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Posts posted by Cheap21

  1. Im at the christmas episode. Such a sad scene, Little Blake saw a picture of Fallon and said "i love you mommy" then asked if she could hear him in heaven.

    Amanda just found out about Balke being her dad, a very underwhelming resolution to be honest. (Shes was all "i m so happy" blake was all "I knew it" adam and steven were all "oh, ok" and krys didnt even have a reaction. the eff?!) But Cath Oxen is simply wonderful to watch.

    I love that Amanda effed Dex. Also, who is this man> Cuz they look HOT together!

    I hated how they started repeating Fallon's stories with Amanda. Amanda and Dex screamed of what they did earlier with Mark Jennings.

    Question, does Amanda & Sammy Jo share scenes? I would assume it would be epic.

    They get involevd in a triangle with Clay Fallmont in season 6. I cant remember them having much to do with each other before this. Unfortunately Oxenberg doesnt get to finish it out as the recast Amanda was thrown in towards the end

    Adam ... or is it jeff? idk i cant tell them apart. There is an Adam isnt there? lol... annoys me, a lot. Not as much as krystal or claudia though.

    What did you think of Kirby? I hated her character and she ranks up there as one of the more annoying characters

  2. Oh god, LE in a dual role? I was hoping for a lookalike. I cant make it through that, shes bad enough as it is right now...

    MONTHS? dear god in heaven...

    LOL....just be glad like me, you are watching it in rerun blocks so it goes faster. Im sure it must have been torture for those who had to watch it originally. It lasts for a good 4-5 months

  3. Season 9 was horrible. I actually skipped whole weeks at a time. First they ruined the credits, and even the font became chintzy. They ditched the melodramatic music too that used to accompany every scene. Then they brought on that italian cop from Brooklyn, and I am sorry, that just isn't Dynasty. It was awful and deserved its collapsing ratings.

    I don't know what moving out of the 80s and into the 90s means except "it became dull". Your statement sort of implies that to enter the 90s there needed to be no merit to the show and everything fun had to be stripped away. I see that in the daytime threads too, "OLTL entered the 90s"...in other words it became dull!

    For Dynasty yea. The show was heavily structured in 80s culture and style. From the lavish gowns, musical cues, outrageous hairstyles, it was an exagerated look at a specific lifestyle most identifiable with that time period. Season 9 came at the very tale end of that and the style, fashion, hair, music, etc... was noticeably different from what came before. Those were more toned down bc it was no longer relevant with how the country and atmosphere had chagned in that decade. Dynasty adjusted with the changing times and I thoguht it was done rather well.

  4. Im not sure who did the mini series. I dont beleive Ive ever seen the entire thing as Soapnet didnt air it.

    As for Rita, I think the problem was that it wenton for far too long. I just looked at the summaries and she's still around nearly 20 episodes into the season which is about 2/3s of it. It dumbed down the other characters to fall for act. It really should have lasted a few weeks, not months like it did

  5. after reading season breakdowns it seems like after the wedding/shooting at the end of season 5 it just hit a peak. season 6 seems to sound good, but 7-9 are obviously lacking something just from reading about them.

    IIts been said that the Massacre killed the show but I done beleive that. Season 6 was good in spite of it. Season 7 was decent and the Adam/Dana romance was the best thing about it. They had a great story arc, especially when Adam's parentage comes into question. I also liked the introduction of Caress, Alexis' sister. She had potential to be a good rival for her, but she didnt last too long and they didnt fully execute it.

    Season 8, however was an outright mess. Jeff adn Fallon returned and for some reason they decided to follow through with the Colby finale which had Fallon abducted by a UFO. That was too campy adn ridiculous even for Dynasty. This season also featured alot of Leslie, who was downright horrible. I cant remember much else but Dana/Adam once again remain the strong point of it and probably are the only saving grace.

    Season 9 was different. Much better than 8, but different. You can tell Dynasty was moving out of the 80s and into the 90s. The clothes, the style and the theme changed. It was inevitable. The show lost Krystal and Alexis only appeared part time. Its why Sable was brought in as a semi-replacement for the 2 and she fit in well. There was a season long mystery which was told effectively and if you've paid attention, its something that was first introduced going back to the beginning of the series. Emma Samms finally comes into her own as Fallon and she shines. Dynasty never got as good or big as it once was, but it ended on a high with good writing and intersting cliffhangers, which wont get resolved until the miniseries 2 years later

  6. :o :o :o

    Sammy Jo is great for the first few years. She is so trashy and lacking in anything refined or cultured. There is some episode somewhere where after trying to be haughty and on her high horse, she demands a ham sandwich I think. You gotta love it. Plus, I love that little theme song she has that plays whenever she appears. :lol:

    They ruined her midway through the show when they softened her up. I guess they figured she had been rotten to so many people if she didn't start making nice there would be no realistic way to have anyone continue to talk to her.

    Sammy Jo is easily top 5 Dynasty characters for me.

    I belevie it was season 6. The Rita mess was the last real rotten thing she did. After that, I think the writers felt they kinda had to redeem her or write her out. She spent the rest of the season trying to make ammends and she got into that triangle with Amanda and Clay and by season 7, she was one of the show's heroines going from romantic pairing to the next. I did like her with Clay for the short bit that it lasted, but it was obvious her character was sizzling out. Im surprised she made it all the way to the end. Her rivalry with Fallon could have been intersted had they developed it more.

  7. You guys remember Leslie Carrington? She was defiently one of the worst characters if not the worst. I downright hated her and found her beyond annoying and despicable

    I'm currently in the middle of season two, first time watching. I believe Krystle just lost her baby.

    My thoughts for now: Corley is doing great as Steven, I'm afraid of the recast even though it's inevitable. Collins really adds something to the show, but its still the very beginning of her run. I am very happy that Matthew, Lindsay, Michael and Walter were written out of the show. I do like Claudia to some extent, but at the moment they don't seem to know what to do with her. And oh yeah- I don't like Sammy Jo one bit.

    WHAT! Sammi Jo rocks. Hands down one of the best characters on Dynasty. Enjoy her now while she's bad and fun bc she eventually goes soft and gets redeemed. She mad the perfect little gold digging biyatch in the beginning

  8. Thats Max Caulfield on Dynasty? I LOVE him! Had no idea. I also love Billy Campbull and had no idea he had a gay love story with that dad from heroes. Gosh, i love the internet. and hulu.

    Wow, I watch Heroes and never realized that Noah was Steven from Dynasty

    Oh, and idk if you were asking me that last question, but i am not there yet. i dont think. i only watched the steven/luke story and am now wacthing all of season 5, doesnt colbys start after season 5? fallon just "died" and emma samms started, and i do not like her at all as fallon. i guess i should breakout some sorta guide to get through all of this, lol.

    I belevie The Colbys, starts during season 5 of Dynasty. Theres one episode of Dynasty in which the Colbys attend a party at the Carrington mansion which is a pseudo-pilot for the show. Jeff thinks he sees Fallon and that begins him transitioning over. Emma definetly didnt look the part of Fallon. The short hair was bad and she had some weight on her. Fallon also felt off. When she returns full time to Dynasty in season 8, her stories sucked and she even wetn blonde for a little bit. That all changes in season 9 and she shines. She got a makeover, complete with longer hair, a slimmer figure and she was written more like the sexy vixen she was in the earlier seasons. Its too bad it took so long for them to get a handle on the character with her in the role

  9. I didnt like the Steven recast. I thought Al Corley was a better looking man and a better actor. The recast lacked the vulnerability he brought to the role and came across as too much of a douchebag at times

    Pamela Sue Martin as Fallon was only great in season 1 and 2. She was the selfish head bitch of Dynasty but the introduction of Alexis diminished that role. The sparring and banter between mother and daughter kept her character interesting in season 2, but by season 3 she started to lose some of her steam. Her antics and games with Jeff got old and she was pretty bland in season 4. Fallon doesnt regain her fire and become intersting again until the final season, ironically when Joan Collin only appears part time as Alexis

    The recast of Amanda was the WORST recast in the history of primetime television. The girl was terrible. I read they literally found her waiting tables and thrust her into the show. They gave her Fallon's old storyline with the limo driver from season 1, but she didnt pull it off nearly as interesting. She only lasted a few episodes bc she was so dreadful and was never heard from again

    How great was the character of Dana? She and Adam were my favorite couple. She was amazing and I was sad to see her go. Those two had a great story and she was the one woman to tame the bad boy while still keeping him intersting. Those 2 rocked together and were the best thin about the duller later seasons

    Peyton, I cannot believe you don't like Claudia. You have seen Seasons 1 and 2, right? She's fantastic even in season 3, were the rot started setting in.
    Claudia sucked. She was always so bland and boring. Her character was such a pushover and felt like an interloper who didnt belong

    OMG. They recasted? WHY! Was Cath a bitch? She does seem like one, idk why, just does.

    Such a downgrade.

    Also, This Amanda reminds me a lot of Amanda on AW, whom popped up a few years after this i think. I wonder if they drew upon this for inspiration?


    Downgrade indeed. She didnt even have a British accent and that made Amanda lose her sophisticated upper class appeal. The new girl was just too common. Heres a clip of her


  10. Who watched the premiere of NJ. Im surprised this is already airing when NY hasnt even finished.

    Danielle needs to get a life! I cant stand her. She says she doesnt care about not being invited to the party, yet she drives around and was planning on going there to see who showed up? What I hate about her the most is that she drags her kids into her drama. Like last season bringing them to the dinner knowing full well she was going to start a fight. Why expose your children to that?

    Jacqueline continues to be my favorite. Her baby is adorable. Her daughter is a brat however. What an ungrateful twit. She really needs to get a clue and start showing her mother some more respect.

    I saw that Dina's daughter isnt in the opening. Im guessing she wont be on this season. Thats too bad bc I liked their relationship. Dina may act like a bitch but when around Lexie, she turns into a big softie. Oh and I loved her cat...lol. I never saw one look like that before...lol

    Theresa is even better this season. She had some funny liness. Love her daughters and that joke about having a gay son and shopping with him...lol

    I really wish they'd have brought in a new housewives. It feels too much like the family vs Danielle, which I fear will get old. Maybe add someone in Danielle's corner so she doesnt look so pathetic.

    Overall I liked the premiere but it doesnt hold a candle to NY. It looks like the drama will come later in the season and I cant wait.

  11. I LOVE this show! Alex's message has got to be the BEST moment of the season. Who knew she had it in her to be such a b-tch? What killed me though is how those heffers wouldnt STFU. It took damn near 10 minutes for Alex to spit it out. The reaction was great and I couldnt help but laugh at Jill. The b-tch deserved it.

  12. Aw man that sucks. :(

    Another recast I loved was Natalie Zea as Gwen. She was MUCH better than Liza Huber IMO.

    IA, I loved NZ. I HATED the character of Gwen in the beginning but she brought so much more depth to the character that she got me to like her. I put all the credit on me even liking Liza's Gwen on her

  13. I liked Caress, I enjoyed her chemistry with Alexis. I loved when Alexis called her "Cassie."

    Poor Dominique. I wish the show had done more with her. They just gave up after a short time. And her daughter, zzzzz......

    Oh gawd, she was awful. I think her name was Jackie. Thank goodness she didnt last long at all

    My all time favorite slap of the series

    "Alexis, I didn't thank you for your present" SLAP!


  14. Hated seson 6 Lena but she was ok in season 5. I did like those episodes where she was making chili from her dorm room, and it set off a fire and when her friends from Baltimore came to visit.

    Her relationship with Dorian was SO dull.

    that wasnt chili, it was gumbo! lol

    I liked Dorian

  15. Did anyone else want Ron/Whitley at one point?

    I sure did. ^_^

    maybe for a minute. I remember them briefly dating when they lived in that apartment building with Jaleesa and Dwayne

    Who else LOVED Jada Pinkett's character, Lena? She really helped revitalize the show in the 5th season. I loved her relationship with Whitley and those two were fun togetehr

  16. I've just started to watch this show for the very first time. :) Hope it doesn't disappoint.

    Its a great show. I thought it started to lose a bit of its appeal I think around season 3 or 4, but I enjoyed 5 and I thought it was pretty good until season 8 which was a disaster. Luckily it did improve in season 9

    Early Sammy Jo was the best!

  17. The only ones I find unlikeable are Jill and her sidekick. I hate how LuAnn literally walks around and kisses Jill's ass. Its bad enough that Jill has a huge ego but LuAnn keeps fluffing her up. STFU!

    I didnt like Alex at first but Im warming up to her bc of her friendship with Bethenny. Ramona I dont like but she has her moments. When Jill attacked her, I was on her side. I think Ramona means well but she has a big mouth that she cant control

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