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Marissa Gallant

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Posts posted by Marissa Gallant

  1. 1 hour ago, Beach Climber said:

    It felt like by the time the truth came out, it was about tying up the loose thread. Everyone’s reactions were so muted. I don’t know for sure but I assumed that it wasn’t the original plan for it to drag on and be ignored the way it did. Maybe there was too much going on with Cruz and Eden or the Julia/Mason/Tori love triangle got in the way of things. Had Mason/Tori been the couple and Mason was actively parenting Chip when the truth was revealed, I would guess it would put the 2 couples against each other and divided up the family. 


    I think she overreacted during that reveal. Perhaps it was because she picked up on Julia being in love with Mason but it was a lot. The baby contract was unconventional but it’s not like they were together when it happened and Mason didn’t know Julia was pregnant when he married Tori. Honestly the only weird part of the story was that Mason wanted to have the kid the traditional way versus artificial insemination. 

    I that is 100% classic Mason. He saw a way to have some fun and seized it. Plus, he had been flirting with Julia for years. I mean, old school Mason would never turn down a chance to have sex 

  2. 52 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    True. I also got the impression that the characters all felt sorry for Tori because no one really seemed to genuinely like her all that much.

    That is true. I do like that I have seen Lane do a few snippets of Shakespeare because of Tori. However, the character is just AHHHH- I want to smack her. I just saw the episode where she finds out about the baby contract, and she screeches Mason you're disgusting! And I'm like uh- you're a rapist, so are you really wanting to say,  I'm not good enough for you.

    1 hour ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I wonder why it ultimately didn't work out.

    I think perhaps people hadn't let go of Augusta, so Caroline never stood a chance.

    I'm really not enjoying the mystery illness, fever, virus with the special serum storyline. Maybe because of well, you know...

  3. 3 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I never figured out why she was never reviled by both the Capwells and Castillos after all that. Tori caused a lot of damage and should have left town in disgrace.

    She should have been hated as much as the audience hated her. Someone in production must have really LOVED her, because they certainly kept trying to get US to love her. 

  4. 5 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I think Lenore Kasdorf could have been a good long-term fit on SB, but 1986-87 was such a crazy time with comings and goings. She just seemed to get lost in the shuffle.

    I really think the character had potential. Especially if Augusta came back. And I really loved excited Alice. Didn't like cynical Alice as much. Am getting very tired of Ted and Hayley's endless fighting. 

    Right now, I'm here for Julia. And the occasional glimpses of Sophia.

  5. 5 hours ago, John said:

    Ok may be unpopular but I didnt hate Kimberly McArthur as Kelly. I was glad for Carrington Garland's take as Kelly, but I feel McArthur got a lot of misguided hate

    I haven't seen much of either of them. I do think McArthur wasn't given much of a chance by the audience though. Robin Wright left huge shoes to fill. Carrington wasn't immediately after, so I feel like it was easier for her to make it her own. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Lex S said:

    I have not gotten to where she's on screen yet, but from all those years ago I do remember when she was on she was on A LOT. I do not remember how she gets to exit. Is it one of those exits where writers don't know what to do with the character anymore? 

    I'm not sure, but it might have been that she was so universally hated that they finally let her go. Or the actress got tired of the hate mail. 

  7. Sophia in black. Lionel face down on the floor. Cruz on floor. Mason by lamp, Ted next to him, Channing boyfriend between Kelly and Ted, Eden and CC on the couch, bald guy is Marcello, Augusta (looks like Louise Sorel) then Warren on the end. Santana behind Cruz.(Although Mason,,Ted and BF) might be in a different order. Completely blanking on bfs name

  8. 16 hours ago, wonderwoman1951 said:

    a nytimes piece re ‘santa barbara’ in russia. it’s behind a paywall, but nonsubscribers get a few freebies/month.


    That's pretty cool. But I'm not sure my brain could handle it without constantly thinking, "That's not how Lane said it." 

    Although, to be fair, the early CC/Santana abomination might be better with different, less icky, actors

    And also, for the record, most Americans DO NOT LIVE LIKE THE CAPWELLS. I do not have a mansion, fly in a helicopter. I've also never tried to pass my baby off as someone else's. And- I just watched Julia try to assemble a crib while she was wearing a dress. I would never do that. Sweats pants and baggy shirts are proper "assemble a crib" attire.

  9. 16 hours ago, Wendy said:

    Yeah, but at the same time, it just made Mason/Julia's interactions burn that much hotter, because of the forbidden aspect. I probably should have felt sorry for Tori, but I never did. I was just annoyed by her.

    Yeah, words CAN NOT describe how much I do not care about Tori. She just has that annoying wounded duck face all of the time and I want to smack it. I can't even say it isn't her fault that she's in this situation. She didn't HAVE to rape Cruz. She didn't HAVE to come back to Santa Barbara. She didn't HAVE to not take more acting jobs. Newsflash Tori- actress film while pregnant.  She didn't HAVE to set her cap on Mason and marry him. I just have no sympathy for her.

    I felt more sympathy when Mason and Eden were on the docks and she asked if Mason was really the father. And he ran himself through the mud by asking if she ever knew him to be that selfless. Yes, Mason, you are. 

  10. A desk in the bathroom? That's a big Nope from me. But then again, keeping work clothes on more than 5 minutes after I get home is also a No, so CLEARLY I was not made to be a soap opera character. 

    Switching from bathroom talk, MAN Nancy Lee Grahn is knocking it out of the park with this pregnancy storyline. You can really feel her hurt that Mason married the drip Torie. And poor Mason too. He's stuck with the drip.

  11. 5 hours ago, j swift said:

    It also brings up my old queery about the Lockridge Mansion.

    Now we know that nobody on soaps has to use their bathroom, except to have sex in the tub, but if Minx lived in the primary bedroom, do you think that Augusta didn't have an en-suite bathroom (her makeup table was shown in her bedroom)?  Does this indicate the possibility (given the age of the mansion) that at one point Lionel, Augusta, Warren, and Laken all shared a bathroom?

    I'm sure Augusta has an en suite bathroom. I know we saw a bathroom when Sophia was planting evidence on Lionel. Also, during at least one champagne bubble bath. Some women have makeup tables that are not in a bathroom, my grandma did. I also want to say that we've seen Lakins restroom. It was off her bedroom. 

  12. 22 hours ago, j swift said:

    It was either the atrium or CC’s office where Sophia killed Channing, so it was a choice between uncomfortable furniture or uncomfortable memories in that house. 

    You’d think given Santana’s training in interior decor she would have at least  suggested that they redesign the room where Channing died  

    I agree about the emotional toll of CCs office. But I really love that room. I'd probably be in there reading most of my life. 

  13. 12 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    LOL. Most soap patriarchs do. Haha. Not to mention, I feel like the atrium was really dangerous for them to always be living in, haha. Glad they introduced other rooms.

    You would think the patriarchs would get together once in a while to discuss strategies. LOL! Imagine Mac Corey and CC sitting down to have a discussion about women. 

    And, yes, the Capwells needed someplace to sit and relax! Those chairs around the table in the atrium look dreadfully uncomfortable! Or, it's late and we want to cuddle and relax. So, let's sit here on this concrete bench. There, isn't that better? No wonder Sophia sat on CCs lap, it probably had more cushion. 

  14. This is too funny to not share. And this board might be the only place where I can. I had a dream that I was in an episode of Santa Barbara. The hairstyles were 86-87. For some reason Sophia was in a hospital bed and being transported home to the mansion. CC was mad because Gina was still refusing to leave his house. Well, there is Sophia in that bed next to the fountain and she has the oxygen mask on, but the top of her head- bald. Just the top, like Ben Franklin's receding hairline. The sides were still long and blonde. Ben Franklin hairdo- NOT a good look on Judith McConnell. Anyway, Gina decides that it's time to kick me out, because no one there knows who I am. At this point CC says that this might be the only time he agrees with Gina. So, I start to leave. At this point, Sophia jumps out of bed, and says that she knows me. Her hair is perfect as soon as she pops off the bed. She grabs Gina by the hair and pulls her to the door screaming Get Out! And I woke up thinking, Well that was weird.

  15. 3 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Yes, he did! How many times did Gina get in after her banishment? 😂😂😂😂😂

    I don't know because I lost track. And also, counting that high is really boring. 🤪

    I decided to create my own playlists from the Russian channel. Jeffrey just rescued Kelly, Mason and Julia are still ignoring it, and Cruz and Eden are back. Sophia has been on a lot because Jed Allan was on vaca or something. Keith just kicked Mason out of the DAs office. I would think that whoever appoints the DA when the elected office would tell Keith that he isn't the new DA either. Nope, you people keep failing. I'm gonna find someone new. 

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