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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. Growing up i found Loving boring as hell. Now as an adult i see that Loving wasn't that bad. All the turnovers did hurt the soap in the long run. I found Stacey bland and she was. But by time Stacey was Gwyneth's first murder victim in the Loving Murders Stacey had become an interesting character. Loving should've kept Rick. The show need a bad boy like Rick to stir things up. One of Loving biggest problems was dropping characters. Buck's daughter Janie had such potential.

  2. Just now, adrnyc said:


    Well, I also get the sense that Hogan Sheffer is hated on this board.  I watched ATWT about 7 months before he came on and, although I LOVED the actors, I thought the writing was atrocious.  Then Hogan came on board and everything just worked.  I remember everyone talking at the time how he was one of the greatest writers in soap opera history and how he had taken a floundering ATWT and made it work.  The actors were all nominated left, right and center (one year there were basically only AMC and ATWT actors nominated) for the stellar work they were doing during his tenure.  I'm so out of place here - LOL - I'm also posting about ATWT on the AW thread.  


    I'm actually currently re-watching the '87-'88 years of AW on YouTube and loving it all over again.  Jason Frame just showed up - can't wait to see Josie and Sharlene!!  (And to return to the Anna Stuart Donna years - Sampler was okay - actually the first Donna I saw as a child - but she doesn't hold up once you've seen Stuart's Donna.)

    I liked Hogan's writing until he was paired with Jean. Never knew that it was TE who requested Jake be killed off. Poor Molly was stripped of her husband, beloved twin step daughters and daughter. Molly should've never been paired off with one Carly's former beau's. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    He did look a bit rough during his ATWT stint, but he still had that swagger to him. 




    Glad to see so many people that actually liked Jake on ATWT. When I used to post on that other soap forum that shall not be named, many of the people on there always claimed that Jake didn't assimilate well on the show. 


    I thought Jake/Molly was one of the few things Hogan got right during his stint. 

    Hogan did do a great job with them until he killed Jake. After that Molly regressed and floundered. 

  4. Great stuff Mac and Rachel were awesome. Loved Jamie & Vivian stopping Cecile. Early Donna looking fierce and fab. Liz's giggly demeanor was adorable, From what i've seen of 1983 and 1984 they looked like good years for AW.  

  5. Just now, teplin said:

    I was watching sporadically at this point, but a quick run-through of the above videos reveals a host of characters I don't remember at all -- John's girlfriend Chris? Kevin and his family? Detective Rick? Were these characters introduced by Harding Lemay in his short return stint? I look forward to watching them all!

    I might be wrong but i think all these characters were created during the writer's strike. 

  6. 1 hour ago, robbwolff said:

    Falken Smith was at Guiding Light for a very short time -- perhaps late September to late November 1982. I don't really recall much of her stories aside from the introduction of Mona/Rebecca; the formation of Los Tres Amigos, a company founded by Josh, Ross, and Amanda; and a house that was being moved crashing into the Reardon's boarding house, leading to the introduction of the restaurant Tony & Company.

    Thanks robbwolff.

  7. Just now, vetsoapfan said:


    Charita's final scene was a brief one.  She was alone on a set, talking on the telephone...about Christmas, I believe, so the December 10th reference would work. I have a jittery copy of this somewhere, on VHS, and if I find it I'll confirm the details for sure.


    Gail Kobe, the producer at the time, claimed certain actors were fired from he show because they did not agree with TPTB about the direction of their characters. Considering how atrocious a producer Kobe was, how she completely gutted and crippled the show, I imagine her tenure was a nightmare for people backstage. In an interview, Peter Simon spoke about how so many of the old-guard vets were being axed, and furious about it, and that Tom O'Rourke left on his last day ranting and raving down the hall. Under Kobe we lost half the regular cast, and had a bunch of uninteresting and/or annoying newbies suddenly rammed down our throats, along with a dumbing-down on the storytelling and some heinous sci-fi/fantasy crap.

    Roxie, Meave, Kurt, Jesse, Calla, Jackson just to name a few were all awful.

  8. What little i've seen of Hillary i like. Hillary was very down to earth and blunt. It's strange in her last 10 months she's sucessfully paired with Jim. She's a major player in both the Dreaming Death and Susan Piper stories. Hillary also had great chemistry with Fletcher  It boggles the mind why Hillary was killed off when she was finally thriving. The Bauer's were never a huge family. Writing off Hope and Mike and killing off Hillary were major blows to GL.

  9. I've been enjoying the introduction of Toni's mother Barbara. How long was Barbara on?  The whole Althea/Nick/John/Kathy quad was a slow moving mess. I do like the Doctors but the slow pacing and repetition makes it hard to watch. 

  10. Just now, slick jones said:

    No, he was among the 86 exodus of anyone not a Love/Cory/McKinnon/Felicia and Wally group.  She later dated Greg Houston and Tony Carlisle.  Greg got killed by the Sin Stalker.

    I liked Nancy with Chris he grounded her flighty ways. I also liked Nancy with Perry. Poor Nancy she had two great pairings that AW squandered. Both Greg and Tony were awful pairings for Nancy. 

  11. Just now, DRW50 said:

    In some ways it's impressive that P&G let ATWT be pulled back from the brink and let Marland do as much as he wanted to do. I'm not being fair but so much of what I've seen of early '80s ATWT, up to about 1984 or so, is just a mess, a mess, and so alien to what the show should have been. Even what did work, like Tom and Margo, was full of overwrought musical montages and hysteria. That and the casting and focus on pieces of ass and "adventure" and so on are the first real signs of the ABC-ization of ATWT that would kill it in its last decade. 

    What i've seen of ATWT from the early 80's is a revolving door of newbies. The only things that worked were John and James rivalry, Tom and Margo and the Steve,Betsy,Craig and Diana quad.  ATWT does seem to stabilize under Susan Bedsow Horgan. ATWT was in nice shape for Doug to weave his magic for the next 8 years.

  12. For all the numerous turnovers i enjoyed most of AW from the 80's. It's seems to me that Ben was written out in favor of Jake. Ben McKinnon, Edward Gerard and Neal Cory each only lasted 7 months. It's always a treat seeing Ellen Wheeler playing the Hudson twins. Cass and Kathleen had such great chemistry. It's a shame what the writers did to Peter Love. Peter started out as a nice guy and ended up a monster. 

  13. I thought Scott Defreitas was good as Andy. He was highly effective during Andy's bouts of alcoholism. I always liked Andy he was a sweet nice guy who only wanted someone to love. Your right about Carly and Jack. How many affairs, remarriages and divorces can a couple go through. They did have chemistry but became worn out. Jack without Carly was dull as dishwater.

  14. So was Carlo enemies with the Buchanans before Vicki killed his son? Or did their rivalry stem from the past? 


    I always found Carlo (from the years I watched OLTL) to be slapstick and not the least bit menacing. 

    If i remember correctly there was already bad blood between them. But Vicki as Nikki killing Johnny made things even worse. I found Carlo more menacing during his first run. 

  15. Carmen had potential but she was quickly turned into a cartoon. Carmen always trying kill Michelle got tiring. Mitch i agree about abuelita Santos. A face off between Meta and Abeula would've been awesome. Being hispanic i was glad that GL finally created a hispanic family. But i was quickly disappointed.by the Santos clan. Did GL ever reveal the Santos family hispanic background? 

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