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Posts posted by ChickenNuggetz92

  1. I hate how they've completely kept Theo out of the loop with Dina's passing. Even after Theo had words with Kyle about it, Jack completely left him out of the jewel distribution after he rallied so hard to make him part of the family.


    Apparently next week Kyle "lashes out at Theo". Well, whatever way he does it, I hope Theo gives it back to him in spades.


    And next week, Adam severs ties with the Newmans.... for the bazillionth time.


    Had a good chuckle from this on Twitter haha. 


  2. Hey everyone! Uploaded the rest of May 2002!


    I can't take the credit for these episodes - got them through a private social media group and I'm not sure if they want their identity known. Anyways, enjoy!


    2002-05-01 - 3787 - Deacon rushes to Paris; Erica meets Zende

    2002-05-02 - 3788 - Deacon knocks out Whip; Breacon have a final Sexscapade

    2002-05-03 - 3789 - Breacon afterglow and post-sex sex; Whip clobbers Deacon in his sleep

    2002-05-06 - 3790 - Whip drags Deacon on a plane back to LA; Brooke snaps back to reality

    2002-05-07 - 3791 - Brooke and Whip decide to get married ASAP; Bridget tells Deacon

    2002-05-08 - 3792 - Brooke and Whip come home; Deacon is panicking

    2002-05-09 - 3793 - Stephanie and Bridget talk about Brooke


    2002-05-14 - 3796 - Stephanie Smacks Deacon on Repeat

    2002-05-15 - 3797 - Brooke and Whip's Pre-Wedding Party Pt 1

    2002-05-16 - 3798 - Brooke and Whip's Pre-Wedding Party Pt 2

    2002-05-17 - 3799 - Getting ready for Brooke and Whip's Wedding

    2002-05-20 - 3800 - More Breacon angst before the Wedding

    2002-05-21 - 3801 - Brooke says her vows to Deacon while marrying Whip

    2002-05-22 - 3802 - Brooke and Whip's Not-Honeymoon; Ziggy is attacked

    2002-05-23 - 3803 - Erica finds Ziggy; Ridge is still salty about Forrester

    2002-05-24 - 3804 - Ridge and Deacon clash; Sheila Returns to LA

    2002-05-27 - 3805 - Sheila confronts Erica; Rick and Amber remember Sheila

    2002-05-28 - 3806 - Sheila thinks about her past love interests in LA

    2002-05-29 - 3807 - Amber freaks out on Erica for not watching Eric Jr

    2002-05-30 - 3808 - Breacon angst; Sheila goads Ziggy for information on the Forresters




  3. 6 hours ago, skebujebu said:

    Just thinking but... in 2002 opening there was pretty similar photos of Taylor that she had in 1995 opening (one with white dress and the brown one.) Why did they redo only Taylor's pics in 2002? And was those allready shot in 1995 and just used years after since they are pretty similar. And what the heck the blue thing is at the very beginning of the opening just before the city shot. Always thought these xD


    Are you talking about this shot?



  4. 13 hours ago, anon4520 said:

    ok im not on here often i hope that this was a mistake that im being called an imposter im just here contributing to the group i dont use social media for this reason, im actually saddened that i read these comments and thank you  my friend ChickenNuggetz92for sticking up for me, i actually contributed quite a bit. the reference to your angel is here was to notify you that i had contributed that day. not here to fight with anyone, i truly believe that anyone who posts negatively is not appreciative, not sure how i feel about continuing here. 


    NOTE i wanted to also mention that someone else was also contributing i simply added more that day where they left off (and i thank them as well) i would never take credit where credit wasn't due and i would never shame a person and tell them they need mental help as i suffer from anxiety and i understand mental illness. i was seriously grateful to share a common interest here. im just upset now that someone didnt just ask a question and shamed me. :(


    hope everyone is well and having a great weekend stay covid safe all 


    Thanks for setting the record straight, @anon4520! I'm so sorry some people were quick to jump the gun on you for a message that I felt was easily misconstrued. Capturing and digitizing is an arduous process, so I get that some people may feel territorial about their contributions and nobody likes getting their toes stepped on, but jumping to conclusions and indignantly steamrolling other people before hashing it out is the worst way to go about this. We need to remember some people aren't as good at others at articulating their messages since we all come from different walks of life. 


    I really hope this experience doesn't alienate you from contributing in the future, and I hope this experience is kind of a wake up call for everyone here not to react so quickly. We are not putting ourselves at an advantage by prematurely pushing people out of our community, and the only way we can have the most complete archive we can is if we all band together and contribute collectively and of course, spread the word. Remember, the real enemy in this fight are the laws of Copyright and Distribution, not the fans. ;)


    On that note, I thank everyone again who has made their contributions to date. I echo @BoldRestless' sentiments about this being a community that should pay things forward. This isn't possible without all of you. If you wish to have your identity attached to your upload instead of uploading as a guest, please shoot me an email so I can set you up as a registered user.

  5. Added the following to the vault!






    Here's a hilarious excerpt from the 2002-02-28 episode.


    *patiently waits for Antonio Chapman to spam his "Y&r wAs So HaRdCoRe HeRe" comments* 😅

  6. 50 minutes ago, detroitpiston said:


    They always take down episodes around this time of year since technically a new season starts. Last year I was gonna catch up on the last bit of Gina T's run and the resolution of the JT Big Little Lies rip off but they snatched all the episodes before I could finish 


    I have all of 2019. I'll find a place to upload them and let you know where to watch. :)

  7. 35 minutes ago, BoldKara said:

    Actually take a look at anon4520’s history of comments here by clicking on their username...they have been contributing for a few months now to the vault...I think it was an innocent act to say they were the Angel. Can’t there be many Angels, in our own unique way? I think the situation has been misread, unfortunately...


    Vault admin here. It's no fun when someone takes credit for something you've done, but I think what happened, while unfortunate, was a knee-jerk reaction to what might have easily been an issue of semantics, so it's very possible the message may have been misconstrued. I don't think it's fair to immediately be pointing fingers and jumping all over people before they've been given a chance to explain themselves. I've checked the message board history of the user and they in the past seem to have contributed to the vault, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of a doubt. I'm hopeful for the two ends of the parties to resolve the issue on their own.


    Please give people the chance to explain themselves before you take out your pitchforks. The last thing we need is real-life drama surrounding the drama of our favourite shows.

  8. 10 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Where are the romances being thwarted by secrets and schemes?


    They're putting the gas on the Rey, Sharon, and Adam triangle and I can't be any less interested.


    10 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    The business stories that are affecting relationships and testing loyalties?


    They had that whole Adam/Victoria/Victor power struggle at Newman but it was all a snoozefest and has all fizzled out by now.


    10 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    There's no long term build up - things that were happening months ago have no bearing on what's going on now and most of the characters have no story...



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