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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. 56 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Yes as I've been watching through it I don't  recognize most of it either. I think those early scenes with Betsy and Steve at their cabin fooled me, as they had the same scenes about 500 times. I would have remembered the delightful scene where Ellen asks if Nancy could believe  Lisa reunited them with their grandson, and  Nancy deadpans that she absolutely can believe it. Feels like a line @Mitch64 would write  here...

    This old nanny of Stewart's (I'm guessing she  is a baddie  at heart) and her cod English accent is amusing. 

    The return of Nancy and Chris truly does add so much warmth to the canvas. So much of this episode is devoid of plot and is just people chilling at the Hughes home and it is wonderful. Sad that it took so long for this to happen but I'm really glad the usual spiteful figures at P&G or at the show let it happen. 

    It's a nice treat to see Nancy and Chris. Also loved the warm family feeling. You would never see scenes of people chilling out at the Hughes. During Sheffer and Jean Passanante. I loved the song playing when Heather and Tucker broke up. Andy calling Kim toots was cute.

  2. 57 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    Like I said elsewhere, Can't Howarth, Easton and Patrick just get together at Dave and Busters and save us this dreck?


    Maybe they could lose Violet in the ball pit.  She's cute and all, but half of this episode could have easily been skipped.

    The Rescue Ranger Explorers (or whatever the heck their name is.) was horrible. Plus, the kid that played Sam is back. I doubt Frank's OLTL people need the coin that badly.


  3. 8 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah. The lip service is so disingenuous.

    I’m not loving GH these days, so I’m not watching as much, but it seems like a lot of the time I tune in, I see a lot of people *talking* about Trina, but I don’t actually *see* Trina. Feels like she’s a bystander in her own story.

    I halfheartedly watch it. Most of the time i just delete the episode.

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