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Posts posted by Vee

  1. I think the media wants a horse race. But I don't think they've tried to cover for Trump much lately. He is a very entertaining rolling disaster for a lot of them. There are some that have also reported very soberly and not gossip-oriented, especially now. It depends on the situation and the journalist. Many others still just want the access and 'excitement.'


    I'm not going to begrudge a progressive win if it's the right kind of progressive. I'll reserve judgment on Bush.


  2. 1 hour ago, cassadine1991 said:

    Wonder what would’ve happened to the show had Malone stayed longer as HW the second go around??

    It was bad enough when he did. I remember that run vividly. I was extremely excited about it, and then increasingly disappointed. It was very creative and also often very bad. It resembled DOOL (which at the time was written by James Reilly). I remember @EricMontreal22 and I regularly marveling at the insane pretentious excess and fantasy episode crap over the years. But you can't say they were bored or phoning it in, that's for sure. It's surreal to go back and watch - there's ridiculous stuff they did, like the Rear Window subplot with Michael, Marcie and Dorian, or the Matrix twins at Roxy's hotel, that I can't stop recalling - and there are certain aspects of it or characters held the test of time, or lasted long. I find his apparently equally messy AW run also a fascinating morbid watch. I think Malone would've been a boon to any OLTL as a consultant, and still had a lot to offer in a controlled position but he couldn't be allowed to HW again.


    Two idle thoughts of the night.


    1) I've thought this for a long time, but there are striking similarities between Martha Byrne and Kristen Alderson, not just physically as adolescents and young women but in background as child actors who grew up on their shows. The difference is Byrne was given some of the best writing daytime ever offered, while Alderson generally got total crap as a young adult. Watching '80s ATWT you watch Lily grow from a spoiled poor little rich girl prone to constant rages and tantrums into a woman, you can see a lot of what Starr could've been with better, more nuanced handling than the teen queen they turned her into. Yes, Marland's ATWT often treated Lily like she hung the moon, but she was still far more dimensional and nuanced than the teenaged Starr.


    2) I would've loved to have seen what Pam Long could've done at OLTL without Jill Farren Phelps. I have no idea what if anything she was responsible for dreaming up alone in '98. I've always respected her GL run, and how textured and deeply personal it was to her, and have watched too little of it, only large bits and pieces over the years. I also always respected how she embraced bringing Roger and Holly back, when IIRC it was not her idea. I don't know where to start to dig in to her backlog though.

  3. Does anyone remember exactly how Nicholas Walker's Max left the show in the early Malone/Gottlieb era? The last I remember seeing of him on YT was in September '91, arguing with Asa. How did that relationship resolve before they were back to feuding? Or him and Lee Ann? It seems like the Lee Ann thing was a Rauch holdover. Did Walker's Max meet Luna?

  4. And that didn't work perfectly as planned, of course, because of various recasts. Lemay talks a lot about how Willis Frame got botched because of both him and Alice having to be recast, though I'm not sure that audience would ever have accepted them together. A lot of his other ambitious professional solo characters didn't last long, either. The Snyders did.

  5. As a YouTube viewer, watching the Snyder clan grow, shift and mutate in the 80s is fascinating stuff, not the least of which because it appears to be a psychosexual playground for Marland on many levels, between Iva, Lily, Meg and the parade of beautiful, brooding or soulful men with quasi-incestuous relationships and homoerotic currents, some of them going into business or high society drag (like Meg and I guess Holden) or remaining rugged. The idea of a modular soap family like theirs, too, where multiple members can come and go and replace others when one is spent, is excellent. It makes me think about which soap could and should have crafted similar ones or retrofitted other old ones to suit the model.

  6. I'll always find Rick hot and brilliant, no matter how bad his GH stories got. DAYS should've brought him back aeons ago.


    He talks about Beverlee McKinsey, who he says adored Chris Bernau. My first brush with Chris Bernau was in his role on Dark Shadows in SyFy reruns when I was a kid; he was always clearly talented, but I didn't fully appreciate him until I began to glimpse him as Alan on WOST years later. He was sexy and powerful, and a world apart from the blustering fool I'd always seen Ron Raines play.

  7. 1 hour ago, ReddFoxx said:

    This promo definitely looks like it is a part of somebody's freaky fantasy.


    He did this with Jessica on OLTL too, except it was her 'father' Mitch Laurence trying to brainwash her into becoming his sex slave.


    I get Eve's motives - she wants to show the world the killer he is. But the show is so dumb and you don't need to make his victim's mother a villain to whitewash him. I don't mind high camp or eroticism provided there is smart writing behind it and the arch camp or fantasy isn't the whole show. Ron in his early days and on and off later could balance that, but he has been lazy and disorganized for years. Trying to get Alfonso to go off contract for five months so he could keep up the haphazard come here/go away musical chairs plotting he's been doing for a decade is just the latest example.

  8. 12 hours ago, WebberFan said:

    Kelly's mother is on Twitter replying to fans and claims that she had difficulty wearing the masks on-set and was put into unexpected 14 day quarantine despite multiple negative tests.


    Sounds a bit doth protest too much to me.

  9. Not surprised to see Adam Robitel's name in there - I knew he was an ex-Singerite. It's a shame since he made a good horror movie, The Taking of Deborah Logan, with Jill Larson. I also did work on Escape Room (in marketing, not in production; I don't know him at all). A lot of Singer's boys have done good work since, but I don't trust any of them.* (David Hayter of course is the voice of Solid Snake from my beloved Metal Gear Solid, but I'm pretty sure he's too old for Singer.)


    Meanwhile, in both racism and sexism news (remember Gabrielle Union?):



    * - that aside, it must be noted the article doesn't accuse Robitel of any wrongdoing. I just find any of Singer's former young pals suspect.

  10. 58 minutes ago, robbwolff said:

    “I believe”??? As someone who has already lost a cousin and two friends to this damn disease, how about doing some research before sharing what you “believe”? Enough misinformation about COVID is already being shared on social media and by Trump and other politicians without you potentially sharing more misinformation here.


    Some folks need to admit they just want these bad shows to come back and get excited about anything put in front of them without any kind of critical thinking.

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