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  1. Talk about keeping folks on the edge of their seats to the very end.... What a wonderful surprise to have Robert 'drop' in on Robin and Patrick's baby shower... I hope help will arrive to Carly... Excellent eppy
  2. Simply love Carly and Nik...I'm not looking forward to the aftermath of what's waiting for Carly in the next episode... Also loving the beginnings of the baby shower for Robin...
  3. All caught up...my heart breaks for Bobbie; excellent episode.... Loved the Helena/Nikolas scenes as well.....
  4. What an awesome episode....This is what Days is truly to be...I always get chills when I read close to the ending of the episodes that are posted, because I know it's going to be an edge of your seat type moment...and the gun to Sami's head sent chills.
  5. WOW....That was unexpected....Another awesome episode
  6. Playing catch up is always fun I love this episode....Glad you are writing the episodes with vivid images of each location...awesome. I had to almost hold back a smirk when I read Marlena calling Stefano an !@#$%^&*]...just hearing that come from her mouth had me smiling a bit. I know I may have missed the news that Tony has to give to Stefano, so I'm going to keep reading till I'm all caught up on this.
  7. I love how you bounce back and forth to each set of relationship issues in this episode.....Really love talking to Luke....As much as I like Lucky, when it comes to spotting something that isn't quite right, he is weak.....Love how you brought the Cassadine history into play. Loving Brenda and Robin's friendship.....Hope she stays long... Absolutely love the Noah/Patrick scenes. Awesome job.
  8. Sorry for being late in reading....Awesome episode...I hope Patrick does embrace becoming a father. Loved the Anna/Lorenzo scenes.
  9. Episode was definitely and edge of your sit type of episode....Too bad things are going to be broken up at the warehouse....
  10. This absolutely a wonderful episode....I am loving the Robin and Patrick scenes....I always have... Think the Stan/Lainey scenes were sweet. Of course Sonny is gonna dish out payback. Excellent
  11. AWESOME I drew immediately to the Dillon/Maxie and Lucas/Dante scenes... Does Dante know that Lucas has a liking for him? Maxie definitely blew Dillon's mind with her confession to him....Now will he turn around and begin to slowly like her; that's what I am curious about. Also love the Brenda/Ned scenes.... Excellent job, gang
  12. Sweet_VeeVee24

    PCE: Episode 85

    It's going to be an emotional episode when Bobbie returns back to Port Charles. I truly want this storyline to have some emotional pull....and for all to be revealed. The upcoming episode sounds very good
  13. It's only his first day in an episode and already I am loving Darin Palmer....It's a breath of fresh air to see someone other than Sonny/Jason knocking the sails out of Ric (sorry Jen)...I can't wait till Alexis meets him.
  14. I am looking forward to seeing the Robin/Patrick storyline....also glad that Brenda will be there to support her friend. Also more than ready to see the unfolding of the Sam/Lucky/Jason/Liz storyline The Fall Previews look good so far.
  15. Sweet_VeeVee24

    PCE: Episode 83

    This was an excellent episode. I loved Kevin FINALLY realizing that he couldn't force Monica to choose. Also loved the Tracy scenes... I can't wait to see Darin Palmer........it's going to be a hit to Ric's ego
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