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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. I think most of us knew TLW's feelings about coming back to Television City, as she had turned down returning for the 50th last year. At this point, use this as a first refusal and recast. Nate hasn't had one scene with his mother since he was brought back for the last 7 years.

    My Wishful Casting Choices

    Amelia Marshall 

    Vanessa Estelle Williams

    Cassandra Creech

    Dawnn Lewis

  2. I love the idea of bringing back Serena and Christina. I know Kin Shriner said on Twitter that TPTB doesn't have any interest in bringing back Serena, but it's so much this show is missing out on by not having her and her sister on canvas. 

    I would have Serena either be an attorney or a financial coordinator at General Hospital, and I would have Christina, or Tina, for short, be a doctor, falling in the footsteps of her biological mother Julie and former stepfather Kevin. 

    Also, Tommy Hardy is a no-brainer, making him a pediatrician like his mother, Simone. He even has a big name like Victoria Rowell or Vanessa Estelle Williams to play Simone on a recurring basis, while Matthew Ashford can be Tom Hardy again when needed. 


  3. Robert and Diane - GH

    Finn and Liz - GH 

    Ridge and Brooke 2.0 - The Bold and Beautiful: When will Brad and Co. understand that Katherine Kelly Lang and Thorsten Kaye do not have romantic chemistry with one another? 

    Rafe and every one of his pairings - DAYS 



  4. On 5/9/2024 at 9:27 PM, NothinButAttitude said:

    @Khan, I am wracking my brain about Spaulding. Didn't they just do real estate? Most of the stuff I remember them doing was in the realm of real estate. I am drawing blank for some reason. 

    Cory Publishing - self explanatory; however, wasn't KBAY a subsidiary too? 

    I think Spaulding also dabbled in the biomedical sphere in the early 90's too. 

    Alden Enterprises on Loving: I believe that was a conglomerate too i.e. retail, cosmetics, media, real estate etc., 




  5. Well, hopefully this means they give Aiden something to do on screen and not just trotted out every few days once a month to bake and get a one-minute scene with Liz. It would've been great to see this young man navigate his first relationship with his boyfriend, Tobias. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Of everyone on this show, Sasha should have gotten the Marland Barbara Ryan treatment. Too long a victim, pissed at how things shook out at Deception, ends up at Drew/Michael’s company and is the first person to find out about the Nina/Drew anger sex. Lures Michael into her bed again by playing up her sadness and his savior complex, and sets the stage for Willow/Drew affair. She can also be sleeping with Cody. What we needed was a character to mix things up in several stories. We need a schemer desperately!

    Sport Soccer GIF by Real Madrid

  7. 2 hours ago, Melroser said:

    As far as people in their 60's living at MP, I would love to see Amanda end up owning the building again somehow. She could be the landlord again for a new generation of younger people. Maybe the son or daughter of other characters move in (how about Michael and Taylor's son so we can get some Taylor/Amanda scenes again). The "OGs" could pop in and out but not necessarily be the focus. Maybe Sydney could be suing Amanda for the building or something so that the two square off again. Sydney always trying to get on top and always failing. 😂

    Maybe one of the stories can also involve Jo meeting her son Austin for the first time in 30 years. I mean, you could have it with Austin wanting to get to know his mother but keeping a low profile, or Jo could've found him on social media, etc. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Hey, I hate it but that doesn't mean it's not appropriate to post it & make a note of when it began, etc. I call the finale the most hated soap finale ever & I still post it on June 24-25, ya know?!

    With the percussion & coloring it also evokes NYPD Blue, as well as ER. 

    The thing for me is that I don't hate the theme music as much as the actual opening puzzles me at points. Why did Grayson McCouch get like six shots throughout, but Alice Barrett and Stephen Schnetzer only get one that you blink if you miss? Well, I can guess why, but still. 

    Not to mention, did JFP think Another World was set in NYC or Chicago because they were walking around the city? It's no doubt she was inspired by ER, Chicago Hope, and NYPD Blue. 

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