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Marissa Gallant

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Posts posted by Marissa Gallant

  1. 32 minutes ago, Lex S said:

    Also, I was just thinking... Imagine drowning in options - I have absolutely everything - from Netflix to Hulu, from Amazon to Disney, from HBO Max to Peacock. Yet, I choose to rewatch an old soap from 35 years ago on YouTube. Is it just nostalgia or something else?

    It might be a bit of nostalgia. But, it's also quality. When the show was good, it was GREAT. We have great acting and great drama combined with comedy. It's okay to just have fun with life. And since it's a daytime drama, there is more character development than in a show that only has an hour a week, or 10 episodes a year.

  2. 2 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    We never knew that much about Mr. T. McDonald Lockridge, did we? There was a lot of story the show could have mined for the Lockridges through him.

    Other than T stood for Tiger, he owned a buck salt gun, and he swindled the Capwells, we never knew a lot. But there could have been so much more. He would have needed to be a powerhouse to stand against Jed Allan though.

  3. 6 hours ago, j swift said:


    Kelly was still helping Cruz get over Eden, they had never flirted in the past, and there was zero established motivation for them to hook up, except for the fact that they were both hot and single.

    In fact, he often said that he thought of her as a little sister, especially because he was Joe's best friend. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Beach Climber said:

    Does it seem like Santa Barbara recasted more than the other soaps? They all recast but it did feel like SB did it more often given the short time the show was on. Maybe it was a side effect of focusing on such a small amount of the cast since they wouldn’t have survived with losing 3/4 Capwell kids but we also had recasts for the Lockridge kids, Gina, Santana, and CC. 

    We did go through a lot of recasts. At least with CC, it was because the idiots in charge didn't want Jed and had to be proven wrong. With Santana, it was a bit different. I think they originally had it right, but then blew it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Of course, the biggest primetime recast ever might be Darrin Stephens (Bewitched).

    Back to SB, at the beginning Gina seemed to be weak while Santana was strong. A couple of recasts later, with Robin Mattson and Gina Gallego in the roles, Gina became strong and Santana weak. It's really amazing how recasts can truly change the trajectory of a character.

    This is so true. I also can't imagine Robin and Charles Bateman. Or Jed towering over Gibbony would have felt wrong somehow. I wonder if there are reasons for this. Like, TPTB know that the actors will never play it exactly the same, so let's shift the character a bit. 

    I'm also fascinated by the characters the DON'T try to recast. 

    1 hour ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Primetime comedies seem to be comfortable doing it more than dramas.
    I have been digging through my brain to think of a primetime soap that may have done it and I can only think of The OC and Dallas (Jenna). And the latter was recast from an originally one-episode role so it is obviously not the same as recasting a full-on character.

    Dallas temporarily recast Miss Ellie with Donna Reed. And Game of Thrones did it a lot. As long as Downton Abbey never tries it with the Dowager Countess or Isabelle Crowley, I'll be okay. If it does try, you'll hear me hyperventilating through your computer monitor. Lol

  6. I feel sorry for the costumers on the 4th of July show. They managed to figure out how to get some shoulderpads on Gina's sheer dress. But they probably went bonkers with Sophia's shoulderless dress. Wonder if they tried just placing some pads on her bare shoulders. 🤣🤪😉

    That red and white sundress is classic though

  7. On 9/16/2021 at 8:02 PM, j swift said:

    Elena was written into a corner without any redemption possible,  nor any potential love interests. Her death brought Pamela back to town, and the casting of Pamela was one of the reasons cited by the Dobsons for their fight with the production which got them locked out of their offices. 

    So, it marks the end of the line for the first rein of the Dobsons and a newfound creative period for the show. 

    And some people liked the new direction, others didn't. But the show did maintain a quality for a few more years. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Yeah, he did. It was before the cancellation though, so I'm guessing that Gary would not have come back had the show continued.

    Not back then lol just a year after Don on Days, Clarice and Larry disappeared from this show without an explanation either. 

    There are a lot of not very smart people in charge. I mean every studio in Hollywood turned down Dirty Dancing because they didn't think people would watch.  

    This show thought we wanted Lumina instead of John and Sharlene. Yes, they were older. Don't care.

    There was no going back from Lumina.

  9. 15 hours ago, j swift said:

    Yet, even the worst writers in soap history usually have characters get a job offer in a new city or a call from an out of town relative needing support rather than just having people disappear and never spoken of again.

    Yes, you would think that the entire industry would have figured that out  during the backlash that occurred when Don Craig vanished while mailing his tax forms. 

  10. 14 hours ago, j swift said:


    Was that the story about a secret room in the hospital where Mrs Love was killed?  Which made very little sense given the history that Reg had built a hospital room in his cellar for Donna to give birth, and knew the evil Dr Dunning, who could have more logically killed his wife.

    Uhm, no. I think that must have been retcon? Reginald killed his wife in her bedroom. Mary heard it and saw it all. She tried to end it with him on the boat, he shook her and pushed her. She fell overboard and lost her memory. She got it back and he was arrested. He got out on bail and Michael killed him dead. (As opposed to killing someone soap opera dead where they eventually come back.)

    However, while Marissa (Mary) was recovering, there was a room in a hospital which closed afterward where Marissa recovered. Then whoosh off to Paraguay 

  11. 18 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    David Forsyth, Anna Holbrook, Robin Christopher, John Bolger, Diego Serrano, Grayson McCouch. I'm sure there were more lol 

    All right after Frankie. Because no one ever stopped to think, "Hmmm, we lost a lot of viewers because of a brutal murder on screen, so our next step should be let a lot of other favorite characters go unceremoniously. That'll bring people back." Sometimes the money people are SO CLUELESS 

  12. 5 hours ago, Xanthe said:

    Did Mary ever recover her memory? I thought they avoided dealing with any of that by keeping her in a state of amnesia. 

    She got her memory back and was able to prove Reggie killed his wife. Then she full on reconciled with Vince. They stayed about a year after.

  13. I'm rewatching the entire Mary McKinnon storyline. And I love it so much. I got to her memories returning today. Part of me wishes that Mary and Vince had stayed on the canvas longer. But the other part is happy that they were allowed to go off and live happily ever after.

  14. 5 hours ago, Joseph said:

    Hi people I was on the Elena Nikolas/Eleanor Norris storyline and while I didn't finish it yet the YouTube recommendations showed that she'll be dead soon, why?????? The storyline wasn't popular? It's very interesting to me

    I'm not sure, but there were many issues including but not limited to: show history with quick fast paced storylines, takeovers and new show runners back stage, and a writer's strike.

  15. 12 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    So much for Mary being "like a daughter to him".

    No one except Mason seemed to care about her death. But soap characters often recover from death fairly quickly. Right now, I'm still watching David Laurent and Julia. His wife is murdered and within a couple of weeks, he's all Julia I love you. We know what he's up to, but Julia doesn't even question it.

  16. 8 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I still can't believe that the Capwells continued to use the same C that killed Mary on top of the hotel. We still saw it there several years later!! 😳

    Well, CC gave some lip service to being upset by her death, but by that point, he was chasing Sophia hot and heavy and he didn't think much more about it. Sophia didn't even bother going to the funeral, because TPTB didn't want to pay JM for that day. Kelly was in looneyville. So,really they might not even remember that C is a murderer.

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