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Marissa Gallant

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Posts posted by Marissa Gallant

  1. 14 hours ago, Beach Climber said:

    Mason/Julia weren’t the plan but their baby contract scenes were a much more obvious build to a pairing for me than Mason and Tori were. I never bought the Tori/Mary comparison they were initially pushing and never got why Mason would have fallen for her. Of course, what little build they had died as soon as they actually got married which made it more baffling that they were the planned pairing. 

    By the time the marriage happened, there were too many Mason and Julia scenes and there was no going back from that. And yes, a lot of money was involved. Mason told CC that the baby could be his and CC offered a lot of money for Mason to marry her. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Wendy said:

    UGH, Tori. Hated her. From beginning to end. All she really existed as was a foil. Maybe had the writers not made her a rapist (Cruz) and drug-addicted shrew and gave her a bit more of a backbone, I could have warmed to her. As it was, though, I did not miss Kristen Meadows once she left the show.

    He he! I knew I could get people riled up with that post. 

    But I still liked Mason's Shakespeare 

    14 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    What's funny is that she ended up being the spoiler in her own love story! Was anyone expecting Mason/Julia to take off like that?

    After what she did to Cruz, I never understood why he, Eden and all the rest were always so nice to her. I never bought it.

    The producers didn’t expect Mason and Julia because they were stupid and blind. These are the same people who didn't jump on the chance to get Jed at the beginning and allowed Louise to leave.

  3. 15 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    I much preferred Carmen Duncan as Iris over Beverlee McKinsey.


    I liked Katie (fluffy).

    Santa Barbara:

    I didn't like Julia and Mason as end game.  Felt it diminished her character.

    Ryan's hope:

    The Ryan's weren't all that interesting as a family especially after a few years.


    I LOVED Carmen Duncan as Iris

  4. 18 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    I am reminded of something Alexis Matteo said about drag queens on RuPaul's Drag Race.
    "Drag queens are supposed to be over-the-top. If you just want to see a pretty girl, go to the mall".

    That's how I feel about soaps. Soaps are supposed to be OTT. If I want to see run-of-the-mill tragedies I can turn on the news.

    I don't mind OTT. And I adore OTT characters. But I need there to be some basis in reality. 

  5. 6 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    Are u really trying to compare both shows? As much as i love Days but as an soap opera Days is a hot mess. 

    I mean if i would recommend someone to watch a show i would rather recommend SB over Days :D

    I love SB but it was a shame that it was so overshadowed by Eden/Cruz. I even think that they were quiet overrated in my opinion. They had the chemistry but the storylines were just weird.

    Not really. There is a different forumn that accused SB of being OTT. Sophial shot her son, Mary gets killed by a C, and the tape story were given as examples. So I was like, yeah right- look at the same time period on Days.

    I do love Cruz and Eden, but I've made it very clear my favorite couple is CC and Sophia. Mason and Julia are a close second. I agree that Julia needed some as intelligent. And even from the beginning, Mason told her to start using her brain. I like that there are men on this show who love smart women.

    That's one of the reasons I like Cruz and Eden. He likes that she is smart and independent. It was a throw away line while she was married to Kirk. Kirk was all upset because he didn't know where she was. Cut to Cruz who was saying that he loved that about her. "She needs to think, so she'll just go off by herself." 

    Lionel was a CAD but he loved Augusta's brain! They had a lot of other issues, but he respected her mind. 

  6. 16 hours ago, Joseph said:

    You used that information from the Royalty Thread pretty quickly LOL sounds like me using my relatives secrets against them when they piss me off

    Oh Eugene and Calliope were favorites at my house. I love humor. And they provded that in spades. 

    I start another new job on Tuesday, so my watching is going to slow down again. But the job is a half hour closer to home, is more interesting, and pays 25% more so I can live with not watching 9 episodes a day! 

  7. 36 minutes ago, j swift said:

    One thing I appreciate from the early days of Gina and Santana was how cruel Eden could be in response to their schemes.  In particular, the scene when Eden told Gina that Santana was Brandon's mother.  I wish more of Eden's conflicts with Cruz came from trying to suppress her cruelty, rather than drama based on intruders in their relationship and people trying to harm Eden.  Much like the relationship of Julia and Mason, it would have been cool to see Eden try to avoid having Cruz know how underhanded she was at work.  She bonded with Kirk over their mutual desire for power in CC's company, but afterward she barely had any office-based stories.  For example, it would have been interesting to she her push for the off shore oil drilling that the environmentalists opposed.  I also think it would have been contemporary for Eden to question wanting to raise kids, in opposition to Cruz's desire for a huge family (except, of course, once he was single and he sent those kids off to Mexico on the first flight out of town).  Because, for me, the constant victimization of Eden is what failed to differentiate her from Kelly.

    Finally, for today, I was just thinking about how odd it was that Mason's sobriety was a constant source of conflict for him as a character, but Gina's pill addiction was treated as a passing fancy that was never revisited.

    I love these ideas for Eden and you are spot on. Eden is supposed to be the one that's the most like CC. And at the beginning,  she was very strong and no one's victim. But they couldn't have that and it all changed. 

    Robin's Gina was SO much stronger than Gibbony that the pill addiction was a thing of the past. I think Mattson could have pulled it off, but I'm okay that it didn't. 


  8. On 9/21/2021 at 3:49 PM, Lex S said:

    Also, I was just thinking... Imagine drowning in options - I have absolutely everything - from Netflix to Hulu, from Amazon to Disney, from HBO Max to Peacock. Yet, I choose to rewatch an old soap from 35 years ago on YouTube. Is it just nostalgia or something else?

    I have to say I find all the current soaps on the air unwatchable. And I have watched pretty much all of them at various times in the last 10-15 years. 

    Once the current generation that watches them is gone, I can't see them staying on the air for much longer. I honestly don't know anybody under 30 who watches any of the current shows no matter how much they try to push the teen or young adult sets. The viewership is just not there, at least on the scale that it would take to keep them on the air.

    Lex, I think wanting to watch a quality show that you enjoyed is perfectly normal.

    Longing for your banana clip is nostalgia. 

    Longing to wear shoulder pads under lace sleeves is an insanity that we need to prevent happening ever again.

    1 hour ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Santana should have been one of the show's best characters. The problem was that no one knew how to write for her.

    I agree with this. She and the entire Andrade family should have been more prominent. And Santana's addiction story is actually being played quite well. But as I've said, I'm over her by this point and no longer care. She's been too heartless for too long for me to care.

  9. Julia and Augusta were having breakfast when Mark tracked down Julia to hire her. Augusta overheard, and let Julia have it. Then after Julia heard Mary's side, Julia and Augusta had lunch. Julia told Augusta she planned to throw the trial for Mary.

    Another thing I'm noticing is that Gina Gallego is doing a good job with the material she's being given. My problem is that I'm just so DONE with the Santana character that no one could salvage her.  No one.

    And I love that Keith has a cat.

  10. I just got to the climax of the Mary Duvall story. Julia announces to Augusta that she's taking Mark as a clent. And Augusta is disgusted that she would take him because Mary would never lie about that.

    Watching the scene ramps up my admiration of Louise Sorel. I'm so proud of her for refusing to do the Dash storyline they wanted. She's right, there is NO WAY that Augusta would not be 1000% on Julia's side.

  11. 7 hours ago, Joseph said:

    I realized a small fun fact Sherilyn Wolter (Elena) played Taylor in B&B and Lane Davies played Ridge both for a short time with the right timing from siblings they could've played lovers!

    Lane playing Ridge made me realize the scripts on B&B are pretty inferior to SB

    It's no secret that I sometimes disliked the way storylines played out. Hated that they let Augusta leave! And I think the Perkins should have been recast and kept. I also didn't care for the way the Brick storyline played out. 

    That said, it is a very good show. The writing and acting are wonderful. There are many great aspects. Jed Allan and Nicholas Coster are so awesome together. The show goes from humor to ripping your heart out in a second. And they eventually chose actors who could do drama and comedy. 

    And it has some seriously HOT chemistry and couples. 

  12. 6 hours ago, Franko said:

    Two more:

    Felicia the Aztec princess, General Hospital

    Count Antony DiMera, Days of Our Lives

    I forgot Antony was a count! And wasn't there a relative of Eugene that was a countess and had a lion? Or is my brain making that up? I feel like there was definitely a big cat at some point. 


  13. 6 hours ago, Efulton said:

    Wasn't Johnny Perkins on Santa Barbara the heir to a kingdom?   His mom Amy was impregnated against her knowledge somehow at the dentist office or something?  lol.  It hope I have it mixed up because that is kinda bonkers.

    Nope- that was the story. The king's son's wife was supposed to get it, but the deliverer went to the wrong room.

    Also, Sophia Capwell was the Contessa Armonti.

    And I think that Bo and Hope from DOOL saved the Queen of England from an assassination attempt and that's how they had their OTT wedding with her 30,000 dollar dress.

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