworthy watching her bc she was so awkward and uncomfortable in front of the camera. Plus with her recent alcohol problems comin out, being in the spotlight may not be the best thnig for her.

    3. Taylor. She had 2 main storylines, her feud with Kim and marriage. Her feud with Kim wasn entertaining as it made no sense and if she's gone, so is that story. I didnt like watching her and her husband. They both were very awkward and her business arrangement only highlighted how desperate and pathetic she really was.

    4. Adrienne. I love her, dont get me wrong, but from a production standpoint, she didnt really add much. She stayed out of the drama and the only thing she had going for her was her playful bickering with her husband.

    That leaves Kyle and Lisa. Kyle was a fantastic cast member as she got involved in the drama, was outspoken and brought alot to the table. Lisa wasnt scared to speak her mind and she had some of the more hilarious commentary. Both are keepers. The Adrienne fan in me says keep her as well.

    Im torn whether Id want to see Faye back as a full housewife or not. One hand she is kinda trashy and messy, but that can be good and fun to watch. I think she is the one that stood out the most as a "friend" to one of the housewives that I could see myself having interest in

  10. Ugh, sometimes I hate Wendy William's big ass mouth. She spoiled the outcome of Cynthia's wedding on her show. I did not know if she married Peter or not and was looking forward to the show to find out. She tends to spoil alot of things and sometimes I wish she'd shut it. As far as Cynthia goes, I had no clue she was 43. She looks good. I thought she was closer to her mid 30s

  11. "I will throw you in the pool and pop both your eye balls out all at the same time. Pop, pop!" "Bye Wig!"

    "What happened to Kandi. Did you'll kill Kandi?" LOL

    Sheree on Cynthia "You ungrateful bitch! Get over it! Get from under NeNe's ass and woman up."

    I HATED Kim's attitude this season. Her head really blew up and it was over all stank. She acted like too much of a diva adn what makes it all worse is that she cant sing! She has no talent in that department.

    Oh and she totally has f--ked her friend. Its clearly obvious



    LMAO at these two reactions

  12. Update on DC:

    Andy said on The View that he loves Michaele, but the other women don't wanna film with her. He said they're having discussions about what to do with this show. Honestly, I have no idea why they'd want the Salahi's back. It's true they DID hijack the first season and Mary and Cat had storylines thrown out. Who knows how things would've gone if it weren't for that white house dinner re-shaping everything and the way they could use certain footage. Besides, they're broke, probably don't have a home to film and weren't popular. Why go through the trouble all over again? I would've kept the original four, added Erika then a brand new housewife and kept it moving.

    Right now they just missed Stacie's trip to Africa to meet her birth parents. I'm sure that would've been Bravo gold. Then you have Cat's recent trip to Thailand & book tour and Mary has a big fashion show coming up. All of these potentially interesting events are being missed bc they want the Salahi's (who have nothing going on)?

    I saw that over the weekend bc of you and they didnt even let him speak! When trhy asked him about DC, Barbera Walters asked another question and without letting him answer, the other b-tches started talking voer him.It was one of the most aggravtaing interviews bc I was actually interested in what he had to say

  13. Wow Im so late but finally can comment


    I dont like how Kim treats her asisstant BUT she is not her friend. That is her employee and she gets paid, so she knows the deal. Its really not for NeNe to comment on and she was wrong to turn it into something racial. I did hate all the sh-t Kim kept talking about NeNe thoug. On a sidenote, assistant was annoying me so I loved Kandi, calling her out.

    Its so obvious Cynthia should not be marrying Peter. Marriage is about unity and if the first thing she thinks about when she hears he closes down thier business is "now how am I going to get my money back" something is wrong. She needs to end things and go her seperate way


    What a great finale. I felt so bad for Kim getting ganged up on like that. Kyle did her wrong and that was horrible how she laid out all her business like that

    Taylor is only 39? She looks to be past the 40 mark

    Anyone else fell cheated that we didnt see the Kelsey/Camille break up scene? I thought we would since he showed up at the end of last episode. Ugh, dont care for Camille talking about it. I wanted to see it!

  14. maybe NYC will take over Thursday nights when Bev Hills is done, and the OC on Sunday nights when Atlanta is finished? Surely they won't wait for NYC to be over before premiering New Jersey S3 - that'll be in the summer, almost a year after S2 ended! Although they still have Miami to premiere, which I thought was scheduled for Jan/Feb 2011. Will they really show 3 and perhaps even 4 different housewives series at the same time? Hmmmmm...

    I doubt they would air 3 at the same time. That would be overkill. I see NJ/Miami this summer. The bigger question is what will come after. What combo of Atlanta, DC and/or BH will they have? There are so many RH shows now and they all go at least 15 episodes. There doesnt seem to be as much time on Bravo's schedule. I wonder if they will start to retire some of them. OC seems like a likely candidate bc its been on the longest. Then there's DC which didnt do so well. I think maybe they should end or at least put some on the backburner bc its reaching the point of oversaturation

  15. I love Lisa not being to thrilled with Taylor and making not that she is most likely the instigator in the drama thats been going on. I hate to say it but I do feel as if Cedric is using Lisa and her family and using his story for pity and a way to hold onto their money and lifestyle. The guy is grown and needs to be on his own but instead is freeloading off of them. He's not even making an attempt to stand on his own

    Dang, Camille's friends are nosy! They way they kept prodding about Kelsey. She obviously didnt want to talk about it...lol

    Wendy Williams talked about the reunion last week and said dont expect to see Camille and Kyle patch things up. Kim also gets into a fight during it and by the end of the taping, everyone is in tears except for Camille.


    OC: Sunday, March 6 at 10 pm

    NYC: Tuesday, February 15 at 10 pm.

    great news! Im finally getting caught up on OC thanks to syndication but Im watching it out of order. I went from season 3 to 1 and now 4. It doesnt look like I'll catch 2 anytime soon. Based on looks, I didnt like Vicki at all but after watching, she's one of my faves. I love how wild and fun she is. I also like Jeanna and sad she's no longer on it and of course Jo. I originally liked Tamra, but not liking her in season 4. Its obvious she is the one in the wrong with her feud with Gretchen as she is so jealous and doesnt like that she's no longer the youngest, hottest housewife.

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