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Marissa Gallant

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Posts posted by Marissa Gallant

  1. 4 hours ago, Lex S said:

    I think you will enjoy this one! I kept thinking how much fun you would have watching Judith's interview because I know how much you like her performances on SB.

    I am looking forward to it. I get more downtime on Mondays. I just really think she would be fun to talk to. I enjoy people with stories, and I think she has several. 

    And yes, SB was more enjoyable when she had a story. But she isn't the only one. Augusta helped too. 

    Right now, I'm over Haley, Jane, Tori and Lily light- go away. Give me older characters with complexity ANY DAY

  2. 2 hours ago, gimmetoo said:

    She is as beautiful and sharp as ever.  A shame no one is offering her roles now -- she said she would like to work more. 

    There's a role for her in the Netflix series based on my series of books. But I only have the first one written, and not many people have bought it yet. So, I need to win the lottery so I can make this happen.

  3. 2 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Same. I have always stated I do believe she would have been excellent as Beth Logan... but, that ship has passed. Someone in the interview's chat was stating she should come on as Jack Abbott's love interest on The Young and the Restless, which I am not sold on, either.

    Maybe that's the role she turned down to be a mom instead.

  4. I really don't think it was because the Capwells were a large family. I think the constant shifting of headwriters, show runners, owners at New World, and NBC hurt the show. They seemed to always be cutting corners (characters) and they x n't cut the Capwells because that would really cost viewers. The Dobsons didn't really understand "normal" people, so that was a problem from the start. Then Warren got saddled with boring woman after boring woman. Sorry, but Maggie Gillis was a SNORE. She got Joe killed and after that, no one cared.

    It always seemed like when the tried to bring a new family in, instead of doing it organically, they brought in characitures, and tried to shove them down our throats.  And very often outside of the Capwell or Lockridges, the talent for the new families simply was not there.

    Who wants to watch terrible acting when the show has Marcy, A, Judith, Dame Judith, Louise, Nicolas, Jed, Lane, Nancy- well you know.

  5. 23 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Judith McConnell was the longest running cast member, joining in October 1984 and staying until the series finale over 8 years later. At show's end, I believe NLG was the second longest running cast member.

    You know that the only issue I have with JM being the longest running cast member is the character assassination.

  6. 18 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Judith McConnell was the longest running cast member, joining in October 1984 and staying until the series finale over 8 years later. At show's end, I believe NLG was the second longest running cast member.

    Yes, she would have been. She was on before Jed. But Jed had a lot of episodes. 

    It kind of looked like for a minute, the show was going to go for a Gina/Sophia/Caroline/CC/Lionel story. I'm glad they didn't. 

  7. I'm at the Tape Episodes. I mean, sure, the marriage between CC and Gina is a sham. And the whole thing is over the top. And any real police department would hear the cassette and ransack Gina's belongings. But it is so much more fun the way the show does it. And the one liners during these episodes have me rolling. 

    When Gina has the cake that she pops out of delivered, Keith asks, "What is this? A mobile home for Hansel and Gretel?" 

    And when Mason and Gina are kissing and they are saying one thing, but the voice overs say what they're thinking. 

    Gina roasting hot dogs on the balcony. 

    It's all just so funny.

  8. Another missed opportunity with Brick. When he was talking about how it felt when Amy died, we could have found out what Sophia felt when her old geezer Count died.

    And when Sophia and CC fell apart, Brick could have been there with an, "I was terrified this would happen, Mom."

    31 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    True, but you could say the same for every character. The show itself was only a shadow of its original self.

    This is very true. There was a lot of recon for a young show.

  9. 12 hours ago, Tyro said:

    I didn't say that santa-barbara-online makes mistakes in every article 😄 I said that mistakes come across in articles about Sophia and people associated with her. Maybe Sophia isn't Lilian's favorite character, and she just doesn't remember and doesn't wish to rewatch Sophia's storyline. Maybe Dylan is her favorite character 😋

    In fairness to the website, every new producer and headwriter changed Sophia a little bit. By the end, she was barely the same character that she was in the beginning. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Tyro said:

    Anyway, they had to change their clothes from last night. They spent the night together, got dressed, maybe had a breakfast. Monterey is further from Santa Barbara than Carmel, it means that at first they decided to continue the trip but then start to argue again (maybe Lionel was too pushing) and Sophia put an end to it. I'm impressed how she screamed at him "Damn you!" No social distance at all. 😏

    She was definitely there all night. The detective was watching over them, and he reported to CC that Sophia left the yacht only in Monterey ;) 

    Did you see Sophia and Lionel spend a night together in 1990? The story when Gina made photo report about this and then blackmailed them?

    In the morning they were going to run away from each other secretly and accidentally bumped  downstairs. 😅 So typical Sophia and Lionel.

    The detective also said that the boat was reurning, but she left a long time ago. 

    I did see when they spent the night together. And they did both think it was a mistake. 

    16 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    That's a post for the Unpopular Opinions thread! Dylan was definitely a different character at the end than he was at the beginning.

    Yes he was. And his introduction to Mason was GOLD! Some darling posted that scene on Facebook yesterday and I had to watch it twice. It's just difficult to sepatate the end Dylan from the beginning. 

    And Nick's creeping me out. He definitely has a thing for young innocents. His thing for Alice is full on creepy. Kelly was bad enough, Alice is worse. Ugh. Shudder

    21 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Yes, he unfortunately was. I feel like the Dobsons did it to Dylan to bring Joe Perkins-looking wannabe Jeff for Kelly, because they didn't want her with someone like Dylan, unfortunately.

    I'm really confused about why the Dobsons did a lot of things. But by that point, I think the Network suits had more say in what the Dobsons did than the Dobsons. I think the Dobsons fought for some things, let others go and fell on the Marj Dusay sword (and Gee-turns out THEY were right about that one.) They also wanted Jed, but a suit said NOPE. I hope that suit got fired...

  11. 12 hours ago, Tyro said:

    In the evening Sophia was terrified. The next day she is  in the same condition. The question is: why do you spend the entire night on a yacht if you are so upset, feel discomfortable and can go ashore at any moment? That's illogical.

    The answer is: in the evening Sophia was afraid of what might happen, and in the morning she was horrified by what had  happened  (It's a, it's a, it's a-a, it's a sin! 🥳)

    She says: "This whole trip has been a mistake". And he answers: "Nothing we've done has been a mistake, not when two people love each other". It's more like talking about what happened on this trip than about their love in the distant past. 😏

    You said correctly that Lionel wouldn't have backed off. And he really tried to fight for her. He immediately came to the Sophia's apartment (which he found and furnished for her) and said that she wouldn't run away from him. He followed her relentlessly in the casino. He gambled the all-or-nothing game with CC, he even fought with him! He didn't care how Augusta looked at it all. He made the choice! I so loved it.  And then the authors just dropped this storyline, as they dropped many other things, and switched to Lionel-Augusta and CC-Sophia relationships.

    At the point when Lionel says nothing they've done was a mistake, everyone was still clothed. 

    I will concede they were parked close enough to the marina. But it is also possible that she spent the night in a hotel and called Ted in the morning. Either way, after the yacht trip, Sophia was done flirting with the Lionel danger. 

    And I really loved the second trip to the casino, when CC and Lionel are there and she shows up with the third guy and a sly, "Suck it" grin on her face.

    I loved the high stakes card game. But my favorite part was Augusta and Mason under the table to find out what the hands were.

  12. 45 minutes ago, Tyro said:

    In the evening Sophia was terrified. The next day she is  in the same condition. The question is: why do you spend the entire night on a yacht if you are so upset, feel discomfortable and can go ashore at any moment? That's illogical.

    The answer is: in the evening Sophia was afraid of what might happen, and in the morning she was horrified by what had  happened  (It's a, it's a, it's a-a, it's a sin! 🥳)

    She says: "This whole trip has been a mistake". And he answers: "Nothing we've done has been a mistake, not when two people love each other". It's more like talking about what happened on this trip than about their love in the distant past. 😏

    You said correctly that Lionel wouldn't have backed off. And he really tried to fight for her. He immediately came to the Sophia's apartment (which he found and furnished for her) and said that she wouldn't run away from him. He followed her relentlessly in the casino. He gambled the all-or-nothing game with CC, he even fought with him! He didn't care how Augusta looked at it all. He made the choice! I so loved it.  And then the authors just dropped this storyline, as they dropped many other things, and switched to Lionel-Augusta and CC-Sophia relationships.

    Because a yacht is in the middle of the ocean. Or at least several miles from shore.

    She's telling him to take her to shore, right now. That makes me think they are too far out for her to just hop onto the pier.

  13. I just rewatched the Lionel and Sophia yacht scenes and I still don't think it went farther than a kiss. I do believe that the temptation was there. But if they HAD I don't think that Lionel would have backed off as quickly as he did after they returned. I think the different clothes are just because it was a different day.

  14. 10 hours ago, j swift said:

    Wait, if Lionel didn't know until 1985, then how did Minx know in 1961 when she switched the babies?

    Minx bribed the priest that Sophia confessed to. Minx found out about Lionel and Sophia's affair, and had a friend call while they were together to congratulate Mrs. Lockridge. Sophia was devastated. Sophia honed in on CC, knowing it would hurt Lionel and that her baby needed a father. Minx had Sophia followed, figured something was up after Sophia went to confession. Minx then bribed the priest with enough money the priest crumbled. Sophia confessed that she was marrying a man she didn't love because she was pregnant with a married man's baby. Minx switched her grandson with the only other boy in the hospital. 

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