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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. @FaulknerI don't think the Kei and Venus comparison works simply because when Venus was Kei's age she had already won majors and been #1 in the world. 


    Kei and Chanda Rubin would be a better comparison (unless Kei gets to #1 and/or wins a major).


    As far as the Men's semis, oh look, they're having their matches during the day and not at night when it's blustery and cold AF.<_<  The WTA has some horrible negotiators as far as TV rights and court assignments, that's for sure.

  2. 3 hours ago, ChitHappens said:


    I don't think it's fatigue. Vee is still playing some of the best tennis of her career and many others. She made some wrong moves on critical points. I was happy to see her go toe to toe with a 20 year old power hitter. Vee still got it!  


    I'm a huge fan of hers (since the very beginning of her career).  Never will you hear me claim that Vee has lost "it" or doesn't got it.


    But the conditions last night on court, weather-wise are are not ideal for someone with an autoimmune illness and fatigue is a very real part of Sjogren's.  Venus will never complain or show when something bothers her, which is probably one of the reasons why I adore her but there were people in coats while the players are on court. 

    Those conditions and a superslow court are not ideal for any big hitter but I'm proud of the way she competed but that one loss of serve to give back the break was the point of no return for the match.  After nearly three hours, it is understandable.

  3. Are people really dragging Venus for battling for nearly 3 hours against a 20 year old while Simona got bageled by another 20 year old!:rolleyes:


    Yes, Venus should've maintained that break in the third and I feel bitter about that but fatigue does things to the mind. 

    What's Simona's excuse??:ph34r:


    Years ago, I said Osaka had potential to be a Top 10 player and anytime she lost, I had people making fun of me.

    Now what? <_<

    Hope she wins the tournament.

  4. Where are the deficit hawks now?  Oh, did they only exist when Obama was POTUS?


  5. Jr. is getting himself in a whole entire mess, just like his Dad.  Some former model just released screenshot DMs from Jr. 


    Also, is it normal to hire an attorney known for criminal defense as your divorce lawyer?  I guess it is if your F-I-L has received subpoenas.


  6. 1 hour ago, Juliajms said:

    I wonder how many of them there really are? I see polls saying it's about 20%, which is horrifying.  Yet I suspect at least 5% are lying and the real number is 25%. I guess we'll never really know.  I just hope the blue wave is real, so at least we can staunch the damage staring in January. 


    The people who voted for him because they wanted to "shake things up" cannot really be trusted with the stability of the republic either, as far as I'm concerned.

  7. Trump will never suffer the consequences of his willful ignorance since he was elected for it.  He brags about his lack of preparedness and his disdain for actual facts and a significant number of Americans approve of this.

    Just the way that they do not care that he is racist, xenophobic, misogynistic and disdainful of the disabled.  His base considers this and his prolific history of lying to be a definite asset.

  8. The craveness of Bernie Sanders knows no bounds.




    The mother of one of the children slain at Sandy Hook elementary.



  9. Remember when, after the Dems helped passed the ACA (AKA Obamacare) and people retaliated by voting many Dems out and people accused Obama of being a poor advocate for the Democratic party?

    Well, my friends,  Trump is really what a terrible advocate for one's party looks like!  He can turn safe GOP districts into 'unsafe' GOP districts for any candidate in his party.

    What's the opposite of the Midas Touch?



    Speaking of the GOP turning people away,

    When will they learn that it's an absolutely piss-poor look to insult kids? We discussed whether the New Zealand politician was making the best use of her time, ranting on social media, but is this the best use of the GOP gun wing side insulting teenagers?


    'Skinhead lesbian': GOP candidate attacks Parkland teen Emma Gonzalez



  10. 5 hours ago, Roman said:

    I Must ask, DD.......have you EVER seen this in this state?! this is HORRIBLE. it's like some horrible $200 million picture Michael Bay directed. I honestly don't think we'll be here in 8 years. this is how alarmed I am....and who is going to stand up to Putin? anyone who speaks out against, no matter where they are in Europe is found DEAD.


    I realize I never really answered your question!  I wasn't around for the Nixon years, so I'd have to say that I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime. And from my reading and watching of documentaries,  Nixon got through an entire term before things went to s*hit in his administration.  We're like, what...13 months in??

  11. Make no mistake, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu crave accolades.  Accolades means greater legitimacy, greater legitimacy draws in more top level talent.


    There was a time in the recent past where Scorcese would've balked at working with a streamer . He now has a project in the works with Netflix.


    I must be the only person on earth who knew of Claire Foy but not Matt Smith before The Crown. 

    Yeah,  I get it...Dr. Who and all that but there is literally no show without the Queen.  A tough agent would likely have driven home the point, especially after the first season.  


    Also, if you look at most of the promotional material for Season1, it is mostly Foy's face on the promos.


    As for what inaccuracies there were in the script or onscreen (Downton Abbey had this problem as well), that has nothing to do with the actors' performances, that is a production-related matter.

  12. 47 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    I've had this same thought. Sometimes I think I'm being paranoid and sometimes I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.  Just today I was thinking I wouldn't be that surprised to wake up one morning to find out that we've been cut off.

    Well, we do have some idea.  We know they aren't afraid to jail dissidents and force women to have abortions.  The way they have treated Tibet isn't exactly a recommendation either. We know they make America's xenophobia and racism look like child's play. 


    I had a Chinese roommate my first year in college (early 90's).  She was completely brainwashed.  It was like talking to a Fox news addict. Facts would not permeate. At the same time she was incredibly intelligent.  She basically learned English in a matter of months.


    That's how they govern their own country but on a global stage with other sovereign countries that are not directly in their sphere of influence like the countries of the EU?

    For example, if they had a bigger hand in the UN, how would they function in regard to other sovereign nations?  They are not part of NATO so their influence is restricted.


    I mean how would they function as a global heavyweight  deciding how to resolves issues on a global scale that involve other wealthy nations that are not Tibet, Taiwan or Hong Kong?

  13. 56 minutes ago, Roman said:

    I Must ask, DD.......have you EVER seen this in this state?! this is HORRIBLE. it's like some horrible $200 million picture Michael Bay directed. I honestly don't think we'll be here in 8 years. this is how alarmed I am....and who is going to stand up to Putin? anyone who speaks out against, no matter where they are in Europe is found DEAD.


    About 8 years ago, I read a book called The Next 100 Years, which seemed to have some pretty trippy ideas that appeared to border on fantasy, among them a split in parts of the Southwest that would become affiliated with Mexico as well as a possible World War III scenario.


    I still think some of those ideas were somewhat dubious, even those I had hoped for (e.g. the fragmentation of China with some of its rebellious/autonomous regions like Tibet, Taiwan and Hong Kong breaking away) and even the author himself a few years ago revised some of his projects in a revised edition with new predictions like that of China becoming more entrenched in authoritarianism.


    I do agree with @JaneAusten that China has been quietly assembling all the pieces to take a wield a more powerful hand. 

    In the past, they were about minding their own business and ceding the pressures of maintaining global order to other countries like the U.S. but now with the U.S. looking weakened and more unstable by the day, Xi Jinping, in particular sees an opportunity to exercise outsize influence on the global stage and maybe shape more countries to its worldview (e.g. One Belt, One Road initiatives and major investments in Asia/Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean). 

    Also, since the U.S. has pulled out of TransPacific Partnership (TPP), ironically an initiative created by the U.S. under the Obama administration, the other countries have agreed to (almost all of the articles that the U.S. wanted were included in the agreement, except for about 7 that were very specific to U.S. trade policy).  Word has it that China may be looking for a way to enter into the Partnership.

    There are many reasons to be concerned, even unnerved but one thing I can say for the Chinese is...they dislike disorder and chaos and would seek to restore order.  Now what that kind of order would look like...is anybody's guess.



  14. 22 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I'm sure she was, I just think it's a road to nowhere. There is nothing more toxic and soul-destroying than wading into these primary fights. I agree with her about Democrats and about the delusions of many Warren and Sanders supporters, but it isn't worth focusing on, especially when she will now always have her political card marked by some of those crazies so if she ever wants to get involved in US politics again they will give her a hard time.


    Honestly, I think she was venting. I doubt she'll spend much time focusing  on it, especially since she is being reprimanded (and rightly so).  


    New Zealand's system of checks and balances seems to be, at least functioning somewhat properly. 


    3 minutes ago, Roman said:

    ok...where's James Bond?!


    It's alarming.  Even more alarming that this has been occurring with amazing consistency for over a decade now.

  15. 1 minute ago, DRW50 said:


    I hope the rest of the world doesn't spend their capital wading into a tedious Democratic primary navel-gazing contest that is the least of our concerns right now.


    This was a diplomat (who oddly couldn't even get a meeting with the Trump administration on her own).  I think she was venting and will be made to face the consequences of her haphazard actions (remember when the U.S. used to do this?)


    At least it wasn't the PM wasting time on social media.  A head of state who wastes time venting on social media...now that would be worrying.

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