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Posts posted by Cheap21

  1. I know, right? And YET... I'm a little intrigued. Roya Megnot would have been a better Erica than Lisa Peluso, but in both cases it would have looked like little girls playing dress up, both too young. I used to think Anna Stuart would make for a good temp Erica when she was still on AW but I don't necessarily agree with that anymore. Her energy is perfect for women like Mary Smythe.

    But both actresses would have been alot more age approrpiate for the deSORASed rape retcon Erica...lol. I can buy Peluso as 14 years older than Kendall. That would have been interesting to see her in the role

  2. IA with Sheree; Ive never heard of a Sip and See. Phaedra made that up to give herself more attention

    Edited to add: Just did a google search and apparently these do exist

    I wish Cynthia would drop Peter. Their relationship does not look like its worth getting into a marriage bc it will lead to a divorce

    Talk about misleading previews. They made it seem as if Jermaine Dupri interview would be a mess with him being difficult but it was anything but

    Kim: "I knew this song would be a hit the moment I heard it" Really? **eye roll**

    Kim's dauighter is wha like 14/15 now? And she's crying bc Kim and her assistant would be gone for a week. Girl, grow some balls and toughen up

  3. Sara's a mess. They played her off like a tamer Annie. I dont know if they started doing it yet but towards the end, they started featuring her alot in her own fantasies similiarly to Annie. She schemed and she lied but I dont get that they were trying to portray her as evil or a b-tch. She was more misguided andmisunderstood but she did her own fair share of maniuplating

  4. It came back last week and did not dissapoint! I didnt expect to see Shaunie be so nasty and bitchy. That was a shock bc she stayed out of the drama last season btu she took her claws out now. Gloria deserved them ganging up on her though bc she's still a stank bitch. Love Royce for setting this all up...lol

    As much as I dislike Suzie and dont mind seeing her being crapped on, Evelyn needs to move on already. She looks stupid threatening to beat Suzie's ass everytime she sees her. She doesnt have to be her friend, but she does needs to start acting civil around her, especially in public. The way she carried herself at Royce's lunch meeting was appaling.

    I dont know if I should feel sorry for Jennifer or sick with her. She tells Eric that maybe its time they end their marriage and go their seperate ways and he tells her fine, go get a lawyer and she can keep the house they were in bc he doesnt want it. She then tells him, no, bc they need time to tink and work things out. I knew she wasnt going to do anything. She just wanted to see his reaction and he didnt beg her to stay. He was ready to throw her out, yet she stayed

    No Tami this show but she is on next and looks to get into a fight

    P.S. I had no idea there was a spinoff called Football Wives. I watched it all during the 2 week break. Man I hate that they had this bc I still had hope that the UK soap would eventaully make its way over here. I guess they could call it Footballers Wives like the original and not Football Wives like the failed pilot

  5. Im not surprised Camille is leaving. I couldnt have seen her opening herself to such ridicule and criticism especially considering the bad rap she is currently getting. And unlike other housewives, she doesnt need the money. She's set to make at least 30 million, if not the whole 50, so she'll be fine

  6. Which Housewives do you think should be retired?

    For me,

    NYC: LuAnn, looking back, she's never had a particular storyline and she doesn't drive or move things forward. She's always there with a bitchy comment, and the Countess schtick got old in S2.

    Kelly, bitch I don't have the patience to deal with your whacked out ways.

    Alex: She came off well in S3, but she's not really interesting.

    ATL: Shereé: I love her to pieces, but her story this season has been all over the place. It's fake and we know it. She was much better when Lisa was around to keep the catty competition going.

    Cynthia: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    DC: Michaele:

    OC: Lynne: She's too spacy, wacky and absent-minded. Her cuffs are the tackiest thing I've ever seen and ridiculously overpriced.

    NJ: I'd only keep Theresa. Too much Manzo domination. Bring in new girls with no family ties.

    The Manzo's need to stay. I love Jaqueline and Caroline. Plus I dont think the show can hande losing nearly its entire cast in one season with only one returning. That would be too extreme.

    Overall IA, esepcially LuAnn. I dont see what purpose she ever served. She's nothing more than Jill's sounding board and not needed. I say get rid of her.

    Personally I think any one of the DC woman can get retired except Cat. Aside from Michaele, who is just way too fake even for a show like this, I dont feel Mary, Stacey or Lynda add much. Lynda has potential if paired with different womn but the other two are just boring. I like them, but they dont bring the drama

    Is the season over for BH already? I'm surprised it ended so abruptly.

    BH returns this week. It was on hiatus bc of the holidays

  7. Camille walks away with over 50 mil and Kelsey wants a quick divorce. I'm surprised they never signed a pre-nup. That's practically unheard of in Hollywood.


    still would it have mattered? Isnt California the main 50/50 state when it comes to divorces? Considering how publically and slopily Kelsey handled his infidelity, Camille's lawyer would have gotten her to leave with quite a bit regardless. Kelsey seems to love this new girl and wants to marry her so throwing money at Camille to get rid of her so she doesnt fight him and delay his upcoming wedding, seems like another key factor motivating him

  8. LOL, ikr? She took it too far pressing charges against Ashley just for grabbing her hair. She thought Danielle hit her mom and was just jumping into protective mode. She also did too much when Theresa called her honey. Who in the hell gets mad becuase they get called honey? :lol:

    She pissed me off when Caroline tried to sit down and have a reasonable talk with her. Bodyguards, really? Was there a Season 2 reunion? they stopped at the episode with Caroline and Danielle's meeting.

    She said she translated "honey" as "honey, Im gonna f-ing kill you bitch" WTF?

    Yes there was a season 2 reunion and it was 2 parts. You need to track it down bc it was GOOD! Here's just a small clip of it from Youtube


  9. I have been watching the NJ marathon all day, and this [!@#$%^&*] is hilarious. :lol: This Danielle chick is crazy. LMAO at her and that lady Kim G getting into an argument at the restaraunt after Kim told Theresa, Caroline, and Jacqueline about Danielle looking for her birth mother.

    Theresa is my fave one and I like her husband Joe too, he is so funny. Was this the first or second season?

    It was the second season. I remember not liking Theresa at the very start of season 1 but by the end of season 2, she was my favorite. Season 3 is going to have even more focus on her as 2 of her relatives have been cast as new housewives. Should be juicy

    I watched the episode where the fight at the country club occurred and it only reminded me how much of a drama queen Danielle is and how delusional and over the top she can be. She actually said the other women were plotting to kill her. Like really? Give me an Fing break

  10. I'm three episodes behind with the Beverly Hills women. I feel kind of out of sync with this show. I might have to rewatch a few episodes because I'm just not feeling the drama yet.

    I'll wait till she confirms it herself. MediaTakeOut isnt exactly the most reliable source.

    As for BH, wait till you get to the Dinner Party From Hell. They really kick it up to the max in that episode

  11. I think Camille has great hair. I dont care for her but I think her hair usually looks pretty good on the show.

    Im with you on Adrienne's excuse to go pick up her kids at the lunch date. I think she just didnt want to be around Camille any longer and all that talk about Kyle wasnt worth her time.

    Yeah the show may be phony, but its a damn good show and thats why we contiue watching.

    Oh I saw promos for NYC season 4 last night. I didnt think they were going back to that one next bc it came after OC. And I see that they've added anoter housewife so the count is back to 7. That seems too much. It was understandable why they added Sonia last season bc Bethenny was leaving and that made the transiition easier but I dont think the show needs 7 total

  12. I loved Taylor's hair when she was out with Kim. Why doesnt she have it like that more often? Her regular hair style is very unflattering as is the one in her interviews but the one she had on last night's show was very flattering. Loved it

    The kiss up between Camille and Kyle was sooooo phony. I bet before they attended that event, Kyle's husband told her to make nice with Camille bc their feud was now affecting their money. I hated that Camille even went there by using her money and influence to demand respect she didnt deserve. I wonder how things are now that she doesnt have Kelsey to back her up. Kyle was probably sick even giving her the time of day. At least that sidekick, Alison was no where in sight.

    I didnt realize that Mauricio was jewish. The girls were on the Rachel Ray show and Kyle talked about how their family celebrated Hanukkah and Christmas. I thought he was greek.

    I love Adrienne. She continues to be my favorite.

  13. Anyone watching this reality show on VH1? Its like Real Housewives but focuses exclusively on wives and former girlfriends of NBA players. The cast is based around Miami. Its currently in its 2nd season and a guilty pleasure. Just caught up with the first 2 episodes and this season looks to be even better than last.

    I cant stand Suzie. Im so glad Evelyn is done with her and realizes what a snake she is. For most of last season she would instigate drama but now she's at the center of it. I wish she would have been dropped but at least she's been kicked out of the circle

    I also hate Gloria. She talked so much sh-t last season and said she wouldn't be on this season and acted like she was too good for it, yet her she is appearing on the show. Next week's confrontation looks good and I hope the ladies call her out on her crap

    My favorite is Royce. She got a bad rap before but she's not that bad a person. I also love Shaunie and now she carries herself. I have no use for Jennifer. She comes across very insecure and pathetic at times. I dont get that she's in love with her husband and doesnt want to be married to him. I think its more about her not wanting to get divorced that keeps her there.

    But of course one of the best new additions this time around is Tami from the Real World. Based on the previews, girl is gonna get ghetto on the other women and it looks as if she hasnt changed much as she is still bringing the drama. Should be fun

  14. haha, just saw Atlanta and I loved the spa fight. I especially loved the worker who kept walking in on the drama while giggling.

    When did Kim get so bold. She had so much attitude with Phaedra which I didnt expect from her. I loved Phaedra calling her out. Best line was when she said to the camera, just bc she strips in a nurses outfit, doesnt make her a nurse...lol

    What Sheree did for her daughter was so sweet. I love their relationship

  15. Francesca grew stale and annoying to me bc she was so one note. It was the same stuff with her, making threats and trying to cause trouble without actually doing much. Annie was a mroe effective villian than she was. I was glad by the time they got rid of her bc the character bugged me

  16. The cruise part of the story is even better than the stuff on land. NBC packaged those episodes into a condensed one hour primetime event which was effectively done well.

    Francsesca wasnt so bad at first but she eventually gets annoying

    Emily....boring. I rooted for Amy to torture her.

    Funny you say that abou Dana bc dont expect for the truth to be revealed anytime soon. I rememebr they dragged this ut for months, which seems ridiculous considering, Meg is engaged to her husband.

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