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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. Apparently, the House Intelligence Committee (run by the GOP) issued their report on Russian Collusion and basically stated that...you guessed it, they stated that there is no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


    Did we expect anything else from these people?

  2. 1 hour ago, amybrickwallace said:


    I think the Mario Batali scandal shed some light on it, but you're right.


    Oh, I'm not just talking about the Mario Batalis of the world. 


    I'm talking about an industry that sets base pay so low that serves are dependent on tips, which leaves them in a position where they must accept harassment from customers in order to make those much needed tips.

    Most restaurants do little to nothing to protect their employees from customer harassment. 

    The personal accounts in the article, especially presented in the video offers powerful testimony of what these women and man must endure to make a living.


    I don't think that most people are aware of the depth of the problem, I think most people's knowledge is quite superficial, relegated to also-ran soundbytes.  People know much more about what goes on in Hollywood.

  3. Yes, I read some of that thread (I didn't have enough time to read the entire thing) and didn't know what to do with it because I was looking for additional sources to corroborate those tweets. 

    Abramson seems to know his stuff but I've also seen people challenging his tweets and calling some of them presumptive.

    Also, I didn't want to get my hopes up until I see some actual jail time being pronounced on some of these perps.


    Like you @Juliajms I really hope this leads to something significant against this current administration.  There seems to be so much politically treasonous detritus that has yet to stick.

  4. As much as we discuss Hollywood, there is just as urgent a need for reform in the Restaurant industry. 


    The Tipping Equation


    In fact, there is more because the women working in the restaurant industry dwarfs that of the number working in Hollywood and the harassment toward servers is as insidious and even more pervasive as it is in entertainment because almost all of the women (and some men) facing harassment are disenfranchised and don't have the platform to speak that many actresses have had.


    It's a shame that there is so little focus on the Restaurant industry.

  5. 6 hours ago, sivad40 said:

    Has anyone else noticed the pro NRA ads keep popping up on this and other websites?


    Nope because...Ad Blocker.


    Also, if you use Google as your search engine (which I no longer use), you may want to change you analytics, so that you can modify what types of ads that you see.  It can be time consuming to do a site by site basis.

    @sivad40Have you turned off tracking in your browser?



    On another topic, these people should've known that a very hastily put together bill that was rushed into law by the GOP would be riddled with errors and have many negative "unintended" consequences for many of the very same entities they claimed the bill would help.

    Oh well.


    G.O.P. Rushed to Pass Tax Overhaul. Now It May Need to Be Altered.


  6. Before anyone claims that Trump listens to moderating voices...NO, he's genuinely a flake whose word means nothing.  He will say one thing for days before completely reversing himself.  Anyone would be a fool to trust a word that comes out of his mouth.



  7. 34 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    So the extreme right will have even more sway in the White House - and the tariffs will be even more likely to be implemented. Will Republicans in Congress act? Good luck with that. 


    Someone who didn't walk after Charlottesville and numerous other heinous events in this WH  but readily goes due to tariffs.  It's always about money over ethics and conscience with these folks. 

    I doubt Cohn had much sway to begin with other than being a Goldman Sachs trophy for Trump's Cabinet. 

    More like, he ran out of excuses not to leave after yet another instance of Trump ignoring his advice. 

    The farther-right voices will always have Trump's ear over the the center right (I won't even say more moderating voices-- there never were any in Trump's WH).

  8. 6 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    Yes. and they need to be held to account. If they get away with it, it will happen again and again in the coming decades.


    I agree.  I hope they get tagged and are made to pay the penalty for every single violation, no matter how large or small.

  9. On 3/5/2018 at 11:11 AM, ChitHappens said:


    You seem shocked.  I'm sure the next time a black person gets an Oscar for Best Acting, it will be Halle Berry - the weakest in the bunch.  Or a dark skinned person will win Supporting but never the lead!  I don't watch awards shows, and thank goodness!  


    Don't forget about Viola Davis though!  


    It seems like an uphill climb for Halle Berry though.  Not impossible but, it's been a long time since I've seen her in a movie with some meat and the standards and expectations for Black characters in film seem to have irrevocably changed since the days of Monster's Ball.

  10. I've heard from several people that they think the Oscars have become too gaudy (Jane Fonda made a joke about the set looking like something out of one of her 1960s fantasia movies), showy and over the top.


    The Independent Spirity Awards is a much more low-key vehicle but it seems to have gained in popularity because it really focuses more on the films and less on the fanfare.  Nobody "campaigns" for an Indie Award which gives it a tinge more authenticity.

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