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victoria foxton

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Posts posted by victoria foxton

  1. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Did they give a reason Alice wasn't at Sally's funeral? 

    Yes Alice was in Africa treating sick people. Aunt Liz was the only member of the Matthews family at the funeral. I recently saw the episode where Aunt Liz explained why Alice couldn't attend. I forgot the episodes date or i would've post it.

  2. 3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I think that GL should've snagged Sarah Brown and replaced LW as Cassie. Zimmer & Brown would've been fire. SB should've never been on ATWT. IMO, she was put on the wrong P&G soap. 


    And y'all are gonna leave my San Cristobal story alone! :(

    SB could've easily played the scrappy survivor side of Cassie's personality. I hated San Cristobal and dopey and bland King Richard. 2 good things came out of San Cristobal Edmund & Olivia.

  3. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Was it Hugo Napier that Lucci didn't get along with on AMC or was that the guy who played Kent Bogard? I can't remember.


    Ben Hendrickson seemed like he had quite a few struggles and I get the feeling CZP wasn't exactly low-maintenance, but the tensions never showed onscreen, and I thought she'd spoken positively about him and the Barbara/Hal pairing. I might be wrong though.


    I think she may have just been so happy to have a story again (and a fairly big story) in ATWT's last year that it colors her memories. I know a lot of people didn't care for it but it was probably the most I'd enjoyed Barbara since the mid-90s, as I found Sheffer's camp queen version of her intolerable viewing.

    Marland's vixen/diva version of Barbara was great. Sheffer's camp queen version made BarBar a cartoon.

  4. This story has ruined Michelle. In a moment of cougar madness she might have killed 3 people.:rolleyes: Susan Tully was right not to come back to this.

    Three EastEnders characters possibly dead as Michelle Fowler crashes car into Beales' after Preston affair exposed

    Kush Kazemi and Cathy Beale's lives hang in the balance


  5. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Do you have the links? I guess I should check Astheworldstillturns more often if they're on there. I thought I'd seen all their 83/84 stuff.



    3 hours ago, soapfan770 said:


    Each time I look them up I am finding more and more gems there on Youtube in regards to ATWT and GL it's becoming astounding. I think Marcy did but she still had a huge crush on him and from what I've seen so far was was Elaine Princi's Miranda walking in the middle on Marcy(Thompson, not Breen) basically pouncing on Bob and with Miranda calling it quits to leave town with an ex fiance who of hers who was visiting her. Zsa Zsa would have been proud. 

    Did they upload more video's? That last time i checked there wasn't much of ATWT circa 1983-84.  i always been interested in seeing the story where John gets Marcy to say that Bob sexual harassed her. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Edward Skylover said:

    Probably a good thing if she's being written out of character because online videos make original Michelle seem the WORST.

    I do hope the big reveal is well handled. You would never see  a cool trailer on an American soap. Like the on Michelle & yummy Pressy got.

  7. 3 hours ago, Roman said:

    how badly are they writing Michelle? 

    Michelle is a shell of her former self. All her pluckiness is gone. Seeing Michelle subservient towards Preston is the worse. The original old recipe Michelle i remember never took any crap from anyone.  

  8. 4 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    What did everyone think of the Laura arc that lasted about a year and a half?  Was it a surprise to everyone else that she became as crazy as she did...or were there clues?

    I liked Laura she was a great adversary for Gina. I think Laura going full tit bonkers was due to a change in HW's.

  9. I loved Tonja Walker as Olivia Jerome. But Alex was so bland and underdeveloped. Alex only became entertaining when she got fatal attraction on Bo. I was surprised when Gottieb/Malone brought her back. Gottieb/Malone did a great job redefining Alex.  l liked Stephanie she had so much potential. A shame she was written out. How i miss the days when soaps had a budget and would go on location all the time.

    3 hours ago, cassadine1991 said:

    Was this still Rauch/Carlson or Malone/Gottlieb?

    I'm pretty sure this was Rauch/Carlson. Malone/Gottieb's run was right around the corner. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Susan Horgan was HW before Marland took over and stayed with ATWT as a BW for a bit before she left. I liked her work on ATWT.


    James Wlcek originated the role and then when Linc became involved with Connor Walsh the role was recast with Lonnie Mccullough. He was later killed by Ned Simon(Debbie Simon daughter played by Sharon Case).


    Here is second Linc...





    I remember the first blonde Linc being a nice guy. In the summer of 1993 the new brunette LInc #2  came back to Oakdale. This new Linc had a personality transplant while away. I wonder if this story was plotted by Doug before he passed away. Or was it written by the new writers. It was all rather meh.

  11.  Darn reading your humorous assessment of New Michelle made me laugh. Susan Tully will always be Michelle to me. It was funny seeing New Michelle devouring her American teenaged boy toy. Poor Lee has been destroyed by his exit story. 

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