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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. Maggie DePriest killed off Sally.Zane,Quinn and Masie. She also wrote off Chris, Larry, Clarice, Dee, Carter, Thomasina and Lilly. Ellen Wheeler was awesome as the twins. How i miss the days when soap operas had a real budget and went on location all the time. Taylor Miller wasn't a bad Sally she just didn't have chemistry Thomas Ian Griffith. Sally and Catlin really deserved a happy ending. I love Cass and Cecile even through there story was silly Maggie D wasn't my favorite AW HW but this episode was well written. So many wonderful characters how i miss AW.

  2. Was rewatching Jonathan Groff on OLTL as Henry and how him dying in the car crash was a rewrite when they couldnt use the scenes where he held the school hostage with a gun.... Does anyone know how that story/scenes were supposed to play out?? Thanks

    OLTL was going to do a school shooting but it was changed at the last minute due to the Virginia Tech shooting.

  3. That Richard /John story was ATWT's rip off of Hitchcock's 'Strangers on a Train', which starred Farley Granger who turned up a few years later as Earl Mitchell.Imagine if Farley had have been cast as Richard.

    ATWT could have scored some publicity by having a star from the original movie now playing the villian.

    Imogene Coca was Alice.She was a huge TV star in the 50's on 'Your Show of Shows'.

    Paul how long was Imogene Coca on as Alice ?

  4. A cool Pre Christmas treat early 80's ATWT. What little i saw of Cricket and Ernie i liked. The story with Richard and Barbara looks awful. It's so strange not seeing the Hughes as the nexus of Oakdale. I liked this Frannie, i also liked Alice and her story. I liked the sense of community and family shown in this episode. Sadly soaps used to go all out for Christmas. I did like the prominent role the Stewart family had during this time. Does anyone know how the Richard/Barbara story ends? I loved the interaction between everyone at the Stewart's Christmas party. I love the friendships between Frannie, Marcy and Kirk. John and Karen had a lot chemistry i wish there was more of them on you tube. A decent and likable Christmas episode the only thing i didn't like was the Richard story.

  5. I love the scene between Rachel and Shelia. i can related to Shelia being called names the same thing happened to me when i was 10 going home after summer school. I'm of Puerto Rican and Spaniard ancestry i look completely european. I wanted to tell the black hispanic kids i was Spanish just like them but was to scared too. I loved that the show mentioned Carla Grey even if she wasn't named a great use of OLTL amazing past.

  6. On the other hand, NBA, perhaps it was for the best that they DIDN'T bring back more characters from the past.  When they did, like with Dusty, Craig and Paul, the characters never resembled their former selves, in appearance or in temperament.

    Meg was completely destroyed. Dusty being raised by John was overlooked. I rather remember Meg,Dusty, Paul and Craig when they were written by Doug Marland. So glad Jeanine P didn't get to destroy Andy, Lien, Duke or Frannie.

    Didn't Lien return in 2001?

    For a really short story so not any damage was done. Lien had a brief romance with Ben and it was discovered she had agent orange poisoning once Lien was cured she broke up with Ben and left Oakdale.

  7. On the other hand, NBA, perhaps it was for the best that they DIDN'T bring back more characters from the past.  When they did, like with Dusty, Craig and Paul, the characters never resembled their former selves, in appearance or in temperament.

    Meg was completely destroyed. Dusty being raised by John was overlooked. I rather remember Meg,Dusty, Paul and Craig when they were written by Doug Marland. So glad Jeanine P didn't get to destroy Andy, Lien, Duke or Frannie.

  8. Such awful awful hair on Kim and Lisa.


    Kim's complete contempt for Steve makes me laugh far more than it was likely intended to do. It's a good thing I was not really old enough to watch at this time and there was no Internet, as I would have been ranting all day about the way use her to prop him. 


    Everything with the Gunnar/Barbara group is so flat (and poor Elaine Princi saddled with that "continental" accent - I guess those scenes were writing out that pointless Bilan character). By contrast the scenes with Tom and Margo have real tenderness and heart. I guess it's not too hard to figure out what the show was concentrating on at this point. There's also a ton of intimacy with Deas and Colin that blurs many lines. I can see why HBS said he had real problems adjusting to her after Colin left the show. 


    The schlocky music video  with Betsy was an odd detour, although it was an interesting time capsule to what ATWT was at this point, and what it wanted to be. At one point I thought she was going to jump (frankly I wouldn't have been upset if she had).


    Diana's flirting with Craig is kind of hot.

    From what little i've seen of Gunner i'm not impressed. I Did like the interaction between Barbara, Gunner, Lisa, Whit, Kim, Bob and Miranda. It's so strange to me seeing Bob married to someone besides Kim. I did like the Betsy/Steve/Craig/Diana quad. I loved seeing the passion that MC and JD brought to Tom and Margo. It's really sad that soaps today don't have the money for a location shoot or to use music.

  9. Do you think that Marland would've captured the essence of Ariel?

    I think Marland would have done a great job with Ariel. Marland could write bad complex girls very well. From what little i've seen of Ariel on you tube i like her. The Actress that played her had a real presences to her plus exotic good looks that really made Ariel stand out.

  10. I'd wanted to post this a few days ago but at least I can now. The person who uploaded part of a 1983 episode months ago uploaded the first part a few weeks back. Highlights include Ariel, Diana (two ladies always up to entertain), Kim's not all that flattering hair, Maggie and Margo at odds, Justin Deas having a nice bottom, James reading a newspaper, and, if you're into them, Betsy/Craig/Steve angst. 


    I keep forgetting when it was Eileen Fulton left in 1983. She was still there in April...



    I'd wanted to post this a few days ago but at least I can now. The person who uploaded part of a 1983 episode months ago uploaded the first part a few weeks back. Highlights include Ariel, Diana (two ladies always up to entertain), Kim's not all that flattering hair, Maggie and Margo at odds, Justin Deas having a nice bottom, James reading a newspaper, and, if you're into them, Betsy/Craig/Steve angst. 


    I keep forgetting when it was Eileen Fulton left in 1983. She was still there in April...


    This is a pretty good episode love Kim's and Betsy's mother and daughter relationship ATWT had a lot of strong female characters during this era. Lisa's pairing with Whit comes across as so odd. If only ATWT had cast a more attractive actor, I can't see Lisa riding that decrepit toothy donkey.This Tom and Margo had a real spark to them something they lost over the years due to bad writing.Ellen seems to have been used more in the early 80's then she ever was by Marland. I liked the flashbacks of Ellen finding John's'' dead body''. I know this was a rocky era for ATWT but the writing was vastly superior to most of today's soaps.

  11. From what I've seen, the Tom King and Millee Taggart era didn't seem as bad as some make it out to be. Didn't they create Lucinda and ugh Lily?


    I think Marland inherited an alright show actually, and used many of the existing elements to his advantage when he took over. 

    The stuff i've seen from 1985 before Doug Marland took over as HW was pretty good. But the show did need some more polish and depth which DM gave ATWT.


    Like Sonny begets children, so are the.......


  12. From what i seen of ATWT on you tube from 1980-85. What worked worked well but what didn't fell flat. I like the Dobson's pitting John Dixon against their new creation uber villain James Stenbeck. John marrying Dee Stewart was a stroke of genius.  The Dobson's created two supercouples in Betsy and Steve, Tom and Margo. Many characters came and went their where a few that are fondly remembered like Diana McColl. Mercy Thompson, Karen Haines Dixon, Kirk McColl, Ariel Aldrin and Dusty Donovan, Craig Montgomery, Lucinda and Lilly Walsh. Brad Hollister looked like 1970's porn star he was way older than the Stewart sisters who were all gaga over him. From what i seen of Diana she was a complex fierce rich girl written in shades of grey. I loved what a loving stepmom Lisa was to her step kids. I also loved the friendships between Kirk, Jay, Marcy and Frannie and their concern for Lisa when she was kidnapped by some mobster. Lisa interacted very well with the kids loved her close motherly relationship with Mercy Thompson. ATWT  of that era is so different from the Marland era.

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