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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. 38 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Glad the show opted to not kill Nick. This show does not need to kill off another legacy character any time soon. 

    I'm relieved Corrie didn't kill Nick. I always felt Ben Price looked too old to play Nick. Nick's only 36 but looks way older. Hopefully Corrie will cast an age appropriated actor next time. 


    Coronation Street spoilers: Evil rapist policeman Neil to KILL Craig Tinker after he finds out about Bethany Platt’s ordeal?

    Neil is part of Nathan Curtis' sick grooming storyline

    By Carl Greenwood
    30th May 2017, 11:01 am
    Updated: 30th May 2017, 11:58 am

    CRAIG Tinker could be put in serious danger in Coronation Street when Bethany Platt’s rapist Neil drives him to a remote location.

    The trainee constable – who is played by actor Colson Smith in the ITV soap – isn’t aware that his mentor Neil is part of the sick grooming gang who have brutalised his friend, but it seems like he will soon discover the vile secret.

    Craig looks terrified as his vile mentor Neil tells him something

    Craig looks terrified as his vile mentor Neil tells him something

    Craig sits scared on the car’s boot as Neil texts someone

    Craig sits scared on the car’s boot as Neil texts someone

    What are Neil’s plans for Craig and can he survive?

    What are Neil’s plans for Craig and can he survive?

    Filming pictures show Craig looking terrified as Neil drives him to a remote location.

    Corrie fans know that the gang already left Shona Ramsey fighting for her life when she tried to save Bethany, suggesting Craig could be the next target.

    It comes as it was revealed Bethany will begin to self-harm as she comes to terms with what Nathan has done to her.

    The actors lark about in a break between filming scenes

  3. 23 hours ago, GH_Girl said:


    Alright, I need to find some Nola (and Quint) stuff on You Tube I think because her Iva was jut so mopey and awful that I can't imagine how anyone likes her and I think I'm attributing it to the actress when it's probably the writing or the character. When I was little I used to play with this doll my mom had that was named Poor Pitiful Pearl and that's always what I think of when I see Iva! lol 


  4. 2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I loved Kat/Bridget's friendship too. '91 does seem like a good year for the show. How Curlee masterfully introduced the next generation of teens (Kat, Bridget, Julie, Hart...) without making it overkill is to be admired. On any soap nowadays, we'd be tired of them after one scene. I love how much of a mess Bridget was from the start. I did find it harsh how she talked to Michelle/Ben though. I am eager to see once again how she'd become a surrogate sister to Michelle over time. 



    Well I'll take old-fashioned P&G soaps over what is left. I feel like all the P&G soaps (ATWT/GL/AW) were firing on all cylinders at this time. But GL was shining the brightest. God I miss Nancy Curlee on TV. To me, she was the last great head writer that daytime produced. 


  5. 5 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    My God Kat was a brat then. I truly don't understand why she gave poor Gilly so much grief when Gilly wasn't even a threat to her at all. I do love the scene with Kat/Bridget though knowing that they'd go on to be best friends. 


    Bridget was a bitch and freaking hoot this episode. When Ben accidentally tossed that water and hit her in the face, I burst into laughter. But I don't blame her for one second for becoming enthralled by Dylan. Morgan Englund was (and still is) sexy as [!@#$%^&*]. I would've went outside and watched his sexy ass at the pool too. :P So funny how these 2 would end up together down the line. But back to Morgan Englund, why did he quit acting?! God I miss looking at his gorgeous face on TV!


    Watching all these 1991 episodes depresses me about how much Ben would've contributed to the last era of the show. IMO, him, Michelle, and Bill should've been the three leads driving the show till its end. 


    I can't get enough of Holly, Gilly, and Mindy, who are all some of my favorite characters from this era. 

    I loved when Kat joined Bridget as her partner in crime. I started watching GL full time in 1991. I loved all the great characters and exciting stories from that year. I'm glad i caught GL during it last golden age. During this time GL was firing on all Cylinder's. After 1993 we would see the slow ruination of GL.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Wow. I am all for cleaning house on Corrie (as they need to), but if Nick is killed off, that's sheer stupidity. Why kill off Nick when he is still viable in the future? Also, the Platts have already suffered enough this past year. Why make things worse for them by killing off Nick? Gail and David have grieved enough. Give them a freaking break. Plus, poor Sarah already has enough doom and gloom with Bethenny. This is serious overkill. 


    Why couldn't Nick simply leave the Street and meet up with a very pregnant Carla, who reveals she's knocked up by Nick and they go off into the sunset. 


    Now with Chesney, I am all for him being killed off as he's been deadweight for the longest. I'd only wish that they'd do in his sister, Fiz too.  


    Does Kate Oates need for me to send her a list of the right people to kill off b/c I'll do it if necessary.

    For yrs now Corrie has been doing things for the shock valve. I hope neither Nick or Chesney is killed off, in an over the top manner. Nick's a legacy kid. I hate when writers kill their next gen characters. I liked Chesney as a kid but he grew into rather boring adult. I miss the days when Corrie had light comedic stories. These dark, trashy shock valve stories need to go.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    The real question is why did they get rid of Tom Wiggins and who's dumb decision was it? I loved Kirk minus his draining romance/marriage with Samantha.

    A popular long serving character like Kirk deserved more than ''Mysteriously disappearing''. I liked Kirk with original recipe Sam. 2#Sam was a bad recast that hurt Kirk. Kirk Anderson was one of the many casualties of a post- Doug Marland era.

  8. 7 hours ago, adrnyc said:

    I swear I will never forget seeing Anna Stuart's first scene back on AW.  I had started watching as a 15 yr old in late February 1987.  I LOVED Philece's Donna, probably because I was so young (and in an extremely unhappy home) and, like Donna, I could just whine and wish someone like Michael would come and save me from my crazy father.  I mean I LOVED Philece as Donna and I was so incredibly disappointed when I read in SOD that she had left the role and the original actress who played Donna was returning in a few months. I just dreaded it.


    The day came. I saw Anna's first scene. It finished and I remember thinking to myself: "Well....I can see why everybody loved the old Donna so much!" and I was a fan from that point on. 



    DePriest started declawing Donna during Stuart's last months. Sampler could bring it as Donna. When Donna was written in character. adrnyc have you ever seen Philece Sampler as Renee Dimera? She was awesome.



    5 hours ago, adrnyc said:

    Just watched August 31, 1988 (all that seems to exist for Aug '88) - I have no memory of Drew Marsten being killed.  NONE  I remember him (those eyes!) but not that he had been killed.  I can't imagine it's a decent storyline if I can't remember who the killer turns out to be.


    Can someone please remind me when the writer's strike is over and these stupid storylines get wrapped up?  Is it as late as November?  (I remember primetime didn't really come back until then.) Did the soaps get back on their feet sooner?

    Drew was never killed. Drew was involved in Iris's scheme to takeover Cory Publishing. I don't remember if Drew faking his murder and framing Mac was part of Iris's scheme. Harding Lemay came back to AW in September. He quickly disposed of all the meandering stories created during the Writer's Strike.


    Coronation Street stars Daniel Brocklebank and Rob Mallard dating after string of secret meetings away from the cobbles

    The actors struck up a close friendship when Rob joined the show as Ken Barlow’s son Daniel Osbourne

    From Dan Wootton's Bizarre column
    16th May 2017, 7:54 pm
    Updated: 16th May 2017, 11:11 pm

    THERE is a new Coronation Street couple in town ­— but for once their relationship isn’t at the mercy of the scriptwriters.

    I can reveal the soap’s stars DANIEL BROCKLEBANK and ROB MALLARD are dating after enjoying a string of secret meetings away from the cobbles.

    Daniel and Rob quickly struck up a friendship

    Daniel and Rob quickly struck up a friendship

    The actors struck up a close friendship when Rob joined the show as Ken Barlow’s son Daniel Osbourne in December.

    Now it has blossomed into a full-on romance.

    A source revealed: “Daniel was instantly attracted to Rob when he joined the cast.

    Daniel with co-star Anthony Cotton

  10. 24 minutes ago, Dan said:

    I can't wait until this channel gets further into 1991. I have heard about the Jean Weatheril whodunit, but have never seen anything except the ending and Daniel holding Holly hostage. 

    The scene where Blake puts her feet in the country club pool and see's Jean's dead body floating in the pool is chilling.

  11. 3 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Michael Donnelly was one of those characters no one seemed to know what to do with. He was a priest, then a cop, and didn't he become a priest again before leaving the show?

    I always found Michael so boring. By SB standards he had a long run. Poor Nikki she had an edge to her in the beginning. Nikki was soon watered down, paired with the most boring guy on SB, then she was killed off.

  12. 3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Who decided to even kill Sally? 


    Seeing as the actor that played Catlin didn't last much longer after Sally was killed off, they should've just given Sally and Catlin their happy ending and written them off. From seeing everyone's commentary in the past on the Brittany story, it was obvious a flop by then. They should've scrapped it, sent Brittany off into the sunset, and allowed Sally a happy ending. 


    Boggles my mind how this show spend the better part of the early to mid 80s offing Frames and Matthews left and right. 


    Wasn't one of Liz's daughters killed in the early 80s? Or was it her granddaughter?

    Liz's grandaughter Julia was murdered in 1984. From what i've seen of Julia on youtube she was likable and had tons of potential. Taylor Miller didn't work out as the new Sally but there was no need to kill her. I don't understand why they killed Zane either. 

    3 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Liz's adopted granddaughter Julia, played by among others Kyra Sedgwick and Faith Ford. Ford was playing Julia when she was killed. 


    I think they killed Sally for the same reason they killed Felicia's husband Zane and then started a grisly serial killer story - to try to goose ratings. 

    Sally & Zane where killed off a couple of months before the Sin Stalker serial killings started. Both penned by Margaret DePriest:angry:

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