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Posts posted by Cheap21

  1. The season finale was this week and OMG. Evelyne is one foul ass bitch. Team Tami! I was shocked when Evelyn revealed the secret that she dated and slept with Tami's ex husband for 6 months, while they were married. I was on Tami's side for wanting to kick her ass especially when she said Tami was a non-factor and called her a bitch. Ev is so shady and doesnt even realize or rather not care for what she did

  2. Bravo put up a new Season 4 preview for NYC:


    Looks like it'll be good! Blondes vs. Brunettes!

    omg, I cant beleive they put this on hold for Miami. This looks SOOOOO good.

    AND -

    The Salahis are just ridiculous. They were asked to leave Celebrity Rehab because they have no real addiction! hahahaha


    They are addicted to attention!

  3. :lol: OMG! The coincidences! The same thing happened to me – I was thinking Why don't they hire this Brazilian lesbian?! And them WHAM! She popped up on Bravo's website! :lol:

    By the end, it was just as I thought: they all seem on the edge. Like total wrecks. This season bringing the total desintegration and meltdowns. It was all this pathetic nastiness stemming from their lives which don't fulfill their needs and desires. Awful.

    And I can't believe Tamra is 43 and has a 20-year old son. :o

    Tamra's son Ryan was 20 like when she first started doing this show. I think he's 23/24 now bc she was a teen mom

    I think Fernanda might be the first lesbian housewife. Im surprised they arent pushing that more.

    IA though, they did all seem bitter. Vicki used to be so fun and crazy but she seemed so catty in her interviews. Tamra got ugly in her second season. Gretchen just seems mean spirited now. The only hope is the new chicks. I didnt see Alexis last season but I liked what I saw of her last night. She could be my favorite if she doesnt get nasty as well

  4. Orange County. They are all blonde?! :ph34r: And so interchangeable?!

    pretty much but you wouldnt know it bc the one brunette didnt even make it into the opening. I didnt even know she was a housewife till I saw she had a bio on Bravo.com. Not sure why she's not in the opening bc she was in the episode and interacted more with the ladies than the other new chick


  5. Saw OC. Alexis, dont know you, but I like you

    Surprised to see Slade in the opening with Gretchen. How long have they been together?

    I noticed that Tamra's kids arent in the opening with her anymore. Just the oldest one. Does Simon have custody of them?

    I hate how everyone on the cast is a blonde. This is the least diverse cast ever.

    And if ATL is smart they'll get Victoria Rowell on the phone. STAT!

    VR is the type of crazy this show needs. I bet she can out-quack pregnant Phaedra! LOL. Seeing Nene try to fight her would be tv gold

  6. I floved Chasing Pavements!!

    Her new single is good but I havent gotten into it like I did CP.

    I hadnt heard of her till I saw her performing CP on SNL and istantly fell in love with her and her music. Her voice is amazing

  7. adele-456.jpg

    Anyone a fan of hers? She's a singer from England and her new album 21 recently dropped. Id reccomend picking i up bc its REALLY good. I loved her last one, 19. While I found that one to be better, this one has some great tracks as well. The lead single is Rolling in the Deep, but I think my favorite song is Turning Tables. Just check out this video. She has such a powerful and soulful voice

    and here's another great song. Someone Like You

  8. IAed withy Christy this week. I got sick of Adriana's drama. I cant believe the show wasted so much time going on about her kid and her husband.

    Leah looks so much better without all that makeup and her hair done. She looked younger earlier in the episode at home then in her interview and party later on.

  9. I hadn't seen that. I called him that mostly because the first episodes treated him that way (going on about the strip club car wash).

    Oh I think you have kids confused. Christopher is the younger one with the dreams of strip club car wash. Albie is the oldest and was studying to be a lawyer. Albie is the educated one who tried to go down a more traditional path wih realistic goals. Chris was the more wild one, whom I dont think even went to college.

  10. I wouldnt call Caroline's son, Albie dumb. I dont think it was brought up in season 1, but the guy has a learning disability which has affected him his whole life. It becomes a plot point in season 2 when he is kicked out of school bc those at the school failed to work with him and get him the proper help that he needed. Watching Caroline break down and cry over Albie being basically told he was dumb and not good enough to achive his goals was one of the most hearbreaking moments in housewife history for me. I truly felt for her and him in that scene. Defiently not scripted

  11. After keeping on with this thread I decided to give Real Housewives another chance, this time with New Jersey. I rented the first DVD of the first season.

    I think the preview special was much more concise at 22 minutes and I wish they would have all episodes like this, with a few extended for specials. The 44 minutes tend to just repeat old clips. In four episodes I saw some scenes four times!

    Unlike OC, where I was put off by the cold and controlling relationships between the mothers and the children, I enjoyed more of the less complicated family atmosphere with Caroline and her kids. They seem like one of the most believable and fun families I can remember on any reality show.

    Danielle is more interesting in how the other women react to her than she is on her own. Jacqueline being torn between Danielle and her family is great drama, but Danielle's life is boring as hell to watch. What was that ridiculous business with this supposed phone sex partner who stood her up for a real date. It all seemed so scripted. So did her melodrama with her 26 year old boyfriend. 26? Did they get that backwards? Even with the hack work done to her face she still looked the same age as he did.

    Dina bores me. She just has no real camera presence and she reminds me of an OC reject. The only time I was more interested in her by the numbers control freak stuff was when she was with her daughter, or her brother.

    Jacqueline is such an integral part of the show, and there are so many people like her in real life, but often they don't get on TV because they aren't having fits all the time.

    Teresa does absolutely nothing for me. I think she's very delusional, cutesy, and the way she IMO exploits her daughter is distasteful and takes up way too much airtime.

    I think the show works at at an hour and I cant see it being just a half hour. I like the format.

    If you find Danielle's life boring, then you will be dissapointed with season 2. I thinks he itneracts with the other women on about 4 times throughout the season. She isnt friends with any of them and most of her scenes revovle around her boring kids, and bitching to the camera and Kim G about the other women. I think thats why she was fired, bc they couldnt stretch out her drama another season when no one wants to tape with her

    Love Jacqueline and her sweet nature. Easily my favorite of the bunch.

    Teresa didnt do much for me at first but she really comes into her own in the finale and by season 2 is teh breakout star, IMO. She really is integral to the show and I cant see it without her. Her relationship with her daughters is adorable.

  12. Did you guys see the final episode of Beverly Hills? It was new edit of the Dinner Party from Hell episode with new footage and interviews. Some good lines and moments in it.

    Lisa: "Camille's cocktail was like a bowl of soup. They were huge" "Allison. She was knocking back the witch's brew" LOL...so true. Kyle said its something someone could take a bath in.


    Faye :wub: Are they testing her as a new housewife? She looked gorgeous in her interviews. She cleans up well and looks very Beverly Hills here. They reedited the episode to make it appear as if she was one of the girls bc she got alot of airtime. I hope they add her next season,

    Faye: "Of course women are catty around Camille. Thats the only way they can be around her" LOL

    "Could you beleive that was happening in BH? We dont do things like that at dinner parties"

    Alison was still as crazy and horrible as ever

    Taylor: "If she was so psychic, how didnt she see what Kelsey was doing to Camille right there?" And on the "You have two legs" comment by Alison: "What does that even mean? Does she now have these dead people that chop off your legs"

    I also noticed that they alluded to Kim's drinking problems. She said she had 6 cokes which affected the way she acted? Bull.

    Alison: "Friends? They cant even spell friends"

    Taylor: "How about crazy? C-R-A-Z-Y"

  13. I didnt think she liked that Phaedra came and took her thunder. She gave Kandi stank attitude last season as well. I dont think she likes having new people come onto "her" show, especially if they bring more to the table then she does and makes her come across obsolete and irrelevant. Im sure thats what she got from Phaedra. Notice how alot of the early buzz and talk this season was about Phaedra and her crazy antics. Nene kinda took a backseat until she started up fighting with Kim again. I feel she may have manufactured that to draw attention back onto her

  14. I loved Phaedra's google me line to Nene

    Sheree was just there. She added NOTHING to the ruin. Even Cynthia had more going on with her.I hope Sheree gets to speak in the next bc Andy has to confront her about the doctor. I kinda feel as if Sheree's story is done. She got too soft this season and while likeable, its boring. I also didnt like how she looked. Way too much hair at the reunion.

    Thats freaky how Kim's psychic got her future right

  15. Why didnt we get any of this NeNe/Phaedra drama on the show? One of the biggest dissapointments is that the editing hyped up a feud between them in the early episodes and it went nowhere. I thought the season wouldlead to a big blowout between them but it ended of with NeNe vs Kim instead. If both women return next season, I hope they are fighting bc Id find that alot more entertaining

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