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Marissa Gallant

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Posts posted by Marissa Gallant

  1. 17 hours ago, Beach Climber said:

    Given the stories we heard about Augusta and Lionel’s marriage, I’m surprised Julia remained so close to him. I know there ended up being issues on both sides but they made it sound like a lot of her behavior started after he kept having affairs. I know she has her own issues with Augusta at times, but still. 

    I also should add that Lionel's affair with Sophia started AFTER Augusta decided to run away with her mother to Europe. And it sounded like Augusta was not faithful during the trip. They both cheated, but their rule was - don't love the person. Lionel violated the rule by loving Sophia. But Julia knew that her sister wasn't Miss Innocent. I'm glad they didn't have her turn on Lionel, because they have a wonderful platonic vibe between them. And THANK GAWD they didn’t try to get them to hook up. I can accept Lionel with someone else, but NEVER EVER Julia. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Beach Climber said:

    Given the stories we heard about Augusta and Lionel’s marriage, I’m surprised Julia remained so close to him. I know there ended up being issues on both sides but they made it sound like a lot of her behavior started after he kept having affairs. I know she has her own issues with Augusta at times, but still. 

    I've never thought about it. Julia always loved Lionel when she was young and originally wasn't close to Augusta. She talked about how Lionel was always nice to her. And she was not happy with Augusta for divorcing Lionel, or for Augusta leaving town. I'm not really surprised by that one.

  3. On 1/16/2022 at 7:54 PM, Lex S said:

    I don't know why, but Pearl's accent really bothers me. It sounds like he is a New Englander trying to speak with a Midwestern accent. Is this how the actor speaks in real life? I guess I should YouTube some interviews with him.

    So I just read Robert Thaler's interview again on the French Santa Barbara site. It struck me again that he was thankful for Jill Farren Phelps and her contribution to the show. I have read so many things about her over the years - both positive and negative, that she ruined so many shows she touched as well as was so instrumental in just as many shows. I suppose you can't please everyone, but what's the consensus on her here?

    Well, the character Pearl IS a Northeasterner trying to have a Midwestern accent. Not sure what Robert Thayer really sounds like.

    JFP- can't stand her. I know. I know. I know she was in charge for the entire run of 2 of the 3 Best Soap emmys. I know. But to be completely honest- those aren't my favorite years. Especially right when she took over. 88 is NOT this show at it's best. And you really don't want to hear my thoughts about what she did to Another World. I think that certain people in charge think she's dreamy, but I don't care for her stories. 

    I also think the Dobsons got a bum wrap throughout their first tenure. When you read interviews, biographies, etc, the Network and Studio had their grubby hands all over this show from the beginning. (I'm looking at you, idiot suit that told Jed Allan he wasn't right for the part.) Things that weren't the Dobson's idea: Not hiring Jed Allan when he first auditioned. Killing Mary. Hiring Sally F as Pamela. These are just off the top of my head. I'm not an expert. I'm sure others can add to the list.

  4. So, here are my problems with Pamela. One- Marj Dusay was CLEARLY the best option, but we weren't allowed to have her at the beginning. Two- she isn't menacing or conniving enough. She isn't even vanilla. Vanilla has more flavor. Three- instead of making Pamela the bad guy, they decided to change Sophis and make her the heavy. Four- to be effective, there should have been something likeable about her. Five- total lack of chemistry between SF and Jed. Six- Sophia already won once, why would she be insecure? Seven- it would have been so much better to have Pammie be a coniver, or full Elena pyscho that gaslights or kidnaps Sophia.

  5. 20 hours ago, Lex S said:

    What do you think about Jane? Where you're at, Jane and Brick will be leaving town shortly so they probably don't have much screen time left. I cannot help but think that I know someone in real life who is just like Jane as far as looks and demeanor and everything but I can't put my finger on it. I know this is super random but wanted to share

    I like Jane a LOT more once they mellowed her out. She was too grating in the beginning. And the Roxanne BS was just the "S" part of those initials. I feel like Jane and Brick came from out of the blue. One day, he's almost kissing Santana and gets arrested. Santana tells Cruz, you have to help him. Then, BAM it's all about Jane and Santana has vanished into the ether. That could have been a decent triangle. Brick torn between the two. At least for a minute let him have emotions. I know they were working a triangle with Mason, but that wasn't a successful one because no one cared about Tori. People did care about Brick. Santana had some redemption with Brick. And I don't know what they thought about Jane. 

  6. 5 hours ago, MichaelGL said:

    Tori was such a odd character, just looking at her on paper. And I've only delved in and out of SB, and read synopsis/character summaries.

    She really was awful and TPTB really tried to force us to love her. Only each time they tried, it made us hate her more.

  7. Ah Victoria. Her finest moments: holding a prop gun on a guy to force him to confess he is lying. Firing Julia during her trial and getting her a$$ handed to her by Keith. The rape of Cruz. Having Mason and treating him like garbage. The list is practically endless with this "paragon of virtue"

  8. Well, this is the same show that had that bizzaro world Marcello is Sophia's stepson storyline. 

    About Alex, yes, he was involved in a lot. He even fell for Sophia. Jeffrey warned him about Gina and he said he could handle her. Then he discovered Gina isn't easily handled. Lol! It was funny. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, j swift said:


    Also, his relationship with Elena was never well explained.  Was he just a paid accomplice, or was he somehow devoted to her cause?  And how did she find him and convince him to take Eden hostage?  Then, was he keeping Eden because Elena paid him or was it because he was delusional?  It would have made more sense if he was being treated by Elena's adoptive father who somehow concocted the trio of Elena, Pamela, and Cain.

    I know this one! Cain WAS a patient of Alex. And that's how Alex and Elana knew him. Elena hired him to make sure Eden was dead after Elena knocked her on the head and shoved her off the cliff. But Cain couldn't do it and helped Eden instead. Then he fell for her. And kept her in the cabin partially to keep her safe and because he was delusional. 

    As for the PTSD, having the woman you love brutally murdered and raped could throw you back that. I liked Cain back in the day, but I didn't see too much of him then. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Beach Climber said:

    That honestly never tracked for me. I think they wanted more angst for Julia and Mason to have people be against them other just Tori and CC was an easy option because he already had all of those issues with Mason. The rest of the Capwells were close to Julia or pretty friendly with her so they wouldn’t be opposed to her and Mason. Tori conspired to steal Cruz away from Eden and CC knew the kid wasn’t Mason’s so why did he really care if they stayed together as long as the secret was kept from Eden? 

    It honestly doesn't track with me either. He basically forced Mason to marry Tori. Then blasted Mason for having a relationship with Julia before he got married. I honestly can't see CC doing less than giving Tori a bunch of cash to leave town. CC and Mason had issues, but 1986 CC would not want Tori around, no matter what. I feel like 87 is when the characters start to change. Of course, this show was pretty swift with the personality changes for the characters. 

  11. On 12/24/2021 at 3:28 AM, Wendy said:

    But it made zero sense where CC is concerned. Jed probably did love interacting with the baby (and he seemed to interact with Erin Moore's Samantha in the show's final years when Mason, Julia, and Samantha were living at the Capwell mansion!), but considering the baby was a reminder of what Tori did against his beloved Eden, while he shouldn't hate the baby [as poor Chip was innocent], I think he'd be more constrained/reserved.

    Especially since he did[/b] play it as such with Julia/Samantha in the beginning, and Samantha was his granddaughter, too.

    But as soon as Tori foisted Chip off on CC the first time, CC was all, "Tori, you're family. Mason how dare you cheat on Tori, she's so dreamy. You are a Capwell, and we will protect you."

  12. I have so many questions about Elena. Is she legitimately trying to help Brick find Johnny? Because I would think Sophia would be on her list and by extension Sophia's illegitimate child. Also- about the baby napping ring. Serious misfire here regarding Gina. No way in hell would Gina be so callous about baby selling. None. I don't even like Gina and I still call bullshit. She doesn't like Brick, but she wouldn't be all "So what, baby selling. La dee da. Oh, when it was MY baby it was bad, but otherwise its just people trying to make a buck." I'm over this storyline. 

  13. On 5/24/2019 at 8:27 PM, Wendy said:

    No love for Santa Barbara here? When it was good, it was awesome! (And when it was bad, a la the last year or two, it was painful.) still, it seemed to get a lot of love and a cult following for only 8.5 years on the air.

    You know that I will always love Santa Barbara. CC and Sophia forever. Julia and Mason forever. Cruz and Eden.

    22 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I think they packed so much story in that time that SB seemed that it lasted longer than 8.5 years.

    And the last few years were so awful that they don't count. So, it's an odd one, AGAIN, because it really is almost like 2 shows. One is the best, the other one of the worst.

  14. 5 hours ago, Lex S said:

    It seems to me - and it's still fresh in my mind as I watched this just a few months ago - that Jack Lee was supposed to have been in a triangle with Eden and Cruz but this was changed after Joel Crothers's death and they brought on his son, Kirk, instead. For a few weeks, while they weren't sure what Joel Crothers's status was gonna be, they had his assistant, whose name escapes me now, who followed Eden everywhere while she was settling into her role as Daddy's replacement at the helm of the company.

    I think you're right. Then they shifted it very quickly to Kirk the Jerk. But I have a hard time picturing that actually happening based on the Jack character we knew at that point. 

    7 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I had forgotten that. Thanks.

    You're so welcome 

  15. 21 hours ago, j swift said:

    The whole story feels as if it was “inspired” by a film of the era called Jagged Edge. The set up is similar, guy is charged with the wife’s murder, there’s some questions about his innocence, his lawyer gets him acquitted, the real killer is found, they fall in love, then the husband turns out to be a dangerous. So, given the similarities it seems like the story was planned to fill the plot of the movie, which was a familiar writing strategy of that time in soaps

    And it would have been FINE IF they had left it at David is the murderer. They went over the line into stupid when they made it someone different several months later when it wasn't even a story anymore.

    1 hour ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Right now, I feel like watching the Christmas episode with Mason as Scrooge. That was 1985, if I'm not mistaken. 

    You are correct. 86 is Gina and It's a Not So Wonderful Life Because You're Here.

  16. 7 hours ago, Beach Climber said:

    This is going back to the earlier years but with Madeline Capwell’s murder, was her sister always intended to be the killer or did they change their minds as a way to write her off? I saw the David Laurent trial and the aftermath at the cabin and they made it pretty clear that he did it and was snowing Julia. None of these scenes make sense if he wasn’t the murderer.

    Side note, I only recently saw the first few seasons because I didn’t start watching the show until 87. I can now see why Julia gave up on the traditional route and went with the baby contract. They gave her some whoppers for LOs pre-Mason.

    No, making Courtney the murderer seemed very stupid. They pointed everything at David. I do not know what happened, but tacking on the Courtney did it seemed very contrived and nothing more than a stupid way to get rid of her. Honestly, she could have just said, I'm moving back to the East coast. That would have been fine. 

    Yes, Julia had awful taste in men. As charming as Jack Lee was, he WAS a cad. 

    16 minutes ago, veu100v said:

    Do you think episodes of Russian version /remake / Art living of Santa Barbara will be available on the web? I admit I'm curious to see them .

    Not sure, but there are several pictures from a Facebook group. 

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